TunaCowboy, to politics in Pennsylvania lawmaker cites Genesis 8 as proof that climate change is fake

1 Timothy 2:11-12: “A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.”

brothershamus avatar

"Silence woman! Your god commands it!"

I mean - it's so perfect and horrible, it seems to be the only proper response.

andrew, avatar

“…For all who draw the sword will die by the sword.”


It’s better to die by the sword than to live with a boot on your neck.

ripcord avatar

So you're arguing in favor of this lady then, or...?


They just got distracted.


Just get a pen and you don’t need to worry about swords anymore.

lechatron, avatar

But I’m not a very talented artist, it’s all I know how to draw. :(


Rules are rules.


Except these are the same people trying to legislate further misogyny


“Your holy book says for you to sit down and shut the fuck up while the men are speaking.”


On one hand, yeah

On the other hand, this could potentially just attract another type of asshole you don't want to be associated with who agrees with you.


Theyre being ironic. Theyre using a bible passage to illustrate that using bible passages as proof of anything is retarded.


I understand they're being ironic, i'm pointing out that they could attract the unironic

If you know there's people who will use Genesis 8 against climate change, you know there's people who will take other passages seriously.

killeronthecorner, avatar

People do take those passages seriously. We can’t and shouldn’t adjust our speech to avoid dumb people being as dumb as they were already planning to be.


Right, but if we're already using a "Gotcha", and it's...not really as much of a "Gotcha" as we think it is...then i'm basically just saying we gotta have arguments that work on the people we're talking to, not ourselves

Like if anything we're adjusting our speech to make the argument...that is going to have people perfectly willing to latch onto it seriously.

Sanctus, avatar

Please, just please, pull this on them. “So do you believe in this book? Because you are here attempting to hold authority over men, and you are anything but silent.” Someone needs to say this to her face. Or anyone who pulls the bible as a source for their arguments. Play hard ball, we don’t have time to spare.


Copy and paste this to her Facebook and X accounts.


For those that don’t know, even though that passage sounds very Old Testamenty, it is in fact the supposedly more enlightened New Testament, and it was written by Paul, THE major New Testament authority (after Jesus, of course). And that section in its full context gets even worse: Timothy 2&…

“Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing. I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.

A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. But women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.

This is Handmaid’s Tale stuff.


Most modern biblical scholars believe 1st (and 2nd) Timothy to be later writings not actually written by Paul. Which doesn’t change the point really I just think it’s interesting.

CharlesDarwin, avatar

Also, Paul never even met the character known as Jesus. Something I find very interesting given how much prominence he’s given in “the” bible.


Paul seems to have had some spats with the apostles who were around for Jesus. The “super-apostles” of 2 Corinthians 11:5 (NIV: “do not think I am in the least inferior to those ‘super-apostles.’”) may be referring to those earlier apostles. Galatians 2:11–14 also mentions an incident where Paul openly tells Peter he’s a hypocrite.

Much like the meeting on resolving circumcision in the early church, it’s glossed over quickly and made to sound like everyone came to an agreement after hashing it out for a bit.


Who tf is Timothy?


Timótheos was the first bishop of Ephesus, which is now Selçuk, Turkey.

The Bible passage is allegedly a letter from St Paul to St Timótheos, although most scholars think it was written after Paul’s death.


Oh right, Timótheos. Calling him Timothy makes him sound very modern.


The Bible was famously translated to English during the Reformation.

Previously (mix of Aramaic and Greek here, you can pick one for either, plus I haven’t included their epithets. Like how nowadays we’re known as Firstname Lastname, at the time you’d have a family name and if you were famous, an epithet like Timos of Athens)

  • Simon Peter: Shimoun Bar Younah
  • Andrew: Andreás
  • James Greater: Iacobus
  • John: Iohannes
  • Phillip: Philippos
  • Bartholomew: Bartholomaios
  • Thomas: Toma
  • Matthew: Matisyahu
  • James Lesser: Yaqub
  • Judas Thaddeus: Yahwada
  • Simon: Sumeon or Simo
  • Judas Iscariot: Yehuda

Fascinsting. What’s your background as to this stuff?


I grew up in the UK and our education system (or at least the one I had) has Religious Education as part of it’s curriculum and under history we study the Reformation, Henry VIII, Martin Luther etc

Also as a teen I read some of Karen Armstrong’s books. The rest is just… lived experience and google.

nobleshift, to atheism in Conservatives can't handle The Satanic Temple's harmless display in Iowa's Capitol avatar


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  • JackiesFridge, avatar

    Why should we come up with a new idea? They don’t.

