
sayomgwtf, avatar

Last day of August ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ☆

I have 3 important things to celebrate:

1.- A total of 334 days as of today of non-stop doodles! No hospital shenanigans or chronic pain madness has been able to stop me from doodling

It's been crazy but I have loved every single month

#Illustration #Drawing #DigitalArt #MastoArt #Doodle #FanArt #kofi #LucasArts


sayomgwtf, avatar

2.- Return to Monkey Island came out September 19, 2022. And because of this, Imma go ahead and bring ~ Monkey Island Shenanigans ~☆ all month again!

I love Return to Monkey Island

Nothing but love for this game, so Imma celebrate the heck out of it - because I can ❤️

#Illustration #Drawing #DigitalArt #MastoArt #Doodle #FanArt #kofi #LucasArts


breadbin, avatar

@sayomgwtf The doodles are a daily joy. If you keep doodling I’ll keep consuming :)

sayomgwtf, avatar

I have had a really hard time missing my late brother recently, maybe because of my birthday being so soon, so I decided to do something more productive than crying myself into a migraine - and I doodled something he would have loved very much

Star Wars color wheel ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ☆

#Illustration #Drawing #DigitalArt #MastoArt #StarWars #LucasArts

MichaelKlamerus, avatar

@sayomgwtf I’m sorry about what you’ve been going through lately. The art is beautiful!

darmato, avatar

@sayomgwtf Pink Vader FTW.

sayomgwtf, avatar

Nothing much else to say but to openly admit this one scene was absolute pure joy. After so many years, to go back to where it all began, it was just perfect 💕

All the thousand things I love about Return to Monkey Island ❤️

Monkey Island Shenanigans ~☆

#Illustration #Drawing #DigitalArt #MastoArt #Doodle #FanArt #Kofi #LucasArts #MonkeyIsland #ReturntoMonkeyIsland

Rch, avatar

@sayomgwtf These drawings are wonderful!

djlink, avatar

@sayomgwtf wow I love this art style :O

sayomgwtf, avatar

Pink is done ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ☆

Guybrush in a dress from Monkey Island 2, Max from Sam & Max, and Leslie holding Broom Alien from Zak McKracken - and if you have no idea who they are, this is your sign to play the game, go to Mars and meet them

LucasArts color wheel shenanigans ~☆

radio_alergy, avatar

@sayomgwtf You, gotta say this is an amazing piece of art.

radio_alergy, avatar

@sayomgwtf You are quite welcome! It's awesome to see your art across my timeline.

sayomgwtf, avatar

New month, new doodles!

And we get started with a brand new set of Doodle O'Clock with Paul Rudd. Who happens to be the one actor I think would fit the part to play Zak McKracken in a movie

It is Zak McKracken's 35th anniversary today ❤️

'Tis Doodle O'Clock ~☆

#Illustration #Drawing #DigitalArt #MastoArt #Cartoon #Comic #Doodle #fanart #kofi #lucasarts #ZakMcKracken

breadbin, avatar

@sayomgwtf I so would love a modernized remake of that game, plus a sequel. Zak’s my favorite of them all (and the C64 intro music is the best version of the intro music imho).

sayomgwtf, avatar

@breadbin It would be the best ❤️

blackRAT, (edited ) French avatar

Je me permet de transmettre ici un "petit" post (sur FB) de Cécile Cée

"Depuis ce matin et la tribune des 50 copain.e.s de Depardieu qui s’affichent sans honte, il est de nouveau beaucoup question de la fameuse séparation...

blackRAT, avatar

Le point commun des 50 signataires, ça n’est pas tant leur âge que leur connexion avec Depardieu : s’iels sont vieux, c’est que Depardieu est vieux. Mais les concerts de Lomepal sont pleins, DirtyBiology a toujours 1 million d’abonné.e.s et Norman 11 millions.
Ce à quoi on assiste dans cette affaire, ça n’est pas à la résistance d’un « vieux monde », mais à l’organisation d’un clan qui défend son totem. C’est de la culture de l’inceste à plein régime (cf mon dernier post).

blackRAT, avatar

Bref, le vieux monde est loin de s’affaiblir, et la première chose à faire, c’est plutôt de s’interroger sur nos propres complicités : si c’était ton meilleur pote / ton frère / ton père ou même ta sœur qui étaient accusé.e.s de violence sexuelle, est-ce que réellement tu les confronterais pour défendre leur victime ? Rien n’est moins sûr.

sayomgwtf, avatar

Today is a special day ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ☆

I get to celebrate a whole year of Doodle O'Clock!

