
Moved from @pingveno


Yeah, this is why I don't agree with capital punishment. Sure, many victim's families will want the perp to die. That doesn't mean we as a society have to be a place where we grant the wishes of blood lust. It doesn't make the world a better place, just a bloodier place.


When he's being actively undermined by Republicans the whole way, just cleaning up Trump's mess can be an accomplishment. The Inflation Reduction Act went against heavily entrenched interests to restart the US federal government's response to climate change. It took real finesse to get that through Congress.


This feels like the Briggs Initiative all over again. While I think legislation and official actions like this will join the Briggs Initiative in the hell they came from, it can't come soon enough. Gen Z, we're counting on you to turn the scales!


He just was doing drag, no indication of any particular sexual behavior. Not that that is the district's business, of course. Or that they would care if a wedge issue weren't involved.


The Federalist Society handpicked the the conservative majority, not the Heritage Foundation.


Nah, that's a bit reductive. There's internal dissent within the conservative movement. Not everyone's willing to go full fasc with Trump. A good chunk of the judges that were ruling against him in the 2020 election were Federalist Society members.

Hundreds of protesters clash with police in Russian republic of Bashkortostan (

Hundreds – and possibly thousands – of Alsynov’s supporters initially gathered in front of the courthouse on Monday when closing arguments were delivered in the case. The Russian independent news outlet Agentstvo reported that it was one of the biggest protests in Russia since the invasion of Ukraine, which has brought...


I can't help but think that's why Putin invaded Ukraine. He needed something to keep the masses distracted. He's afraid that he'll get assassinated if he ever leaves power, whether voluntarily or by violent overthrow.


America has always had racism, but America has never been a racist country

I'm really quite stunned by this claim. She seems to be parsing words to dodge reality. The US wrote slavery into its Constitution, engaged in a series of racist genocides of the indigenous people, and excluded immigrants of various ethnicities throughout its history. We've certainly improved, but to say we've never been governed by racism is either ignorant, revisionist, or pandering to some of the worst people.


Why did it take a Constitutional amendment to allow non-white Americans to vote?

For that matter, why did it take a Constitutional amendment to consider Black Americans as citizens?


It's paid off sometimes in the Senate, like with the bipartisan infrastructure bill. That was passed in the Democrat-controlled House and then negotiated in the Senate. The problem is the current Republican-controlled House, where extreme right wingers hold much greater sway.


Can you imagine if we, as US taxpayers, could designate what programs/services our taxes support?

Double edged sword. Would you give a budgetary veto to billionaires? They would have the means to find veto spots to maximize their control over the government. Or just people of more modest income. That "welfare queen" myth would have plenty of people starving welfare programs when the power is in their hands.

pingveno, (edited )

Well, there is that. Bastards. But honestly, I'm just as concerned about your run of the mill middle income person who's been convinced that poking holes in the social safety net is a great idea. Or apply it to other things. Some people have an intense hatred for anything that isn't their precious cars. Just set up special interest groups like the ones that are used to censor books with LGBTQ themes, but instead have a list of government programs to defund.


The death penalty for anti-LGBTQ people seems a touch harsh, no? But I suppose fair's fair.


There's certainly no need to tussle over it in California. Trump wouldn't win in California anyway and it would just feed into the persecution narrative among his fan base.


Eeeeehhhhh, maybe. I think it could well have the opposite effect, that the conservative persecution complex drives people to the polls. Even some never Trumpers aren't comfortable with kicking him off the ballot.


Bingo. Letting people get strong armed into these sorts of "agreements" is a perversion of free markets.

Conservatives Have Lost the Culture War (

Republican politicians like Ron DeSantis may rail against “woke” corporations. The reality is that when companies like Nike and Disney—no progressive angels themselves—seem to align with the left by promoting anti-racism and LGBTQ causes, they are catering to the tolerant demographic that matters most to the bottom line....


This is the case I try to make to people on the left who complain about corporate white washing, or whatever they want to call it. Mainstream corporations feel like it's advantageous to have their symbols out there in pride parades, environmentalist goals, anti-racism, and anti-sexism. Corporations are obligated at a certain level to follow the money, and they have read the signs and chosen to align themselves with these progressive causes. If nothing else, this is a good sign of where the country is headed.


It sounds like it was the bomber, Serhiy Batryn, that was reported as dead. Conflicting reports as to whether he has actually died. This was not related to Russia from what I could gather. He had a long standing feud with members of the local council.


What's the relationship to the Burrito Supreme? Does it come with sour cream?


Are you sure Judge Gen, Almighty Judge on High of All Beings Living and Dead for All Eternity, is not the more appropriate judge of this sort of thing?


I just upgraded to the Pixel 8 Pro when the Pixel 5 went out of official support. The screen fingerprint reader works fine. Where it is flawed is that it's not as quick to unlock from the front. I'm looking forward to the greatly improved support period. Three years was ridiculously short. I know something like GrapheneOS is always an option, but I'm hesitant to do so when I don't have a backup phone.

The Pixel 8 Pro has been treating me well. Great photos and video, snappy UI, good feature set. And it sounds like I'll be getting feature drops for the next few years, so that's nice. The battery life is good. I added on Peak Design's case and mini tripod, so I can quickly set it up on a surface to take videos or make a video call.

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