danie10, to fediverse
@danie10@mastodon.social avatar

GoToSocial is a new ActivityPub social network server for the Fediverse

This service is still in Alpha release but is already deployable and usable, and federates with other Fediverse servers.

However, there is no “main” instance you go to join. The intention really is that you host your own instance for yourself and ...continues

See https://gadgeteer.co.za/gotosocial-is-a-new-activitypub-social-network-server-for-the-fediverse/

jwildeboer, to mastodon
@jwildeboer@social.wildeboer.net avatar

#Oops. #Mastodon opens 503(c) in the US and invites controversy with its board member:

"Biz Stone is an entrepreneur best known as a co-founder of Twitter, one of the world’s leading social media platforms."


@jwildeboer@social.wildeboer.net avatar

This move definitely puts a dent in my trust in Mastodon. Let's hope for the best, but I will also start looking for alternative implementations of .

dave, to fediverse
@dave@podcastindex.social avatar

#activitypub It seems like we will need to define a Podcast ActivityStreams object type. I’ve been trying to see if we can just transmute a podcast into an Audio or Video object type. But the loss of fidelity is so high. I think a dedicated object type is going to be pretty necessary.

tanepiper, to meta
@tanepiper@tane.codes avatar

Some folks on here really went to bat for to join the including the creator of (who also ranted unhinged while twirling his moustache that all Twitter users are evil - when Musk had just bought the place)

I wonder if they'll regret it soon enough? This was entirely predictable...


pixelfed, to fediverse
@pixelfed@mastodon.social avatar

Loops is a new platform for sharing short videos, and it's open source + federated using

We're really excited to share this sneak peek that showcases the new onboarding flow and discovery features (Connect Mastodon) and look forward to the upcoming beta release!

Are you ready for ?

Loops app demo

@hszakher@mastodon.world avatar

@alb_004 @pixelfed why not? Apparently there's a demand (the list you mentioned proves it) but lack of alternative in the . It's a great step forward 👍

jwildeboer, (edited ) to fediverse
@jwildeboer@social.wildeboer.net avatar

TIL that this is the official logo. Not sure where I am going to use it, but good to know :)


ricmac, to fediverse
@ricmac@mastodon.social avatar

Fascinating look at how is being used by the SFO art museum to help encourage revisiting its cultural objects. Still early days, but you can see the potential here -> “The reason I am telling you all of this is that SFO Museum has written it's own limited ActivityPub server implementation and we have, in fact, created an ActivityPub account – a social media, account – for every object in our collection.” https://orthis.social/@thisisaaronland/112339899293624779

hongminhee, to fediverse
@hongminhee@todon.eu avatar

I'm working on adding a CLI toolchain to to help with debugging. The first feature I implemented is the ActivityPub object lookup.

Here's a demo.

The demo video on my terminal

dansup, to fediverse
@dansup@mastodon.social avatar
steve, to fediverse
@steve@social.technoetic.com avatar

It seems like the Recommendation primarily focuses on behaviors related to received Activities, especially in an S2S federation context. Exceptions include inbox forwarding (7.1.2), shared inbox delivery (7.1.3), and broadcast of public messages to all known servers (7.1.3). However, for specific activities, like Delete, the behavior related to sending them is unspecified (e.g. which recipients should be included and so on). Am I missing something?

darnell, to fediverse
@darnell@one.darnell.one avatar

I am half way through watching the interview of @pfefferle by @deadsuperhero & it is really good!

📹 S1 Episode 8: WordPress-ActivityPub with Matthias Pfefferle https://spectra.video/w/nVQAzfWyC64DUfqGQcnCfp

I thought it was interesting that when @photomatt was focued on bringing to , Pfefferle advocated introducing to the en mass.

wjmaggos, (edited ) to fediverse
@wjmaggos@liberal.city avatar

If every article, podcast episode and video was natively an post, we'd need quote posts but want them to operate differently. They should count as a boost but with a clear indication that the person you are following also wants you to see their comment. How should that look? Maybe they wouldn't themselves be boostable...

InternetIsScary, to fediverse French
@InternetIsScary@mstdn.social avatar

The fediverse is amazing!

I can’t get over how cool it is to view my posts from any server. I’m definitely going to use activitypub for my social media I’m planning on making. I was going to use @Discourse , but considering it’s like where you are only able to self host and each instance of discourse can’t interconnect makes me kinda sad. But activitypub seems like the only way I feel happy in both ways.


thisisaaronland, to random
@thisisaaronland@orthis.social avatar

I have finally written up the notes from the talk I gave to a studies class at usf recently / this one is long even by standards and covers a lot of ground / it is titled "talking about the pen without talking about the pen" – https://www.aaronland.info/weblog/2024/04/26/matrix/#usf

@Roundtrip@federate.social avatar

@thisisaaronland 🧵SFO art museum

“…one of things that makes a technology like ActivityPub interesting is that it provides a working implementation for the means by which that information, in all the curatorial files in all the museums, might be distributed. Crucially, it provides the means to do so without the Faustian bargains that we've seen the earlier social media platforms extract in exchange for reach and access.”

