

djidane535 avatar


90's kid, ici on parle principalement de JV récents (Nintendo & PC / Gamepass), de retrogaming, ainsi que de quelques (re)découvertes, que ça soit des films (surtout Disney / MCU) et d'autres choses au gré de mes envies ^^.

Federated avatar


Geek. Curious. #Critter. Cross-Platform User. Occasionally sweary.
Likes Problematic (so most) Disney films.
Bippity boppity back the fuck up.
Pronouns: She/They avatar


Husband to Mike.🏳️‍🌈
Father to Rosie. 🐶
Brother to Carla.😈
Uncle to Gigi.🐶

Computer #programmer: #Perl, #ObjectiveC
Platforms: #macOS, #iPhone, #iPad, #AppleWatch
Twitter handle: @jgobble
Facebook: Over my dead body! avatar


A podcast that goes deep on superhero movies and shows thanks to one host’s extensive comic book knowledge and the other’s endless questions. avatar


Posting my #NowPlaying and music-oriented articles helps create more tags.

If you happen to enjoy some of the same tags, right on, we have something in common. 🤘

Direct-follow the account for all the B.S.

Follow #TheMetalDogIsNowPlaying for everything I'm listening to, across multiple genres. Fair Warning: It's not always metal.

Follow #TheMetalDogArticleList for misc articles.

#TheMetalDogAIArtList for AI Art

Otherwise, stick to the targeted band or genre hashtags.

#TheMetalDogToots avatar


I'm the owner of Diverse Tech Geek (a tech blog) and Diverse Media Notes (a media blog), both also covering diversity issues. Interested in comics and animation. Pronouns: he/him. 🏳️‍🌈

#media #technology #blogging #diversity #comics #animation #BlackMastodon avatar

MacKing avatar


Elephants are better than birds. Kicked off Twitter for calling Elon a lying bitch. Likes a #pint & petting a #dog or #cat. In a flyover state in America. Bears, Cubs, & #Boardgames.

Alt account @emmreef1

Let's play some #hashtaggames

Header: Pop-tart mascot holding sign that says "dreams really do come true"
Profile pic: man with handlebar mustache and machine on head


photographer ▩ polyamorous ▩ he / him / hey you ▩ reincarnation of Robert Benchley (look him up, kids)

— — — — — — — — —

GEN. MURRAY: I can't make out whether you're bloody bad-mannered or just half-witted.
T.E. LAWRENCE: I have the same problem, sir.
T.E. LAWRENCE: It's my manner, sir.
GEN. MURRAY: Your manner?
T.E. LAWRENCE: Yes. It looks insubordinate, but it isn't really. avatar


Writer, walker, atheist, cinema lover, hobby musician, science junkie, perpetual maths student, cricket fan, chess patzer. I post about new music a LOT! #Music #NewMusic avatar


Seit über fünfzehn Jahren nichtkommerzielle, unabhängige Phantastik-News


linksversifft (aber kein Linker im Parteisinn), kapitalismuskritisch, areligiös

siehe auch:


Husband, Father, Lover of Movies, Music, Television, Internet. I like to keep it positive and follow casting news and reviews.

Also, the founder of the #MastodonBadMovieClub (#MBMC).

Opinions are subjective and only an idiot believes theirs are more important than anyone else's. Also, I don't mind seeing negative opinions on things you don't like, but if that's your whole feed, I'm probably going to mute you. Life is short. Celebrate what you love and ignore what you hate. avatar


Was on Twitter as ricardoharvin then as notsarahpackard after being banned before that got banned, too.

#Politics #Tech #Movies #Emotions #NSFW #Herpes (you too, probably). Living on Tequesta/Seminole lands

6 #Pfizer, 1 #Novavax #COVID vaxxed/boosted (so far), still masking. No conservatives, centrists, libertarians, etc.

I'm trying to be kind, but my love-filled soul is also filled with rage. #WokeAF, imperfectly so.

Avi: Cute selfie Header: Sombrero galaxy

No hay banda. avatar


#Teacher, #Cartoonist, #Writer, #Podcaster.

Doing what I can as I can with a little #horror thrown in for good measure.

