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My biggest issue is that you can’t open new file explorer tabs in the same window. So before you know it, you have 10 different file browser windows open. It wasn’t a Windows 10 feature either but there was an extension called Qtabbar that allowed it. That doesn’t work on Windows 11. So I’ve been using free commander as a work around. It’s annoying though.


I use Windows 11 and Wsl 2 for Ubuntu and Docker. Best of both worlds. There’s a few things keeping me from completely switching to Linux.


Yea, I doubt I’ll ever use my Cloudflare ip address unless sim out on vacation. Internal ip 99% of the time.

techgearwhips, (edited )

Kind of new to selfhosting. Didn’t know any better 🤷🏾‍♂️


New to selfhosting. Didn’t know any better 🤷🏾‍♂️


New to selfhosting. Didn’t know any better 🤷🏾‍♂️


New to selfhosting. Didn’t know any better 🤷🏾‍♂️


Good to know


I read this and got all the way lost in the sauce. Is this English? Lol but for real, I appreciate the info.


Y’all been coming at my neck about this ip address thing. I had to check to make sure I wasn’t back on reddit 😭


Gimp really works for my use case. Love it.

Can I override Sonarr season numbers

I’m trying to finish grabbing a show, but Sonarr says the final season is #3, while the rest of the internet (i.e. torrent sites) says that season is #5. It looks like the first 2 seasons were split up into 1/2 seasons when originally shown. So while Sonarr is looking for Season 3, it’s finding the first half of what it...


Same thing happened with this show called Top Boy. I ended up just getting it from a DDL website.

Why are people hyped about RSS regaining relevance? (

According to Google Trends, during the past few years, there has been nothing but a few minor bumps that faded away as quickly as they came. I love RSS because i do not have to scroll through dozens of different news sites all day and i would love it to return....


The way I like it. The showRSS feed is beautiful after using Google Home feed for so long. I’ll never go back to ads and Google trying to sell me pixel products and reviews every day


I’d leave out the fact that it’s self hostable. The read me is outdated so shit doesn’t work… and the creator over on discord will repeatedly tell you “sorry, no support for self hosting ¯_(ツ)_/¯”… Even though there’s a readme and self hosting files on their GitHub.


I can’t login to on any app, but I can still use the web interface. I can’t login to or even use on anything at all. What is going on today? lol


This is what I need to know. I also have an account on Lemmy world as a backup

How's the censorship around here?

The reddit piracy community was in a neverending struggle to avoid being banned from the site, constantly censoring and restricting what people could post to keep the reddit admins happy. What's the situation with that sort of thing on lemmy? Is it a free for all? Same situation as back there? Something in between? I guess we...


This is not possible since it's federated correct?


Wait... So you can actually browse Lemmy from your Mastodon account?! So you can login?


I was using Jerboa and it was buggy as hell. Just using the mobile web at the moment. Hopefully the infinity (or Apollo Dev) will get things going over here.

techgearwhips, (edited )

I was on Jerboa and I didn't see that. On the mobile web now. I heard there's an alpha for Jerboa so I may try that one instead.

Edit - I am on the alpha and I can see it now.

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