@flauschzelle@chaos.social avatar



Flauschzelle, die: besonders kuschelige Lebensform mit Hang zu Wortspielen und utopischen Ideen. F. sind Herdentiere und neigen zur Bildung von Flauschhaufen.

bi/pan & gray-ace, polyam/RA, flauschig¹, kinda kinky, kinda goth, ADHD, way too many hobbies, loving puns and utopian ideas, working as a tailor and a software dev, white cis girl in my 30s

¹) there's really no good english equivalent that covers all the nuances of "flauschig", sorry


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18+ blinry, (edited ) to random
@blinry@chaos.social avatar

What color was the ball?

What did the person that pushed the ball look like?

What size was the ball?

What about the table, what shape was it? What was it made of?

Did you already know, or did you have to choose a color/size, etc. after being asked these questions?

This is test. Would be super interested in your answers!

@flauschzelle@chaos.social avatar

some things were already specific (rectangular table made of dark brown wood, size like a usual 4 person dining table, red ball), some were kinda vague and only became fixed after asking (ball made from a hard, shiny, rubber-like material, tennis ball size, placed at ~30% of the table length-wise and centered width-wise, being pushed towards the middle), and some are still completely undefined (the person).

scy, to random German
@scy@chaos.social avatar

Accidental OpSec ist, wenn ganz am Rand deines BeReal ein Schlüsselbund zu sehen ist, aber nur die Reiden, und die Bärte sind abgeschnitten.

@flauschzelle@chaos.social avatar

Jetzt war ich kurz nervös und musste nachgucken, aber mein Schlüsselbund ist immer noch gut versteckt in meiner Rocktasche... uff :D

flauschzelle, to android
@flauschzelle@chaos.social avatar

I had been using MessagEase for a few years, and was always feeling a bit uncomfortable with it because it's closed source and was unmaintained for years.

I tried out Thumb-Key a while ago, but that's missing some basic features I'm really used to :/

Now that MessageEase is suddenly jumping on the "annoying subscription stuff" train, I really need to switch though... is there any other of this type, that maybe has more features than Thumb-Key?

@flauschzelle@chaos.social avatar

The features that I miss most are:

  • gestures (circle/back-and-forth swipe) for uppercase letters and long press for numbers, instead of always having to switch layers
  • locally customizable layout (I used a german layout, but with the swedish å added to a previously empty place)
  • show a trail of where I swiped, instead of making the whole key flash in a bright color (at least I already managed to turn off the animation that made the letters disappear 🙄)
flauschzelle, to Amsterdam
@flauschzelle@chaos.social avatar

What do you think is worth doing/visiting in this week?

I'm looking for anything from typical tourist stuff that is actually interesting, to your personal favorite weird niche things :)

And specifically: do you have a favorite vegan restaurant here? What makes it your favorite?

scy, to random German
@scy@chaos.social avatar

Indiana Jones und die Aubergine der Jugend

@flauschzelle@chaos.social avatar

Hmm, die Ahnlichkeit ist mir noch nie aufgefallen O.o jetzt frage ich mich, ob der Name dieses Gemüses wohl tatäschlich etwas mit einer Herberge zu tun hat...🤔

scy, (edited ) to random
@scy@chaos.social avatar

TIL: The vocals in the theme song of Disney's Gummi Bears were performed by Joseph Williams, son of composer John Williams and lead singer of Toto. 🤯


#GummiBears #JosephWilliams #Toto

flauschzelle, (edited )
@flauschzelle@chaos.social avatar

@scy O.o they could just have omitted the definite article suffix (the "na" at the end), effectively calling it "gummy bears" instead of "the gummy bears", and it would have fit into the four syllables just fine...

Ok, I admit they found an elegant way to solve the problem (and it even has a rhyme!), but still... feels a bit weird because it was a problem that didn't even have to exist.

@flauschzelle@chaos.social avatar

ok, I admit they found an elegant way to solve the problem (and it even has a rhyme!), but still... feels a bit weird because it was a problem that didn't even have to exist.

blinry, to random
@blinry@chaos.social avatar

Those of you on laptops with buttonless "clickpads" –

  • How do you click? By tapping? Clicking? Pressing a specific corner of your touchpad?
  • How do you right click and middle click?
  • How do you scroll?
  • How do you click-and-drag with the middle or right mouse button?

