GottaLaff, avatar

Starting another NEW THREAD🧵 here. 1/...

Again, I won't reply to you while live-posting multiple accounts. If you want me to see your reply, please wait until AFTER the threads are over and reply to me then.❤️


Closing arguments are resuming with plaintiff's presentation.
👉🏼Judge made no comments on the remarks Trump made prior to lunch break.👈🏼

GottaLaff, avatar

2/ Rubin:

Kevin Wallace is about to begin for the Attorney General’s office. He says this is deja vu because all of the arguments have been made before. And the law of the case remains that the statements of financial condition were false and misleading for years.


@GottaLaff bingo. In spite of the protestations, including the harangue by lead defendant, nothing has changed. The law is the law and the facts are the facts.

GottaLaff, avatar

3/ Klasfeld:

Assistant AG Kevin Wallace kicks off his closing arguments with a Watergate reference:

"What did the defendants know, and when did they know it?"

"You certainly did not hear that the numbers the defendants used were accurate."

GottaLaff, avatar

4/ Rubin:

Each defendant acted knowingly and intentionally. In fact, other than the triplex, they did not characterize any of the valuation discrepancies as a mistake. And they tellingly never asked a single question of Donald Trump, Eric Trump, or Allen Weisselberg.

Only McConney was asked about the statements of financial condition—and he has previously acknowledged engaging in unlawful conduct with Weisselberg.

GottaLaff, avatar

5/ Rubin:

And after McConney and Weisselberg left the organization, who prepares the statements? Not the CFO, who is a CPA. Instead, they use Patrick Birney, who is not, while keeping Mark Hawthorn, the CFO, in the dark.

Adam Klasfeld:

Wallace describes Trump's efforts to shift the blame to accounting firm Mazars as one of the defense's "undead arguments."

GottaLaff, avatar

6/ Rubin:

But going back to Weisselberg, he acknowledged he — not Mazars — was responsible for the accuracy of the statements of financial condition.

GottaLaff, avatar

7/ Rubin:

And they never asked McConney whether Bender asked him for appraisals; instead, using Jason Flemmons to say it was “professionally implausible” to believe Bender asked for them.

Wallace allows that one of the accounting standards at issue, ASC 274, contains some flexibility, but insists it doesn’t give defendants “carte blanche.”

Wallace also adds that the defense here used expert testimony to fill in the factual paucity of their case.

GottaLaff, avatar

8/ 🤦🏻‍♀️Klasfeld:

Side note: Trump isn't in court right now, as he's reportedly giving a press conference at one of his properties: 40 Wall Street.


for the third time today, Trump blames AG James for Exxon moving from NY to Texas -- something that happened in 1989


@GottaLaff and the fucking lame stream media are all covering him! This country is in the toilet!


@GottaLaff "current" properties. 8^)

GottaLaff, avatar

9/ Rubin:

Engoron now asks about the severance paid to Weisselberg and McConney. Why is it suspicious? Wallace says Weisselberg got his severance after he was convicted and sentenced in a trial where he took the complete fall for the company.

GottaLaff, avatar

10/ Rubin:

It’s also suspicious because the agreement says don’t go talking to the authorities. The amounts are suspicious because of the timing and the conditions, Wallace says. But he returns to defendants’ experts.

GottaLaff, avatar

11/ Kyle Griffin:

Wallace says Trump's financial statements were false in every year from 2011 to 2021--- false by as much as $2.2 billion.

GottaLaff, avatar

12/ Rubin:

Wallace saves his best for Eli Bartov, who testified there was no fraud but based only on “an extremely limited” section of the record. In essence, he never looked beyond the statements themselves to the work papers that prove the specifics of the fraud.

Wallace is dismantling the testimony of Trump’s 11 (!) expert witnesses, who he argues were not asked to render opinions based on deliberately partial aspects of the factual record.

GottaLaff, avatar

13/ Klasfeld:

Kise furiously objects after Wallace turns to what he calls the defense's "Murderers' Row of experts."

"To use that caustic term, that's outrageous," Kise declares.

Engoron: "I take it to be poetic license, not literal."

Engoron asks if he was accusing the defense experts of being murderers.

