rhys, to llm
@rhys@rhys.wtf avatar

My first troublesome hallucination with a in a while: (200k context) insisting that I can configure my existing keys to work with PKINIT with and helping me for a couple of hours to try to do so — before realising that GPG keys aren't supported for this use case. Whoops.

No real bother other than some wasted time, but a bit painful and disappointing.

Now to start looking at PIV instead.

Crell, to ai
@Crell@phpc.social avatar

I reached out to about their code assistant.

They verified:

  1. They use , which means my GitHub OSS has almost certainly been used in training data.
  2. They rely on OpenAI's promise to not ingest any code that is used for "context".
  3. They specifically do not disclaim that their tool could result in me violating someone else's copyright, and they could suggest the same code to someone else, too.

Uninstall this crap, now. It's dangerous and irresponsible

ianRobinson, to Podcast
@ianRobinson@mastodon.social avatar

Listening to The Ezra Klein Show (What if Dario Amodei Is Right About A.I.?): https://nytimes.com/2024/04/12/opinion/ezra-klein-podcast-dario-amodei.html

Back in 2018, Dario Amodei worked at OpenAI. And looking at one of its first A.I. models, he wondered: What would happen as you fed an artificial intelligence more and more data? He and his colleagues decided to study it, and they found that the A.I. didn’t just get better with more data; it got better exponentially.

ianRobinson, to llm
@ianRobinson@mastodon.social avatar

I subscribed to Anthropic’s Claude 3 LLM yesterday to get access to their Opus model so I can try it out. It’s £18 per month.

I think LLMs will be useful as research assistants. Any output will need to be fact-checked and heavily edited before publication. People will still be needed who have knowledge of the topic that is generating text about. But in areas you have existing knowledge, they are a good way to get a high level text to use as a staring point that you can hammer into shape.

ianRobinson, to Podcast
@ianRobinson@mastodon.social avatar

Listening to The Ezra Klein Show (Will A.I. Break the Internet? Or Save It?): https://nytimes.com/2024/04/05/opinion/ezra-klein-podcast-nilay-patel.html

The internet is in decay [due to AI]. According to my guest today, Nilay Patel, this isn’t just a blip, as the big platforms figure out how to manage this. He believes that A.I. content will break the internet as we know it.

#Podcast #LLM #AI

hgrsd, to github
@hgrsd@hachyderm.io avatar

I've been trialling GitHub Copilot recently at work and, having been generally skeptical of the golden mountains promised by AI hype guys, I have to say that it gave me a modest efficiency gain in some scenarios. I would miss not having it, much like I would miss not having autocomplete.

I'll probably write up a blog for hgrsd.nl with a few thoughts of where it was helpful for me.

#github #llm #ai #software

kellogh, to llm
@kellogh@hachyderm.io avatar

i low key don't want to see a big jump in or capabilities anytime soon. rn they're capable enough that my mom wants to use them, but bad enough that even she has an intuitive sense for when they're wrong

that's how you build "AIQ", the skill of using it. Lots of people toying with them, to feel out their capabilities and limitations

jonny, to DuckDuckGo
@jonny@neuromatch.social avatar

Im as anti-"AI" as the next person, but I think its important to keep in mind the larger strategic picture of "AI" w.r.t. when it comes to - both have the problem of inaccurate information, mining the commons, etc. But Google's use of LLMs in search is specifically a bid to cut the rest of the internet out of information retrieval and treat it merely as a source of training data - replacing traditional search with search. That includes a whole ecosystem of surveillance and enclosure of information systems including assistants, chrome, android, google drive/docs/et al, and other vectors.

DuckDuckGo simply doesnt have the same market position to do that, and their system is set up as just an allegedly privacy preserving proxy. So while I think more new search engines are good and healthy, and LLM search is bad and doesnt work, I think we should keep the bigger picture in mind to avoid being reactionary, and I dont think the mere presence of LLM search is a good reason to stop using it.

