happyborg, to rust
@happyborg@fosstodon.org avatar

I've been using cargo ( package manager) for [cough] yrs and it is very nice. But always on my Ubuntu laptop.

That laptop died so right now I'm using an old Windows 10 (not 11 as stated earlier) laptop with and I have cargo building in and Ubuntu 22 (under WSL) and it just works.

Cross platform used to be one of the hardest most frustrating things, but tools like and have changed all that.

Development is less aggghhh!

Next !

oxidize, to rust
@oxidize@social.ferrous-systems.com avatar

This talk will take you on a 5-year journey through time of adopting Rust more and more in mobile games.

Starting with shy shared libraries wrapped up behind c interfaces used in a Go-backend and a C# frontend, over pure backends using Warp to finally Fullstack Rust Mobile Games with the recently launched title Zoolitaire. @rustunit

🎟 https://oxidizeconf.com/

rustnl, to rust
@rustnl@fosstodon.org avatar

We're grateful to the Internet Security Research Group for sponsoring the RustNL 2024 Industry Track!

Industry Track info: https://2024.rustnl.org/industry/
More info on ISRG: https://www.abetterinternet.org/

alice_i_cecile, to GraphicsProgramming
@alice_i_cecile@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

Wish that there was better IDE support for in for ?

Take a look at this project by Runi: a preliminary language server for WGSL. IMO this is one of the biggest barriers in making graphics programming genuinely approachable: I'd love to see this catch on!


danielsreichenbach, to rust
@danielsreichenbach@mastodon.world avatar

I generally like but I think every project developer should be forced to use it on a Raspberry Pi with 4GB RAM... had to build Vaultwarden (https://github.com/dani-garcia/vaultwarden) on one, and man,,, after 15 minutes compilation is no longer running because the device went OOM and now is so hot the fan is louder that a datacenter server...

Just to be clear, I think this is a Rust problem, not a project problem.

dekirisu, to gamedev
@dekirisu@mastodon.social avatar

🐳 wavy wobbles.

This works better than expected! 🙌
I'll use it for something else, it's a bit much for walking. 😁


ekuber, to rust
@ekuber@hachyderm.io avatar

Rust's unexpected super-power is just how flexible it is. It allows you to write very high level looking code on a low level language. That caused people to use it beyond its intended niche. But it is fundamentally a low level programming language. It will continue becoming easier to use (that's my personal goal!) but there are "obvious" changes that would make things easier at the cost of speed or correctness that cannot take.

happyborg, to linux
@happyborg@fosstodon.org avatar

I have a program in ! And no doubt many other distros downstream of Debian. I installed it yesterday with:

sudo apt install safe-vdash

is very niche, a dashboard for those running nodes but already has an enthusiastic band of users. So this is great news.

My thanks go out to Jonas and all the volunteer packagers and maintainers in the ecosystem.

RogerBW, to raku
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar
mackuba, to rust
@mackuba@martianbase.net avatar

I really want to write something bigger in 🦀, but I just can't think of anything else beyond that regexp matching where I'd need that raw speed (where is not enough), except maybe an indexer for an AppView, but I kinda have too many things open atm to start working on that… 🤔

mgorny, to rust Polish
@mgorny@pol.social avatar

Czas na codzienną dawkę narzekania na . Tak, ekosystem działa super.

jest zależne od biblioteki tokio-tar. Tokio-tar jest spieprzone na , nie przyjmuje zgłoszeń błędów (!) i zdaje się być całkiem martwe. Parę łatek czeka sobie radośnie od 2022, a repozytorium ostatnią aktywność ma w połowie 2023. Niemniej, wysłałem łatkę, naprawiającą PowerPC, choć nie żywię wielkich nadziei, że ktoś ją przyjmie, wyda nową wersję i doprowadzimy UV do działania.

Na dodatek, tokio-tar to fork z async-tar, powstały na początku 2021 roku. Nie wygląda na to, by opiekun trzymał je w synchronizacji, a async-tar umarło jakoś pod koniec 2021. Za to chociaż ma możliwość zgłaszania błędów, dzięki czemu możemy lepiej obserwować, jak bardzo jest martwe.

Przepisywanie wszystkiego na Rusta jest super. Późniejsza opieka nad projektami, od których zależą inne projekty, już nie.


shanecelis, to rust
@shanecelis@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

Leaving Rust gamedev after 3 years

This is one of those scary articles because it’s hard to find fault with it and the author’s experience beats my own in terms of time with rust and breadth in gamedev. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40172033

hgrsd, to rust
@hgrsd@hachyderm.io avatar

drivel (https://github.com/hgrsd/drivel) now supports inferring enums for the string type. That means that when producing synthetic data, random variants of the enum will be chosen.

