
cabron_offsets, to politics in Mike Johnson elected House speaker with broad GOP support

He’s a fucking worthless traitor.

Son_of_dad, to politics in The Supreme Court avoided disaster when a chunk of marble fell in a courtyard used by the justices

Chunk of badly maintained building falls on ground a year and a half ago, nobody hurt…

Great news story guys.

AllonzeeLV, (edited ) to worldnews in Netanyahu says Israel will ‘crush and destroy’ Hamas; every Hamas member is a ‘dead man’

It’s easy to call the people you don’t like “terrorists” after you put them in the world’s largest open air prison, allow them no voice in their governance, deny them basic human necessities, and they predicably act out of desperation .

What’s hard, and the right thing, is the force holding the bigger gun exercising restraint in their response.

But we’re sending two aircraft carriers to back up that already far superior force as they punch down and possibly do a genocide. No amount of conditional soup makes organized religion worth the continuous, murderous madness it brings.

If you’re willing to kill real people or die for an imaginary friend, you’re the problem.

@kfet@lemmy.ca avatar

Hamas people literally shot-up a music fest, murdering a whole lot of civilians, kidnaping even more. Where would you draw the line before calling them terrorists?

AllonzeeLV, (edited )


Maybe when they’re no longer perpetual prisoners. When you make hope impossible, you make vengeance an alluring alternative.

The US was founded on revolting against hilariously less tyranny than this. If you were a Palestinian watching your oppressor host lavish concerts for their children as yours starve, would you tell them that peaceful resignation is the only option?

There are no good guys in this conflict, only slightly varying degrees of dehumanization, cruelty, and violence.

If Israel or Palestine wanted peace, either or both of them should become secular states. But neither values peace. They both value believing they’re some imaginary god’s soldiers in some stupid imaginary soul war. Human life > anyone’s stupid ass religion. If they want to pray to Pikachu at 2am hopping on one leg except on Saturday nobody cares, but making your fantasy other people’s problem at gunpoint makes you wrong, every time. It is no less insane than shooting a d&d dungeon master in the chest with a gun because you lost your buff roll. It’s bonkers that we support any theocracy, let alone one proud theocracy over another.

@loutr@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yes they have every right to take up arms and fight a revolution against Israel. Doesn’t make the killing of civilians morally justifiable.


You say that as if they’re a rival military force. You say that as if Hamas hasn’t repeatedly attacked Israeli soldiers on the only scale they can manage, single digits at a time, only to have the Israeli government retaliate against civilian populations from a distance in far larger numbers. Hamas cannot oppose the enemy actively oppressing their people on symmetrical terms. They only have targets of opportunity.

Israel, on the other hand, can and do unload on civilians regularly, the global media just doesn’t consider those civilian deaths to be newsworthy.


This guy didn’t call Israel good. He just said if you shoot up a music festival, you’re a terrorist.

If you put even 10% of your energy you put into trying to be heard into trying to hear then you could probably aim your homilies at the people who need to hear them. You could maybe engage in an actual dialogue if you read before you typed.


Alright, when the same media that condemns Hamas for terrorism also condemns Israel for terrorism, when the same countries that supply weapons, ammunition, and just about anything that can be used to kill people either also supply Palestine with the same resources or just NOT GIVE ANYONE WAR-RELATED RESOURCES AT ALL, then we can talk about condemning Hamas.

It’s really interesting that we have seldom seen journalists and news agencies asking Zionists if they condemn X atrocity, but see it all the time with Zionists.

Here is just a reminder of a few Zionist atrocities that have never seen justice.


This guy didn’t call Israel good. He just said if you shoot up a music festival, you’re a terrorist.

If you put even 10% of your energy you put into trying to be heard into trying to hear then you could probably aim your homilies at the people who need to hear them. You could maybe engage in an actual dialogue if you read before you typed.


I mean after a while you begin to realize Islam is not the religion of peace and left to ferment anywhere will lead to extremism and terrorism. I think it's time to make a very strong statement that this won't be tolerated.

