grus avatar

McDonald_69, to Ukraine avatar

The spokesperson to the President of South Africa 🇿🇦 lied. His delegation spent more than an hour in a bomb shelter in Kyiv while the sirens were ringing, this was confirmed by Reuters and the Economist

grus avatar

@McDonald_69 Such a stupid thing to lie about too. This man just caused a diplomatic incident for no reason at all.

grus avatar

This one just simply downloads the mp4

EU_Commission, (edited ) to Europe avatar

Safety matters.

Your safety is at the heart of our action and, as of this week, our General Product Safety Regulation will ensure that only reliable products are offered to European .

The new rules will, among others:

  • Ensure safer products in-store and online, regardless of their origin,
  • Make product recalls more effective,
  • Give national authorities more powers and better tools to take action.

Discover how we ensure lead on product!Gvh77T

grus avatar

@skrrp that's not up to the European Union, unfortunately. If you want progress when it comes to recreational drugs, you'll have to address your own government, the @EU_Commission can't help you there.
Well at least for now they can't, if we had some kind of federation though... :)

tagesschau, to Ukraine German avatar

Liveblog: ++ Selenskyj erteilt Friedensinitiative eine Absage ++

Der ukrainische Präsident Selenskyj ist von einer Friedensinitiative afrikanischer Staaten nicht überzeugt. Russland hat laut Präsident Putin die ersten Atomsprengköpfe nach Belarus geschickt. Alle Entwicklungen im Liveblog.


grus avatar

@tagesschau Niemand ist von der Friedensinitiative der afrikanischen Staaten überzeugt. Erst vor wenigen Wochen hat der südafrikanische Präsident versucht, sein Land aus dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof herauszuholen, nur damit sein Freund Putin zu Besuch kommen kann, ohne dass man ihn verhaften muss. Das ist eine Schande.

vitaliy, to Ukraine

Last Friday Roman Chornomaz published his last post on Facebook – a photographer who joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 2022.

On June 13, he was killed in action near Bakhmut. He was my friend from my youth years.

Russia came to Ukraine with a full-fledged war and the best Ukrainian citizens die defending their own country from empire of evil

RIP, Roma, Slava Heroyam!

grus avatar

@vitaliy Rest in peace, Roman. I'm sorry for your loss. Slava Ukraini!

tagesschau, to Ukraine German avatar

Liveblog: ++ Stoltenberg: Keine NATO-Einladung für Ukraine ++

Die NATO wird der Ukraine laut Generalsekretär Stoltenberg beim Gipfeltreffen im Juli keine Beitrittseinladung aussprechen. Während des Besuchs afrikanischer Staatschefs wurde Kiew aus der Luft attackiert. Alle Entwicklungen im Liveblog.


grus avatar

@tagesschau Wie enttäuschend. Eine Einladung ist das Mindeste, was die NATO tun kann, wenn die Ukraine so viel für Europa tut.

Boris Johnson deliberately misled Parliament over Partygate, MPs find (

Great news! The blonde bombshite has been throughly disgraced, for those who aren't aware of how British politics works a 10 day suspension is very much 'resign in disgrace, your career is now over' territory and he got 90; this was suggested by the committee only because the bar to expel a member entirely is incredibly high....

grus avatar
grus avatar

for those who aren't aware of how British politics works a 10 day suspension is very much 'resign in disgrace, your career is now over' territory and he got 90

Will that actually stop him from further pursuing a political career? Because I think he's the kind of prick who wouldn't care about that and just ignore it.

Russian military bloggers are losing their minds over reports that a Russian unit was blasted by artillery while waiting 2 hours for their commander to give a motivational speech (

The Russian division gathered near the front lines to wait for a speech from their commander, and were struck by Ukrainian HIMARS, the bloggers said.

grus avatar

Well, I do hope that artillery strike motivated them to hell.

kravietz, to Ukraine avatar

M58 Mine Clearing Line Charge (MICLIC) in operation in . The system does a 100×8 m passage in minefield using a C4 filled cord thrown over using a rocket and then detonated. I think there are two of them fired here, no idea what the first "fireworks" was 🤔

A view of a field from a distance with two large explosions

grus avatar

@kravietz Goddamn, that's a nice looking shockwave too. Beautiful

SocraticEthics, to Ukraine avatar
🇷🇸⚠️🇽🇰Someone is lying as Serbian security forces detain three Kosovo police officers as tensions soar (FRANCE 24 English News VIDEO)

grus avatar

@SocraticEthics I really wish Serbs would stop this shit, I'm so tired of it.

kravietz, to Ukraine avatar

Bradley case study from the southern front as described by Hanna Malyar:

> The 47th Brigade reports: during a combat mission, the Bradley received a direct hit from a missile in its turret and caught fire. The crew safely evacuated, and the driver moved the armoured vehicle to a safe position and extinguished it. One of the soldiers suffered a mild contusion.

The factor of armour protection has been so far largely neglected in assessment of Ukrainian losses as both sides fought in Soviet vehicles: a hit at tank or IFV often blew off the tower, killing the crew, regardless if it was from Russia or from Ukraine.