Wallace: "No, I was accusing them of being the '27 Yankees." (laughter)

FloydyStu, avatar

@GottaLaff I love a bit of late night Laffy here in french France! Thank you for the huge effort as always. Enjoy the poulet marsala!

GottaLaff, avatar

@FloydyStu Merci bien! Will do!

nonproductive, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL
Engoron seems be tired of the Trump lawyers and Trump mouthing off and maybe is allowing the Plaintiff lawyers a little breathing space in fairness to them.

A couple of his retorts to the defense today have seemed to border on “whatever, Sunshine… sit down and be quiet.”

GottaLaff, avatar

14/ Rubin:

Kise is back on his feet, objecting that there is no evidence to support another of Wallace’s arguments: that the Trump Org. was bleeding cash. “Chris, just stop!” Wallace blurts. Engoron diffuses what could have devolved quickly.

(What Kise is doing is tactical. He is purposefully trying to break Wallace’s flow—and is doing so with some success.)

GottaLaff, avatar

15/ Rubin:

Wallace arguing that by 2016, Trump’s liquidity was of real concern to Deutsche Bank, & had Trump been honest abt his assets, he would've been close to the liquidity threshold that DB had set. By 2017 Trump had a real “cash crunch”

It was so bad they borrowed $12 mil from Ladder Capital to pay Trump Univ settlement, sold a penthouse in which Ivanka had lived for 60 cents on the $ The interest rates were critical to them; without those savings, there wasn’t enough cash to do it all!

GottaLaff, avatar

16/ Rubin:

Without the interest rate savings, he would have been below DB’s $50 million required in cash in 2016, and it would have gotten even worse in future years.

GottaLaff, avatar

17/ Pagliery:

Wallace: "They can’t argue that Trump’s triplex was in fact 30,000 square feet… or that unsold units at Park Avenue weren’t rent stabilized... the statements of financial condition were false on every issue from 2011..."

Now we're hearing from AG special litigation counsel Andrew Amer.

He asserts that the state already proved that Trump had "intent to defraud."

GottaLaff, avatar

18/ Rubin:

Now, Andrew Amer is up for the AG to talk about the testimonial evidence of intent. McConney admitted that he included Trump foundation cash on the spreadsheet one year, only to be blocked by Bender.

But McConney nonetheless included another significant source of cash Trump did not control “year after year,” which Amer says is proof that he knew what he was doing was wrong.

GottaLaff, avatar

19/ Rubin:

Amer: I wasn’t going to spend more time on materiality because it seems so obvious. But “it clearly is an objective standard in New York; it’s what a reasonable banker would think.”

GottaLaff, avatar

20/ Klasfeld:

When Engoron asks how ex-Trump Org exec Jeff McConney knew about rent stabilized units, the state's lawyer Andrew Amer one-lines: "Because he's not an idiot."

(Laughter in the court)

McConney testified that he had a copy of the deed restricting the use of Mar-a-Lago when he valued the property.

Amer argues that this is knowledge of fraud.

GottaLaff, avatar

21/ Klasfeld:

The AG's counsel displays this transcript passage of McConney's testimony about Mar-a-Lago.

Q: And why was it not valued as a private club?
A: I don’t remember off the top of my head.

Amer, incredulous, asks: "Really, your honor?"

Amer calls the exchange even more remarkable because it wasn't a surprise question from the government's cross-examination.

It was a question by McConney's own lawyer, Amer notes

GottaLaff, avatar

22/ Rubin:

Amer is devoting a lot of time to showing McConney’s intent in performing several of the valuations at issue. McConney, he argues, understood the time value of money and that future income had to be discounted to present value—but nonetheless treated unbuilt homes as if they could be sold today.

GottaLaff, avatar

23/ 😂


Afternoon break.

Engoron: "Let's take a 10-minute break for the next 15 minutes."

alexproe, avatar

@GottaLaff Gotta love Engoron's sense of humor! And thanks for the coverage 🙂

GottaLaff, avatar

@alexproe Love it! And YVW

skydog, avatar


Judges are great wits, but you can't hear the knee slapping because of the plush robes.


GottaLaff, avatar

@skydog Quite the fashion statement

GottaLaff, avatar

24/ Via Klasfeld:

We're back.

Amer turns to what the evidence says about Trump's conduct.

