Onii-Chan avatar



We probably don't agree.
I probably said something you didn't like.
You look lovely, by the way. New shirt?


Generally not a good idea to put price barriers in front of the exercise of a Constitutional right. Imagine if you had to pay $5000 to access the voting booth, or to prevent the police from searching your home without a warrant. This only disenfranchises the poor.

Yes, the poor also have the right to self defense. Also, you can make your own ammunition at home so the whole idea is bunk.


(Just splatting thoughts out there, this isn’t my most well-reasoned argument. LOL, it’s all over the place, but should be good to start discussions.)

How? We can’t put financial barriers on rights. And before anyone wants to argue, the 2A exists and the courts have historically upheld the right to individual ownership. Those are facts and not up for debate. Any approach to artificially raising the price of ammo will have to get around this.

But let’s say we do this thing. Are you saying only wealthy people should be armed? Do you see the poors as the whole gun issue? Do poor people not have the right to self-defense?

What about country people? I usually imagine gun control advocates as city people. Being far from civilized infrastructure is a thing. Cops are minutes away when seconds count! And defense isn’t only needed against 2-legged animals.

How about LGBT people, minorities and women? Taken together, they’re the #1 gun purchasing demographic. (And I’m all about it.)

To get good at shooting, you gotta pump a couple thousand rounds downrange. Also, it’s a perishable skill, you have to continue practicing. If we’re going to have guns, I at least want people to be competent shooters.

Sabata11792 avatar

YoU hAvE sO mUcH PotEntIaL combined with YouR WasTiNg Yor LifE wItH yOur WronG HobBys.

This shit destroyed me. Never had an ounce of a fuck given when I did something cool or interesting.
Hell, I made some shitty ass games as a kid just learning stuff on my own. The answer was not "cool" or "good job" or "tell me more". It was "get a fucking life", or "oh... ok...", or "your wasting your life". Can't imagine why I lost all passion, can't get my self out of bed, and don't have any friends.

Now I got some shitty IT job and my parents are wondering why I won't go back to school or JuSt ApPlY at Google. Can't imagine I got to undo 20 years childhood trauma, and have some damn alone time.

What are some of the stranger adaptations/adjustments to corporate culture you've noticed, and imagine emerging?

By corporate culture I mean like what you see with GoogleYouTube/MetaFacebook/etc. to accommodate advertisers and influence people to engage and acknowledge adverts. In turn, by adapt/adjust I mean how some people bleep curses out like fuck/shit/etc., say unalive instead of commit suicide/kill oneself, and make notorious video...

@PP_BOY_@lemmy.world avatar

The amount of people who just mindlessly accepted that certain words were forbidden has ruined any faith I had of us making it out of “this.” I’m not talking about hate speech, but seeing literal baby-speak like “corn” in place of porn, “rake” for rape, or “unalive” for suicide is ridiculous. How anyone can type those out in an otherwise serious context is beyond me


I’ve never seen a shoplifter in my entire life.

I have, however, seen entrepreneurial individuals dedicated to mitigating the wealth-disparity of multi-location retailers via reallocating in-store inventory directly to end users.


My two arguements for privacy:

  • I have nothing to hide, the same way I have nothing I want to put up for display.
  • What can be logged about me is trivial and benign. But I can’t trust that any future government/company/entity/social movement will also see it as benign and trivial. “Your honor, on april 1st, 2024, the defendant posted on the fediverse that Glitch McConnel deserves the garrote. This clearly shows insurgent behavior”

If you're so caught up in "this is what I feel like doing, I don't care if it's counterproductive," to the point where you're okay with turning people against these critical missions, then you're a piece of shit.

Every big successful movement like civil rights had to consider whether the tactics they planned to use were going to be effective. There was an earlier candidate who could have been Rosa Parks, but she was a pregnant teenager, and civil rights leaders at the time didn't make her the figurehead because they didn't want the racist white men of the time to have any easy reason to dismiss her or beat up her character.

Does it make the general public at the time "pieces of shit" that they wouldn't fight for the rights of a pregnant teenager just as much as a married black woman coming home after working all day? Yeah, kind of. Is that still something you should strategize about if you want to achieve civil rights? Yes. A thousand percent yes. Which is more important; being stubborn, or winning?

(And, as a side note, I think most people who support Israel over the Palestinians don't "support genocide" in their own minds; they aren't aware of Israel's crimes in near as much detail as you and I are. I think if you asked them factually about how many Palestinians versus Israelis have died you'd get a real real wrong answer. If you try to fix that situation by making them late for work and screaming in their face about how they support genocide, get ready for the American public to keep supporting genocide for a long, long time to come.)


