@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar



33, she/her.

Deactivated my Twitter account in March 2022. Deleted Tiktok in 2023.

Blogger, musician, reader, photographer, writer. I love posting about technology and books.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

noellemitchell, to webdev
@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

Just updated the HTML on my Neocities homepage to semantic HTML, I think it's an improvement over what the HTML was previously 😅


@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

Updated the About Me page too 😅 I need a break now

noellemitchell, to wordpress
@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

Yeah...so my WordPress.com blog looks really bad right now, but I need to take a break lol 😆 I think I need to learn how to use the block editor. Doesn't help that WordPress has limited what you can edit on a free plan so it might end up looking really bad 😅

At least I have my really bad HTML Neocities blog though. 😂

@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

@MylesRyden Yeah it doesn't feel very straightforward, it's organized in a very confusing way. I feel like I need to watch a tutorial to understand it.

noellemitchell, to random
@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

I'm changing my WordPress.com blog to a different theme and each one I change it to makes it look worse and worse 🤣

noellemitchell, to random
@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

Okay going to try resharing a link to this post because there was a random photo in the preview that I didn't choose. Hopefully it won't show a photo this time.


@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

It's still there...

noellemitchell, to books
@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

Reconsidering buying a Kobo e-reader 😆

I really want an e-ink screen to read on 😁 :blobcatread:

@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

@raulo Oh I've never heard of this software, I'll have to look it up.

@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

@maggieb Oh really? Is there any reason you don't like it?

stux, to random
@stux@mstdn.social avatar

This is what I see when I look left:

@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

@stux Omggggggg :blobcatheart: :blobcathearteyes: so cute :blobcatlove:

noellemitchell, to random
@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

Why does my Neocities blog say it has 3,831 views? 🤦 I should never have shared links to it on Mastodon. 😆 I think it's counting stuff that isn't a view as a view.

noellemitchell, to mastodon
@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

Not sure how I feel about being on Mastodon after the announcement of the cofounder of Twitter Biz Stone being appointed to the board of directors on Mastodons new US nonprofit. 😅 I'm wondering how it's going to change things.

@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

@maegul I agree with what you said. Can't think of anything to add to it. 😆

noellemitchell, to mastodon
@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

Wow wait a minute 👀 the co-founder of Twitter Biz Stone is one of the board of directors for the new Mastodon nonprofit in the U.S. That's interesting.


noellemitchell, to random
@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

So it turns out I'm preferring wordpress.com over Neocities 😅😆

noellemitchell, to wordpress
@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

Another day, another writing prompt on WordPress! They're pretty fun to answer. :blobcatlaugh:

#wordpress #blog #blogger #writing


noellemitchell, to wordpress
@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

Neocities is claiming my blog has a total of 2,698 total views which is obviously wildly inaccurate. I went from 442 views earlier today to 2,698 which just seems highly doubtful. I might focus on my WordPress.com blog for a while instead, because at least the stats on there seem accurate. On my WordPress.com blog I've gotten 13 views today which seems way more believable than getting 2,256 views in one day on my Neocities blog. 😆

noellemitchell, to wordpress
@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar
noellemitchell, to random
@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

I feel like the number of visits in the stats on Neocities is inaccurate because no way over 1,000 people visited my blog today. 😆

@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

@paninid Well there's only one letter difference between the two. 😅

noellemitchell, to Blog
@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

So my Neocities stats finally updated...it says I've had 1,558 hits today and 1,458 visits...so far. :blobcatdizzy:

According to Neocities the number of visits is a more accurate representation of how many real people visit my site...so I guess that means that potentially over 1,000 people visited my blog today? 😆😵


@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

Still doubting if the numbers are accurate 😆

noellemitchell, to random
@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

How does my Neocities site have 1,861 views right now, up from 442 earlier? Some of this has to be bots or something. 😅

The stats aren't updating to show today's date so I'm waiting to see the number of visitors. 😆

noellemitchell, to Blog
@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

There's been an odd lack of feedback about my Neocities after sharing a link to it on ...I'm going to interpret the silence to mean that my Neocities site is so bad that nobody wants to say anything lol 🤣

@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

@Flamekebab that's all there is so far lol 😆 It's loading correctly if that's all you're seeing. I need to write the first blog post.

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