Check my links; alt-accounts in pinned Toots.

Migrated from avatar


Hey, I'm Tom. I love technology and all things open source.

I have a bunch of :raspberrypi:'s running my home lab, keeping my personal life off the internet. Still a way to go before I'm completely offline, a major issue being Google Home.

I run :debian: with :xfce: and my gaming computer does too! I also have a Fairphone4 which runs :lineageos2: with MindTheGapps.

:linux: 🧠 ☕ 🛏️ 🐱 :startrek: 🏳️‍🌈 avatar


I live in Lebanon, #Indiana where I am a husband and father of 2. Loyal son of Wabash College (#WAF). VP, Solution Engineering and Technology at Indiana Health Information Exchange (IHIE). Hobbies include #pokemongo, #audiobooks, #podcasts, and #weightlifting (although it doesn’t quite outpace my love of #food).

#MastoAdmin for #HoosierSocial

he/him avatar


Stat nerd turned coder solely to develop #games and fun appy stuff (and feed mah damn family)

#Comicbooks stan

#Horror fan

former father of #GuineaPigs

Live outside of #Nashville; formerly from Louisville but no one believes me because of the way I pronounce the name of the city

#fedi22 #comics #gamedev avatar


Gaming since the Atari age, Doctor Who & Star Wars fan forever. avatar


Founder of MajorsHouse

LANFest Board member

Community Manager of Twitch Raleigh


Founder of MajorToot (

Admin of


Thoughts expressed here are my own!

Please support the MajorsHouse Network!



#Tech #Gaming #Streaming #Twitch #YouTube avatar


I'm an environmental economist who researches econ pedagogy to make learning economics marginally less dismal.

My pipe-dream is to write a fantasy novel/economics textbook, which is getting closer to reality every day.

#economics #TeachEcon #sustainability #DoughnutEconomics #degrowth

Profile pic is me smiling in front of a whiteboard with economics gibberish -- cause econ makes me happy.

Background is my dog, Freya, who is derpily sticking her tongue out while passed out. avatar


#IT #Nerd #Linux #Backup #Adminleiden #Travel #Foto #DailyFensterblick #Kaffee #Tassenfreitag

Part time nerd 🤓

Handgemachte Qualitätströts seit 2022

Toots in German and sometimes English

Toots will be automatically deleted after 6 months (if automated deletion works 🙄 ) avatar


Hotchka provides the latest entertainment news and reviews for stage, screen and TV. Visit our websites and avatar


Nerd, Husband/Father, {Star Wars, #Apple, #FreeBSD, Cleveland #Browns} Fan, Security QA Engineer at Kandji (Apple MDM Provider) and ex Mac Engineer at LAIKA Studios.
#501st - TK-2516 (Retired)


#Tea addict and #booklover well versed in #WomensHealth issues. #Montréalaise en exil. #tennis (WTA/ITF) and #figureskating fan. Former Librarian, Former Worker #Genealogy on the side. #ArtHistory #CdnPoli #OntPoli #CovidIsAirborne #BringBackMasks #Ottawa #Ontario She / Her / elle avatar


Artist, Activist, Astronaut (he/him).

Founder, curator
Co-Initiator #FreiesLastenrad.

#Cologne #Kalk


Fan account run by and his friend Wes.

We post up-to-date #news about #starwars #books and #comics.


Hello there! I'm a Star Wars Super Aficionado

Also: Sci-Fi Enthusiast & Cinephile
Former Google+ Creator (RIP G+)
Proponent of FOSS & digital freedom
Graphic & Web Designer
Linux Enthusiast
SoCal Native (LA/OC)

(Toots self-destruct after 90 days)

#StarWars #SciFi #FOSS #OpenSource #Catppuccin #FreeFediverse #Linux #KDE #Wordpress #Elementor #LibreDesign avatar


First to incorporate the bomp into the bomp-bah-bomp, staunch advocate for redistributing the ram among the ram-a-lama-ding-dong.

Charismatic #nerd, general #creative spirit, studying #VoiceActor, proud #DogDad, ex-#SocialEngineer, wannabe rockstar, collector of hobbies, perpetual #90skid, writer that never writes, #ADHD AF. What I lack in consistency, I make up for in outdated pop culture references.