This is why Russian side celebrated the damaged tanks and IFVs so much: by their criteria, each of these vehicles also implied loss of their crews.

But there's a huge difference in crew survival in the Western vehicles: as we saw in the later published video from Ukrainian side, after landmines and TOW hits, their crews not only survived but also rather smartly applied smoke cover and evacuated with little losses. In another video I saw an Ukrainian driver said his Finnish Patria IFV survived two landmines and direct TOW hit before it was immobilized, but again, all crew survived.

Back to Malyar:

> This example proves that the outstanding combat survivability claimed by the armoured vehicle manufacturer is not just words. Bradley helps to save the most valuable thing - the lives of soldiers. And steel can always be repaired.

The Bradley crew

grus avatar

@pthenq1 Pero si echas un vistazo a cualquier red social rusa como VK o Telegram, no verás que se preocupen por la gente, aunque sean sus propios soldados. Y por lo menos cuando se trata de la multitud pro-guerra, los anti-guerra son diferentes.

royaards, to Ukraine avatar

The counteroffensive.

grus avatar

@royaards Rather daft to paint things as a matter of whose flag is painted over the others.
A great deal of westerners are too coddled, too privileged and they seem incapable of appreciating the freedom that they have, taking it for granted.

joaocosta, to Ukraine

There's a problem of priorities with red lines.

They imposed so many red lines on , namely:

🔴 Lethal weapons
🔴 Artillery and modern fighting vehicles
🔴 Modern tanks
🔴 Long range missiles
🔴 Modern fighter jets
🔴 Taking back Crimea
🔴 Strike inside Russia
🔴 Retake all Ukrainian territory

Some of these red lines were only lifted after thousands in Ukraine were murdered by rushists and entire towns were bombed to the ground over the past 475 days.

Where are the red lines for Russia?

grus avatar

@joaocosta Oh yeah, I'm very much familiar with Snyder and I think he's spot on from many points of view, however when listening to him I think its important to not only listen to him as a historian and a public intellectual but as a historian, public intellectual and activist as he definitely has moments when he leans a bit more heavily on the scale when it comes to the language that he chooses to use. All understandable, imho.

I'd also recommend listening to Vlad Vexler, russian-born philosopher who later lived in UK and Israel, he quite some reasonable takes, you'll easily find his channels on youtube if you search his name.

grus avatar

Nothing wrong per se with posting Iranian media.

I disagree. I understand the sentiment and where you're coming from and with that I very much agree. I made a conscious effort to translate and post news articles from sites that were in a language other than English or if they were already in English they were from other countries than USA and UK, because I think that sites from those countries take way too much space and that can't be healthy.

But at the same time I won't post articles from that I know are nothing but regime megaphones - like for example Hungary's Magyar Televizio which is completely under Orban's thumb, or Russia's TASS or RT, or Poland's Telewizja Polska and most certainly not Iran's shit.

I don't think its reasonable to entertain these propaganda outlets no matter how much they LARP as news channels.

And even though they're nowhere near in the same category as the ones that I mentioned above, I similarly don't like putting out news by less reliable outlets like CNN, Fox News, New York Post, CBS, etc.
Similarly not all state-funded media are the same, for example I think Deutsche Welle, France 24 and Raidio Teilifis Eireann are a much more reasonable, credible and factual source than the ones mentioned prior.

It's good to get a variety of opinions.

I vehemently disagree with this. Variety for variety's sake is nonsense. We must have a standard of actuality, behavior, transparency and credibility.

Otherwise we'll have the likes of The Gateway Pundit, Zero Hedge, Breitbart, National Review, The Epoch Times, The Post Millennial, Sputnik, Liberty News, National Vanguard or God knows what other nonsensical fascistoid garbage/lies/shit, just because "muh variety of opinions".

No, we don't have to listen to everybody's opinions. No, not all opinions are equal. Yes, it's okay to censor some outlets/individuals. We do it all the time, I don't see why we shouldn't have standards when it comes to our news diet.

Anyway, sorry for the dreadful leftist-wall-of-text, I got carried away a bit.

gbraad, to Ukraine avatar


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  • grus,
    grus avatar

    @gbraad It's way too early to tell. Tbh, those kind statements seem defeatist and in a way I don't blame them, considering what Russia is doing. Bu still, all of that is yet to be determined.

    w7voa, to Ukraine avatar

    President Putin calls recent military losses of close "to catastrophic."

    grus avatar


    Lately I've seen that both Russian officials as well as vatniks and various Kremlin propagandists have been desperate to paint Ukraine's loses as a disaster, if only that'd lead to less western support and a demoralized population.
    They're scared shitless and it shows.