Why don't the people in Gaza just give up and live in peace with Israel? It looks to me like that's what Israel was doing considering they could've wiped them out at any point prior to this.

FfaerieOxide avatar

Don't think saying the largest religion in the world is something which "ferments" is all that cool actually.

Fanning flames of hate is ill-advisable.


No one has to be Muslim. I don't have a problem with human beings, I have a problem with an ideology.

You also never answered my question. These people don't need to be violent. They can just integrate into modern society like everyone else in the world.


Much like many Muslims already have.

You just don't hear about them (except for occasional puff pieces like "Mosque feeds the hungry") because it's not newsworthy for them to just exist.

Religion is an excuse for people to act horrible to each other, not the exclusive reason. Even without religion people would find plenty of reasons to treat each other like shit.


Time to set an extreme example to those who don't assimilate.

FfaerieOxide avatar

What is wrong with you?


I didn't pick the side you're on.

FfaerieOxide avatar

The side that thinks talking of murdering Muslims for being Muslims is fucked up?

No, you don't seem to demonstrate the level of discernment which would having you picking that.


"Time to set an extreme example to those who don't assimilate."

Is what I said. Let me break this down for you: "Those who don't wish to join us in modern day society should be taught a severe lesson." Or would you rather make excuses so they continue attacking people who don't practice Islam?

You're thinking with emotion, not logic. Please stop because your line of thinking is extremely dangerous and apologetic towards terrorists.

FfaerieOxide avatar

You started this by describing Islam as a faith which "left to fester" always results in terrorism. You don't seem adequately positioned to delineate what is and isn't modern society.

Your motivations seem clear.


Turns out that when your religion leads to terrorism people aren't going to have a positive outlook on it. Go figure.

FfaerieOxide avatar

I already know you're a piece of shit, you don't have to keep convincing me.


Lmfao wow, the truth hurts doesn't it? Welcome to reality buster. You're in the minority if you're supporting this shit.

FfaerieOxide avatar

The truth that you're an asshole? Oh no, I knew. We've been over this.


Bro you're literally a terrorist sympathizer... the words out of your mouth are worth less than dirt.

FfaerieOxide avatar

I'm not the one talking about wiping out an entire people because of their religious faith.


They are welcome to not be apart of it. I don't have a problem with the people. I have a problem with a violent religion that instructs people to kill non-believers.

And you should too, instead of pushing up your glasses and saying "ackshually..." you're not getting brownie points from anyone for defending that shit. They'd kill you just the same. Watch some of those interviews with the people who were held hostage. These people hate everyone but those who follow their religion. It's disturbing and even more fucking disturbing that people are trying to apply western values to a very not western situation.

FfaerieOxide avatar

There you go Blaming every member of a billion+ strong faith for the very actions you are justifying against them.

Promoting genocide is bad, my dude.


Do you have a cognitive disability? Are you truly this incapable of comprehending the difference between an ideology and physical people?

FfaerieOxide avatar

Right, you want to impose your personal convictions on everyone or see them killed.

I understand your convictions and I have said they are wrong.


It's a good thing you hold no power then because you'd certainly doom our world.

FfaerieOxide avatar

Yeah, with all my "Not engaging in religious genocide."

Much doom.
How wow.


Does that include you? You seem to be advocating for more violence than most Muslims, what religion are you blaming for your actions?


Why don't the people in Gaza just give up and live in peace with Israel?

Israel refuses that. Remember: The first (and second) intifadas happened for a reason, and it's not because a bunch of people decided to kill time by bombing themselves.


Oh, by leaving them alone they were totally refusing to do that. Lmao the mental gymnastics so you can be edgy. Bro, you're going too far if you're defending extremists. Please go outside.


Think the carriers are mostly there more to say “nobody else get involved” and help prevent this from becoming a wider conflict.

OldWoodFrame, to politics in Hamas attack on Israel thrusts Biden into Mideast crisis and has him fending off GOP criticism

I’m going to go ahead and take the daring stance that Joe Biden is not to blame for every Israeli-Palistinian conflict. There is in fact more than one axis to view the world and we don’t have to blame either Democrats or Republicans for an attack in a longstanding conflict on the other side of the world.