Honestly clueless about all of that, as I've been using Thinkpads with physical buttons and trackpoints all my life…

@flauschzelle@chaos.social avatar


  • "left" click and drag works as expected. Not sure if I ever used "right" click and drag...
  • middle click... honestly no idea O.o I also don't use that when I use a mouse, it seems like it's not an essential thing in my macOS version, and I've never tried Linux on this laptop (and all my Linux laptops are thinkpads).
@flauschzelle@chaos.social avatar

I have a 2017 macbook pro with a buttonless touch-/clickpad. For everyday use, I have it connected to a dock and use a mouse with it 🤷‍♀️
But when I actually use the touchpad (e.g. while travelling), it works like this:

  • click by pressing the pad down with one finger (it actually feels like a button, including the clicky noise)
  • right click by pressing down with two fingers
  • scroll by swiping with two fingers
@flauschzelle@chaos.social avatar


  • open in new tab: right click on the link and then choose the first option in the context menu that opens, by moving the cursor a tiny bit onto the menu and then left-clicking.
  • resize windows: move the cursor to a corner or edge of the window, then left-click-and-drag
  • move the canvas: I don't have an intuitive answer there, it probably depends on the program (which one should I try?) I assume it will probably be something like left click and drag while holding a key on the keyboard.
scy, to random German
@scy@chaos.social avatar

Uuuhhh, gerade entdeckt: Das Goethe-Institut hat auf YouTube eine Reihe "Dialekte Hotline", in der sie alle möglichen Dialekte der deutschen Sprache vorstellen. Ist ganz lustig gemacht und hat auch Untertitel, ist also sowohl was für Muttersprachler*innen als auch für Menschen, die Deutsch lernen.

Mein persönlicher Liebling aus den bislang produzierten Folgen ist Badisch:


Die ganze Playlist gibt's hier:

@flauschzelle@chaos.social avatar

@daniel_bohrer Spannend, ich kenne das einfach als Bezeichnung für ein Stück Pappe :D
(Von Patchwork-Verwandtschaft aus dem Saarland, wenn ich es nicht verwechsel.)

scy, (edited ) to random German
@scy@chaos.social avatar

Nachdem mir jetzt Kagi erst mal vom Gerät geflogen ist, stellt sich die Frage…

(Alphabetisch sortiert. Falls euer Liebling nicht dabei ist, gern replyen.)

@flauschzelle@chaos.social avatar

Ich hab mir überall gruble.de als Standardsuchmaschine eingestellt. Das ist eine Meta-Suchmaschine und es gibt auch noch andere Instanzen von der gleichen Software - das war nur zufällig die erste, die ich damals gefunden hatte. Ohne Tracking, ohne (explizite) Werbung. Die Qualität der Such-Ergebnisse hängt von den verwendeten Quellen ab... meistens sind recht viele von google bzw. startpage dabei. Manchmal muss ich die Sprach-Auswahl ändern um bessere Ergebnisse zu kriegen.

scy, (edited ) to random German
@scy@chaos.social avatar

Ohne nachzuschlagen: Wer von euch weiß, was (nicht direkt "wer", sondern was) gemeint ist, wenn jemand "Wowereit." schreibt? (Oder sagt.) Also, als aus einem Wort bestehender, in sich abgeschlossener Satz, in einer Unterhaltung oder in einem Artikel oder sowas.

Zum Beispiel: "Die Kommentarfunktion ist deaktiviert. Wowereit."

Um's vielleicht nochmal etwas klarer zu formulieren: Dieses "Wowereit." kann man durch was anderes ersetzen. Weißt du, durch was?

@flauschzelle@chaos.social avatar

Ich hab "weiß ich" angeklickt, aber letztendlich ist es doch nur eine Vermutung - die mir aber sehr offensichtlich erscheint. Ich hab noch nie (bewusst) mitbekommen, dass jemand diesen Namen tatsächlich so als Satz/Redewendung benutzt hat.

flauschzelle, to random
@flauschzelle@chaos.social avatar

I have a lot of photos in various folders on my laptop, and they contain an unkown (but probably large) amount of duplicates.

I'm looking for a tool that takes two folders and shows a diff between the files (by filename, content and metadata), but also displays the actual images - and lets me pick which one I want to delete (if there are identical duplicates), or rename (if the content is different, but the filename is the same).

Does such a thing exist?

scy, to random German
@scy@chaos.social avatar

sitzt am Schreibtisch, vor sich ein Bildschirm mit sieben Spalten Mastodon

zückt das Smartphone

öffnet die Mastodon-App, um zu sehen, ob's was Neues gibt

Manchmal frage ich mich schon, was in meinem Hirn so vorgeht.

@flauschzelle@chaos.social avatar

So viel zu der Behauptung, Mastodon würde nicht süchtig machen, weil es keine extra darauf optimierte Timeline gibt 😅 (die Behauptung kam mir ja eh schon immer unrealistisch vor.)

blinry, to random
@blinry@chaos.social avatar

Rapid Covid test: Negative!
FFP3 mask: Put on!
Antiviral nose spray: Applied!
Angel food: Planning to eat outside or in big spaces with few people!

