@ozzelot@mstdn.social avatar



Linux enthusiast, general computer (ab)user. Flea market fiend, repairer of mysterious old objects found fiending. Owner of groovebox, unfinisher of ideas.

toots in cz/en (may contain traces of any number of other languages if suitable for shitpost)

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danct12, (edited ) to random
@danct12@fosstodon.org avatar

Volume keys on my Redmi Note 7 just went dead.

What should I do?

@ozzelot@mstdn.social avatar

Keep that Note 7 going! Failing that, the Redmi Note 9 Pro is good with UBports and Droidian, but they still require you to wait a week to unlock the bootloader on it.

gamingonlinux, to random
@gamingonlinux@mastodon.social avatar

Lmao. Just use Linux.

@ozzelot@mstdn.social avatar

It's probably fine for your grandma who just wants her internet browser, but she won't install it herself.

ozzelot, to random Czech
@ozzelot@mstdn.social avatar

Regarding the found Pentium 1 PC: the HDD light was turning on for a few seconds, but I was getting no video out, so having no POST card (already ordered it), I resorted to good old blind RAM removal, and hey, we got issues, but we got video!

@ozzelot@mstdn.social avatar

It might be marginally less effort to put the same thing in multiple locations and then just spit out the array in sequence? Idk, I'm not this low-level. Yet.

danct12, to Arduino
@danct12@fosstodon.org avatar
@ozzelot@mstdn.social avatar

dankpods voice

@ozzelot@mstdn.social avatar

In this case, that's just the MCU
(also, didn't notice the USB-C at first, noice)

foone, to random
@foone@digipres.club avatar
@ozzelot@mstdn.social avatar

@foone I'm always surprised you are not, in fact, a sentient floppy disk. Happy TDOV!

ozzelot, to random
@ozzelot@mstdn.social avatar

Today on the elevator, I was holding my Sony Ericsson W810i and another person had one of them max iPhone thingamabobs. The contrast made me smile.

kiwa, to random
@kiwa@bitbang.social avatar

i have tons of ebay saved searches and i always get one for those toshiba libretto 50ct and similar and idk why people are paying like 200-500? usd for one, those things are just so brittle and fragile at this point lol it's worthless, very cool but worthless

@ozzelot@mstdn.social avatar

Yeah, I'd pay 200-500... CZK! (That's roughly 8 to 20 USD.)

volpeon, to random

v X.X.1: Fix security
v X.X.2: Fix security for real now
v X.X.3: Shit

@ozzelot@mstdn.social avatar

v X.Y.0: You know what, who needed that old security anyway, we switched to a new kind

(and then the above scenario repeats)

coolboymew, to random
@coolboymew@shitposter.club avatar
@ozzelot@mstdn.social avatar


Rairii, to random
@Rairii@haqueers.com avatar


i ordered an ibook G3 (with charger) from yahoo auctions

it just arrived

@ozzelot@mstdn.social avatar

What magic will we see upon it
(Also, they're delightful, congrats on your purchase)

kiwa, to random
@kiwa@bitbang.social avatar

Maybe 2024 will be the year I do something with the wildcard 88 card

The card itself, it's most of an XT computer on a memory sized card

@ozzelot@mstdn.social avatar

What is its purpose

kiwa, to random
@kiwa@bitbang.social avatar

guess what! my ac unit is fixed! yay, it had a gas leak or something, he had to solder a tube and add aircon juice i guess, now it's cooling yay, these days the temps are murderous and i been sleeping so bad lately

@ozzelot@mstdn.social avatar

Misread it as "accordion juice" and wondered what the holy hell that instrument is made of

jacqueline, to random
@jacqueline@chaos.social avatar

u can buy my gay mp3 player if u want. i think it's a pretty cool device. https://www.crowdsupply.com/cool-tech-zone/tangara

@ozzelot@mstdn.social avatar

I second that question

fell, to linuxphones
@fell@ma.fellr.net avatar

Day 4 of attempting to daily drive postmarketOS Linux on a OnePlus 6T:

📶 I felt brave this morning, so I handed over my SIM card to Linux. At first, the phone didn't recognise the card, but the wiki page helped me resolve the problem quickly. I had to increase the config value sim_wait_time and reboot the phone to make it work. Mobile data and receiving texts work flawlessly. I haven't tried sending texts and making calls yet.

⏰ Yesterday, I also used the Clock app to set an alarm to wake up and a timer when cooking, and it actually worked fine, even with the phone locked.

🚈 I also had my train ticket checked today. I was able to present the QR code without any issues.

Photo of a OnePlus 6T on a wooden surface with the Phosh UI. The document viewer app is openend, showing a train ticket with a QR code in the middle. The QR code and the ticket ID have been blurred. Next to the phone is a SIM eject pin.
Photo of a OnePlus 6T on a wooden surface with the Phosh UI. The mobile network settings are open, showing the text "No SIM; Insert a SIM card to use this modem". Next to the phone is a SIM eject pin.
Photo of a OnePlus 6T on a wooden surface with the Phosh UI. The terminal app is openend, showing a text editor. The text editor is displaying a configuration file. The current, highlighted line reads "sim_wait_time=30"

@ozzelot@mstdn.social avatar

A few more posts like this and I might buy one. (The 6T, not the wife.)

@ozzelot@mstdn.social avatar

I have an OG Pinephone (and it mostly just sits in its box and sometimes goes to a conference), but the 6T's specs are definitely... a tad higher, and if PMOS works that well, it seems to be worth it.

astrid, to random
@astrid@fedi.astrid.tech avatar

It's clearly not Java, based on the StackOverflow 2023 survey, which says that only 16% of developers desire to use it: https://survey.stackoverflow.co/2023/#section-admired-and-desired-programming-scripting-and-markup-languages

@ozzelot@mstdn.social avatar


kiwa, to random
@kiwa@bitbang.social avatar
@ozzelot@mstdn.social avatar

Are those shortcut buttons black and white just because they can, or are those smol displays?

designthinkingcomic, to random
@designthinkingcomic@mastodon.cloud avatar

Short term relief from long term annihilation.

@ozzelot@mstdn.social avatar

My European brain still cannot grasp how so many US homes have air conditioning.

Rairii, to random
@Rairii@haqueers.com avatar

"It is possible to make it appear that memory is organized in little-endian format, even though it is maintained by a microprocessor that is inherently big-endian, such as the PowerPC processor. This effect is desirable, for example, when Windows NT runs on a PCI-based Power Macintosh computer, because Windows NT requires memory to appear to be little-endian."

  • Apple documentation : Designing PCI Cards and Drivers for Power Macintosh Computers, Revised Edition (1999-03-26), "Address Swizzling" in Appendix A.

powerpc NT was dead for two years by this point???

@ozzelot@mstdn.social avatar

Not dead, just sleeping :)

kiwa, to random
@kiwa@bitbang.social avatar

A late 90s GPS for PC

@ozzelot@mstdn.social avatar

I need that, in an "I don't need that" sort of way

kiwa, to random
@kiwa@bitbang.social avatar

my small brother opens like 4 games on his computer and constantly switch between playing them, i can barely play one game lol

@ozzelot@mstdn.social avatar

@kiwa Does he also watch Subway Surfers footage whilst playing them?

kiwa, to random
@kiwa@bitbang.social avatar

The two computers I rescued recently are now fully working, nice

@ozzelot@mstdn.social avatar

@kiwa Oh wow, that is... a thing that you did. I love/hate it.

kiwa, to random
@kiwa@bitbang.social avatar

now you can eat sunlight 🌞

@ozzelot@mstdn.social avatar

@kiwa but is it a deadly lazer

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