TBF he is old enough to have started it. /s


Well he would have been six years old when Israel was carved out of its current neighborhood, but I like to believe it’s possible.


That’s just how politically savvy and skilled he is.


carved out means arbitrarily stolen from the locals by foreign powers as a place to dump Jews they didn't want living in their own countries, right?


You solved the Middle East crisis! Who knew all we needed was to be racist enough to simplify the issue to its only conclusion.


Don’t forget reductive!


I actually meant reductive. Thanks.

hoanbridgetroll, to politics in Man with handgun seeking governor arrested in Wisconsin Capitol, returns with assault rifle
@hoanbridgetroll@midwest.social avatar

The man was taken into custody for openly carrying a firearm in the Capitol, which is against the law, Warrick said. Weapons can be brought into the Capitol if they are concealed and the person has a valid permit. The man arrested did not have a concealed carry permit, Warrick said.

The crime wasn’t being a raving lunatic with a gun - it was the lack of paperwork and a shirt to conceal it!

This is why we need new legislative maps in Wisconsin.


It wasn’t a Nerf gun, he was carrying a deadly weapon. If you’re too stupid to get a permit or leave your weapon in the car I don’t think you’re responsible enough to own a gun.

IHeartBadCode, (edited ) to politics in A $19,000 lectern for Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders sparks call for legislative audit
IHeartBadCode avatar

Man they got fucking robbed. Amazon has it for only $944 The Amazon review though...

If you are concerned about wasteful spending I highly recommend going with this price from Amazon

EDIT: Yes, I'm pretty sure they paid $1,000 for it and then reported $19,000 pocketing the difference. As someone who has lived their whole life in Tennessee (and has worked for a period of time in State Government), that's Southern politics 101. Days where they aren't fleecing the taxpayer are few and far between here in the Southeastern US.

Tigbitties avatar

Wow... fucking blatant corruption. Just gross.


Yeah straight up corruption, lying and stealing. And will she ever be punished for her blatant abuse of power? Nope. Obviously this should ban her from ever being anywhere near public office but that won’t ever happen and they’ll continue to do it until there are consequences. I feel like I repeat that a lot nowadays but people get away with too much ridiculous shit these days and are never punished for it. George Santos anybody? How the fuck is he still in office? We need some fucking standards otherwise the country will continue to go to shit.


They didn’t pocket the difference. Gov Sanders used state money to go on vacation and this is the cover.


That’s what “pocketing the difference” is. She took the state money she said was used for the lectern and used it for personal purposes.


She went on the trip first and then bought the lectern when people started asking questions. Pocketing the difference doesn’t apply because the theft happened first.


You’re being very pedantic about something very unimportant. Sometimes it’s best to just let it go.


If it is unimportant why are you replying? I disagree that it is unimportant because the crime is different than what was explained by that comment.

  1. “Pocketing the difference” is not a legal term
  2. you’re pedantic AND WRONG, which is why people care
ChunkMcHorkle, (edited )
@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

deleted by creator


Im not saying a crime never happened. Im saying the crime preceded the purchase so they aren’t pocketing the difference. The expense is being justified by the purchase to cover for the crime

ChunkMcHorkle, (edited )
@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

deleted by creator


The fact that this is on Amazon for under a grand is hilarious. These people are absolute morons. I hope they get nailed and the truth comes out.


They will not. They absolutely own Arkansas and nothing will happen this year, or the next 50 due to their corruption.


Hey so when are all the Second Amendment people gonna step up and put an end to tyranny and corruption?


If you’re American, you could be a second amendment person.

The problem with “guns are a counter to state tyranny” is that all the people who hate state tyranny got conned into hating guns


I am pro-gun because all the other pro-gunners start handing them out to wackos


lol, yhgtbsm. Unbelievable.

A ~$900 lectern for $19k. Fraud in broad daylight. I can’t call it “skimming off the top” because it’s so upside down.