More here: https://jon-e.net/surveillance-graphs/#the-near-future-of-surveillance-capitalism-knowledge-graphs-get-chatbots

pseudonym, to llm
@pseudonym@mastodon.online avatar

Easy #LLM Turing test.

Ask your counter party to swear and say something disparaging about a famous political figure.

All the commercially viable, Internet facing ones, have guard rails for polite conversation.

Swearing will be our captcha, our human shibboleth.

chikim, to llm
@chikim@mastodon.social avatar

VOLlama v0.1.0, an open-source, accessible chat client for OLlama
Unfortunately, many user interfaces for open source large language models are either inaccessible or annoying to use with screen readers, so I decided to make one for myself and others. Non screen reder users are welcome to use it as well.
I hope that ML UI libraries like Streamlit and Gradio will become more friendly with screen readers in the future, so making apps like this is not necessary!


ErikJonker, to China
@ErikJonker@mastodon.social avatar

So we have a very good AI model in China, SenseNova 5.0, and nobody is talking about, probably because we can't read Chinese https://zhidx.com/p/421866.html
#SenseNova #China #AI #LLM

ianRobinson, to llm
@ianRobinson@mastodon.social avatar

Listening to The Ezra Klein Show (How Should I Be Using A.I. Right Now?): https://nytimes.com/2024/04/02/opinion/ezra-klein-podcast-ethan-mollick.html

I wanted to understand what I’m missing and get some tips for how I could incorporate A.I. better into my life right now. And Ethan Mollick is the perfect guide: He’s a professor at the Wharton School…who’s spent countless hours experimenting with different chatbots, noting his insights in his newsletter and in a new book, “Co-Intelligence: Living and Working With A.I.”

#LLM #AI #Podcast

joe, to ai

Yesterday, we looked at how to write a JavaScript app that uses Ollama. Recently, we started to look at Python on this site and I figured that we better follow it up with how to write a Python app that uses Ollama. Just like with JavaScript, Ollama offers a Python library, so we are going to be using that for our examples. Also just like we did with the JavaScript demo, I am going to be using the generate endpoint instead of the chat endpoint. That keeps things simpler but I am going to explore the chat endpoint also at some point.

Install the Ollama Library

The first step is to run pip3 install ollama from the terminal. First, you need to create a virtual environment to isolate your project’s libraries from the global Python libraries.



Basic CLI example

At this point, we can start writing code. When we used the web service earlier this week, we used the generate endpoint and provided model, prompt, and stream as parameters. We set the stream parameter to false so that it would return a single response object instead of a stream of objects. When using the python library, the stream parameter isn’t necessary because it returns a single response object by default. We still provide it with a model and a prompt, though.

If you run it from the terminal, the response will look familiar.


If you replace print(output) with print(output['response']), you can more clearly see the important bits.


Basic Web Application Example

The output is very similar to the node-fetch example from earlier this week. Last week, when we looked at how to dockerize a node app, we output an array as an unordered list. Let’s see if we can replicate that result using the output from Ollama.

If you pip install flask to install flask, you can host a simple HTTP page at port 8080 and with the magic of json.loads() and a for loop, you can build your unordered list.

So, what does the output look like?


Every time you load the page, it makes a server-side API call to Ollama, gets a list of large cities in Wisconsin, and displays them on the website. The list is never the same (because of hallucinations) but that is another issue.

Have any questions, comments, etc? Please feel free to drop a comment, below.