McConney confirmed that Trump got final review of the financial statements, a proposition that's undisputed, according to court documents.

GottaLaff, avatar

25/ Rubin:

In the final stretch of their closing argument, NY AG’s office focuses on Trump’s own intent. He testified he reviewed and approved the final versions of the statements of financial condition and occasionally had comments.

After reminding the court that Cohen testified he was tasked with “reverse engineering” valuations based on Trump’s goals for his net worth, Andrew Amer notes the defense never asked Trump (or Weisselberg) to confirm that did not happen.

GottaLaff, avatar

26/ Rubin:

Trump Org. employee Patrick Birney also confirmed Weisselberg told him Trump wanted his overall net worth to go up.

Trump also knew or easily could have known the valuations of Mar-a-Lago and the triplex were fraudulent, not merely erroneous. He understood the Vornado partnership cash was not his, as reflected by the existence of prior litigation between them.

GottaLaff, avatar

27/ Rubin:

Trump also had a motive to exaggerate his net worth “to impress potential business partners and financial institutions” and did so by having his subordinates reverse engineer values of his assets from a target net worth number.

As for Don Jr. and Eric, they have now been at the helm of the Trump Org. for 7 years. They clearly have a motive to inflate Trump’s financial condition and exercised their authority to certify Trump’s financial statements.

GottaLaff, avatar

28/ Rubin:

In partic, they played a critical role in 2021 statements of financial condition. Patrick Birney testified he reviewed those statements & the methods used with both sons during a meeting that yr; that meeting happened after both already knew about the NYAG investigation.

The whole purpose of the meeting was to ensure the sons knew how the values were being determined in the wake of AG’s ongoing investigation. It is not credible, Amer says, that neither recalls attending the meeting

GottaLaff, avatar

29/ Rubin:

Also not credible? Eric Trump’s testimony that he knew nothing about even the existence of his dad’s statements of financial condition until this case.

Emails going back to 2012 shows Eric was not only aware of those statements, but provided them to members of a Trump-purchased golf club to encourage them to maintain their memberships.

GottaLaff, avatar

30/ Rubin:

McConney & Weisselberg also communicated with Eric about those statements for various reasons, including the need to seek financing. And confronted with these docs, Eric allowed that he did know about the statements of financial condition at least by 2013.

GottaLaff, avatar

31/ Pagliery:

Amer: “Mr. Trump cannot disavow any knowledge about how the statements were going to be used, because he personally signed certifications to the banks…"

"...he clearly knew the statements were being used to satisfy continuing obligations under his loan guarantees, and he had the motive to keep his net worth as high as possible."

GottaLaff, avatar

32/ Rubin:

Engoron interrupts to ask about Don Jr. & Eric’s intent. “I don’t see the evidence.”

Amer’s response? They held themselves out to the world as co-CEOs and represented they were fulfilling their legal responsibilities as trustee or CEO and then “put their heads in the sand.” That kind of recklessness is enough from which the court can infer intent

Engoron: “But you are not claiming Don Jr. had actual knowledge of the fraud?” Amer allows Jr’s knowledge is more constructive knowledge.

GottaLaff, avatar

33/ Rubin:

But with respect to the 2021 statements of financial condition, Don Jr. had actual knowledge, Amer argues, because he approved how the statement would be put together on the call about which Birney testified.

Via Emptywheel:

Engoron is going to rule that the failsons weren't frauds, but their daddy was.

A good way to undercut the witchhunt claims.

GottaLaff, avatar

34/ Rubin:

He notes the post-Weisselberg CFO, Mark Hawthorn, was deliberately kept far away from the statements of financial condition. In fact, he learned during this trial that information provided to Scottish auditors included cash belonging to Trump’s partner Vornado, which was not in Trump’s control.

That Eric and Don Jr. did not involve the one employee well versed in GAAP is further evidence of their intent, Amer argues.

GottaLaff, avatar

35/ Pagliery:

It's 4:30, which normally marks the end of court session. But Wallace is about to discuss how much money the AG wants from Trump.

GottaLaff, avatar

36/ Via emptywheel

This is particularly interesting given the allegation that Egypt gave Trump $10M in September 2016.

