retiolus, to fediverse Catalan avatar
TechDesk, to twitter avatar

The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected an appeal from Elon Musk to back out of a settlement he struck with the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2018, over tweets he made about Tesla that regulators alleged were fraudulent.

To avoid enforcement, Musk agreed to a “Twitter sitter” — a company lawyer that was required to approve any social media posts he made about Tesla. Now, he’s claiming it is a violation of his First Amendment rights, but as @CNN reports, the Supreme Court doesn’t agree.

privacydingus, to twitter avatar

When your local gets taken over by elon musk

alexandravstraaten, to twitter avatar

Super trots op het initiatief van @SURF en @geant om te stoppen met X 💪.

In slechts een paar uur staat de teller voor de Mastodon toot op 180 boosts.

Super tof alle support! Hopelijk volgen er meer instellingen.

FuckElon, to tesla avatar

Tesla's total wage cost per car is $3,224.Tesla produced about 5 million cars to date.

That makes the 50 billion pay out to Musk correspond to $10,000 for each car sold, in the entire history of the company.

It is also about 2x the entire profit made by the company to date.

That is how crazy this pay package is.


bretcarmichael, to twitter avatar

There’s a healthy amount of disapproval for #X’s product direction in this (I don’t like it either). At the same time, Twitter’s change in product direction has changed its user base. It’s no longer representative of the general population. So, even if you support Twitter’s changes under , the platform is objectively less valuable as a research tool.

br00t4c, to twitter avatar
SURF, to twitter Dutch avatar

As of 2 May, we will stop using X (formerly Twitter).

The reason is that X no longer matches SURF's public values such as humanity, autonomy and justice.

Also, the reach is declining on X and more and more academics and researchers are leaving the platform.

Read more about our decision:

geant, to twitter avatar

As of 2 May 2024, GÉANT will cease activities on its main profiles on #X (FKA #Twitter).

If you aren't already doing it, follow us on LinkedIn or here on Mastodon, where you can also find @SURF @DFN @nordunet @renater @sunet @restena

More about our decision:

#Xit #GoodbyeX #GoodbyeTwitter #LeavingX #Mastodon #MastodonMigration

KimSJ, to internet avatar

There is a very simple way to ‘fix’ social media, and that is to make platforms legally responsible for all the content posted on their systems. Yes, it would break the business model of such providers, but isn’t that what’s needed, given that they have consistently shown that they are using their power irresponsibly?

Edit: it has been suggested that legal responsibility should only apply to content “promoted” by platforms. That seems to be an excellent improvement.

thompsondt, to mastodon avatar

Just getting started here ! Since popping over here from I have to say that I'm thrilled with the community.

Still figuring this out. What should I do next?

br00t4c, to twitter avatar

Right Said Fred relentlessly dragged online for defibrillator tweet: 'Fellas is it woke to not die'

br00t4c, to twitter avatar

Right Said Fred relentlessly dragged online for defibrillator tweet: 'Fellas is it woke to not die'

kongakong, to mastodon avatar
LindseyGamble_, to twitter avatar

X, formerly known as Twitter, is launching a dedicated TV app that resembles YouTube. The move is part of its 'video-first platform' ambitions.

Posted into X (TWITTER) NEWS & UPDATES @x

noellemitchell, to mastodon avatar

Not sure how I feel about being on Mastodon after the announcement of the cofounder of Twitter Biz Stone being appointed to the board of directors on Mastodons new US nonprofit. 😅 I'm wondering how it's going to change things.

noellemitchell, to mastodon avatar

Wow wait a minute 👀 the co-founder of Twitter Biz Stone is one of the board of directors for the new Mastodon nonprofit in the U.S. That's interesting.

jeridansky, to twitter avatar

As memories of my years on Twitter fade, I'm reflecting:

What I lost as Twitter spiraled downward and I left: A few cool people and some communities, including folks doing good legal explainers.

Some of what I gained on Mastodon: So many cat and bird photos! Much more coverage of climate change. New cool people!

And on Twitter I never saw before-and-now photos from trans women, and posts by furries.

#Twitter #Mastodon #LGBTQ

LALegault, to twitter avatar

At least this will stop the “I can’t believe you’re still on posts.”

All dies in silicon valley with a tech bro convincing everyone they are going to change the world and then:

FuckElon, to tesla avatar
jglypt, to mastodon avatar

What do verification checkmarks mean on here & how do you get them?

dansup, to fediverse avatar
Imperor, avatar

@dansup I've never been into or similar, but tried with and I am having a great time.

I might just try as well, once it's ready.

Screens are looking great!

Crell, to twitter avatar
rolle, to internet avatar
CindyWeinstein, to twitter avatar

On as practiced by : "The truth is I love literary criticism. I never want to be confused with some type of guy that’s all anti-theory, “humanities jargon is meaningless,” “let’s get back to philology.” I love academic arguments. And if I make fun of something scholarly online, I’ve almost certainly spent hours and hours reading and thinking about it, so the joke’s ultimately on me."

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