Enum inference is based on a (user-provided) max ratio of unique values and a minimum sample size.

I've released this as v0.2.0. Hope it's useful for some people. :)

logloggames, to rust
@logloggames@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

Here's also our postmortem of 3 years of Rust gamedev, and why we're leaving Rust


slint, to rust
@slint@fosstodon.org avatar

Register now for a hands-on workshop on how to Build cross-platform GUIs in at @oxidize in Berlin on 28th May, 2024.
Program overview - https://oxidizeconf.com/sessions/cross-plattform-guis/
Registration link - https://ti.to/asquera-event-ug/oxidize-2024/with/conference-workshop-ticket-28-30th-may
Sponsored by Espressif &

kubikpixel, (edited ) to rust
@kubikpixel@chaos.social avatar

This means that Rust will be used "for all solutions" in future. In any case, I like this article as positive information for more independence in programming apps.

»Getting Started With Tauri Mobile:
The new alpha version of @TauriApps is here, and brings with it a new way to build cross-platform mobile apps!«
— by @dedsyn4ps3

⚙️ https://github.com/dedSyn4ps3/tauri-mobile-test

#rust #rustlang #tauri #tauriapps #mobile #dev #programming #indipendence #app

rustnl, to rust
@rustnl@fosstodon.org avatar

** Announcement ** RustNL 2024 will have a FREE livestream!

We want to thank Hyperswitch for being RustNL 2024's Livestream Partner.

RustNL 2024 schedule: https://2024.rustnl.org/schedule/

More info on HyperSwitch: https://hyperswitch.io/

robinlovelace, to rust
@robinlovelace@fosstodon.org avatar

Excited to announce the release of {stplanr} v1.2.0, on CRAN and beyond 🎉
Key feature: new implementation of rnet_join(), allowing fast+flexible merging of route network datasets, leveraging {rsgeo} which has a fast (~1000x faster than {lwgeom}) backend 🔥

dcz, to rust
@dcz@fosstodon.org avatar

A part of that doesn't get mentioned but is a ridiculous quality of life boon:


Just #[derive(Debug)] on a struct and print it. Suddenly you get insight into what's going on. Very rarely do you need to write your own print.

Insert a dbg in the middle of anything

let diffi = debug!(diffs).iter();

and you get a message with line number and the name of variable:

[src/lib.rs:192:19] diffs = [16, 86, 11]

Not even has that!

mo8it, to rust
@mo8it@fosstodon.org avatar

v6 beta is here! 🤩🎉

Russtlings is an official Rust project offering a set of interactive exercises to practice 🦀

I have been working on the rewrite for about a month 😇
Now I hope to find some people willing to test the beta release and provide some feedback 🥰

You want to test it? 😃 Here are the instructions:

Issue for feedback ✍️

A tiny demo of Rustlings v6 (beta) in Zellij

safenetwork, to rust
@safenetwork@mastodon.social avatar

Testnet time is here again, with PunchNet

With this testnet we’re going to punch some holes!

Computers in a home network will normally be unreachable from the outside, unless ports are forwarded manually. Lately, we’ve been experimenting with relays and hole punching, meaning nodes from inside a home network can participate in the network.

Get involved!


safenetwork, to rust
@safenetwork@mastodon.social avatar

Update 25 April

Some good news to kick off with: we have succeeded in getting nodes and clients working from behind NAT firewalls with Quic so we’re definitely getting there in terms of nodes from home

So come and give it a whirl from home with our latest alpha network: PunchNet.


thisweekinrust, to rust
@thisweekinrust@mastodon.social avatar
0xSim, to rust
@0xSim@hachyderm.io avatar

Love , 8GB of dependencies to build a 2.8MB executable :|

@0xSim@hachyderm.io avatar
janriemer, to rust

C++ will be taken over by .

What will be the Rust-equivalent for ?

I mean is a very good first step, but it's basically the C++ for C.

So in short:
C => C++
JavaScript ≈> TypeScript
C++ =>
JavaScript => ???

I think it will be a looong way to go, but maybe, maybe we'll see more and more in the , but not quite sure yet.



@Aedius Sorry for the late reply. 😔

That's awesome! Thank you for sharing! 🙂

Yes, sharing business logic between frontend/backend is a very compelling argument.

However, I just have this feeling that the advantages of Rust are not as apparent when designing interactive web pages.

As I said, for logic heavy apps, sure, but for small interactivity, satisfying Rust's strict rules might not be worth it.

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