
Tabula rasa. Friend to two freeloading dogs--one epileptic half border collie and neurotic Kelpie. Sometimes art person, sometimes research person. I came here to kickass and beat cancer, and I'm all out of cancer 🥳👊🏼 (Remission since, 1/24).

Mostly, too tired for the wrong kind of nonsense (but always up for the good kind of nonsense).

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GrimmReality, to random avatar

For all the times streaming tv algorithms just completely shit the bed, there is the rare occasion when the first thing in my "recommended" queue is "a runaway bride must fight for survival against her vengeful former fiance and his seven deadly groomsmen" and I say "I believe this movie was made specifically for me."



I'm interested in your thoughts on the following:

Ready or Not

Happy Death Day

My Best Friend's Exorcism


Totally Killer

Tucker and Dale Vs. The Forces of Evil


It's a Wonderful Knife


Bonus - Violent Night



Oh boy, I know very little about Vince Vaughn. Sorry to hear that 😬

Violent Night is Santa as a rehabilitated Norse god of some sort that falls "off the wagon" so-to-speak, but it's fun IMO.

Ready or Not is good mayhem-involving-brides and in-laws.

It's a Wonderful Knife is fun, I think. It's definitely better than the Jimmy Stewart movie that inspired the title, but not quite as good as My Best Friend's Exorcism or Totally Killer.

Tucker and Dale, though. That's just real art right there. I don't know how many times I've watched it but it's so very rewatchable that I know I've not seen the last of it. 🤣

RickiTarr, to random avatar

What is your favorite breakfast? What is the actual breakfast you usually eat?



Every time I hear "what's your favorite..." I really have to think. It depends on the day. I can say what I don't like, which is a very small list. Beyond that, the sky is the limit.

I'm a real pain in the ass at IHOP as a result.



Kind of reminds me of a funny story about one of my sons.

In kindergarten he did one of those "about me" posters for school. On the "about me" he said his favorite color was green.

From that point on, if anyone asked he said his favorite color was green.

So, people got him lots of green things, if color was a factor. Green shirts, green bedding, whatever.

Years later he says, "You know, I don't really like green that much."

"Really? Every time you are asked you've said green."

"I just thought people have to have a favorite color. My teacher said everyone had one so that's what I picked and it was an easy answer from then on. I just like color, but I don't have a favorite."


GW, to random

I Promised My Sister I Would Write About How She Chose to Die

Julie learned she had advanced ovarian cancer

She asked, “How much time do I have left?” His reply: “Two or three months, at the most.”

“I want you to write about this after I’m gone, because not enough people know about this option, even when it’s available.”

New Jersey law referred to as Medical Aid in Dying. MAID

terminal illnesses end their lives by taking a cocktail of life-ending medications.


@MargaretSefton @GW

I have to be honest, I want the option of MAID, but I also worry about it being used as a convenient form of austerity where people are heavily encouraged to end it all rather than receive treatments that could extend their lives without damaging the quality of life afterwards.

Yes, people should have the option, but I want to stress the importance of the word "option."

I'm a cancer patient, as well, and I've cared for dying relatives in the home--one with the absolutely hellish mix of Alzheimer's and cancer. It's rough. I feel the same way about abortion and other life altering or ending choices. People should be able to choose freely without coercion.

jeffowski, to random avatar

@Cyrill @jeffowski

I would like to point out that people who study medicine and go into it for the "fat paycheck" are reprehensible human beings who have missed the point entirely.

Just my two cents as a cancer patient. The "low level staff" as well as the doctors I found after canning the "paycheck" ones are worth their weight in gold, but aren't in it for the gold and it shows.

If you do anything for the love of money, anything at all, but especially medicine, you've missed the whole point of what people are for.

Plenty of people learn and do for the love of learning and doing. That includes many talented low wage workers who are excellent caregivers, artists, etc.

No offense, but I really think you need to expand your understanding of what it is to be human. Assuming this isn't just a troll, which I suspect it is.

RickiTarr, to random avatar

Today's theme is Normal!

You can take this test to see how "Normal" you are, and also how radically left wing you are! LOL Please share the results if you feel like it, or do nothing at all, because it really doesn't matter!



🧠 Abby Normal, reporting for duty 🫡

I'm female, but everything else is pretty spot-on.

