HistoPol, (edited ) to politik German
@HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar

#RUS #Politik #Ukrainekrieg #Russland

Putin nutzt Rekrutenmangel zu weiteren ethnischen Säuberungen in Russland: rd. 400.000 Deutschstämmige sollen Kannonenfutter werden)

via #TheTelegraph (UK):

Putin nimmt deutschsprachige Menschen in Russland auf der Suche nach Kanonenfutter ins Visier
Eine Propagandakampagne drängt die ethnische Minderheit, die etwa 400.000 Menschen zählt, sich der Armee anzuschließen und gegen die Ukraine zu kämpfen..."


@HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar


Ethnic Germans in Russia as Cannon Fodder


Thanks, Kevin, for pointing out this interesting article in the first place and for boosting its (automated, but cross-read) translation.

This is actually a tactically brilliant move by . Already, there have been several attacks on by in Germany, at least two in in recent weeks...


@HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar

Ethnic Germans in Russia as Cannon Fodder


...This will most likely sow dissension and further devide the German population.

What is the scale of the problem?

At least 280,000 Russians living in Germany were eligible to vote in the fake Russian Presidential Election this year. 1) Most most likely voted in his favor. Most likely, if married, their kids weren't of German-descent, so there are...


@HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar

Ethnic Germans in Russia as Cannon Fodder


...quite some more Russian-speakers of this category.

Moreover, and quite apart, of the about 4 million Russian-speaking people in Germany, 2.5 mn are of German descent () who emigrated to Germany, being eligible for citizenship. 2)

I would call this a powder keg. And seems to have found a way to ignite it.




HistoPol, to Russia
@HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar

Свежие новости

Путин нацелился на немецкоговорящих в России в поисках пушечного мяса

Пропагандистская кампания призывает этническое меньшинство, насчитывающее около 400 000 человек, вступить в армию и воевать с Украиной

Джеймс Ротвелл, корреспондент в Берлине 19 мая 2024 г. • 13:15

Владимир Путин в Кремле 18 мая этого года Фото: Александр Казаков / AP

Россия развернула...


arnie_dxer, to Ukraine Polish
@arnie_dxer@mastodon.radio avatar

Multiple Ukrainian TV & radio channels have been #hacked and/or #jammed on Astra 4A (4.8 E) satellite by naZi ruZZia.

Acc. to reports, interference has been appearing repeatedly for some time now, but peaked on May 9, when naZi hackers managed to replace several channels' output with live footage of "victory parade" in moZcow.

More on this story (in Polish) ➡️ https://satkurier.pl/news/236762/atak-na-ukrainskie-kanaly-transmisja-parady-zwyciestwa.html #Ukraine #WAR #WARINUKRAINE #WorldWarIII #WWIII #jamming

Alex7023, to random Russian
@Alex7023@social.kyiv.dcomm.net.ua avatar

Польща розпочала зведення фортифікаційних споруд на кордоні з білоруссю.

Донадьд Туск зазначив, що укріплення будуть вздовж усього польського кордону зі сходу.

"Це не лише внутрішній кордон Польщі, але й кордон ЄС. Тому я не сумніваюся, що всій Європі доведеться – і я знаю, що ми цього досягнемо – інвестувати у свою безпеку, інвестуючи у східний кордон Польщі та в безпеку нашого кордону", – наголосив премʼєр.

Alex7023, to random Russian
@Alex7023@social.kyiv.dcomm.net.ua avatar

У monobank повідомили, що куплять новий будинок 98-річній Лідії Степанівні, яка під обстрілами пройшла близько 10 км.

Лідія Степанівна залишилась людиною.


mina, to random German
@mina@berlin.social avatar

Wer immer schon mal gedacht hat: "Schade, dass Beton nicht brennt!" könnte sich ja die Anschaffung eines Flammenwerfer-Hundes (in den USA für ca. 10K zu kaufen, und sowohl mit Benzin als auch mit Napalm zu betreiben) überlegen.

Wir leben wahrhaftig in einer Dystopie.


@HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar


Tja, der * ist wohl die militärische -Variante des zivilen |s von . -wer hat etwas anderes erwartet?

Was ist die des Untiers? - Fehlt nur noch eine kleine Rakete darauf...dann hat man eine laufende Drohne, die man mit nicht mehr abschießen kann.--?




...zum Glück wenigstens mit Exportkontrolle.

Alex7023, to random Russian
@Alex7023@social.kyiv.dcomm.net.ua avatar

Європарламент оголосив путіна нелегітимним президентом. Після ПАРЄ - це дійсно гарна новина. Парламент ЄС попри тертя всередині від Угорщини та Словаччини, не визнають кривавого диктатора президентом.