Dan Alexander:

AGs office then shows a slide suggesting that, if Trump had been forced to pay higher interest rates, he would have either (a) run out of cash or (b) had to cut back some of his expenditures, like funding a presidential campaign. Super interesting.

GottaLaff, avatar

37/ Klasfeld:

A bombshell question by Justice Engoron questioning evidence of Eric Trump and Don Jr.'s intent.

Q: “What evidence do you have — I haven’t seen it — that they knew that there was fraud?”

Amer responds there's no "stick-your-head-in-the-sand" defense.

"It’s either that you intended to defraud or you engaged in, frankly, gross recklessness."

GottaLaff, avatar

38/ Klasfeld:

Summations return to AG's counsel Kevin Wallace one more time to describe the relief the state is requesting, e.g. the ~$370M disgorgement, lifetime NY real estate industry ban, and other injunctions.

GottaLaff, avatar

39/ Klasfeld:

Wallace notes that the severity of the punishment depends in part on whether it was an isolated incident.

It wasn't; it was pervasive, he answers.

"The conduct continued even while the defendants were under investigation by the Manhattan DA and by our office," he adds.

GottaLaff, avatar

40/ Rubin:

NY AG is detailing what should go into a comprehensive relief order and why they are entitled to it. Notably, the degree of scienter — or intent — is a factor under the legal test they say governs, as is whether the wrongful conduct was an “isolated incident.”

Another factor? Repentance, or the lack thereof, or “whether defendant continues to maintain that his past conduct was blameless.”

GottaLaff, avatar

41/ Rubin:

Wallace says it’s hard to imagine how someone could be more insistent on their blamelessness—and when someone is saying they did nothing wrong, they’re telling you they’ll do it again.

GottaLaff, avatar

42/ Klasfeld:

Another way to judge whether wrongdoing is likely to recur is if "defendant continues to maintain his past conduct was blameless."

Wallace notes Trump and his lawyers insist that in "the strongest possible terms," in Trump's courtroom tirade, outside and at 40 Wall Street.

GottaLaff, avatar

43/ Rubin:

Today, Wallace says the company has no CFO or comptroller. (Hawthorn is not, in fact, the CFO.) It has virtually no internal controls, and the monitor has found ongoing financial irregularities. Kise is on his feet, accusing Wallace of “making the record up as he goes along.”

GottaLaff, avatar

44/ Pagliery:

Wallace is now justifying why the judge should slap Trump with fines:

  1. he's already been found liable for bank fraud
  2. he knew it was wrong
  3. he's unapologetic
  4. it wasn't an isolated occurrence
  5. he’s positioned to keep faking business records
GottaLaff, avatar

45/ Rubin:

Wallace moves on to point out that despite the preliminary injunction, the Trump Org. made a $40 million transfer without notice to the court or the monitor. The AG argues the monitorship should be extended.

GottaLaff, avatar

46/ Rubin:

Now we’re talking about lifetime bars. The AG’s office cites the case of Martin Shkreli, who has been barred from the pharmaceutical industry in a case involving a claim under the same law at issue here.

GottaLaff, avatar

47/ Pagliery:

"We're only asking for a five-year bar," Wallace says about Don Jr. and Eric Trump.

Only? lol


Wallace says Shkreli’s behavior is echoed by that of Weisselberg, McConney, and Trump, who have demonstrated no remorse.

GottaLaff, avatar

48/ Rubin:

“There is at least a hope,” by contrast, that a five-year bar would be enough for Eric and Don Jr., who are “grown men in their 40s,” have made millions from their roles and are “fully responsible for their actions.”

Jr., in particular, as trustee, signed certifications and representation letters attesting to the truth of his dad’s financial conditions. Even if he didn’t know, that kind of recklessness “has no business being an officer or director in a New York corporation.”

GottaLaff, avatar

49/ Rubin:

(Eric’s involvement was both more extensive and done with actual knowledge, Wallace notes.)

GottaLaff, avatar

50/ Pagliery:

AG office now taking issue with the way defense lawyers deem Don Jr. & Eric.. Trump's "children," with Wallace calling them capable men in their 40s.

Judge jokingly notes they're technically two people's offspring.

(It's been quite the literary annoyance for this journalist.)

