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RIF kinda still works for me, I can browse but can’t post or upvote so that’s good enough for me but I have cut down browsing Reddit loads since the protests

foss_android, to foss avatar

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Looks like it could be a nice alternative to Goodreads, I’ll check it out


With no Goodreads import it’s not worth the hassle sadly


Knowledge fight - basically listens to infowars and debunks everything Alex Jones says

Last podcast on the left - hilarious true crime

Cheapshow - disaster of a comedy podcast that reviews cheap UK items but usually everything goes wrong


Is that why almost every subreddit shut down for 24 hours? Lol


Some subreddits I follow did a poll on whether they should open or not at the end of the 48 hours but the only people that voted were the people that came back to Reddit, obviously the people who actually stayed away for the 48 hours couldn't vote

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman's letter to Reddit employees in response to blackout

Starting last night, about a thousand subreddits have gone private. We do anticipate many of them will come back by Wednesday, as many have said as much. While we knew this was coming, it is a challenge nevertheless and we have our work cut out for us. A number of Snoos have been working around the clock, adapting to...


I'm over the internet being Reddit Twitter Facebook YouTube. Since avoiding Reddit, deleting Facebook and hating twitter I'm actually visiting websites again.

How many users here do you think are going to get bored and end up back on Reddit as soon as the blackout ends?

I don't mean to be pessimistic, bit since most subreddits are only going dark for a couple days, the site will basically be back to normal soon. I wonder how many users here are only here because of temporary outrage and not because they actually prefer Lemmy. I'm curious about people's outlook on this situation.


I'm staying here, the community is way better. I'll use both but only post and comment on Lemmy


Not meeting up with friends at a loud venue, I like to talk to them not try to shout over the music.

sorrowstouch, (edited )

I love it when the communities are smaller but I do hope they get bigger too, maybe I won't lurk this time and be more involved but as long as the content is good I don't mind lurking again haha

anders, to lemmy

Lemmy is booming

I have never before received so many reactions and comments on my Lemmy posts before, so it's obvious to see, that there are many new members here.
Welcome to all the new! And I'm looking forward to see more of you here.


This site's like a breath of fresh air, small communities and the excitement of not quite know what you're doing lol, no muscle memory open close and open again


Thanks for the welcome! I look forward to seeing this website grow into the thing Reddit should have been!

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