🌹 ✊🏼

RickiTarr, to random avatar

Alright, after all this talk of ketchup/catsup, I need to know:

What are the Top 5 Condiments you have to have in your kitchen?



Ketchup, mustard, hot sauces, pickled jalapenos, malt vinegar, balsamic vinegar

RickiTarr, to random avatar

If you see a piece of art, and you aren't sure what it is, it's butts. Artists love butts.

Hella butts, right there.

bmacDonald94, to random avatar

“Anybody who doesn’t see the impact of climate change is really, and I would say, myopic. They don’t see the reality. It’s so evident that we are destroying Mother Earth. This is not the problem of one country or a few countries: it is the problem of mankind. We need to work together to stop this. Otherwise, our future generations will simply disappear.”
– Juan Manuel Santos


@bmacDonald94 @Nazareno

I've been a "hold your nose and vote" voter since I was old enough to vote.

None of these clowns has our or our planet's health in mind. It's just that one side of the clown show is more actively hostile to organized human life.

It's like choosing between active and passive suicide.

On a loosely related note, I watched an Answers with Joe on Nebula this morning. It was about "accelerationism". It's an interesting watch.

GrimmReality, to random avatar

You know that thing about how dogs with unrestricted access to a butcher shop will eat until they die? So one time my old magazine hired me as a freelance editor on a big special project and I went to work at the magazine group's fancy new headquarters on Cooper Square and they had one of those super-sophisticated multiple-option automatic coffee machines that brew-per-order, like cappuccinos, lattes, all that, and by the end of the day I had so many coffees that I barfed.



I was a project coordinator for an art department. Ultimately, this just meant I worked in a cube farm. They had unlimited coffee & drinks, too. I was constantly getting up for coffee as an excuse not to sit in a gray cube.

Humans weren't made of Keurigs and gray cubes. If we were orcas someone would be standing outside picketing.

RickiTarr, to random avatar

I, admittedly, curse way too much, but I just adore a faux curse. When I was a kid, one of my Mom's friends was a very proper Southern lady. Instead of saying "They think their shit don't stink" she would say, "Some people think they poo poo vanilla ice cream".

What is your favorite faux curse?



Dad gummit.

This pizza tastes like shoot on a shingle.

Feck is also quite nice, as are fork and fark.

But, I have to say that I love that lots of proper people say FUBAR and SNAFU like they're just words you say when things have not going to plan and not acronyms for "situation normal, all fucked up" and "fucked up beyond all recognition."

I'm quite sweary. It's cathartic.

IntentionallyBLANK, to home

Still no Planet B, I suppose.

I like Earth 🌎 why someone would want to fly off to Mars is beyond me. No water, no atmosphere a human can live in, why move?

RickiTarr, to random avatar

Did it seem like the Black Friday Deals the last few years weren't actually deals?

During the years of Covid-19 lockdowns, many retail based companies saw unprecedented growth, because people were staying home and buying stuff instead traveling, going out to eat, and the other social activities they would normally do. That combined with Stimulus Checks created a sort of false economy.

Now any logical person, would understand why, and set their expectations appropriately, but not our Corporate Overlords, their religion is perpetual growth, even though nothing has worked that way ever. So if they saw an unprecedented 9% growth for two years, they were absolutely shocked when the only saw 6% growth. Now 6% growth is still incredibly good, nothing to be upset about at all, but they have a board that they promised impossible statistics to, and guess who gets punished?! If you said the Consumer, you were unfortunately right, no actual deals for you. It blows my mind that people still think rich and powerful people are smart, greed makes you stupid, they just live in a system that empowers their stupidity.



I don't celebrate Capitalism Day. 😉

Nothing on earth could compel me to buy anything on Black Friday. Traditionally, I stay home, off the road, and out of the store throughout Thanksgiving and the week following. It's my custom to get what I need to get ahead of Thanksgiving in terms of provisions, too. The latter half of November is "hunker down and avoid the store" season for me 🤣

I ventured out briefly to grab the Christmas decorations out of storage, but that's about it. The traffic I saw was insane. The freeway and all other traffic arteries around the mall were absolutely sclerotic.

Why do people do this to themselves every fall/winter? No one enjoys it except the greed-monster overlords.