GottaLaff, avatar

51/ Rubin:

On disgorgement, the legal burden shifts. Defendants did not show that the calculations were incorrect.

GottaLaff, avatar

52/ Rubin:

It’s a fed crime to misrepresent your assets as part of credit application, Wallace says. We didn’t allege bank fraud, but the existence of that crime—which does not depend on reliance by the bank or any injury to that bank—shows that their “no victim, no prob” argument falls apart.

Wallace is now thanking lawyers & staff members who never got to the podium or counsel table. After calling it a “Herculean effort” by all involved, he is wrapping up. (Shout out to the court reporters!)

Snowshadow, avatar

Whew. Just caught up with your thread. You have been busy! Thank you for your work. This was very informative. I appreciate this because I don't have to rely on msm for their version. .👍 😀

GottaLaff, avatar

@Snowshadow I don't either. YVW!

GottaLaff, avatar

53/ Rubin:

Engoron: “I don’t enforce morality; I enforce the law.” How would you compare what happened here to the Madoff Ponzi scheme, Engoron asked.

Wallace: It’s smaller in scope, but there shouldn’t be room for those rich enough to get away with it.

Lizette603_23, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL aaaaallllllll of THIS

GottaLaff, avatar

54/ Pagliery:

Judge ends trial with little fanfare.

"I will do my best… to issue a final decision in this case by January 31st. Not a promise, not a guarantee, but I'm reasonably confident I’ll be able to do that. You’ll all know about it," he says smiling.

Kise, Habba, Robert swiftly exit.

JamesGleick, avatar

@GottaLaff Great work today, Laffy, as always.

GottaLaff, avatar

@JamesGleick Thanks James!


@GottaLaff thank-you so very much Laffy. Cheers!!

GottaLaff, avatar

@sepfeiffer Cheers Fox!


@GottaLaff thanks for this 👍👏

GottaLaff, avatar

@jmyarlett YVW!


@GottaLaff you can have a break now haha

GottaLaff, avatar

@tristan My break consists of continuing to pack up my house, lol

whereismcgee, avatar

@GottaLaff So very much appreciate your thread (and all your threads). Thank you!

GottaLaff, avatar
William3rd, avatar

@GottaLaff Thanks for everything you do to keep us informed & providing explanations. Your work is invaluable. 👍 🥂 👍

GottaLaff, avatar

@William3rd YVW, but I didn't do any explaining I don't think. I just quoted w/ a couple of asides.

William3rd, avatar

@GottaLaff Your clarifications / interpretations of the flow of words from others I believe qualifies as explanation in this effort. Regardless, a masterful job once more.

GottaLaff, avatar

@William3rd Ohhhh, I see. Thanks for that.

tdwllms1, avatar


Nice job, my friend, herculean effort to put this all together... 2 down.. much more to go....

GottaLaff, avatar

@tdwllms1 Thanks T!

GottaLaff, avatar

55/ Orden:

Well, folks, the Trump civil fraud trial, which started at the beginning of October, is DONE.


tdwllms1, avatar


now you can get back to cataloguing all that stuff your taking to CA.

GottaLaff, avatar

@tdwllms1 I JUST replied that very thing to someone!


Gawdy, gawdy--- THANK YOU, Miss Laffy. My gawd, my gawd, how we THANK YOU. 😊💕😊💕

GottaLaff, avatar

@JudyOlo LOL, you're so welcome Judy

colo_lee, avatar

@GottaLaff Epic job today, Laffy!
Thank you.

And now let's all root for hitting those fraudsters with a stiff penalities as possible!

GottaLaff, avatar

@colo_lee YVW and hell yeah!

wndlb, avatar

@GottaLaff THANKS for what you're doing. Here are two (constructive) pain relievers.

GottaLaff, avatar

@wndlb LOL

DoctorDNS, avatar

@GottaLaff thanks for the toots!!

GottaLaff, avatar

@DoctorDNS YVW!

chontorres, avatar

@GottaLaff Thank you!

GottaLaff, avatar

@GottaLaff You are a PHENOM! I always look to you.

GottaLaff, avatar

@Thumptastic Aw, thanks Mike.

CharJTF, avatar

@GottaLaff Thanks, Laffy! It's good knowing that I can catch up by reading your threads.