Here's a bunch of stuff I like:
#PCGaming #LinuxGaming #RetroGaming #Cartoons #Animation #Anime #90sAnime #VoiceActing #Music #MusicProduction #Songwriting #Bass #Guitar #Drums #Ukulele #Singing #Soul #RnB #Punk #Jazz #Folk #Movies #Screenplays #FediArt #Dogs #DogTraining #Cooking #Skateboarding #Feminism #HealthyMasculinity #RadicalLove #Philosophy #OpenSource #FOSS #Hacking #Privacy

#nobot #noindex #noarchive #nosearch #fedi22 avatar


#DoctorWho, #science, #Pokemon, #minecraft & other games, #ATLA/LOTK, and #actuallyautistic citizen of the universe. #transgender (she/her) #twitch affiliate. student of uncle iroh #GenZ

If your profile has Terf Wizard content, I assume you're a Terf.



I live in Lebanon, IN where I am a husband and father of 2. Loyal son of Wabash College (#WAF). VP, Solution Engineering and Technology at Indiana Health Information Exchange (IHIE). Hobbies include #pokemongo, #audiobooks, #podcasts, and #weightlifting (although it doesn’t quite outpace my love of #food).

#MastoAdmin for #HoosierSocial avatar


Dogma & Symbol | Amantes de mucho; fans de nada
#️⃣ #videojuegos #cine #alternativas #TodoSonDesgracias
🎗️ #Ahora y #siempre
📜 #Noticias, #cultura, #ofertas, #podcast y #videos en #vivo en #english y #español / #espanol / #spanish de cualquier #pais; el #mundo es nuestra #patria


The official social media account at Mastodon!


Hallo, ich bin Kevin.
Ich spaziere ziemlich viel und leite gerne P&P Sessions.
Hier wird viel zu Indie-Spielen kommen. Und viel alltägliches.
Videospiele sind großartig. Videospiel-Soundtracks fast noch mehr.
Große Liebe für #Anime, #Manga, #Godzilla, #Videospiele, #Soundtracks, #IndieGames, #Vinyl, #Bücher, #Figuren avatar


Where comic books and politics meet. #comics #movies #tv #politics avatar


#palaeobiology #paleontology #dinosaurs #biomechanics #rstats #phylogenetics #samurai #datascience

I am an evolutionary palaeobiologist, focusing on evolutionary biomechanics and diversification of life through Earth history and across the tree of life over millions of years, with special interest in various groups of vertebrates including dinosaurs. avatar


Informaticien, syndicaliste #cfdt, #parentdeleve #fcpe, #scout de France, promoteur de #LogicielsLibres - #FreeSoftware #linux #autohebergement impliqué dans tout ce qu'il touche ! tout ça sur #Nanterre, cinquantenaire, veuf et solitaire


  • Frenchman speaking English in #Japan (and both #French and English on the Fediverse).
  • Doesn't read nearly enough these days.
  • Writes things. Tries to be better at it, both quantitatively and qualitatively.
  • #Teacher
  • Hopes the world doesn't end soon.
  • Father of two little angels that drive me nuts.
  • Monster in the classic Dr. Who.
  • Bollywood action movie anti-hero.
  • Wastes too much time on social media.


I'm Haui (he/him) #gifted #autistic #minecrafter, #tech enthusiast.

I'm not good with social stuff but I'm friendly. I host four #fediverse services on my new #vps: Lemmy, Mastodon, Matrix and Peertube.

You can check them out on the respective addresses. Besides that I own 4 lizards, 2 guineapigs and engage in anti-fascist, anti-corporate and neurodiversity activism. Ask me for random tech facts and dusty dry humour. Have a good one.

#selfhosted #linux #autism #giftedness #minecraft avatar


We bring you the latest tech news, deep dives and perspectives on topics like AI, social media and innovations. Posts are handpicked by Flipboard's editorial team, especially for Mastodon.

Boosts do not imply endorsement, but are used to highlight posts we think the community might find interesting.