I did over 370 doodles with Doodle O'Clock, and including Spoopshow and Monkey Island Shenanigans, it rounds up to over 500 doodles in just one year

'Tis Doodle O'Clock ~☆

#Illustration #Drawing #DigitalArt #MastoArt #Cartoon #Comic #Doodle #fanart #Kofi #retro #HannaBarbera #CartoonNetwork #Anime #LucasArts #Nintendo


ceremus, avatar

@sayomgwtf Congratulations!

breadbin, avatar

@sayomgwtf I love the spread of characters. Many that I even recognize :)

Well done!

sayomgwtf, avatar

I just realized that not only I celebrate a whole year of Doodle O'Clock in November, but also it's been a year since I have been here on Mastodon!

Thank you so much for having me around here and being the absolute most lovely corner there is online ❤️

#Illustration #Drawing #DigitalArt #MastoArt #Mastodon #fanart

SpinBall, avatar

@sayomgwtf that's awesome congratulations!


@sayomgwtf I think I found you and your doodles when I jumped back on here last year—I don’t remember who boosted them though.

Happy Mastodon Anniversary and thanks again for all the Doodles! 🥳

sayomgwtf, avatar

LucasArts color wheel shenanigans ~☆

Purple done 💜

Elaine from Monkey Island, Purple Tentacle from Maniac Mansion, and Annie from Zak McKracken

I really wanted to do a chainsaw instead of a knife, but there is really no room for all 'em Maniac Mansion shenanigans

#Illustration #Drawing #DigitalArt #MastoArt #retrogames #retrogaming #LucasArts

DavidBFox, avatar

@sayomgwtf nice! Is that Annie Larris from #ZakMcKracken ?

DavidBFox, avatar

@sayomgwtf I could tell! It’s dripping with love and exquisite detail.

sayomgwtf, avatar

'Hagar the Terrible' was the nickname given to the late Dik Browne by his sons, so he named the comic 'Hägar the Horrible' for alliteration purposes

After his death, his sons changed the strip title to 'Dik Browne's Hägar the Horrible' in tribute ❤️

'Tis Doodle O'Clock ~☆

sayomgwtf, avatar

Personally, I must say it is an absolute honor and privilege for me to be able to doodle fanart of such lovely work from such talented artists like Dik Browne, Jim Davis, Charles M. Schulz

Once upon a time my injuries were so bad I thought I would never draw again

Cartoons like these are the hardest to do because every single one of them have such beautiful lines with so much personality - and you will never find that in any preset brush out there

I love to celebrate little things like these

atmcashpoint, avatar

@sayomgwtf I always love seeing your doodles! The world would be a sadder place without you brightening it up.

sayomgwtf, avatar

It is late and I'm tired as heck

Here is one of my favorite old doodles: Kefka Palazzo from Final Fantasy VI. This one is from January 2023

Kefka ❤️

'Tis Doodle O'Clock ~☆

jcutting, avatar

Excellent little genocidal clown. Well done

Legit_Spaghetti, avatar

@sayomgwtf Huh, neat! Earlier today I was rewatching the final confrontation with Kefka, and it struck me how life-affirming that game is.

Kefka's point is that life has no meaning, so he will end all life and end the cycle of meaningless suffering. But Terra counters his nihilism saying that meaning can be found in the beauty that each day has to offer, and that the bonds we share with the ones we love are enough to make life worth living.

It's a wonderful sentiment that's stuck with me.

smalllebowsky, German avatar

Es ist Mittwoch 🚂 meine Zugfahrer!



Ja genau so stelle ich es mir ebenfalls vor :D


Ich bin Eisenbahner und muss dies bestätigen.

sayomgwtf, avatar

Wonky ass Spongebob tonight

Me IRL being severely sick and unable to afford to go to the hospital while reading up about what's wrong with me online as it says I'm going to die or something

I am not ok and this is the best I can do today, I'm sorry 😭

'Tis Doodle O'Clock ~☆

#Illustration #Drawing #DigitalArt #MastoArt #Cartoon #Doodle #fanart #kofi #Nickelodeon #spongebob

coaguco, avatar

@sayomgwtf I hope you feel better, friend! That's pretty great for being sick though.


@sayomgwtf hope you recover soon. Your art is always a happy highlight of the day for me

sayomgwtf, avatar
thanius, avatar
sayomgwtf, avatar

@thanius 😅

kimhu, (edited ) avatar
kimhu, avatar

@Di_Libu 👋​:ms_big_smile:​

kimhu, avatar

@Beachhart Thank you so much! 🧡​

sayomgwtf, avatar

Elaine from Return to Monkey Island is my favorite Elaine from all Monkey Island games ❤️

There is character growth making this version of herself the most versatile yet, her dynamic with Guybrush feels much more natural as friends and partners too

Monkey Island Shenanigans ~☆

#Illustration #Drawing #DigitalArt #MastoArt #Doodle #FanArt #Kofi #LucasArts #MonkeyIsland #ReturntoMonkeyIsland

eloquence, avatar

@sayomgwtf They've come a long way, haven't they?