We all greatly appreciate your efforts 🙂

GottaLaff, avatar


timbray, avatar

@GottaLaff Thanks so much.

GottaLaff, avatar

@timbray YVW!

Edelruth, avatar







You are a phenomena.

GottaLaff, avatar

@Edelruth ❤️

Tassie_JR, avatar

@GottaLaff love your work, well done. 👍

GottaLaff, avatar

@Tassie_JR Aw, thanks Jon.

old_hippie, avatar

@GottaLaff You're the best! I'm thrilled that you have the patience and fortitude for these intensive threads. Thanks so much.

GottaLaff, avatar
MichelleRNCHPN, avatar

We really need to give you a raise. Thanks so much for doing this!

GottaLaff, avatar

@MichelleRNCHPN Oooo! A raise! Which means ANY amount since I don't make a cent now. 😊

tiamat271, avatar

@GottaLaff @MichelleRNCHPN I know you’ve declined in the past, but I bet you’d have lots of supporters willing to chip in if you were on one of those “buy me a coffee” platforms. (hint, hint)

It’s difficult for us out here who appreciate you but have no other way to express it than with lousy words. Won’t you take pity on us??

GottaLaff, avatar

@tiamat271 @MichelleRNCHPN LOL! No, i won’t.

I don’t like asking for rewards. Your comments are all I need.

MichelleRNCHPN, avatar


GottaLaff, avatar
negative12dollarbill, avatar

Your work has been amazing, thanks.

Are you going to keep doing this for all his trials? There's no shortage of work, that's for sure.

GottaLaff, avatar

@negative12dollarbill I’ll try to, but honestly, it’s VERY hard to do, so it depends on my state of mind, sleep deprivation, mood, lol

negative12dollarbill, avatar

Take care of yourself. Don't let that horrible man ruin your wellbeing the way he's ruined so many other things.

GottaLaff, avatar

@negative12dollarbill Oh that's not what I meant.

I meant, sometimes I'm just not up for sitting at my computer all day transcribing.

He doesn't ruin my day when he's in court.

panamared27401, avatar

@GottaLaff Brava and thank you, Laffy. I particularly liked the aside about the "Murderers' Row" incident. My mind went straight to the '27 Yankees as well.

GottaLaff, avatar

@panamared27401 Yay! And YVW.


@GottaLaff Thanks for all you do!

GottaLaff, avatar
fonecokid, avatar

@GottaLaff :bd94:

GottaLaff, avatar

@fonecokid 😁

WizardBear, avatar

@GottaLaff Very well done, Laffy. Excellent work juggling the reporting and keeping us informed. TY so much!

GottaLaff, avatar
mastodonmigration, avatar


Herculean effort indeed! Wonderful job Laffy!

GottaLaff, avatar
daliazygas, avatar

@GottaLaff Thank you for all of the updates! Appreciated.

GottaLaff, avatar

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!

GottaLaff, avatar

@dschmidthawk YVW x3!

NanBP, avatar

@GottaLaff YOU. ROCK!!!

GottaLaff, avatar

@NanBP Aw, Nan. Hugs


Thanks from an American in far-off Sydney, Australia.
Long time Laffy fan, first-time commenter.

GottaLaff, avatar

@MrRealSurf So sweet!! Thank you


@GottaLaff Brava @GottaLaff 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾

GottaLaff, avatar

@fulanigirl ❤️

thepoliticalcat, avatar


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  • GottaLaff, avatar
    GatekeepKen, avatar


    thanks for the coverage...

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @GatekeepKen 👍🏼

    ahimsa_pdx, avatar

    @GottaLaff Thank you! ❤️

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @GottaLaff When I want funny memes and a painless echo chamber, I go to FB. When I want to know what the heck's going on, I come here. As usual, fabulous job. Thank you so much.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @SteveJB Thanks!

    LGsMom, avatar

    @GottaLaff Thanks, Laffy! I so appreciate your threads since I can't follow irt any longer. You are the BEST!!!