    Rhaedas, to politics in Pennsylvania lawmaker cites Genesis 8 as proof that climate change is fake
    Rhaedas avatar

    Anyone who actually cites Noah's flood to counter scientific data doesn't need to be making laws for the public.

    AlwaysNowNeverNotMe avatar

    Frankly they don't need their sensory organs,
    Obviously aren't using them much.


    Frankly, they don’t need their heads above water.

    displaced_city_mouse, to atheism in AZ judge tosses out child abuse lawsuit against Mormon Church, citing "clergy-penitent" rule

    The bill, well-intentioned as it might have been, would disrupt centuries of church dogma

    Because the sunk cost of centuries of wrong thinking is more important than protecting children.

    In other news, the Catholic Church was unavailable for comment.

    Yawweee877h444, to atheism in AZ judge tosses out child abuse lawsuit against Mormon Church, citing "clergy-penitent" rule

    God I fucking hate religion. These people are pure evil.

    RampageDon, to atheism in The nation's largest Christian university just got fined $38 million for lying about tuition costs

    So they are getting hit with cost of business. 100k students with 78% being affected, 50k tuition that is actually 25% more than advertised.

    (78,000 students)(50,000 tution)(.25) = 975million they made just from extra fees tricking those students. A 38 million fine should be on top of the 975million they pay back for conning people. Why would they stop when they make money off of this?


    I agree and hate it all, but as far as why would they stop, they are also under new scrutiny for the future and have guidelines/oversight applied specifically to GCU to monitor and inform current and future enrollees:…/us-department-education-office-federal-s…

    *I also think they should be paying extra annually for the taxpayer-funded oversight

    core, to atheism in Wisconsin official blames homelessness on "sin," then votes against aid for the poor

    Why is religion permitted in politics?

    Uranium3006 avatar

    it shouldn't be. we have to fight back against religion

    BunkerBuster, to atheism in Wisconsin official blames homelessness on "sin," then votes against aid for the poor

    Luke 14:13-14 "But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the just.”

    Not that I believe in this shit, but if he claims to follow scripture, he should follow it.


    I’m unfortunately surrounded by these people, and want to strengthen our side, so I’ll give a steel man of their response:

    Jesus was talking at a privately hosted banquet about what the hosts should freely do. He wasn’t suggesting that they should be forced by law to do so. I support giving to charity as Jesus taught, just don’t force me to via taxation.


    But that’s bullshit because then they make being homeless illegal. We know they aren’t giving any donations out.

    Silentiea, avatar

    Another fun response is to ask about the things the do support taxes paying for, like the death penalty, and bringing up the way Jesus talked about those things.


    The response to this is, “So, when was the last time you invited the poor to your house for dinner?”

    These people believe that so long as they tithe, they absolve themselves from having to personally do it. They’ll say something like, “I give to the church and they do it for me.”

    There are Christians that actually are kind and do what they can for their fellow man. But they are greatly outnumbered by the assholes who use religion to justify their shitty behavior.


    No, no, these are the “be as evil as possible while alive and then use my so-called belief in Jesus as a loophole out of hell“ Christians.


    If God exists, these people are going to Hell, because they think they’re righteous despite all the evil they’re doing. In their minds, there’s nothing to confess and repent for.

    Blaster_M, to atheism in Wisconsin official blames homelessness on "sin," then votes against aid for the poor

    And yet, the scriptures commanded even ancient Israel to have specific social safety nets, and so on. Such a shame people use religion to drive their political policy, calling their undesireables sinners and so on. Straw and rafter and all that.

    azimir, to atheism in A proposed Satanic school helped derail a vote to repeal Idaho's Blaine Amendment

    This is a class act in how to make use of the system through malicious compliance. If the theocrats demand a theocracy, then while we have a federal government that tries to enforce equal access, then demonstrate just how equal access will be used.

    To do that, you need to be informed, engaged, willing to work, and willing to speak up with your voice. Sadly, democracy is only defended by an active and informed electorate. Politics is also a contact sport. We are served well by people stepping into the ring and putting some body blows on those in power who want to erode the foundations of secular society.

    nkat2112, avatar

    Excellently explained! I couldn’t agree more. Thank you for sharing that.

    ElcaineVolta, to atheism in Christian parents sue Michigan school district for respecting the humanity of their trans son
    ElcaineVolta avatar

    why has that egg donor had orthodontic work done? such a sign of disrespect for her perfect and all-knowing creator.