#AI #Flask #LLM #Ollama #Python

chikim, to llm
@chikim@mastodon.social avatar

Wow, Private LLM locally runs Llama-3-8B on iOS. No idea how accessible with VoiceOver though. https://privatellm.app/en

ErikJonker, to ai
@ErikJonker@mastodon.social avatar

If you compare the difference between now freely available LLMs like GPT 3.5, Claude Sonnet, LLM3 etc with the paid versions of various models, the difference for most ordinary users/usecases is quite small. That must be a problem for the businesscase of companies like OpenAI, they need large numbers of ordinary people willing to pay every month for access to their models, if you look at the enormous investments? Or are other revenue streams more important ? 🤔

ceoln, to ai
@ceoln@qoto.org avatar

I've had occasion to ask an AI about a thing twice lately (a recent online phenomenon, and a book recommendation). Both times I asked both Gemini and ChatGPT, and both times one gave a reasonable if bland answer, and the other (a different one each time) gave a plausible but completely fictional ("hallucinated") answer.

When do we acknowledge that LLMs, and "AI" in general, aren't quite ready to revolutionize the world?

kleaders, to llm
@kleaders@fosstodon.org avatar

With all the valid concern around and power and water usage, I thought I'd start a blog series on tiny LLMs. Let's see what they can do on real tasks on very power efficient hardware.


gfarrell, to llm
@gfarrell@mastodon.world avatar
ramikrispin, to llm
@ramikrispin@mstdn.social avatar

It was a pleasure to present this morning at the ODSC East about data automation with LMM.

Code examples and a tutorial are available on this repo: https://github.com/RamiKrispin/lang2sql
The slides are available on this repo: https://github.com/RamiKrispin/talks/tree/main/202404%20ODSC%20East%202024%20-%20%20Data%20Automation%20with%20LLM%20

Thanks to the conference organizers for the invite and the folks attending the session! 🙏

#llm #data #DataScience #python #ollama #openai

cassidy, (edited ) to ai
@cassidy@blaede.family avatar

I really like the convention of using ✨ sparkle iconography as an “automagic” motif, e.g. to smart-adjust a photo or to automatically handle some setting. I hate that it has become the defacto iconography for generative AI. 🙁

dentangle, to foss
@dentangle@chaos.social avatar

All Your Base Are Belong to LLM

"The output from an LLM is a derivative work of the data used to train the LLM.

If we fail to recognise this, or are unable to uphold this in law, copyright (and copyleft on which it depends) is dead. Copyright will still be used against us by corporations, but its utility to FOSS to preserve freedom is gone."


doctorambient, to LLMs
@doctorambient@mastodon.social avatar

People: stop asking #LLMs to explain their behavior.

We already know that LLMs don't have the introspection necessary to explain their behavior, and their explanations are often fanciful or "just wrong."

For instance, Gemini claims it reads your emails for training, Google says it doesn't.

(BTW, if it turns out Gemini is right and Google is lying, that might be another example of an LLM convincing me it's actually "intelligent.")

#largelanguagemodels #ai #machinelearning #googlegemini #llm

@doctorambient@mastodon.social avatar

A Llama3 example:

>>> Do you happen to know what your context window length is?

Llama: I'm an AI model, and I don't have a fixed "context window" in the classical sense. My training data consists of a massive corpus of text, which I use to generate responses.

The correct answer is 8k.

ByrdNick, to psychology
@ByrdNick@nerdculture.de avatar

We know that the task demands of cognitive tests most scores: if one version of a problem requires more work (e.g., gratuitously verbose or unclear wording, open response rather than multiple choice), people will perform worse.

Now we have observed as much in Large Language Models: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2404.02418

The tests included analogical reasoning, reflective reasoning, word prediction, and grammaticality judgments.


kennwhite, to random

Incredible research at BlackHat Asia today by Tong Liu and team from the Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences (在iie.ac.cn 的电子邮件经过验证)

A dozen+ RCEs on popular LLM framework libraries like LangChain and LlamaIndex - used in lots of chat-assisted apps including GitHub. These guys got a reverse shell in two prompts, and even managed to exploit SetUID for full root on the underlying VM!


mjgardner, (edited )
@mjgardner@social.sdf.org avatar

@kennwhite Looks like we’re at the “Matt’s Script Archive” level with frameworks.

The difference is that Matt Wright was a high school student in 1995 when he launched MSA and its infamously exploitable FormMail script.

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