    I don't know who said it but I'm inclined to agree - Putin's strategy is to wait things out in hopes of installing a pro-Russian clown in America or anything that'll break western unity. And the Ukrainian counteroffensive severely threatens his strategy.

    w7voa, to Ukraine avatar


  • Loading...
  • grus,
    grus avatar

    @w7voa Honestly, edgy take, but whoever blew up those pipes did Europe the biggest favor ever

    grus avatar

    Putin's plan is to wait things out. He hope that by waiting the west will tire of supporting Ukraine, or maybe a certain massive pro-Ukraine country - Murica - will have a pro-Russian traitor as a president in the next year.
    However if Ukraine's counteroffensive does succeed then that posses an immense risk to Putin's strategy.

    grus avatar

    Reputation could also be useful when its in the negatives since that can denote either a troll account, or contrarian, or worst case for the user - a new account that got unlucky. And in those cases admins/mods might find it useful to limit access to magazines?
    Maybe they can make it so that at high reputation number it shows a vague term instead of exact one (like user is listed as having more than 1k+ reputation - regardless if its 1209 or 654,000)
    whatever they choose, it'll be fine with me as long as its not broken and doesn't hinder my activity, I never really cared or thought about it on reddit, won't care about it on here tbh

    grus avatar

    Not for a long while, especially now. For Scotland to join the EU it needs to be out of the UK, and for that it needs to vote yes on independence.
    Ms. Nicola here with her actions has just set back the independence movement quite a bit. Remains to be seen how SNP does with the public in the future under its new leadership.

    Frankly, at this point, I think its more likely that UK as a whole rejoins the EU than Scotland coming in all by itself. Maybe things will change, idk.

    grus avatar

    just to be clear, we're talking about the people that created Lemmy and gave it to the world for free and do not attempt to control your personal opinion on political matters nor are telling you that you can't use the system they developed if you disagree with them politically.

    Yes, I understand that quite well. For me its not just a matter of them dictating one thing or another, but its about attracting individuals that favor tankie perspectives simply by espousing some form of soviet apologia or defense for various aspects of the regime.
    Birds of a feather and all that.
    I've seen this happen numerous time and its precisely why I asked about it from the get go. A lot of leftist subreddits have been taken over by those who favor systems such as the soviet imperialist one simply because they allowed those views under the guise of "leftist unity".

    then make sure to investigate the authors of every single system you use and then decide to stay or leave based on your congruence with their political opinions to ensure you maintain consistency. i believe you'll find it nearly impossible to find a place

    Yeah, that's what I'm trying to do. Don't think it's possible either, but that won't stop me from frowning upon "X imperialist system was bad, BUT" kinda takes and trying to steer clear from that crowd.

    Regardless, so far it seems that is quite lovely, while gives me quite a number of red flags (no pun intended). As long as that works, I'm fine with it. Worst case scenario I find another online crowd to hang with.

    but if you want to criticize states and their respective economical systems based on the human toll, you might want to consider all of lives lost to manifest destiny, slavery, and then followed by CIA meddling in Latin America. if you're from any country in Western Europe that was a colonial power, then I don't even have say anything. if you're from elsewhere without Western European ancestry, then I applaud your inherited innocence and I wish you good luck.

    I'm not from America nor am I from any of the western European countries, that being said there's no "inherited innocence" for my country. Even though we haven't been an empire and we have been under the occupation of a series of empires - Roman, Mongol, Hun, Byzantine, Russian, Ottoman, Soviet, Austro-Hungarian - which we survived and fought against for centuries, but we still had slavery and serfdom for hundreds of years, with slavery being done on the basis of ethnicity. I mean for goodness' sake, one of the most well known historical figures of my country is a guy who impaled ottomans on giant wooden spikes through their taint or anuses and lined the streets with their corpses - that doesn't exactly scream progressive.

    Anyway, wow mucho texto, such leftist, wow. Not the end of the world, some things work for me, others don't, what can you do.
    Thanks for the comment though!

    grus, to Ukraine
    grus avatar

    Russians are baiting Ukrainian rescuers and then they shoot at them.

    Translated from here:

    I didn't know when I could tell. Then I saw that Vanya had already written. Many people had left requests for evacuation from the left bank. And volunteers were going there, but the problem was that the Russians shot our boats with volunteers. And then they started sending out evacuation requests on behalf of the people.
    It looked like they came to point X. They set up a machine-gun nest and write here a mother and her children are almost dying. And they are waiting for someone to come.... So please be understanding when you write a complaint that it takes a long time to process your request or can't be processed. It happens that the village and there are really those who need help, and on the side where you can swim up the Russians are already sitting with a machine gun, waiting for the rescuers to arrive. This is all the time on reconnaissance and sometimes you have to deny the opportunity to come without explanation. 🤷‍♂

    And from this post here

    Look, it is no longer a secret that we pulled X people from the left bank to the right bank. There have been, are, and will be many such "operations," but not enough to get all the people out. Do you know what this has to do with? The fact that we are being shot. Katsapas in civilians sit on the top floors of buildings, and just shoot both volunteers and anyone who saves people there. They are purely using this situation to inflict casualties. I have a contact, a very old contact. Says they should not have thrown us weapons in our town X. There is a katsap shitting in a 5-story building along with the civilians, and at least some blade would be - the locals would be ready to tear him apart. Right there. So essentially evacuating the left bank is made very difficult by the fact that they just work on us.

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