@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar

After 75 years of failure, one would imagine that a people would learn what works and what doesn’t, both from their own experience, as well as the experience of others.



@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar


This is also as good a time as any to highlight the excellent in-depth essay by titled “Ecstasy and Amnesia in the Strip”

[Paywall-free archive ➡️ https://archive.ph/G5rAX#selection-769.417-769.630]

“What is unusual about the cause starts from the observation that many of those other nations built states on parts of historic homelands out of the ruins of collapsed multi-national, multi-linguistic, multi-confessional empires, and the have not”


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar


“The principal grievance of the cause, one revealed in those rejections of sovereignty and by rhetoric spanning generations, is not the absence of a desired nation-state but the existence of another one”

What is that predicament? It is defined by five dire properties:

  1. .
  2. .


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar

⬆️ #EcstasyAndAmnesia #GazaStrip

#Palestinian predicament is the direct or indirect outcome of three #Arab-#Israeli wars, each about a generation apart. These are the wars that started in 1947, 1967, and 2000. Each war was a complex event with vast, unforeseen, and contested consequences for a host of actors, but the consequences for the Palestinian people were uniquely catastrophic: the first brought #displacement, the second brought #occupation, the third brought #fragmentation.


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar


“It has been clear to me since about 2020 that a fourth war would probably soon be added to them; and clear that, as before, the shape such a war would take would not resemble the others; and clear that, as before, the result for the people and the Palestinian cause would be catastrophic.”


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar

⬆️ #EcstasyAndAmnesia #GazaStrip

#WarOfndependence that began in 1947 was first a #civilWar between #Arabs and #Jews in #Palestine, and then a multi-state war… from at least five sovereign countries—#Egypt, #Transjordan, #Syria, #Iraq, and #Israel—as well as small contingents from others. It was a war fought village by village and town by town, and it resulted in massive population displacements on both sides.

No Jews remained anywhere in parts of Palestine that fell under #Arab control


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar

⬆️ #EcstasyAndAmnesia #GazaStrip

The #ethnicSorting was most pronounced in the center of the land [where] more land was conquered by the #Arab Legion than by #IDF.

This territory included many sites with religious and symbolic importance to both sides.

It became known then as the #WestBank and it sits on a smaller patch of land that what had been allocated to a future #Palestinian Arab state in the rejected #UN #partitionProposal that preceded the war.


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar

⬆️ #EcstasyAndAmnesia #GazaStrip

Almost no #Arab population remained west of the #GreenLine.

With few exceptions, the few places in central #Israel today with a significant Arab population were not actually conquered by the #IDF in the war; they were largely territories that were held by the invading #Iraqi army and that were ceded to Israel in the #armistice.


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar


For the , the defeat in this war was and remains a searing trauma.

Not only had the goal that had united the Arabs in 1948—preventing the establishment of a Jewish state in the heart of the —been thwarted, but hundreds of thousands of Arabs living in had been displaced by war.

In time, their became the enduring image of that defeat and humiliation.


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar


The war in 1967 was a 3-front war fought by 4 different armies belonging to , , , and .

But it wasn’t those conquests that upended the situation. Rather it was the conquest of the Strip from and from that put millions of Palestinian under rule.


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar

⬆️ #EcstasyAndAmnesia #GazaStrip

The #Palestinians went from being a people defined by their dispossession at the hands of a hated enemy across a sealed border to being a people defined by their dispossession at the hands of a hated enemy that now also ruled them as an occupier.

Unlike the larger #Arab trauma of defeat, which was mostly bookended in time by the end of actual combat, for Palestinians, this remains a continuous trauma right up into the present.


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar


A generation after 1967, the involved no armies on distant fronts. There was a campaign of attacks against civilians… together with a campaign of in Israeli cities.

In the it looked less like either a or a conventional war and more like an or a campaign by an occupying army that took years to settle down into a victory on the Israeli side.


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar

⬆️ #EcstasyAndAmnesia #GazaStrip

These 3 wars are as different in form as any wars could be. Yet in several crucial ways they are quite similar.

For one, all 3 of these wars were preceded by months of excitement in the #Arab world & heated rhetoric that was simultaneously righteous & violent.

Righteous in that the cause of attacking #Jews was held to be an absolute good and a moral exigency infused with theological overtones. Violent in that the rhetoric was often openly #eliminationist


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar

⬆️ #EcstasyAndAmnesia #GazaStrip

This pattern was set in motion by the first of the wars. The vote by the #UN General Assembly in 1947 to partition #BritishPalestine into two states, one #Jewish and one #Arab, set off an explosion of violence against local Jewish communities almost immediately in #Palestine itself.

If there were doubts about the justice of the cause being fought for—preventing the establishment of a Jewish state—there is little record for that.

#Arabism #ArabNationalism


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar


If there were doubts about the morality of the methods employed—sieges that blocked food & water and attacks on Jewish civilians of all ages wherever they could be found in cities, towns, and villages—there is no record of that.

