@chrysn@chaos.social avatar



Technology enthusiast with a focus on Free Software and embedded systems. Science fiction promised us general purpose electronics, let's build them! (And get their security properties right.)

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chrysn, to ipv6
@chrysn@chaos.social avatar

Good news for users in Austria: Apparently, Wien Energie can now deliver state of the art Internet to homes. Handing out a single /128 seems like a curious choice, but you get a /56 through prefix delegation, which should suffice for most homes.

treyhunner, (edited ) to python
@treyhunner@mastodon.social avatar

Python 3.13 beta 1 just landed.

My favorite new feature is the new REPL.

Honestly, this may be my favorite feature since f-strings.

My write up on the differences between old and new REPLs:

@chrysn@chaos.social avatar

@treyhunner @fohrloop That does look awesome. Any chance those changes will come to python3 -m asyncio as well, or for the latter to just become the default?

chrysn, to random
@chrysn@chaos.social avatar

I see them whippersnappers doing a tiktok, and freely quote the FSFE:
"There is no clout, just other people making real money from your fake Internet points".
But then someone tells of their research, has no budget, but if I write that section I could be on the paper.
… and then I mumble an apology to them and get started.

shaft, to random
@shaft@piaille.fr avatar

And v3 of Terminology has been published as 9499 \o/

(v2 was 8499 and v1 7719. I hope v4 will be 9999)

3 versions in 5 years :') (7719 was published in January 2019)


@chrysn@chaos.social avatar

@shaft By the current rate of publications and the times it takes, 9999-to-be is probably already adopted – and I don't even see a 9499bis-00 yet :-)
RFD0199 maybe?

scy, to github
@scy@chaos.social avatar

I think it's telling that , , and even all don't have a workflow for "renew an key", i.e. extend its validity before (or after) expiry. On all of them, you have to delete and re-add the key. It's as if nobody is following OpenPGP best practices and everyone is using keys without an expiry date.

@chrysn@chaos.social avatar

@scy Do they even bother with expiry? I distincly remember having uploaded mine there way before the last lifetime extension, and while I've run into all sorts of trouble with expired PGP keys, there were none with the forges 🤔

arda, to kicad
@arda@micro.arda.pw avatar

Installed Kicad for a personal project of mine. This is the very first time I'm making a schematic from scratch. Let's see how it'll go 🤓

@chrysn@chaos.social avatar

@arda Unless the connector demands a keep-out area, you could save some of the vias by routing the shortcuts between the pins under the connector. (A4-B4, A7-B7 if I read that right, and then A6-B6 can go tightly around the rear side without wrapping a via).

@chrysn@chaos.social avatar

@arda Oh, I missed the board outline 🤦

chrysn, to random
@chrysn@chaos.social avatar

The @RIOT_OS has a lot of underutilized metadata – about boards, about features, and how they play together; some in YAML, some in Make, some in Doxygen. With some I'm pulling them together. If only I were a bit more fluent in on-the-fly HTML building tools…
WIP Code at <https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/pull/20395>

kubikpixel, to webdev German
@kubikpixel@chaos.social avatar

Am I the only who has never heard of ? 🤔

Of course I know and use for databases but I have never heard of SPARQL and that there are also solutions ⚙️

What do you think, should I learn and use it over in a project or do I understand it wrong? 🤷‍♂️

👉 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SPARQL

@chrysn@chaos.social avatar

@kubikpixel It's sad that SPARQL is a rare thing among web devs. Were that different, then it would be much easier to build things like <https://chaos.social/@chrysn/111974980878165001>.
As it is now, that table is built by a Python script that performs two large SPARQL queries and then manually prints HTML. In my ideal world (which I haven't found the projects to work on since 2016 in <https://gitlab.com/energyharvesting/rdfapp>), you could navigate the edges of the RDF graph in templates just as easy as JSON.