Важливе рішення, що чітко вказує на те, що путін повністю нерукостислий в цивілізованому світі. Підтримка Європи України буде, сама ЄС визнає шлях України в сім'ю європейських народів та допомагатиме з реалізацією цього шляху та захисту країни від рф.

Дякуємо союзникам!

GottaLaff, to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

Via Melissa Murray:

She's been saying this for a long time. You're delusional if you think banning birth control is off the table.

Biden-Harris HQ:

Top Trump supporter Marsha Blackburn says Griswold v. Connecticut is “constitutionally unsound”

(Griswold v. Connecticut is the 1965 Supreme Court ruling that legalized birth control)

@HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar

@philip_cardella @carturo222 @obot50549535


...endless and ultimately senseless wars, brothers against brothers (,) and neighbor against neighbor (MiddleEastWar.)

The Lord of The Flies doesn’t only belong in the Venn diagram, it actually should be the cornerstone of a 3D version to be constructed. (That'd be something for my friend @mina sci-fy pro and math wizard 😉.)

"In his Discourse on the Inequality Among Men (1755), []...

arnie_dxer, (edited ) to random Polish
@arnie_dxer@mastodon.radio avatar

666 kHz: Radio Signal, new station (!) launched yesterday, another independent one that targets naZi ruZZia (and belaruZ), very similar to Nasha Lenta on 1557. Both stations are produced in The Netherlands 🇳🇱 and use a transmitter in Sitkunai🇱🇹, just 268km away from me. Fair until 2010z or so in disturbed condx but improved then.

Streaming it for a couple more minutes on YT ▶ https://www.youtube.com/@ArnieDXer

Ard, to random Russian
@Ard@mstdn.social avatar

Every missile that hits a rescue site is a death sentence for those who need help
This ambulance,hit in Kharkiv in September 2022,is a symbol of the sacrifices made by rescuers every day. More than 2,000 special vehicles were attacked, resulting in the deaths of healthcare workers and injuries to those seeking help
Now this ambulance is here in Italy, witness to the horrors of war. After Modena, it arrives in Bologna on 18 and 19 April in Piazza Nettuno.
Join us to support UKRAINE

dominiksteiger, to Israel German
@dominiksteiger@swiss.social avatar

Quite an astounding efficacy of air defense, if these numbers are correct. Especially the missiles.

@HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar

@gimulnautti @dominiksteiger


...nation hostage is, IMO, a casus belli. Portugal should consider invoking Article 5.
The mass delivery of drones to causes enormous hardships in the . The West is footing the gigantic financial bill.
Maybe it is time to solve the weapons problems at its root: take ot drone and ballistic missiles factories as a response.

Once it has nuclear warheads, this...

Free_Press, to random
@Free_Press@mstdn.social avatar


Speaker Mike Johnson announced he is sticking with his plan to put a series of foreign aid bills on the floor, including funding for Ukraine, after facing significant pressure from hardliners.

“After significant Member feedback and discussion, the House Rules Committee will be posting soon today the text of three bills that will fund America’s national security interests and allies in Israel, the Indo-Pacific, and Ukraine.


@HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar



Finally acts, probably on behalf of . Hopefully, aid for , in particular direkt needed ammunitions and air-defense systems won't arrive too late.
will no ramp-up drones and missile strikes even further in the weeks to come before delivery.

On that note:

While has been 's most effective...


Free_Press, to news
@Free_Press@mstdn.social avatar

Dear Reader,

"Did Johnson have a 'Come to Jesus' moment where he put his morality ahead of Trump's need to please Putin? The jury is still out."

  • Aure

Speaker Mike Johnson said he will "take personal risk" by pushing ahead with his plans for a House vote on foreign aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, as fellow Republican representatives continue to call for him to vacate the chair
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #BreakingNews #Breaking


@HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar


#WarInUkraine #USpol #Johnson

"Did Johnson have a 'Come to Jesus' moment where he put his morality ahead of Trump's need to please Putin?"

Most certainly not.

Probably #TFG gave him the go-ahead not wanting to be seen as the man who almost singlehandedly had #Ukraine destroyed (with a little help from his comrades, right Товарищ Дональд?)

On a more serious note:

Maybe Putler has told him that the accrued delays are now sufficient for the surely coming spring offensive.

@HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar
UkraineWar, to random Ukrainian

Russia destroys Kyiv’s largest power plant
Ukrainian president chides allies and calls for more air defences to intercept missiles

UkraineWar, to random Ukrainian

On 11 April, the Russians carried out the third large-scale attack on Ukrainian energy infrastructure since the beginning of the year: thermal generation and transmission facilities were attacked in Odesa, Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhia, Lviv, and Kyiv oblasts.