grumpygamer, avatar

@sayomgwtf The Elaine-Guybrush relationship was one of the hardest things to get right. I also wanted to move her away from the male-power fantasy that she became in later games. In MI1/2 she never fought anyone... that is not where her strength come from.

sayomgwtf, avatar

Let's share a little Ghibli love ❤️

Princess Mononoke is not only a gorgeous Ghibli film, but also an important one as it was one of the last traditional cel animated films from the studio

'Tis Doodle O'Clock ~☆

sayomgwtf, avatar

@deepbluev7 What a fantastic way to get started with anime, and even more so Ghibli films ❤️

sayomgwtf, avatar

@poetaster It is a gorgeous movie

sayomgwtf, avatar

The month I did all sort of LucasArts doodle shenanigans in the 1920's art style, was the month that people liked the least that whole year

Ironically enough, that was the one I loved the most

Stan from Monkey Island, 1920 style ❤️

'Tis Doodle O'Clock ~☆

DavidBFox, avatar

@sayomgwtf I liked those! So are you drawing and posting for Likes or for the fun of drawing and sharing?

ainmosni, avatar


Just want to say that every time I see one of your drawings on my TL, it brings a smile on my face. Perfect mix of a fun art style and nostalgia of some of my all time favourite games.

sayomgwtf, avatar

Sam & Max 1920's style shenanigans tonight

I feel kinda torn with this one as it is almost feels like a cursed image, and at the same time it kind of makes sense haha - Max with rubber hose style shoes now exists out of my head

'Tis Doodle O'Clock ~☆

#Illustration #Drawing #DigitalArt #MastoArt #ZakMcKracken #LucasArts

sayomgwtf, avatar

@heyfluxay Aw, you are far too kind - that means a lot to me

It was so hard for me to get this started btw, not the color wheel but the daily doodles. I normally draw a lot, but I never, ever posted anything like this (at least nowhere near witht his frequency)

I sincerely believe I am simply not good enough

heyfluxay, avatar

@sayomgwtf now you are starting to sound like me talking about myself!

sayomgwtf, avatar

She was a trailblazer in the TV business

Owned, produced, and starred in the iconic 'I Love Lucy'. She also created and owned the production studio, making her the first female president of a Hollywood studio

Forever a badass boss lady

Lucille Ball ❤️

'Tis Doodle O'Clock ~☆


@sayomgwtf Without her there would be no Star Trek... you got the likeness just right there, hats off to you (:

Karma_J, avatar


I've been a star Trek fan since I was a little girl in the 70s. At the end of the episodes, I saw where it said "A Desilu Production" and thought, "That's the same as I love Lucy".

Then some time in the 80s I saw a special on her and they mentioned how she fought for Star Trek and that made me love her even more!

sayomgwtf, avatar

Although it is an action storyline, it features many philosophical scenes that explore the way humans relate to computers – and vice versa – and it goes into discussing the nature of existence itself

Ghost in the Shell ❤️

'Tis Doodle O'Clock ~☆

breadbin, avatar

@sayomgwtf You forced my hand:

breadbin, avatar

@sayomgwtf Also it clearly inspired parts of The Matrix.

sayomgwtf, avatar

He is everyone's favorite antagonist

He is considered to be a Wario Series character despite not appearing in any of the Wario games. Also, according to Nintendo Power magazine, his real name is Jimmy Papadopoulos

Waluigi ❤️

'Tis Doodle O'Clock ~☆

breadbin, avatar

@sayomgwtf Or he has to run a scary house (reverse Luigi’s Mansion).

sayomgwtf, avatar

@breadbin Oh that would be cool as heck

sayomgwtf, avatar

Only 12 days to go until Doodle O'Clock is officially one year old ❤️


@sayomgwtf Doing OK thanks, a bit down of late mainly as not enjoying my job as much as I could but still better than having no job! Hope you are also doing OK as well health and otherwise.

sayomgwtf, avatar

@andy I feel like stress is everywhere, it just sets in whether it would be from listening world news or just every day work situations

Hopefully hope this stress comes and goes tho, when it comes to the job thing ❤️

smalllebowsky, German avatar

Es ist Pre-Spucktober 🎭 meine Horrorfans!
Spuck geht in die 4 runde! Ihr kennt die Regeln: schickt mir die Namen von den seltsamen Dingen die ihr gespielt/gesehen habt und ich schaue es auch an

#seltsam #illustration #drawing #spookyseason #spuck #spuk #spooky #creative #drawing #horror #horrormovies #horrorfan


Mein Spiegelbild. Heute morgen.


So einfach geht das? Is ja irre

andycarolan, avatar

I am a huge fan of Dick Bruna and his Miffy books. I love his design style and use of bright, cheerful colours and bold lines.

These illustrations of my work space and the things I surround myself with is my tribute to Dick Bruna.

jasonekratz, avatar
andycarolan, avatar
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