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @LGsMom Aw, thank you.

    lstaples, avatar

    @GottaLaff Thank you so much! ☺️

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @lstaples YVW!

    qotca, avatar


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  • GottaLaff, avatar

    @qotca You're so welcome and thanks.

    tomiahonen, avatar

    @GottaLaff Thank you Laffy, you da BEST !!! This was excellent coverage again, as usual. And we truly appreciate the work

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @tomiahonen Thanks Tomi! Now back to packing up the house.

    It never ends.....

    tomiahonen, avatar

    @GottaLaff don't forget to demagnetize! Remember the desalinated, dehydrated water. And have your Jewish Space Laser remagnetized so your house gets properly packed with 5G

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @tomiahonen Well DUH. As if I haven't done all that.

    tomiahonen, avatar

    @GottaLaff ROTFL !!! Take a good rest, fresh cup of covfefe, and carry on with the packing. And then get a long hot bath when that moment comes. Cheers. You did herculean work today - and you know I love it, when you include those jokes. Haha on Engoron's 10 minute joke for 15 minutes

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @tomiahonen Ohhh thanks for noticing that stuff!

    Will do. Covfefe already done, not a bath person, but I'm ready for a big ol' dinner: Chicken marsala tonight!

    Sromano, avatar

    @GottaLaff @tomiahonen thank you both for covering all the news and laughs that are fit to post

    Sromano, avatar

    @GottaLaff @tomiahonen fit to boost that is🥰

    GottaLaff, avatar


    Well done 👏

    And thankyou very much 🙏🏻

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @mrmattburgess Thanks Matt!

    NIH_LLAMAS, avatar

    @GottaLaff Thanks!

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @NIH_LLAMAS You're so welcome!

    mothninja, avatar

    @GottaLaff thank you!!

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @mothninja YVW!

    tezoatlipoca, avatar

    @GottaLaff Well done Laffy, excellent megathread as always!

    Now, what, seven thousand more trials to go?

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @tezoatlipoca I won't survive, lol

    thepoliticalcat, avatar


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  • SherBeareth, avatar

    @thepoliticalcat Hear, hear!! I’ve had the honor of seeing Laffy’s bright light and acumen shine since the Bush years, and I’ve never been more awed by her prowess than here at Mastodon—we are damned lucky Musk fucked up. Here she doesn’t have to garrote trolls and suffer their MAGA stench every ten minutes.

    @GottaLaff @tezoatlipoca

    GottaLaff, avatar
    thepoliticalcat, avatar


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  • SherBeareth, avatar

    @thepoliticalcat Absolutely! Flurries of fortifying hugs and all the good vintages.

    @GottaLaff @tezoatlipoca

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @SherBeareth @thepoliticalcat @tezoatlipoca Omg you guys, thank you! I just saw this.

    Love you to bits.

    Skepticat, avatar

    Thank you!!! Really thank you so much. We treasure you. 🥂

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Skepticat Awww, and I treasure you.

    JeanPoole_AZ, avatar

    @GottaLaff You’re amazing and I don’t know what we would do without you! Thanks so much! 😊

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @JeanPoole_AZ Aw, thank you sweetie.


    @GottaLaff THANK YOU, LAFFY! ❤️

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @nataliedavisgdread YVW Natalie!

    timo21, avatar

    @GottaLaff 🙌 🎉 🍾

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @timo21 🥂



    Thank you!
    "disgorgement" sounds rather gross 😅

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @birdpoof Doesn't it though? Ew.

    iuculano, avatar

    @GottaLaff thank you for your work here, Laffy, It's invaluable!

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @iuculano Thanks Joe!

    iuculano, avatar

    @GottaLaff you are so very welcome, Laffy! Perhaps a little early on the West Coast, but I do hope you get to enjoy a glass of wine tonight :)
    Have a wonderful afternoon and evening

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @iuculano Aw, thanks! Sounds good.


    @GottaLaff Brava! How you keep all this straight is impressive. Thank you.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @tienle47 It ain't easy!!




    Thank you. I rarely read 55 post threads but this one was well done and the subject is important to our country as a whole. Can hardly wait three weeks to hear the verdict.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @joesabin Thanks for that Joe!


    @GottaLaff Nicely done. Thank you so much.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @kd2pyk YVW!


    @GottaLaff Really great work. There's nothing like your summaries on any other platform. Thank you.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @petergleick So many thanks Peter.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @cturnbow Thanks Chris!