Brent ☆☆☆☆☆

Perfect at home in Arkansas or with my friends in Paris

Reviewed in the United States on October 3, 2023

Don’t let your husband or state know that this thing is under $1,000 because it could go for $19,000-$20,000 EASILY! It’s the perfect accessory for “governing”, photoshopping, and fraud. Me and the gal pals really enjoyed this from afar while we were in Paris, France. 10/10

@NielsBohron@lemmy.world avatar

Brent knows what’s up.

cryptosporidium140, to news in Missouri high school teacher is put on leave after school officials discover her page on porn site


  • Loading...
  • dingleberry,

    I doubt most creators on OF make that much. You are just a drop in the sea of coom.


    I’m sadly surprised she was making that much as a teacher.


    It really depends on the district. I value having good schools for my kids so I live in a district where they are making about twice that.

    @irotsoma@lemmy.world avatar

    Teachers are decently paid in some places, like where I live, but, yeah, definitely not in a conservative place. Don’t want to attract any highly educated people and have to keep the ones who do it for the love of teaching so destitute that they don’t have the energy to put into fighting the political crap.

    ares35 avatar

    Holy shit, teaching was her side hustle

    it was source of health insurance, probably.


    Are these numbers before or after taxes?



  • Loading...
  • zipfelwurster,

    Thank you. 42k pre-tax for a teacher is abysmal.


    I just can’t believe she kept reaching…


    Turns out getting fucked on camera is more profitable than getting fucked by the school district. The hours are probably better too.


    Better coworkers too, I bet!


    Plus you get to choose who’s doing the fucking


    greater variety of wardrobe options as well


    Don’t forget wfh


    Teaching was for the health insurance


    That’s fucked.

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar

    Being a real teacher on OF might raise her rates too.

    @Omegamanthethird@lemmy.world avatar

    Being a teacher on the news for having an OF definitely will increase her traffic.


    Still waiting for a link.


    Better sex ed than the Missouri average in all likelihood too

    dethb0y, to news in Alabama school band director says he was 'just doing my job' before police arrested him

    This is one of those situations where there was no need for a police interaction at all, let alone a violent or forceful one.

    YoBuckStopsHere, to politics in Marine Capitol rioter gets 1 hour of community service for each of 279 Marine Civil War casualties
    @YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.world avatar

    All three Marines are expected to be discharged on “Other than Honorable” conditions which means they receive no benefits. They do not qualify for Veteran status either. They will be treated the same as a Felon on job interviews and for loans.


    Finally, some good news.


    They deserve “dishonorable” and a prolonged visit to Leavenworth. They are traitors who violated their military oaths by participating in a fucking insurrection, for crying out loud!

    @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar



    No, they can still get some, look up “Honorable for VA Purposes”.

    @YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.world avatar

    They won’t, that’s for those with combat injuries.


    Their punishment is just 35 days of unpaid labor, plus the threat of poverty, discrimination and incarceration?

    For millions of average Americans, that's just a regular day, and they didn't participate on the front lines of a coup.

    That is fucking messed up

    @YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.world avatar

    Other than illegal entry, they didn’t do anything. There was no evidence of violence and they had their military careers ruined.

    @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

    WTF were they even doing there? This BS about “oh, they didn’t do anything” is not going to fly.


    And they didn’t “have their careers ruined” they ruined their careers.


    They went to an organised political event which turned violent, and instead of 'always faithfully' serving their communities by at least distancing themselves from the most violent by leaving, or even protecting their police colleagues, they willingly continued on to breach a guarded building so that they could prevent elected representatives from performing their duties.

    And their punishment is to exist as a common civilian.

    Either the Marine Corps oath is worthless, and/or their sentence is not a punishment, and/or this is a tacit admission that being an American civilian is punishment enough in itself.

    For no reason other than being born, millions of people experience the same sentence. These two did something.


    distancing themselves by leaving

    Have you ever been in a crowd of people? Like a huge close proximity gathering, a concert? Try squeezing though that when they are all angry people without assaulting someone or getting assaulted.

