@kellogh@hachyderm.io avatar



I'm a software engineer and sometimes manager. Currently #Raleigh but also #Seattle. Building ML platform for a healthcare startup. Previously, built an IoT platform for one of "those" companies.

Open source: dura, fossil, Jump-Location, Moq.AutoMock, others

Do I have other interests? No, but I do have kids and they have interests. I think that counts for something. I can braid hair and hunt unicorns!

I put the #rust in frustrate


#metal #science #python

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kellogh, to random
@kellogh@hachyderm.io avatar

parental dynamics in our house

my wife: the kids will be able to express every emotion in detail and without fear

me: the kids will be able to express creativity in every single medium available to them, even the ones most people don’t think of

timnitGebru, to random
@timnitGebru@dair-community.social avatar

""What I’m really calling for is something like tech Zionism,” he said, after comparing his movement to those started by the biblical Abraham, Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith (founder of Mormonism), Theodor Herzl (“spiritual father” of the state of Israel), and Lee Kuan Yew (former authoritarian ruler of Singapore).""

Nothing to see here.

@kellogh@hachyderm.io avatar

@timnitGebru you sure he isn’t just paraphrasing a Stephen Nealson book?

kellogh, (edited ) to Metal
@kellogh@hachyderm.io avatar
kellogh, to random
@kellogh@hachyderm.io avatar

i have to keep reminding myself that crypto is still around. sure, web3 is mostly gone, but the cryptocurrency left over is quickly being weaponized into a full fledged political perspective

twilliability, to random
@twilliability@genart.social avatar

Comfort is overrated. My jam is ergonomy.

(Brought to you by "done the dishes with an aching back, hunched over my too-low kitchen counter".)

@kellogh@hachyderm.io avatar

@twilliability tall people problems. i’m 6’3”, been there many times

kellogh, to random
@kellogh@hachyderm.io avatar

we confirmed through the pool guy network that, yes, we have a neighbor that’s a rapper with almost 50 million monthly listeners on spotify

dahukanna, to random Danish
@dahukanna@mastodon.social avatar

“prompt engineers”: people that know what to type to get what they want out of generative intelligences or statistical inference engines - https://www.wheresyoured.at/empty-laughter/

AKA “Probabilistic spread betting” by trial and error.

Alt text: Chris tucker (actor) with a backwards baseball cap on his head - looks incredulous, despondently lowers his head into the palm of his hand, covering his face. Looks back up and shakes his head.

Alt text: Chris tucker (actor) with a backwards baseball cap on his head - looks incredulous, despondently lowers his head into the palm of his hand, covering his face. Looks back up and shakes his head.

@kellogh@hachyderm.io avatar

@dahukanna i saw a blog a while ago referring to prompt injection as “social engineering” and that kinda stuck with me. it’s a different beast

kellogh, to random
@kellogh@hachyderm.io avatar
hgrsd, to github
@hgrsd@hachyderm.io avatar

I've been trialling GitHub Copilot recently at work and, having been generally skeptical of the golden mountains promised by AI hype guys, I have to say that it gave me a modest efficiency gain in some scenarios. I would miss not having it, much like I would miss not having autocomplete.

I'll probably write up a blog for hgrsd.nl with a few thoughts of where it was helpful for me.

#github #llm #ai #software

@kellogh@hachyderm.io avatar

@hgrsd it’s indispensable when i’m writing new code, but i often want something that would be better for navigating and debugging

kellogh, to random
@kellogh@hachyderm.io avatar
kellogh, to llm
@kellogh@hachyderm.io avatar

i low key don't want to see a big jump in or capabilities anytime soon. rn they're capable enough that my mom wants to use them, but bad enough that even she has an intuitive sense for when they're wrong

that's how you build "AIQ", the skill of using it. Lots of people toying with them, to feel out their capabilities and limitations

@kellogh@hachyderm.io avatar

i also think sam altman is yanking our chain with GPT5. we already know he's manipulative, he's just gone bigger and more public this time. it's either not coming soon, or it's not going to be as promised when it does come

@kellogh@hachyderm.io avatar

the last week or two there's been some big jumps, in terms of sustainability.

  1. with apple's new models, they bought and paid for all the written works used for training

  2. microsoft's and also apple's new models are both tiny and capable. in apple's case, tiny enough to fit on a phone

that's what happens when you slow down, things become more sustainable

@kellogh@hachyderm.io avatar

also meta's llama 3, they kept the model size the same as llama 2, but dramatically increased the performance by using a bigger and higher quality training dataset

smaller models = more environmentally sustainable

@kellogh@hachyderm.io avatar

@knowprose yeah, my 3 year old definitely strings together the "most plausible sequence of words"

@kellogh@hachyderm.io avatar

@anderson_jon i think i might have either made that up or got the wrong model. i swear it was apple, but tbh it was just something i overheard and didn’t actually verify


kellogh, to random
@kellogh@hachyderm.io avatar

automate everything: parenting edition

@kellogh@hachyderm.io avatar

back when chatgpt first came out i did something similar but also used GPT to prompt stable diffusion for an auto generated story graphic

kellogh, to random
@kellogh@hachyderm.io avatar

i basically have a trickle feed of anti-Trump anti-Musk information directed toward my brother and dad respectively. just a trickle, because too much information has the opposite effect. and i only send things that present them in a negative light within their own worldview

@kellogh@hachyderm.io avatar

e.g. with my dad, i focus on failing businesses, or Musk violating christian values

with my brother, i focus on Trump being weak

honestly i have a harder time with the Trump angle. failing business is seen as genius bets. violating christian values is just liberal twist. con artistry is genius businessman

@kellogh@hachyderm.io avatar

another part is periodically calling out specific things Biden has done well, especially things Trump said he’d do but Biden actually did. everything has to be clearly positive within my dad’s & brother’s worldviews

as steady trickle of positive information to replace the negatives that i’m feeding them

hgrsd, to rust
@hgrsd@hachyderm.io avatar

drivel (https://github.com/hgrsd/drivel) now supports inferring enums for the string type. That means that when producing synthetic data, random variants of the enum will be chosen.

Enum inference is based on a (user-provided) max ratio of unique values and a minimum sample size.

I've released this as v0.2.0. Hope it's useful for some people. :)

@kellogh@hachyderm.io avatar

@hgrsd personally, i’ve found it immensely useful just for “seeing” large JSON blobs quickly. it’s a great tool for building up a complex jq command

kellogh, to random
@kellogh@hachyderm.io avatar

on OSX? Run this now:

python -c 'print("yo "*28800)' | say

@kellogh@hachyderm.io avatar

trying to keep my laptop from sleeping while i go out for an appointment. iirc a steady stream of audio will do the trick, and i think 28k “yo”’s should equal a few hours of annoyance for my kids

sanityinc, to random
@sanityinc@hachyderm.io avatar

There's no such thing as progress in / without your mind also getting rewired and transformed, but the mind-body aspects don't cause changes in each other. They just both change and blur together.

@kellogh@hachyderm.io avatar

@sanityinc ha i like to think software engineering maturity is more observable, but idk 😅

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