@brucelawson@vivaldi.net avatar



Web standards a11y lovegod/ consultant FOR RENT. Musician. Woke atheist libtard, least spiritual person in the universe. Multiple Sclerosis owner. Pun lover. Hootie Tootie Disco Cutie. Birmingham, UK. He/ him. Personal views. RT≠+1. https://www.brucelawson.co.uk

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brucelawson, to random
@brucelawson@vivaldi.net avatar

How I tricked iOS into giving me EU DMA features https://adamdemasi.com/2024/04/20/ios-eligibility.html - not especially useful as a phone, but useful if you are not in EU but would quite like to test how your EU customers get your apps from alt app stores, web etc.

brucelawson, to random
@brucelawson@vivaldi.net avatar

We've got text-wrap: balance and text-wrap:pretty but when do we get text-wrap:- adjust-font-size-so-it-fits-the-width-and-doesn't-wrap ?

@brucelawson@vivaldi.net avatar

@sarajw This is the dirtiest I've seen (no JS!). Warning: don't read this without a hazmat suit and breathing apparatus https://kizu.dev/fit-to-width-text/

@brucelawson@vivaldi.net avatar

@sarajw Oh, I'm with you. I just wish there were a declarative CSS way to do it.

paul, to random
@paul@status.kinlan.me avatar

The popover API lands in Baseline

Exciting update for web developers - the popover API has landed in all modern browser engines. This will allow developers to more easily create contextual overlays on their sites. I'm looking forward to seeing the creative ways devs leverage this new capability to enhance user experiences.


@brucelawson@vivaldi.net avatar

@paul "leverage"? Is Biz Kinlan back??

brucelawson, to random
@brucelawson@vivaldi.net avatar

Footage from the 1927 Solvay conference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GZdZUouzBY

brucelawson, to random
@brucelawson@vivaldi.net avatar

Why do marketing people get so obsessed about time someone spends on a page (with the assumption that longer=better because 'engagement')? Good IA should mean users find what they want quickly; good UX means quick ordering. Good copywriting means quick comprehension, doesn't it?

@brucelawson@vivaldi.net avatar

@bkardell if you can repurpose that email as a blogpost, I'd read it. (I too wrote a similar email in about 2007 but I can only remember the swear words)

@brucelawson@vivaldi.net avatar

@bkardell I might write something about stupid metrics I've had cascaded onto me...

@brucelawson@vivaldi.net avatar

@bkardell That's v similar to the one I sent, in similar circumstances. I recall it made me incredibly popular with that department and management; I trust it had the same effect for you.

@brucelawson@vivaldi.net avatar

@patrick_h_lauke Impossible! There are lots of people being paid big bucks doing it.

@brucelawson@vivaldi.net avatar

@patrick_h_lauke Surprised you didn't migrate the whole thing to Secondlife, for the engagement

brucelawson, to random
@brucelawson@vivaldi.net avatar

In standup, and the boss mentioned an article called The Dao of Web Design, written by some wunderkind named @johnallsopp. This article tells you all you need to know about React and Tailwind! https://alistapart.com/article/dao/

ppk, to random
@ppk@front-end.social avatar

Why is Gimp so fucking incomprehensible?

@brucelawson@vivaldi.net avatar

@ppk It's awful, I thought. I eventually bit the bullet and paid for Pixelmator, which does all my photo wiggling tasks and can open PSDs

sophie, to random
@sophie@social.lol avatar

Recently I learned we have a microservice at Monzo called “service.greggs”

@brucelawson@vivaldi.net avatar

@sophie that's just the way you (sausage) roll

brucelawson, to random
@brucelawson@vivaldi.net avatar

Help us invent CSS Grid Level 3, aka “Masonry” layout https://www.webkit.org/blog/15269/help-us-invent-masonry-layouts-for-css-grid-level-3/ - WebKit seeking developer input

brucelawson, to random
@brucelawson@vivaldi.net avatar

More proof that Maths is bullshit: factorial of n is " the product of all positive integers less than or equal to n", yet factorial of zero = 1?!? Piss off, Pythagoras

@brucelawson@vivaldi.net avatar

@juandesant then that should be called the "fuckinObvioustorial", but that's not the sum of all positive integers less than zero. This is like Big Maths defining "penguins" as "flightless birds in Antarctica. Oh, and bananas. Yup, they're penguins, too". I blame Euclid.

@brucelawson@vivaldi.net avatar
@brucelawson@vivaldi.net avatar

and the square root of -1 and the Banach–Tarski paradox can fuck right off, too.

@brucelawson@vivaldi.net avatar

@mensrea just angry at how Bill Soros and Big Maths have fooled us all this time.

brucelawson, to random
@brucelawson@vivaldi.net avatar

brb getting my eclipse specs out of the drawer to watch all the nuclear strikes

tammy, to random
@tammy@webperf.social avatar

I can't remember the last time I read a novel in one sitting, but Prophet Song by Paul Lynch was impossible to put down. If any book should be made required reading in our current times, it's this one.


@brucelawson@vivaldi.net avatar

@tammy pre-ordered the paperback, just in time for a forthcoming holiday. Thanks for the recommendation, Tammy!

@brucelawson@vivaldi.net avatar

@tammy last time I read a book in one sitting was The White Hotel by DM Thomas. Probably even more depressing than the one you've just recommended to me!

brucelawson, to random
@brucelawson@vivaldi.net avatar

I was asked by my boss to evaluate a couple of hosted content editors. One never answered my Qs about their accessibility. @cloudcannon asked me to speak to their team and explain some of the gaps, and they've really run with it. So this blog post about their efforts to up their accessibility really cheered my wizened shrivelled remnants of a heart. https://cloudcannon.com/blog/how-we-build-cloudcannon-for-accessibility/

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