    Also, the military and police are NOT colleagues, they are TOTALLY separate. Not even the same purpose, you can argue that they’re brothers under serving a government, but by that logic then so are the postal workers, tax collectors, and judge.


    Have you ever been in a crowd of people? Like a huge close proximity gathering, a concert?

    Yes, including much larger protests. The estimate is only 2.2k people for Jan 6th, and that's for all four sides of the building. I was immediately next to an outbreak of violence in one large protest. It's much easier than getting out of the front of a concert, and I don't have anywhere near the strength of a marine.

    You can also see them in the pictures freely and casually walking in with a significant amount of space in the images in the article.

    Why make up excuses for them? They literally posted on social media afterwards about the second civil war and being part of history. They weren't there under duress.


    I’m not making excuses, but admittedly I did not know about the social media posts, that is my bad and I am sorry.


    They aren’t getting a court martial? damn


    OTH doesn’t show up on a regular background check, and you are not required to disclose it. Not sure about bad conduct or dishonorable discharges, though.

    GFGJewbacca, to news in Florida Governor Ron Desantis booed at vigil as hundreds mourn more racist killings

    “What he did is totally unacceptable in the state of Florida,” DeSantis said. “We are not going to let people be targeted based on their race.”

    Why is Desantis allowed to lie so blatantly? He encourages this behavior daily!

    @brihuang95@sopuli.xyz avatar

    He’s a politician, that’s why


    That’s probably code for “We won’t let this be classified a hate crime. Stop targeting white people with your wokeness”

    I hate this fucking timeline.


    "We are not going to let people be targeted based on their race.”

    (Except by elected leaders and the laws they pass. Also they’ll be targeting people based on gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, party affiliation, or anything they determine to be “woke” or “socialist”)


    Just like all freedom-loving Americans


    Citations please


    He hired known neoNazis on staff. They made him a nice Nazi aesthetic ad. He has repeatedly been asked to denounce white supremacists like the Nazis boycotting Disney, and has not.

    If you cannot read between those bold lines, you are simply illiterate.


    Nah, you’re replying to a sealioner

    Block and move on

    @Late2TheParty@lemmy.world avatar

    That’s a new term I didn’t know. Thanks!


    He fired the guy who made the video, it clearly wasn’t something the campaign asked to be made.


    Why is Desantis allowed to lie so blatantly? He encourages this behavior daily!

    This crowd did call him out on his bullshit.

    HuddaBudda avatar

    I also have no sympathy for him getting targeted for this, when all he had to do, after one of these attacks, is denounce the white supremacy that has taken root in Florida.

    Just one little press speech: "I do not condone white supremacy in my state and they will find no safe harbor here."

    Instead, he hired a white supremacist for a campaign assistant, knowing his ties, gets a video posted with the "Black sun", still does not call out white supremacy.

    He reaps what he sows.


    He fired the guy who posted the video, isn’t that what you want? Is there any proof this guy was hired with the campaign aware of ties to Naziism?


    Whats the old saying, “if it walks like a goose and it talks like a goose, then its a nazi?”

    And even if DeShithead aint a nazi himself, well im of the opinion he deserves to be dehydrated and forced to walk across the mojave during peak summer for his actions at gitmo. So I dont really care what his ideology is.

    PseudoSpock, to politics in A right-wing sheriffs group that challenges federal law is gaining acceptance around the country
    @PseudoSpock@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar


    IHeartBadCode, to news in Supreme Court blocks OxyContin maker’s bankruptcy deal that would shield Sackler family members
    IHeartBadCode avatar

    You know when Britain did this shit to China there were two wars, an uprising, and eventually Mao Zedong undoing the entire fucking Chinese government and executing every last dealer. That's not to say that's the proper outcome but the US population is way behind on the level of outrage they should be having with the Sackler family.


    People should really read the Afghanistan Papers. It makes the picture much clearer on why this epidemic is so ... muted.