scy, to random German
@scy@chaos.social avatar

Ne Website der Filmindustrie, wo ich DRM-frei (macht halt n personalisiertes Wasserzeichen rein von mir aus) Filme in 4K oder 1080p AV1 und mit allen Sprachen, Untertiteln und Audiokommentaren kaufen kann. Ich würde 25 € pro Film zahlen. 35 € wenn's noch umfangreiches Bonusmaterial gibt.

mit zwei Blu-rays desselben Films, eine Englisch für die Bonusfeatures und eine Deutsch für die Tonspur, im Einkaufswagen gesendet

@chrysn@chaos.social avatar

@scy Wasserzeichen machen sie mVn ohnehin schon: Videos werden ohnehin chunked ausgegeben (<https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-pantos-hls-rfc8216bis-14#section-9.3>), dann gibt's von chunks ein paar wenige Varianten, und pro Käufoj gibt's eine neue Sequenz davon, welche Auswahl pro Chunk getroffen wird. Geht mit ganz wenig Rechenaufwand verglichen zu klassischen Wasserzeichen.

Mehrad, (edited ) to til
@Mehrad@fosstodon.org avatar

that @forgejo is not a simple soft-fork of anymore and they have diverged and improved quite a bit since a for-profit company bought Gitea and they changed their mission. They are also on the way to bring to the platform. This is quite interesting.

Btw, is what @Codeberg is using.

I removed my Github Star from Gitea and gave a star to Forgejo


@chrysn@chaos.social avatar

@Mehrad Is not not? The comparison page you link on the @forgejo webpage still says it's soft, and last time I saw this discussed on https://matrix.to/#/#forgejo:matrix.org on January 3rd it sounded pretty much like it's still a soft fork.
Stars should still go to Forgejo, if you're participating in that game :-)

chrysn, to rust
@chrysn@chaos.social avatar

I was worried a bit that my building of highly nested unions would lead to bloated code, so I did the test at <https://godbolt.org/#z:OYLghAFBqd5QCxAYwPYBMCmBRdBLAF1QCcAaPECAMzwBtMA7AQwFtMQByARg9KtQYEAysib0QXACx8BBAKoBnTAAUAHpwAMvAFYTStJg1DEArgoKkl9ZATwDKjdAGFUtEywYgAzAFZSjgBk8BkwAOXcAI0xiCQAmUgAHVAVCOwYXNw9vPySU2wEgkPCWKJiueKtMGzShAiZiAgz3T19LTGt8hlr6gkKwyOi4yzqGpqzW8x6%2B4tK4gEpLVBNiZHYOAFJYrzAwdZ8AIQZUAH1zdD2AEXWNAEFru629/eDaYMwIEIA3aLnL%2B4STBEANRUBhAxgEYgATwgBBAQM2ADY8CwErQgQAVOZAgC06y82CBJi8sQRAHZ9vcgdSgQQAHToE4EBDBYAQX63dZkq6c24A4Gg8GCaGxdm4/GE4mkrmU240oH0AhAlgmJUKdwIrwXIEafGym7yxUgzXagBiEC4iN%2BXn18vVLARsUpWqFkJhSKo1ttNKNJio8Lk%2BKcptIQNNEpNQLkIBAAHkQhBzVwyXMvVSafbHc7tRDoRAkX603KfZglX6A0GQ1HK6HwwSI/jtdGQBiAO6oCDN%2BPvJMADlTRYNGY1m2zrrzBc9evT1Pt9y5PLut3MphsYYgJktg/%2BgNpxCYhEx5O91MFjOOzNZ%2BdiiKsnvFBKJJOnnO589uKLRR/4xDDx5nIJguel5GNet7tPeeKPlK/7FvKs4QXSGh0sERDsgBC7zm%2BtyMBqgZeE4Nzwhiob7MRDYUgB3YQDcCwAW2Hb7HRr6Lvcn60EGRGYqR5GPhiIIkNWBE3KRFEnoBQLASyoFIne2JQZKJKwUO8HKkwBDIAgQJ3spqmqV2Cb3o2EZUAyTLSWyzEqXp1LNgx1DYsZj6mVJV5WTZmFweSrHchwCy0JwPi8J4HBaKQqCcAASmYapLCsmCOl4PCkHCoV%2BQsADWIA%2BBo%2BicJIwWaLwEUcLwCggLlqVaAscCwEgaConQ0TkJQDUJE1MTEMmOV8HQBDROVEAREVpARME9RQpwyVjcw0KxhE2hVKlyUNWwgjxrQk1paQWARCYwBOGItDldwvBYCwhjAOI234MQS14N8J1hZgqhVKqazJah7Qja8ET7tCLhYCNkIolNfl8AYwAKAAangmCtrGCSMGDMiCCIYjsFIqPyEoagjboXD6JdICmOY%2Bh4BE5WQAsqAJJ0J04rGuI4iMwClrSCCRJ8ZKYCwOJHCEOKYEwY3Fd8xDEHgWBU%2BybQdGkDgMM4rjNHogRvDMgyE7kqQCGMnja8kusMNMAxlHL90CN0owq1khOVNUVsjL0Gtm3okw25kBvDFMrslFrCwKHFqwSP5gWFdtJVAqTGlAlwdJkj4SFAhAuCEIJmxJXMvBVelpBZT1AUcAVpAhWFJVlRVKVFameUcLEEfl5wOc1ws4spPYkhAA%3D>. Apparently, my worries were unjustified: Calling a trait method on Either&lt;MyStruct, Either&lt;MyStruct, MyStruct&gt;&gt; is just the same as calling it on MyStruct, offset by the size of the discriminator.