If there were doubts not even about the morality but about the wisdom of a total war against the new Jewish state—concern, for example, that the Arab side might lose and end up worse off as a result—there is little record of that too


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar

⬆️ #EcstasyAndAmnesia #GazaStrip

What’s astonishing is that a war that was embarked on so willingly, with so much unanimity, and with so much excitement could be later remembered as a story of pure #victimhood 🔥🔥🔥

Yet before the war was even fully over, Constantin #Zureiq published a passionate #lament of the #Arab failure to defeat #Israel, The Meaning of the Disaster [#Nakba], giving birth to the word that would be used from as a shorthand for the traumatic #Arab defeat in that war.


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar

⬆️ #EcstasyAndAmnesia #GazaStrip

[How meaning of “Nakba” evolved]

As time passed, memories of that defeat evolved and the #Nakba became not an #Arab event but a #Palestinian one, and not a humiliating defeat—“seven Arab states declare war on #Zionism in #Palestine [and] stop impotent before it” is how it is described on the first page of #Zureiq’s book—but rather the story of shame and #forcedDisplacement.


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar


The word itself came into popular usage in the West only around after the 50th anniversary of that war as a description of that and not of a war at all—a tale of unjust and affliction laced with transparent 🔥🔥🔥, which is its unspoken appeal for the Westerners who use it


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar


The same dynamic repeated itself 20 years later.

The weeks leading up to the 1967 war were, in the world, likewise a time of public displays of . The hour of “” was nigh, and the excitement was expressed in both mass public spectacles and elite opinion.

The president Gamal Abdel promised an elated crowd the week before the war broke out that “our basic objective will be to destroy .


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar


Of course, the promise of was not realized, and the expectant longing was not satisfied. The were quickly routed, and almost all of the survived.

Then, however, despite the eagerness to fight, the incitement to war, and the euphoria at the prospect, this defeat was reconceived 🔥 not simply as a story of loss but once again into a story of .

The pre-war fantasies were forgotten.


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar


In the rejecting any accommodation with that was agreed on by the less than 3 months later, the war is referred to unironically as the “aggression of June 5.”

Just like [’s war with ]


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar

⬆️ #EcstasyAndAmnesia #GazaStrip

As with the 1st #Arab-#Israeli war, memories expanded and hardened with time, and the mythology of the defeat came to assume much larger dimensions than the size of the war or the actual defeat itself.

Major anniversaries of the #SixDayWar were largely marked in the Arab world as “the beginning of the #occupation.”

Minimal reckoning with Arabs’ own failures was with military errors and not with the overall goal of exacting revenge and eliminating #Israel.


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar

⬆️ #EcstasyAndAmnesia #GazaStrip

In the 2000 #CampDavid peace negotiations… #Arafat’s refusal to accept a #Palestinian state on all of the #Gaza Strip and nearly all of the #WestBank was indeed tragic and misguided


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar


What is striking about ’s refusal to accept the deal offered at —a state on all of and 90+% of , including a capital in —and his subsequent turn to confrontation is just how popular it was and remains🔥

There was not anywhere within politics a minority camp that opposed this move, that warned against the possible consequences, that organized and galvanized parties


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar

⬆️ #EcstasyAndAmnesia #GazaStrip

As happened 30 and 50 years before, in the months after #CampDavid and well into the #SecondIntifada, the rhetoric was as militant as ever, and triumphalist too.

Moderates held that a #controlledOutbreak of #violence could improve the #Palestinian position in any future negotiation 🙄

Less-moderate voices hoped that violence could replicate #Hezbollah’s success in forcing a full #Israeli withdrawal from #Lebanon without Israel receiving anything in return


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar

⬆️ #EcstasyAndAmnesia #GazaStrip

Consider what exactly was at stake in 2000 and the years immediately following.

Over the 7 years of the #OsloProcess, from 1993 to 2000, the #PalestinianAuthority was established in #WestBank and #Gaza Strip.

#Palestinians had, for the first time, an elected government, a representative assembly, passports, stamps, an international airport, an armed police force, and other trappings of what was in every sense a state in the making 👀


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar

⬆️ #EcstasyAndAmnesia #GazaStrip

What was foregone at #CampDavid was all that plus what stood to be gained afterward: #statehood, #Jerusalem, a massive evacuation of #settlements.

What happened instead was a wave of Palestinian violence… with the goals of eliminating Israel over freedom—that has been the preference of generations of #Palestinian leaders.

A people on the cusp of liberation instead suffered war deaths and the moral rot caused by the veneration of suicide and murder.