    Nah, we don’t actually want to harm the rich

    sparseMatrix avatar


    It's really the thing that drives a lot of wars. It's a worldwide problem, not just an American one. The subhuman assholes are just the shiny enriched face of it in America.

    DragonAce, to politics in Conservative groups sue to block Biden plan canceling $39 billion in student loans

    Why are these assholes so against helping people? These fuckers are nothing but greedy sociopaths.


    Because the corporations that own the private colleges and universities that overcharge on tuition also are the ones that hand out student loans.

    They stand to lose billions of dollars in predatory profit if they can't collect interest on student loans.


    Yeah I see a lot of “cruelty is the point” comments here, which might not be entirely false, but if they sue it mostly means someone is pissed off about losing revenue.


    The cruelty isn’t the only point behind every conservative position, but it’s the only point of enough of them to make me suspect it’s part of the motivation for all of them.


    It’s never the point. That’s just lazy reasoning.


    Really? Not for anti-trans laws, anti-immigrant laws, and laws that specifically target medically necessary abortions? Of course it’s the point. If looking at the laws they vote for isn’t good enough, all you have to do is talk to a few conservatives to figure out they’re hateful, cruel people.


    You may see them as hateful and cruel people, but that’s not how they see themselves. They would have to see themselves as cruel for cruelty to be the point. The fact that you think it’s the point means that you’re unwilling or unable to actually understand their point of view.

    You may disagree with it, but it’s not about “cruelty”, and pretending it is just shows your personal limitations.


    If course they don’t see themselves as hateful. But they have no qualms about using cruelty to enforce their idea of the proper social order. If you want to be very literal, the cruelty is the means to an end and not an end in itself, but when they use cruelty as a first resort to enforce rules to designed to keep undesirable people in their place, I see it as a distinction without a difference.


    But they have no qualms about using cruelty to enforce their idea

    So, you agree that cruelty isn’t the point?


    Did I not say that already?


    You seem to be saying the opposite:

    The cruelty isn’t the only point behind every conservative position, but it’s the only point of enough of them


    If only there were some loopholes to close and a way to take a little cash from assets that never ever get sold…


    They've become so focused on political "points" and afraid of the other "team" scoring a "point" that they're willing to do anything, regardless of the optics.

    Because they don't stop and look at the bigger picture - it's just political capital they can push around or dangle as a carrot in front of voters for future elections.

    @FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

    Because either they got theirs and fuck everyone else. Or, they never got theirs and fuck everyone who might get theirs.

    @IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world avatar

    Wilholt’s law, “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”

    Aka, “you’re not hurting the right people”


    “The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.”

    ― John Kenneth Galbraith

    @IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world avatar

    Sounds like libertarianism TBH.


    Two sides of the same coin these days.

    Conservatives seem to mostly be libertarians that have realised they can use single-issue voter, crazy church shit to get themselves elected.


    They’re libertarians when it comes to them being able to do whatever they want, and they’re fascists when it comes to things they don’t want to do. Has actually nothing to do with political philosophy, it’s just naked short-term self interest. (They don’t even care if something will be bad for them in a few years.)


    *Wilhoit’s. I remember because I used to have a neighbor named Wilhoit.


    Because Ronnie RayGun said it is dangerous for government to help people. Totally cool for government to help those poor billionaires though.


    Totally cool for government to help those poor billionaires though.

    Well, Elorn bought Twatter and can’t afford to pay rent (or severance, or server fees, or lawyers), so it seems right that he should get a handout. How’s the guy even gonna pay for his next lunch?!

    Meanwhile, my grandmother can’t afford insulin. That bitch better figure it out!


    They get mad about feeding starving kids too


    Because it hurts college-educated people. Culture war.


    Because they’ve been bought and paid for by corporate interests and lobbying. They’re not a representative of the people. They’re party over country, interests over unity, few over many.


    If people can organize instead of work overtime…


    Good point.

    @FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

    “I’m not getting debt relief, so why should they” is their only argument. They’re just greedy.

    Bizarroland avatar

    And many of them got covid bailouts and never had to pay a penny back and do not think even for a moment that their actions are hypocritical


    They’re just greedy asscunts.