johl, to ipv6
@johl@mastodon.xyz avatar

I wish there was a simple thing that with determined effort could do for global usage and availability what Let’s encrypt did for SSL/TLS.

Because how cool would that be if we could all host our own tiny webservers from RaspberryPIs in our bedrooms?

@chrysn@chaos.social avatar

@mwfc @johl Self-hosting can be done well even without more such boards -- most people's WiFi router is more than capable of hosting web sites. But lack of IPv6 connectivity harms them just as well.

jrt, to random German
@jrt@chaos.social avatar

Komische Welt in der Mobilfunkprovider sagen: "Selbstverständlich ist 5G in allen unseren Tarifen inklusive" und es dann selbstverständlich nicht per default Einschalten und man eine kostenlose Option im Webinterface dazuklicken muss. Ist das irgendein Schwurbler-Feature um die bösen 5G Strahlen monatlich separat kündigen zu können?

@chrysn@chaos.social avatar

@jrt Ich tippe eher auf "Regulator sagt, wir müssen's anbieten und dürfen keinen Aufpreis verlangen, aber wir haben noch nicht genug Infrastruktur um's zu liefern, wenn's alle nutzen."

chrysn, to Bulgaria
@chrysn@chaos.social avatar

The Austrian telecom regulator's FAQ state that |s are required to provide public IP addresses on request due to regulation, but that that regulation only covers IPv4 (without pointing to the precise regulation).
Whom can I poke so that regulation gets updated to ?

chrysn, to random
@chrysn@chaos.social avatar

As someone whose computing usually deals with data in the kilobyte range, I'm completely taken by surprise by the field of 3D Gaussian Splatting that has arisen in the last half year or so based on an project (https://repo-sam.inria.fr/fungraph/3d-gaussian-splatting/).
They create 3D scenes from sets of photographs, using fuzzy ellipsoids in the place of triangles (or voxels or point clouds), and "classical" regression (no pretrained models).
There are interactive demos at <https://niujinshuchong.github.io/mip-splatting-demo/>, and they are amazing.

chrysn, to jpegxl
@chrysn@chaos.social avatar

@jpegxl Will need additional metadata when used with HTML's srcset?
While the format's progressive rendering can do away with the need to have different files per resolution, browsers will instead need to know how much of the image they'll fetch. How would we pass that information to the browser?
Extra syntax in srcset, eg p.jxl, p.jxl &lt;2040 100w, p.jxl &lt;6974 200w to tell that for a 100px wide view the browser needs to load the first 2040 bytes? Fragment identifier tricks?