    Hi @petergleick 😊


    Thanks so much! So helpful and very well done

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Katma Thank you Katma!

    BootsChantilly, avatar

    @GottaLaff THANK YOU!

    GottaLaff, avatar
    heidilifeldman, avatar

    @GottaLaff You’ve done an amazing job. Thanks for the service.

    ravenonthill, avatar

    @heidilifeldman @GottaLaff second. Thank you.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @ravenonthill @heidilifeldman Thank you both!

    Mallulady, avatar

    @GottaLaff Thank you 🙏🏼

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Mallulady YVW!

    stepheneb, avatar

    @GottaLaff wow! Thanks for all your work writing these threads, you are terrific!!

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @stepheneb Hey, thank you!!

    bronakins, avatar


    Thank you! Congrats on a job well done!

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @bronakins ❤️ Thanks!

    tiamat271, avatar

    @GottaLaff Excellent job, Laffy. A million thanks for your incredible efforts to keep us informed. 🏆

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @tiamat271 Hugs!

    Joe_Hill, avatar

    @GottaLaff On behalf of the greater Laffyverse, thanks so much for all your hard work collating all these feeds and listing them for use. You did a phenomenal job!

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Joe_Hill LOL at Laffyverse!


    andybrwn, avatar

    @GottaLaff Great job Laffy!

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @andybrwn Thanks Andy!

    RobinFriend, avatar

    @GottaLaff Kudos to you!! Thank you so much!

    GottaLaff, avatar
    VE2UWY, avatar

    @GottaLaff Thank you.

    GottaLaff, avatar


    Archergal, avatar

    @GottaLaff Well done!

    GottaLaff, avatar
    TomShafShafer, avatar

    @GottaLaff Trump doesn't understand that his rant today is evidence of his willingness to fraud again.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @TomShafShafer I think that's why Engoron let him go on.


    To be fair, Eric Trump not being credible is a perennial statement.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @5klp471 Evergreen

    solownh, avatar



    After allowing Trump to blurt his BS, Kise should know that it works both ways


    @solownh @GottaLaff

    What strikes me most is that Trump is such a coward. The minute after he got to play his little violin he was outta there.

    Why? Because he got exposed. This entire thread from Laffy is all about exposure and Trump couldn't stand it. He was a lousy businessman, nothing like his brand. He is a loser. I bet that stings more than being called a crook. His identity is totally wrapped up in the scent of 💰. Loser.

    A shame, really, that he slunk out. It would have been nice to see Trump's head implode.

    solownh, avatar

    @JaneDoeTheFirst @GottaLaff

    His defense mechanisms are so strong that he's unable to see the truth about himself. He'll never allow himself to reflect on his behavior

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @solownh He doesn't even know the meaning of the word "truth." Hence the name of his fake social media site. @JaneDoeTheFirst



    Thanks, Laffy. Today was another tour de force. Pitch perfect. You did some very heavy lifting.

    Thank you.🎖️

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @JaneDoeTheFirst Gracias chica!

    lisamelton, avatar

    @JaneDoeTheFirst Seconded! 🎖️🎖️

    @GottaLaff Just riveting coverage. Mastodon would not be the same without you, girl. 💖

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @lisamelton Aw, Lisa. many thanks for that. @JaneDoeTheFirst


    @JaneDoeTheFirst @GottaLaff

    Amen to that!
    Well done, and Thank you!

    GottaLaff, avatar
    bobchauvin, avatar


    Thank you for this thread.

    GottaLaff, avatar
    Pineywoozle, avatar

    @GottaLaff Thank you for this insanely long, incredibly important thread. 🥰 👍 Your efforts, truly are appreciated and needed

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Pineywoozle YVW sweetie pie!

    Lizette603_23, avatar

    @GottaLaff Laffage, you're a whizbang (I'm a boomer, so trying to fulfill the low expectations of my vocab)..

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Lizette603_23 LOL, love the Laffage.

    I am too. I totally get your vocab!

    patmadigan, avatar

    @GottaLaff FANTASTIC wrap up, thanks Laffy! 👏

    Now we wait for the judge’s decision. I liked his optimism that it could be prior to month end.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @patmadigan Thanks!

    Yeah, it'll be big.

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