Part of the reason this particular issue is so contentious is because there is a great deal of nuance and history, and people can easily fall prey to confirmation bias by finding what they go looking for. What Hamas does and stands for is wrong. The disproportionate response from Israel, settlers in the West Bank, and lack of adherence to their own standards of engagement is wrong. But deeply rooted in this conflict is the belief that we must pick sides, and that one side must be right and the other wrong. I'm going to share a prior comment that gives of the nuance I mention.

The reality is both Israel and Palestinians are victims; victims of each other, their neighbors, and the world around them. You can make one side look better or worse depending on when you start the clock on the discussion.

When Israel was formed in 1948 there wasn't a Palestinian state, but rather a collection of towns with various ethnic populations including Jewish and Muslims peoples. The area was controlled by Britain in the time before WW2 under a mandate from the league of nations, the precursor to the UN.

In 1948 the UN set a border for Jewish and Palestinian states in the territory that is today known as Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank. The Jewish peoples, some who could trace their ancestry in the area to biblical times, and others who settled the area as either a Zionist effort or fleeing the Holocaust, accepted the borders which were much smaller than today's Israel, because it meant they would finally have their own state and land.

The Arabs didn't accept the border for a variety of reasons, and the armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia attacked the fledgling Jewish state.

Notably, the Palestinians didn't attack. Though there were tensions between the Jewish peoples and the Palestinians who felt the encroachment of Jewish settlers from Europe, the Palestinian cause was really created and coopted by their Muslim neighbors.

During the war Israel expanded their borders, 700,000 Palestinians were displaced while some were massacred. Some Palestinians fled the war, some were forced out, some left at the call of their Arab neighbors, and some left in fear of being massacred. The armistice that ended the war left Israel larger, Jordan in control of the West Bank, and Egypt in control of Gaza. Note, this was before the West began to provide military aid to Israel.

So the Israel narrative or myth is that they have the pure moral high ground where they win a war for the right to exist. The Palestinian narrative and myth is that they were all violently dispossessed by the Jews and are pure victims. To this day, children born in Palestinian refuge camps are taught about the village they are "from" which often doesn't exist and their family does 70 years ago. Though many were not forced out during the war, the narrative is they were all forced to leave by the Jewish army.

So you have these competing ideas passed down on both sides that are in conflict, and neither one quite right.

When you look at how Palestinians have been treated by their Arab neighbors you see how they have been abused further. For example, Jordan and Egypt could have made the West Bank and Gaza independent Palestinian states, but they didn't. They continued to occupy them, and ultimately lose control after going to war with Israel again in the six day war in 1967, which set the stage for many of the problems today.

Over the years these narratives in conflict have bred real world violence in a tit for tat escalation that spans decades. Israel continues its narrative that it is in a war for its right to exist, which is true, but also doesn't accept responsibility for worsening the situation at times over the years and human rights abuses such as the 24 documented displacements.

Palestinians continue to define themselves as a dispossessed people, teaching their children that they need to reclaim what they lost, while being used by their surrounding Arab religious state neighbors as a proxy battleground against Israel. Palestinians have refused offers to develop permanent housing for fear of would weaken their claim to being refugees, and really live in entrenched slums that they call refuge camps.

The recent events were caused by Hamas, fearing the normalization of Israel relationships and the fading of the Palestinians cause to retake lost land, attacking Israel. Then of course, you have Israels grossly disproportionate response and the horrors therein.

So really the situation is quite a mess, and made worse by people ignorant of the history rushing to support one side or the other. In reality, both sides are prisoners of their own history, and unlikely to set themselves free anytime soon.

If you want a short podcast that goes over this in more detail, I recommend "The Daily" podcast titled 1948, which was released this past November 3rd.

South Korea Expects Its Already-World’s-Lowest Fertility Rate to Keep Falling (time.com)

The latest forecast by Statistics Korea puts the population in 2072 at 36.2 million, a 30% decline from the current 51.7 million, even though the fertility rate may recover a bit to 0.68 in 2026. The population is expected to fall every year starting in 2025.


I understand your frustration, and also the need to come across as condescending. You’re probably the downvote on my comment. You want to punish me, don’t you?

See, that feeling you are feeling… that frustration. It isn’t unique to you.