EU_Commission, to random
@EU_Commission@social.network.europa.eu avatar

Our commitment to the fediverse is here to stay.

We are working on a solution to ensure our continued presence on your feeds, taking full advantage of Mastodon's identity portability.

And we are even growing the team behind our Mastodon presence, increasing efforts to engage with your comments on our posts.

We are fully committed to being a real part of the conversation in the fediverse.

Interested in our next steps? Follow us as we take on this new chapter.

@darnell@one.darnell.one avatar

@EU_Commission It seems as if you are migrating from towards another platform.

Which option are you considering‽ with the plugin enabled‽

Depending on the host, that would be a less expensive option.

weekinfediverse, to fediverse
@weekinfediverse@mitra.social avatar
darnell, to fediverse
@darnell@one.darnell.one avatar

Sadly, the 🇪🇺 will shut down next month (& I say that as an American 🇺🇸).

👉🏾 European Union Surrendering Voice To https://darnell.day/european-union-surrendering-fediverse-voice-to-threads

🥱 Too Long; Did Not Read:

👉🏾 @EDPS announced EU voice is closing
👉🏾 @EU_Commission has 100,000 followers
👉🏾 social account will primarily be on Threads
👉🏾 EU Voice should ask citizens & local businesses in for instance funding help

decentered, to fediverse
@decentered@social.wedistribute.org avatar

A new episode of #Decentered is out! We sat down with @pfefferle from Automattic on his effort to bring #ActivityPub to the #WordPress ecosystem!


@wjmaggos@liberal.city avatar

@decentered @pfefferle

your comment about how the fixes the blog response problem is key. I'd add the ability to do boosts. has the potential to keep creators in total control of their work, while also putting them in the center of how their work interacts with others (social networks usually controlled by others). this is our killer app. thank you so much for doing the work.

julian, to fediverse
@julian@fietkau.social avatar

I recently saw someone complain that they missed several recent @itchio game bundles. And I thought, okay, building a notification bot for newly live bundles could be a cool little #ActivityPub side project.

Looking at https://itch.io/bundles I realized that it's (a) not sorted nor sortable by anything that makes sense, and (b) incomplete. The current big Palestine charity bundle isn't even on there.

Is there any way to get a list of all current itch.io bundles? Or a news feed of any kind?

dansup, to fediverse
@dansup@mastodon.social avatar

https://loops.video is a very promising ActivityPub platform for short form video, and could use your financial support to help fund and sustain this initiative!

Donations can be made via @pixelfed


Let’s build a new TikTok that’s federated and better for humanity! Boosts appreciated!

#loops #activityPub #tikTok

kalisz79, to random Polish
@kalisz79@pol.social avatar

To nie jest trochę to co już mamy dzięki wspólnemu logowaniu do różnych usług na pol.social via @ftdl ? :)

m0bi13, (edited )
@m0bi13@pol.social avatar

@kalisz79 @ftdl

Dobrym podejściem są też web-aplikacje starające się integrować wiele profili z różnych serwisów. Np. , który ostatnio integruje i (jego Media-firt UI jest świetne).

Podobnie na integruje profile z różnych usług: Mastodon, , Pixelfed, , , .

Takie podejście mi się podoba :)

Innym tematem jest uparte trzymanie się przez Mastodona obsługi jedynie typu Note (i ułomne wyświetlanie Article). A ponieważ Mastodon dominuje w , nie rozwija się (tak jak mogłoby) wsparcie dla innych typów treści : image, video, audio, artist, album, track, playlist. De facto obrazki czy filmiki albo audio to po prostu załączniki do typu Note, bo Masto tak ma i nic innego nie wyświetli :/

Więc IMO pole do rozwoju jest ogromne, nie trzymajmy się kurczowo jednego konta (to wymysł marketingowców budujących silosy), zostańmy przy jeden login do wielu usług, jeśli już musimy ;)

Seirdy, to fediverse
@Seirdy@pleroma.envs.net avatar

New bookmark: ActivityPub on a (mostly) static website.

There have been other attempts to document the process of bringing ActivityPub to a (mostly) static site, but this is my favorite so far. I wonder if I should give it a go, if POSSE ever stops serving my needs.

Originally posted on seirdy.one: See Original (POSSE).

decentered, to fediverse
@decentered@social.wedistribute.org avatar

Tomorrow! We release Episode 8 of The Decentered Podcast, where we sit down with @pfefferle to talk about his work on bringing to !

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