    And we literally have congress critters that lived on welfare debt relief programs and want to tell others to pull themselves up by the bootstraps.


    That is rural America in a nut shell.

    Living off of a ton of social welfare programs while voting for people who want to destroy them


    I don't need student debt relief, it won't affect me. But I am extremely for it - it's called wanting a better life for your fellow human being.

    Compassion - it's not a difficult concept if you're not a narcissistic a$$hole.

    And as an added bonus, the money currently going to banks would actually get better distributed to businesses (both big and small) and act as a net gain to our economy. But screw that - we don't want some bank stocks to dip and affect some wealthy pension plans! /s


    My family is financially secure and has no student debt. I, too, am for student debt relief, in part because it benefits me directly. When my neighbor has an extra $100 in his pocket to spend at the local shop, that benefits me, too. “Conservatives” (just what in the fuck do they conserve?) are too stupid to see this.


    I was blessed with my parents saving a lot and saving early for my college, and I fully support student debt relief. I honestly don’t understand how it’s possible for someone to be lucky, see the vast majority of people to be unlucky, and not want all of them to be helped out.


    Because in their mind they are not lucky, they worked for it. And the others just didn’t work hard enough.


    I hadn’t ever considered it, but my desire for student debt relief also won’t affect me. I’ve been harping on this thing that I want for the last couple of years. I never stopped for a second to consider that I’m not in that group. I just want a better life for my fellow humans. Thanks for bringing that to my front of mind.

    These people are truly assholes.


    When you view life as a zero sum game it turns you into a real selfish cunt.


    Simple answer I think is GOP don’t want anyone in their base to think any form of government assistance is good and will always label it as hand outs. More government assistance/social safety nets means their capitalist overlords gets to maintain and build their control over citizens and money will flow to them instead. Also “liberals bad!”


    Along with the usual “the cruelty is the point” responses, I’d like to remind people that this is a direct strategy championed by Mitch McConnell, who has been championing this strategy long before Biden came along.

    First, McConnell believes that the GOP should not have any policy positions on anything at all. If you have a policy position, that position is subject to criticism. Rather than champion policies that he fully admits would be unpopular with the voters, McConnell believes in simply pointing to the Democrat policies, pointing out the flaws in those policies, and just making vague promises that the GOP can do better without actually defining how. Ever seen the meme of the guy tapping his own head while saying something profoundly stupid? That’s exactly what this is. Picture McConnell doing that while saying “Can’t be criticized for your terrible ideas if you just don’t have any ideas at all!”

    The other part, also championed by McConnell and others, is that no matter what it is, if it originally was a Democrat idea, then a Republican must be against it at all costs. Not only must they be against it, they must treat every Democrat policy as a threat to American society as we know it. Take a look at Romneycare in Massachusetts. A healthcare bill created by a Republican that was considered widely successful and basically the cornerstone to Obamacare. But the second a Democrat suggesting nationalizing the program, it was suddenly the worst program in the world that would collapse our healthcare system and lead to death panels.

    And sad to say, but it’s been a very effective strategy for them. It’s easy for the GOP to get their voters to blame Democrats for problems because deflecting blame is easy, and people are always looking for someone to blame for whatever problems they have in life. People tend not to do their own research or critical thinking and often just prefer to be “told” what the “right” answer is, especially if what they’re told jives with their own personal worldview. If voters want to believe that Democrats are the root of all evil, and their elected leaders are saying that Democrats are the root of all evil, it’s not much of a stretch to get them to believe that anything or any ideas associated with Democrats are also evil and must be eradicated.

    It’s all about maintaining political power through obstruction. Doesn’t matter how bad your own policies are just as long as you continue to make sure voters believe that the alternative is even worse.