Gala, to random Ukrainian
@Gala@k18plus.social avatar

A new, massive missile attack by Muscovites. Shaheds and rockets. Critical facilities in the energy sector were damaged.
Unfortunately, the whole world watches silently as a country and a nation are destroyed in the center of Europe. The US is afraid of rising gasoline prices, Europe is afraid of losing peace and morning croissants.
More than 100 Patriot systems, but they cannot provide a single one.
The situation when friends are not far from the enemy.

UkraineWar, to random Ukrainian

Ukraine’s postal operator, Ukrposhta, has released a stamp devoted to the town of Okhtyrka, Sumy region.
The city suffered violent Russian attacks and ruination at the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion. The stamp marks the end of the active hostilities in Okhtyrka on March 27, 2022.

DoctorsWithoutBorders, to Ukraine
@DoctorsWithoutBorders@newsie.social avatar

Today at around 3:00am our office in Pokrovsk, in the Donetsk region, in #Ukraine was bombed and completely destroyed.

All our staff are safe.

Five civilians who were close to the office were injured. #WarInUkraine


Gala, to random Ukrainian
@Gala@k18plus.social avatar
UkraineWar, to random Ukrainian

Ukrainians have performed miracles and repeatedly embarrassed the “experts”. We should be grateful to have such an ally, but instead of helping them win, we ask them to fight with one hand tied behind their back.

bellingcat, to random Ukrainian
@bellingcat@zhub.link avatar

Метод "тонкого и толстого" - это стратегия информационного влияния, которая использует сочетание "тонкого" и "толстого" влияния для достижения желаемого результата. Основная идея заключается в использовании различных типов влияния в зависимости от конкретной ситуации и целей.
Тонкое влияние - это подход, использующий психологические и информационные методы для формирования мнений, взглядов и установок целевой аудитории.

  • Термин "влияние" охватывает множество методов, включая рекламу, публичные выступления, социальные сети и создание контента.
    Его целью часто является создание позитивного восприятия операций или событий и изменение отношения общества к определенным явлениям.
  • Прямое влияние, с другой стороны, подразумевает использование политической, экономической или военной силы для достижения цели.
    Этот метод включает в себя такие действия, как соглашения, санкции и военные операции.
  • Метод "тонкого и толстого" влияния может быть использован для принуждения к смене власти, изменения стратегических политических решений или поддержки собственных интересов в мире.
    Этот подход может применяться в различных областях, включая политику, экономику, военное дело и другие. Например, в политике его можно использовать для создания положительного имиджа кандидата перед выборами (тонкое влияние) или для вмешательства в ситуацию, угрожающую национальным интересам (толстое влияние). В обществе этот метод может использоваться для формирования отношения к социальным явлениям или событиям, а также для защиты интересов государства или компании в международном масштабе.

Analyzing the 'Thin and Thick' Method in Information Influence - Infosec.Pub

Title: Analyzing the 'Thin and Thick' Method in Information Influence
Annotation: This analytical report delves into the 'thin and thick' method of information influence, exploring its dual approach and implications for shaping perceptions and attitudes. It highlights the use of psychological and direct methods to achieve desired outcomes, with a focus on political, economic, and societal contexts.
Editorial Comment: Understanding the nuances of information influence strategies is crucial in navigating complex socio-political landscapes. The 'thin and thick' method exemplifies the multifaceted nature of influence campaigns and underscores the importance of critical analysis.
Disclaimer: This investigation was conducted urgently and requires thorough verification. There may be biases and potential misinformation, including interference by external parties. Readers are advised to exercise discretion and verify information independently.
Conclusion: The 'thin and thick' method offers insights into the dynamic interplay between subtle persuasion and direct coercion in shaping public opinion and policy decisions. It underscores the need for vigilance and discernment in an era of information warfare.
Keywords: Information Influence, Psychological Methods, Direct Coercion, Perception Management, Socio-Political Dynamics

Alex7023, to random Russian
@Alex7023@social.kyiv.dcomm.net.ua avatar

Міський голова Охтирки Павло Кузьменко: "Прильоти у нас - за 40 секунд, якщо беремо балістику. Якщо запуск з літака, то 2-2,5 хвилини. Я рахував ще на початку війни"
Сумщина нині – під ударом. Про жахи на її прикордонних територіях, про вщент знищені села і тотальну евакуацію знає вже весь світ, але ж від регулярних обстрілів страждають і багато міст області – Суми, Шостка, Конотоп, Тростянець, Білопілля та інші.

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