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar

⬆️ #EcstasyAndAmnesia #GazaStrip

3 generations. 3 different wars. 3 different modes of combat. All 3 times, the wars were preceded by grandiloquent pronouncements and popular excitement as well as broad intellectual support. And all 3 times, as soon as or even before defeat appeared, the excitement and frenzy were excised from collective memory, so that the event came to be remembered as a case of pure cruelty by the hand of the Israeli other. That’s the #PalestinianPredicament in a nutshell


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar


In each of the 3 wars, the cause was taken up in a larger global struggle 👀 : first, , then the , then the war against free societies.

has served as an excellent rallying cry for OTHERS who only fight [].

For , the result has never been good.


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar


Decades after 1948, propaganda would cast ’s birth as a venture in . But as the historian Jeffrey Herf’s 2022 book Israel’s Moment shows, it was in Western governments who were most hostile to , and anti-imperialists both in the Western left and and in both East and West who were most sympathetic.


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar

⬆️ #EcstasyAndAmnesia #GazaStrip

Memories tend to exaggerate what actually happened:

#Israel was not yet a major recipient of #American aid or weaponry, and one of the #Arab belligerents, #Jordan, was decidedly not in the #Soviet camp.

But the war was experienced as a clash between a Western-aligned society and pro-Soviet anti-imperialist sphere.

The regime most responsible for the build-up to and outbreak of the war, #Nasser’s #Egypt, was also the one most closely associated with Moscow.


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar


The themes of this coordinated effort— as an state and an outpost of Western , powerful lobbies manipulating , and as a form of —outlived the and may even be regarded as its largest intellectual contribution 🔥🔥🔥


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar

⬆️ #EcstasyAndAmnesia #GazaStrip

If there is a bedrock principle of #conflictMediation it is that mediation seeks to arrive at a solution that is better for BOTH sides than what either side could hope to get from open confrontation.

This is true for warring states, for a divorcing couple, for labor and management, and for any other situation with competing claims and a possibility of forceful arbitration


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar

⬆️ #EcstasyAndAmnesia #GazaStrip

If one side of a conflict rejects a compromise, initiates a violent confrontation, and is defeated , no mediator of sound mind offers that side better terms next time around.

The reasons are obvious. It creates a new incentive for the losing side to keep rejecting compromise while removing the biggest disincentive from the table, namely that the move from mediation to arbitration or open confrontation carries the strong risk that the rejecting side will lose


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar

⬆️ #EcstasyAndAmnesia #GazaStrip

It also, for that matter, further disincentivizes the stronger side from seriously engaging in any kind of mediation to begin with, because mere entry into negotiations could lead to a diminishment in what it gets out of a deal. 🔥 🔥 🔥

And herein lies the explanation for those accusing [#Israel of #politicalTheater and in never being serious about negotiations and settlement]


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar

⬆️ #EcstasyAndAmnesia #GazaStrip

The common and deeper meaning to all was that #Israel’s enemies needed to be protected from the consequences of THEIR defeat in the wars THEY initiated and LOST.

It’s notable that this doesn’t seem to have happened in #Arab-#Israeli wars where #eliminationism didn’t feature in the rhetoric or the stated motivations—#Suez in 1956, #YomKippur in 1973, the #FirstIntifada wars in #Lebanon.

But it certainly happened in the wars that began in 1947, 1967, & 2000


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar

⬆️ #EcstasyAndAmnesia #GazaStrip

A global diplomatic edifice that keeps the #Palestinians in a permanent holding pattern of misery stemming from defeated #Arab war efforts, where the Palestinians themselves weren’t even always the central actors in the descent to war or the principal combatants who lost them, is unlike anything the international community has attempted in other conflicts.

#permanentStateOfWar #inTheirName


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar

⬆️ #EcstasyAndAmnesia #GazaStrip

The #Arab-#Israeli conflict isn’t a normal conflict, and the cause of Arab #Palestine still isn’t a normal cause of national liberation.

The fundamental fact of this conflict, that one side believes the other’s #existence is a metaphysical crime for which a just resolution can only be #elimination, means that standard diplomatic practice is much harder to apply at best, and gets scrambled, inverted, and abused at worst 🔥🔥🔥


@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar


A ?

In the last three years, there has been every sign that another catastrophe was coming.

Read the whole essay at the paywall-free link to the archive.

It also tells you where the notion of came from and why .

The conclusion is a clincher, regardless of which side of the - conflict you are on.

Thanks to @toooobeeee for sharing such a deeply researched and though-provoking essay!

@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar


>> In each of the 3 wars, was taken up in a larger global struggle 👀: first, , then , then war against free societies

The looming for is also squarely placed in a larger , and it is timed for .

This time it’s the rise of and in & other liberal countries, , & ’s global ambitions.

@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar

⬆️ to visit , who has backed ’s of .

Compare with , which has barred ’s FULL-SCALE invasion of .

Putin says Russia is prepared to negotiate over Ukraine, just like says it’s prepared to negotiate with Israel.

claims to be neutral but backs Russian position that it was provoked into attacking Ukraine by the West, despite Putin’s public avowals of his


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