dandan avatar



Some guy.

dandan avatar

No one's mentioned this yet, but more powerful electromagnets, which could mean more of a chance to get a fusion reactor working.

dandan avatar

You missed an important part of the headline "is feared to have..."

It says she caught a "cholera like" infection

dandan avatar

In the article it says she eats sunflower seed sprouts. A cursory google search says these are a complete protein containing all the essential amino acids.

dandan avatar

Yeah, 100%. Look at the other replies to my comment and you can see people getting sucked into that narrative...

Ackshully.... vegans don't get all the essential nutrients to survive 🤡

If any of those boneheads actually read the article, it says she was eating sunflower seed sprouts which are a complete protein.

dandan avatar

When caffeine addiction is your whole personality

dandan avatar

This will be interesting. I've always assumed my P is just ADHD.

dandan avatar

I like that kbin and Lemmy aren't going to have an entire team of people doing continuous A/B testing to find what drives the most engagement.

Much less chance of this ending up as a dopamine slot machine.

dandan avatar

Your ad hominem attack on @sabreW4K3 's argument sits second to the bottom in the heirarchy of disagreement

I would be more persuaded if you directly refuted the central point of American capitalism killing innocent people

dandan avatar

What if the website doesn't use cookies?

dandan avatar

Hi from Artemis 🫡

It's pretty great.

dandan avatar

The point of this demotivational poster is to ridicule the sort of person who thinks that this is pathetic.

It's not actually saying that the guy is pathetic for having his hobby, it's actually the opposite.

dandan avatar

Yeah, something in the algorithm that prevents one magazine or one instance dominating would be the best approach.

hariette, to ArtemisApp

Excited to ship this weekend an initial version to testers of microblogging on

Shout out to @klin for helping out with it!


dandan avatar

@hariette has this been rolled out to everyone, or only a subset of testers? I can't see it in my app.

dandan avatar

To get even more pedantic...

It's defined on how far light will travel in a vacuum in the time it takes caesium-133 to do a certain number of transitions between hyperfine ground states.

It's cool how almost all units of measure are defined on caesium

dandan avatar

Looks good. What does steamed mean in this context?

mishamouse, (edited ) to coffee
@mishamouse@techhub.social avatar

a quick , because i have strong opinions about this: if you use a pod-based machine in a workplace or other communal area, do you open the machine and take your used pod out after you make your coffee? or do you leave it for the next person to find when they go to make their coffee?

dandan avatar


Umm, take the pod out like a decent human being.

Do people not do this?

dandan avatar

I also have a robot and can't vouch for it highly enough.

Came from aeropress like OP, and I've found it very similar to the aeropress in terms of flexibility.

The only downside for me is the effort required in temp management to do really light roasts. But I assume this would be the same with the original flair.

dandan avatar

Yeah, a flair or a robot is way quicker than a powered espresso machine.

I've been trying to optimise my workflow using a stopwatch and doing as much in parallel as possible. The key is to have water boiling and beans grinding simultaneously, and then milk heating and espresso extraction simultaneously.

I can make a flat white and be all cleaned up and packed away withing 4mins.


  • add water to kettle and start boiling
  • add beans to grinder and start grinding
  • get robot off shelf and put into position with scale
  • put milk into French press and in the microwave with time set to 1min (but not yet started)
  • grinding has now finished. WDT and tamp.
  • kettle has now boiled, press start on microwave
  • water into portafilter and press (~30sec)
  • empty and clean portafilter
  • remove milk from microwave, froth, pour.
  • put away robot, clean french press.
dandan avatar

Is creamer used in countries that don't regularly have milk in the fridge? I've never heard of anyone using it in Australia, but I've also never seen the need when everyone has milk and sugar readily on hand.

dandan avatar

It's the defacto term for how we fit a statistical model to data, unrelated to any copyright concepts. I'm pretty sure we called it "training" back in 1997 when I was doing neural networks at uni, and it's probably been used well before then too.

Neural nets are based on the concept of Hebbian learning (from the 1930s), because they are trying to mimic how a biological neural network learns.

This concept of training/learning has persisted because it's a good analogy of what we are trying to do with these statistical models, even if they aren't strictly neural networks.

dandan avatar

Ahh ok. I didn't want to assume as I'm not familiar with the details.

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