Side note: Totally love the show Upload suggesting a future where Thanksgiving has been wholly consumed by "Cyber Discount Day" with a flying weasel as a mascot 😂 extra irony points for the show being on Prime 🤦



I used to know people that would camp out in the store parking lot to try to get the drop on all those deals 🤣

To me, it's a waste of a perfectly good day to sleep in and enjoy a leisurely day.

Edit to add: Cool! Someone else who likes that show 👋🏻🥳 I love ginger AI guy.

GrimmReality, to random avatar

REPUBLICAN FUCKBOIS: We are the Alpha Keepers of Rigid and Proper Traditionalism, proud Warriors of Praetorian purity, defending the orthodox cultural hegemony that makes men men and women servile and America the new Rome of Western Civilization.

ACTUAL ROME: If you wear pants, we will have goons fuck you up.



Seen while walking my dogs last night:

Lifted truck with In God We Trust specialty plate with custom lettering that was the license plate abbreviated version of "Conqueror"...complete with American flags and Big Box Church decal.

This is probably a man who "thinks about Rome" often.

RickiTarr, to random avatar

What is the best sandwich you ever had?


Probably Worth Takeaway in Mesa's veggie sandwich roasted sweet potatoes, dressed greens, onions, avocado, tomato on ciabatta. I'm a sucker for a veggie sandwich.

RickiTarr, to random avatar

Name a film you've seen that left you with the thought, "This is art." If you want to explain why it made you feel that way, that would be pretty cool of you.



Naked Lunch

Most Wes Anderson stuff. Most Cohen bros stuff. Especially Barton Fink. Most Terry Gilliam movies.

Being Human (1994)

Willy's Wonderland (no dialogue Nicholas Cage was special, the soda was its own character)

It should be noted, I probably have no taste.


@Itty53 @pnwpetey @RickiTarr

That's a classic, or something that should be a classic. I'm the kind of person who quotes this movie (and, off topic but, also Snatch) a lot. For sanity sake, I recommend against this, however.



I got talked into it and found myself enjoying the hell out of it. The pinball dancing 🤣 He's in the middle of some kind of FNAF scenario and reacts by saying, "Ok, whatever. I've got time to kill and soda." Or I assume this because he never says anything 😂



I forget, but someone told me the whole backstory to why he doesn't talk and the guy who wrote the script. It was kind of glorious if I recall. The the most Cage thing this side of Massive Talent which was also a Matryoshka doll of wonderful Insanity.


@RickiTarr @Itty53 @pnwpetey

Although now Colin Farrell has been mentioned I remember In Bruges also fits in the "this is art" for me. But not all Colin Farrell, Lobster was gawd awful. The latest one was ok, but I'm still miffed about the donkey 😂


@odessa @RickiTarr

Sometimes "art" in film boils down to a mixture of appreciating the cleverness or aesthetics and the total befuddlement of "WTF did I just see?"

RickiTarr, to random avatar

Things I'm Pretty Sure We'll Never Get Rid Of:


What are somethings that you think society will never be without?



Tribalism, superstition, and stupidity.

Thankfully, I'm pretty sure dark humor is a ride or die, too, so at least we'll be able to laugh.

18+ RickiTarr, to random avatar

Let's talk about Addiction. This is an open forum where you can discuss anything pertaining to Addiction that you would like (yes, even Capitalism ;). Obviously, being kind and open minded is paramount, we won't all agree, and that's fine, different people take different paths to the same destination or sometimes a different place entirely. No name calling or bullying behavior will be tolerated.

Choose any discussion topics you wish to, but here are a few questions and ideas I've been thinking about:

What is Addiction?

Where does it come from?

How has it affected your life?

Do you think organizations like AA work well?

Do you think giving up the something completely is the only option, and if so what about things like food Addiction?



All of the above are symptoms of troubles with self-regulating behavior, or executive function. There are a lot of things that come into play from upbringing to predisposition as a result of brain structure, etc.

To my mind, having seen in-laws and family try AA, and having been to their meetings aimed at family members of those with substance use issues I'll say three things:

  1. Admitting you are powerless against addiction seems wildly counterproductive when what you really need is help retraining yourself to take back control of your behavior.
  2. It's a bit of a cult.
  3. As a family member, being told I have to essentially sort myself out rather than having any expectations of the person that is out of control is absurd.

Addiction is a maladaptive pattern of behavior, but a pattern that can be overcome with assistance from good therapists and effort on the part of the addicted person.

It is NOT a disease that people are 'powerless' against.

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