So, back to buildup! This event still feels like the riskiest thing I've done in a while, but I'm trying to reduce that risk as best as I can.

And I'm thankful for everyone doing the same! :)

@flauschzelle@chaos.social avatar

Do you also have a portable air filter to carry around with you? That could be an additional layer of protection.

(though still not enough for me to go to congress this year :/ but if you do, you should have the best protection you can get. Fingers crossed that it works out and you don't catch any virus!)

scy, to random German
@scy@chaos.social avatar

Und direkt noch ne Frage hinterher. Tipps für Handschuhe, die halbwegs warm halten, aber mit denen man vor allem weiterhin wirklich gut einen Touchscreen bedienen kann?

Alle "Smartphone-kompatiblen" Handschuhe, die ich bisher hatte, gingen nur mit feste drücken oder komischen Winkeln oder so.

Ich überlege, fingerlose Handschuhe dafür mal auszuprobieren. Keine Ahnung ob mir das warm genug sein wird.

@flauschzelle@chaos.social avatar

Ich hab welche mit so ner klappbaren Kapuze über den Fingerspitzen, die sind dann an sich wärmer, aber ich kann sie aufklappen wenn ich das Handy bedienen will.

18+ scy, to random
@scy@chaos.social avatar

There's this anti-perfectionist philosophy of "start before you feel ready", and while I indeed don't really feel ready, I also know that I'm a recovering perfectionist, so I probably should start earlier than I feel is good…?

Anyway, the question (purely theoretical!) is: Where do people date these days? Assuming, purely theoretically, a person that's mostly cishet but open-minded on both of these things, looking for a long-term relationship.

OkCupid? Bumble? FetLife? Tinder? The fedi?

@flauschzelle@chaos.social avatar


*) I'm not really sure about the distinction between a romantic partnership and a long-term friends-with-benefits kind of thing though... I'm fine with that just being fluid/a spectrum/a grey area for me, but it might be different if there's a clear distinction for you...?

@flauschzelle@chaos.social avatar

For me personally, the stereotypical "dating" thing just doesn't feel useful... I get to know people somewhere (e.g. friends of people I know, or at an event, or here on the fedi, or through some kind of shared interest/situation/whatever...) and if it fits, a long-term relationship* might develop, but it's not like I could plan that before it happens (except maybe by making space/time for the possibility).

flauschzelle, to random German
@flauschzelle@chaos.social avatar

Wenn ihr Lampen (inkl. LEDs, Bewegungssensor, Mikrocontroller mit eigener Firmware, Netzteil, Funk-Anbindung für Zigbee und WLAN) nach eurem eigenen Entwurf* herstellen lassen wolltet, so ca. 200 Stück... wen würdet ihr da fragen?

Wir haben da so Ideen, was für Lampen wir gerne an der Hauswand hätten... aber keinen Überblick über die Elektro-Industrie.

*) Gehäuseform kann gerne ein Standardmodell sein, es geht vor allem um die Elektronik

flauschzelle, to random German
@flauschzelle@chaos.social avatar

Wer kommt denn bitte auf die absurde Idee, ausgerechnet einen Ölscheich zum Gastgeber einer Klimakonferenz zu machen? O.o

Das ist ja wie... wenn man einen Nazi-Polizisten beauftragen würde, Nazi-Verbrechen zu verfolgen, und sich dann wundert, dass die nicht aufgeklärt werden... also das wäre ja völlig unsinnig, das würde doch niemand...? 🤔 oh... äh... Moment mal... 😱

flauschzelle, to random
@flauschzelle@chaos.social avatar

Latest annoying trend in the electronics industry:
Devices that have a USB-C charging port, but can only be charged with a cable that has USB-A on the other end.

I once almost threw away an LED lamp after one use, because it didn't charge with the 2017 macbook charger I use for almost every other USB-C device... before I realized that it charged perfectly fine from a powerbank with USB-A output.

And I've seen that same problem several times now, even in much more expensive devices.


flauschzelle, to random German
@flauschzelle@chaos.social avatar

Is there an app for Android that can find a QR code in an image file (e.g. a picture in a toot, a website, or a photo saved on my phone) and decode it?

If a QR code is printed somewhere, I scan it with my camera app... but the camera obviously can't scan the screen of the phone it's built into.

@flauschzelle@chaos.social avatar

@scy I just tried it and it worked, thanks!

(And I prefer getting things from f-droid anyway, whenever possible, so bonus points for that!)

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