    AdamEatsAss, to politics in Here's why Speaker Mike Johnson's attendance at a "Purity Ball" is so damn disturbing

    Purity balls themselves are kind of disturbing. Engaging in sexual activity should be a personal choice. It is societies responsibility to teach children the possible outcomes of sexual activity so they can make an informed decisions. Celebrating not engaging in sexual activity makes children think that these activities are bad and should be avoided.

    dantheclamman, avatar

    They don’t want children to be educated about sexual activity because that usually is correlated with effective family planning, which means fewer children, which means women having more time for personal empowerment rather than simply being vessels for childbirth, which again means fewer children. Fewer children means fewer minds to convert to the religion that motivates the whole exercise. Many ‘successful’ religions aggressively propagate themselves, even if it’s at the expense of the well-being of the believers themselves.



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  • FuglyDuck, avatar

    When you put it that way… Jesus sounds kinky as fuck. What was he up to with Mary Madeline?

    FuglyDuck, avatar

    Not to mention, reduced cheap labor. Particularly reduced slave prison labor.


    It also means that kids might learn that rape isn’t ok even when he’s from a good family


    Or, for that matter, your own.

    IchNichtenLichten, avatar

    That, plus these scumbags are all about foisting their hangups on the rest of us.


    But they need more babies to propogate Christianity; The popular belief that a celestial Jewish baby who is also his own father, born from a virgin mother, died for three days so that he could ascend to heaven on a cloud and then make you live forever only if you symbolically eat his flesh, drink his blood and telepathically tell him you accept him as your lord & master so he can remove an evil force from your spiritual being that is present in all humanity because an immoral woman made from a man’s rib was hoodwinked by a talking reptile possessed by an malicious angel to secretly eat forbidden fruit from a magical tree.


    That is possibly my favorite description of Christianity that I have ever read! And very accurate!


    I did not write it. But I copy pasted it from another post and saved for future sharing. 🤓

    dantheclamman, avatar

    Sounds plausible


    Amen 🙏


    Well, when you put it like that…

    Count me in!


    At the bottom of the screen:


    BlackSkinnedJew, (edited )

    What’s the real difference between believing this and a schizophrenia diagnostic?


    Yeah and promising your sexual “purity” to your parent (the person statistically most likely to molest you at that age) is so disturbing on its own.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    Seriously. I don’t want to know if my daughter is having sex with someone as long as she’s safe about it.

    She likes girls, so at least pregnancy is not likely.

    Riccosuave, avatar
    IchNichtenLichten, avatar

    I need to watch this movie again.



    IchNichtenLichten, avatar


    andrew, avatar

    It’s half that outcome and half pulling back the rubber band, hoping it stays here when you let go. It doesn’t, and instead you have tons of early pregnancy from 18 year olds or younger who didn’t understand how to practice safe sex but just knew it was supposed to be great enough to have a ball about not doing until you find the right person.

    some_guy, to atheism in Conservatives can't handle The Satanic Temple's harmless display in Iowa's Capitol

    I encourage all to donate to the Satanic Temple today.

    CherenkovBlue, to climate in Pennsylvania lawmaker cites Genesis 8 as proof that climate change is fake avatar

    Satanic Temple Tenet V: Beliefs should conform to one’s best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one’s beliefs.

    Be a Satanist. Reject Christian fundamentalism and other forms of religious hold over political policy. Be reasonable.


    Reject religion.


    CherenkovBlue, avatar

    Modern TST satanism is a nontheistic, non-supernatural religion. By providing an ethical system of beliefs to interact with the world and symbols to use as a way to guide internal personal development, it can be classified as a religion - which of course you are free to reject!


    I’m familiar with TST and I know how they work. I was referring to all the others.


    I mean I already love heavy metal and call shenanigans…

    Hyperreality, (edited ) to climate in Pennsylvania lawmaker cites Genesis 8 as proof that climate change is fake

    As the article mentions,the interesting thing about the bible is that is explicitly pushes the idea that man is the steward of creation. I mean, the pope is literally on the record on this. This lawmaker also admits this, but makes excuses for not following that commandment.

    So you could argue that this lawmaker, and her republican colleagues who all voted against this law, are going against the bible by opposing climate change awareness.

    It's fascinating how un-Christian a lot of the vocal Christians are. Matthew 6:1-34:

    “Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. “Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. ...

    _haha_oh_wow_, avatar

    Anybody can call themself a Christian, but the vast majority of the people who do totally disregard most of the bible in practice, especially the Jesus stuff.

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