    This is extremely well said. Thanks for taking the time.


    conservatives view social hierarchy as a necessity which must be enforced. if you’re at the bottom, you deserve to be there, and if you’re there, you suffer because you deserve it, and because you’re at the bottom, you deserve to suffer. cruelty is the point, and without it, there can’t be the joy of their success.

    anything else, to them, is profane and must be fought/destroyed. anyone who tries to climb above their position must be punished.

    relevant videos:

    The Alt-Right Playbook: Always a Bigger Fish

    Endnote 3: The Origins of Conservatism


    Christian in name only.


    That’s the No True Scotsman Fallacy.

    This is just Christianity.

    orphiebaby, (edited )
    @orphiebaby@lemmy.world avatar

    I’m not a Christian, but no. And screw your upvoters.

    Edit: Just in case you need an explanation (though if you did, you probably wouldn’t accept it anyway), a person who says they’re a Christian but doesn’t read/learn, understand, or follow any Christian principles except incidentally is not a Christian. It’s like a person saying they’re a pacifist, but they go out beating up and killing homeless people at night. That doesn’t make pacifists assholes, that makes the person a liar. Your brain cells barely need to function for you to understand this principle, so stop with the religiophobic bullshit.


    Thank you for the links. They were very enlightening.


    I’ve always regarded that episode of the playbook as especially astute.


    the whole “Playbook” is pretty great, bit this one is excellent for explaining exactly why conservatives see things the way they do


    Which is quite a high bar, considering the overall quality of the whole series!


    The only thing baffling about any of this is that somehow, millions of ordinary, working/middle-class Americans believe that this system benefits them more than the alternative.


    Nah, they’re just pissed and want to believe they’ve been wronged by some “other”. Ironically, they’re 100% correct, but have identified the wrong “other”. Baffling, indeed.


    it’s not baffling at all. the American dream is literally everyone is a millionaire or will be one day. conservatives are the only ones buying into that dream still so they’re trying to live like a millionaire now so that when the money finally shows up they’ve done their part to help their new millionaire friends along the way.

    The problem is they don’t understand that the likelihood of them becoming even moderately wealthy is pretty slim and they’re too blind to see that voting to hurt the poor is voting to hurt themselves in their current situation.

    @FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

    When I was growing up, at least the way I was taught (and I was only born in 1977), the American Dream was a steady paycheck, a house and a car. Did that change at some point or was I taught something other than what people actually believed?


    I’ve never heard of that version of The American Dream before.


    As someone also born in '77 I generally heard the same things and the same sentiment. Though I think that might have more to do with family and the general class you grew up in. Because it isn’t Universal unfortunately. Nor can capitalism deliver on it.


    But voting another way will result in my children being accosted by drag queens who will turn them gay / trans and my freedoms will be co-opted by shitty beer companies who don’t believe in Christ. Then my enemies will take my guns and my elderly parents will be shipped off to a commie gulag and murdered to make room for more whatever whatever whatever… I ran out of tropes. Hopefully, you don’t need me to punctuate that this is sarcasm.

    These are the things that they think about obsessively. They aren’t thinking about how to make the world a better place. They’re thinking about the things they hate and fear.


    A Conservative is someone who can’t enjoy their dinner without knowing someone else is hungry


    I’m stealing that.



    IHeartBadCode, to news in Justice Alito says Congress lacks the power to impose an ethics code on the Supreme Court
    IHeartBadCode avatar

    To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

    — Article I Section 8 Clause 18 US Constitution

    The Constitution indicates that Congress gets to set the laws that are necessary for proper execution of all the powers enumerated in the Constitution.

    kingthrillgore avatar


    Alito basically admitted to conspiracy against the government

    CleverNickName, to news in Masks are out at In-N-Out after burger chain bans employees from wearing them in 5 states

    In-N-Out is owned by Christian Nationalists.

    EvilColeslaw, (edited )

    TIL. Always looked at them as the cool California chain. (I’m east coast, none here.)


    I was so excited to try it as an east coaster when I got out west. It’s nothing special. Cheaper than 5 guys but not as good, and I don’t consider 5 guys all that great to begin with. Better than McDonald’s or Burger King but not by much.

    Cylusthevirus avatar

    Specifically, it's owned by Lynsi Snyder, who's only 40.

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