For a lot more tech news, follow Flipboard's federated Tech Desk (@tech)

Header illustration: Data particles above Tokyo at night in cyber space by Hiroshi Watanabe/ Getty


📺 #WhatYouShouldWatch: each week I recommend a great TV show that is worth watching.
📝Passionate about, and working around, #TVseries development and #Screenwriting.

🎶Même quand je dors, je rêve en HBO. J'traîne avec Tywin Lannister, le lieutenant Cavanaugh, Stringer Bell, Avon Barksdale et Tony Soprano.🎶 (Youssoupha - Memento)
🇨🇦 Enjoying #Montreal. 🫖 #ArsenalFC, innit? 🦖 #TorontoRaptors, yessir!


Gen-Z Center-Left Democrat #Khive #BlueCrew #TwitterExpat #ProChoice #Atheist he/him #SussexSquad #HorrorFan 🚫dms avatar


Software Developer, Photographer, Sailing Enthusiast.

I talk about #photography, #sailing, #ebikes, reading, writing, watching TV, cooking, politics, climate, EVs, more sailing, programming, the open and sustainable web, php, sailing again, and more. Ask me about sailing co-operatives. (he/him) avatar


Admin of and XMPP.
Living in Bavaria 🍺, Germany 🇩🇪, Europe 🇪🇺

Taste of music: Mostly Progressive Metal, (Melodic) Death Metal, Deathcore.

:metality: member

Posts are deleted after 6 months.

Interests: #embedded #linux #fedora #server #metalheadclub #mastoadmin #metal #electronics #software



Fresh IT news from a variety of sources. Public service by @emanuel avatar


Level 15 Dad of 4. Christian. Left. Xennial. Enginerd. He/Him. 2006 TIME POTY. Enviromancer. Amateur Pokémon Trainer. Animal Crossing Island: Moduland. Opinions 🗑.

Staff / Mastodon Admin:

Tags: #fedi22 #Parenting #ACNH #AnimalCrossing #VideoGames #DadJokes #Jokes #Humor #Silly #Anime #Manga #OnePiece #KPop #Music #ACNHInspo #Christian #Faith

PFP: Balding, bearded white man in a black Venom themed Hawaiian shirt.

Header: Black and white manga screenshot showing a bearded man in sunglasses popping out of the ceiling. A nervous person whose face is partially in view yells, "Dad?!" avatar


The trash goblin who runs Xennial nerd, genderqueer lesbian, foster cat parent, anticapitalist, neurodivergent, exhausted 24/7. Former geek culture columnist, former editor for a gay romance publisher, currently able to pay my bills and kind of hating it. Voted Most Likely To Die Falling Down Stairs After Being Tripped By A Cat While Carrying An Old CRT. #Fedi22 avatar


Programming, tech, gaming & other geeky topics from Sherri Wheeler.

Occasional business, handiwork, electronics, parenting and fitness content.

🐘 PHP/JS developer with miles to go before I sleep();

All posts are my own - never AI generated.

Ally & anti-racist. Bigoted or harassing replies get blocked & reported.

Available for part-time contract work.



#nobridge #nobot avatar


Digital Nomad | Privacy Advocate | 3D Artist | Open Source | Coder | Photographer | Traveller

CG Sup, Pipeline Architect & TD working in #Python, #OpenUSD, #Houdini, #Blender, #Bifrost #Gaffer

#TechArt #Pipeline #Animation avatar


Former Pirate and Green Party member, Retrogaming, Ghostbusters and other 80's nostalgia, Movie Connoisseur, Hessian without accent, works with IT around books.

Posts in English and German.

#Ghostbusters 🚫
#StarTrek 🖖
#StarWars 🛸
#Movies 🎬
#Books 📖
Works in a #Library 📚
#Games (Board and Video ones) 🎲🎮
Getting into #Astronomy 🔭
#Watch Collector ⌚
#Computers 🖥️
Very unlucky with #Linux 🐧
#fedi22 🌍 avatar


Journalist, teacher, Londoner, Stockholmer.

Editorial worker at Freedom news.

Writing about autism, ADHD and disability.

Profile image description: me on a balcony
Background image description: dry grass reviving after winter

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