chrysn, to esp32
@chrysn@chaos.social avatar

Students at the UGent Zeus WPI are successfully reverse engineering radio, to the point where they can now send and receive WiFi packets. This is a major step towards making that platform useful for fully projects. If you use that platform, please consider supporting them!
Thanks Zeus team for doing this, and thanks @NGIZero for funding it!

b0rk, (edited ) to random
@b0rk@jvns.ca avatar

my rules for git rebase

permalink: https://wizardzines.com/comics/rules-for-rebasing/

@chrysn@chaos.social avatar

@b0rk Better yet, I'm still looking for a way to say "squash that last change in with the place where I introduced it". If that was beyond some point (might default to "any remote branch) or there is no clear place where the bug was introduced, that's fine, but I spend way more time than I'd like around small typos finding out which of the 10 commits on my branch I introduced that in.

thejpster, to random
@thejpster@hachyderm.io avatar


Soon you will be able to write c"Hello" in rust and get a valid UTF-8 encoded NUL-terminated string. This is amazing for people who work with C APIs.

@chrysn@chaos.social avatar

@thejpster I'm conflicted about this. Sure it's nice ergonomics, but cstr!(...) wasn't that bad, and it feels like it's giving a foreign language construct more weight in the language than it should have. Yeah it's used widely, but so is hexlit!(...), and where do we stop.

@chrysn@chaos.social avatar

@dalias I'm not arguing its exclusion, but that it's getting this prominent a place in the language instead of a namespaced extension point.
The point on system interfaces is true for Unix based OSes, but on embedded and WASM systems I don't know of any interfaces where nul-terminated strings are meaningful.

fluepke, to python German
@fluepke@chaos.social avatar

OH: ist ausführbarer Pseudo-Code

@chrysn@chaos.social avatar

@hllizi @mohs @fluepke An dieser Stelle verweise ich gerne auf Mozillas Herangehensweise zu dieser Lösung. Ich bin selbst anfällig für "Dann mach's halt g'scheit", aber die Realität zeigt, dass das nicht so leicht ist.

leyrer, to random
@leyrer@chaos.social avatar

Hat schon wer bei der VOR nachgefragt, welches "Sicherheitsmerkmal" ein ausgedrucktes PDF Dokument, hat, das nicht in der Datei vorhanden ist?

"Weil die Schülerinnen eben die Tickets in PDF-Form auf ihren Smartphones mitgeführt hatten – und nicht in ausgedruckt – seien diese nicht gültig. Digitale PDF-Tickets würden nicht über ein Sicherheitsmerkmal verfügen und seien somit nicht fälschungssicher."


@chrysn@chaos.social avatar

@leyrer Können wir für security-Leute, die sowas verzapfen, standesrechtliche Folgen einführen? Wenn ein Arzt Dinge als gesundheitsförderlich anpreist, die nur der Gesundheit seiner Geldbörse aber nicht der seiner Patienten dienen, ist er seinen Beruf los. Warum dürfen Leute ungestraft security-nonfeatures (und sei's nur unternehmensintern, Betriebsärzte sind ja auch Ärzte) verkaufen?

miyuru, to random
@miyuru@ipv6.social avatar

Looks like the GitHub IPv6 discussion has gone off the rails due to a single person. 😂


@chrysn@chaos.social avatar

@onepict @noipv6 I've spent most of my last week in the v6only the network operators have offered along with more conservative options, and GitHub was the only site that gave me major trouble. (Beside that, a instance I used didn't forward video, but maybe the sender was v4only?)

@chrysn@chaos.social avatar

@onepict @noipv6 For all deserved and undeserved bashing, they have capable and upright engineers, so seeing it's not happening and without reason for the management to not let them, it being hard sounds like the best guess. Then, this is a testament to how unmaintainably complex this kind of services can get operationally -- for just the IP part is both easy and well understood.

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