The primary driver in fascism is emotion. Fear, anger, frustration. Stong human emotion that lead to feeling like other people are lesser than yourself. The bad guy. The evil one. The ones that must be stopped.

Those strong feelings and the desire to shush the words of the other are exactly the kinds of things that lead to extremes.

Having strong feelings toward other people are as natural and normal as homosexuality.

When I say inclusion, I’m not talking about inviting the Nazi to roast the Jew at dinner. I’m talking about inviting everyone, Jew, Christian, Atheist, Hindu, Muslim, everyone, to dinner and giving each a timer to talk.

It sounds hokey as fuck, but we need to learn to love each other as we love ourselves. Only then, can Nazi’s cease to exist. If you repress people, it only makes the hate stronger.

Anyway, there is a portion of the population that is incapable of what I mentioned above. For them, there is no cure. For them, they must be watched. If -and only if- they cause harm to others, then they need to be jailed to protect everyone else. But… I believe they’re (thankfully) rare. For everyone else, there’s hope


And you have a right to be upset. It’s good that you’re voicing that opinion, it’s good that you’re standing up for what you believe in. The more voices there are that speak up about injustice, the better!

I wonder if this all sounds contradictory to the person you may think you were debating/arguing with, but it’s not. Having voices heard is part of what I believe in. It’s just that I don’t think silencing opposing voices (no matter what garbage they spew) is the right way to go

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I do, they fucking killed Bandcamp. Absolutely fuck em in their stupid shithole asses I don’t give enough of a fuck about free games to be okay with them buying Bandcamp only to do FUCK NOTHING with it and then sell it to be hollowed out.

I started caring about how little artists got paid in the 90s for their music, and it’s just gotten worse with fucking bullshit like Spotify.

Bandcamp was the last place you could pay for artists directly, which included Bandcamp Fridays where 100% of what you spent went in artists pockets.

I was able to get high quality lossless FLAC files with NO DRM that I could keep forever.

Fuck your stupid fucking free games. They destroyed the last good place for musicians. That makes their free games less than worthless bullshit.

They deserve to be a forgotten footnote from Google.


It’s the fact that the intelligence agencies have proven themselves to be unable to responsibility use their powers, and instead find every sneaky way possible to infiltrate and spy on their own citizens while preventing nothing. That’s what has pushed the world to say enough is enough and we are going to encrypt everything we can. Now the global powers are crying poor about how they need access to stop terrorism, while being completely unable to point to a single instance where they stopped a terror attack and contrarily there’s plenty of terror attacks that were never stopped.


Likely scalding hot takes from me but here goes:

The entire gender debate is idiotic, policing based on what someone feels like is just stupid to the absolute maximum and will create more problems than it solves (imo it doesn’t even solve any problems, just creates a facade politicians can hide behind). Discriminate based on sex instead if you must, at least that has an objective property that can be checked if needed.

While I’m at the hot takes:

  • Qutoas for anything are stupid and harm the minority they were made for more than they help (The “they were a quota hire” issue)
  • Generalizing any group (examples: all feminism is xy, all men are xy, all conservatives are xy) just sabotages whatever you are advocating for because people on the fence about the topic which are part of the group you just generalized will now be sure to absolutely loathe you and reject your arguments even if they are true
  • Feminism did a lot of harm people are not acknowledging, it is a good thing and was needed but to pretend there never was a downside is a bit silly (mostly wages just freezing in place due to the workforce almost doubling and the repercussions that carries). Ignoring the collateral damage done is extremely harmful and won’t help anyone long term.
  • The debate about nonbinary people has reached a level where an increasing number of people can’t take it seriously anymore, each time the acronym list of LGBT gets longer more people either check out of supporting it or turn actively hostile to it because they think it’s going off the rails. Find a model that fits all people instead of tacking on more exceptions and special cases and the entire thing would have a lot more support imo.

One does not have to switch from something that was never used.

Twitter has been a short form outrage machine since the beginning.

Rahid avatar

Try vimusic, from what i've seen its just spotify without the data harvesting (and the api's taken from youtube music, shouldn't change much though)


fyi you can do strike through like ~~this~~

nanoobot avatar

I agree with you, but this is a really bad counterargument to what they said. Even widely agreed politeness conventions to a degree 'compel' speech, so the debate is really around what speech is acceptable for society to encourage/suppress, rather than whether cultural changes are changing what people are compelled to say. Also, I don't think they said anything that suggested they are more concerned by that than hateful violence?

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