Does anyone else notice an uptick of extreme troll accounts?

I swear, every time most of the time I see someone being particularly rude, ignorant, and inappropriate on a post (usually political in origin, or they swing it to being political) I click on their profile and see it has been created that same day.

They are only there to sow discord. Only to piss people off. Idk if we can just report them (for what?) but I’d like to try exposing them before responding and interacting…

I am guilty of gobbling up the bait. I’ve started looking at profiles of people that piss me off exceptionally and noticed they’re burner bot loser accounts.

I guess i just want to say I’ve noticed it!


Voyager has a setting to show a baby emoji next to the name of a user if their account is less than a month old and an account age. Probably one of the best features I’ve ever seen for immediately recognizing troll accounts.

SorteKanin, avatar

There’s already an issue on lemmy-ui for it.

CosmicCleric, avatar

Love this comment from that GitHub page…

This is urgently needed for the upcoming elections.

The only problem though is a lot of time astroturfers/bots create accounts and then just let them sit idle for 6-9 months before using them.

SorteKanin, avatar

Maybe you could combat that by deleting inactive accounts that seemed to never have been used.

But they can get around that. It’s a never ending battle against that kind of stuff.

CosmicCleric, avatar

Yeah exactly.

The filtering would had to be more sophisticated, instead of an age by date, maybe an age by number of posts within an amount of time, etc.

But astroturfers/bots can work with that too, to a certain extent.

HubertManne avatar

nice. would love something like that on a web interface.


Voyager started as a progressive web app. I prefer it to Lemmy’s interface even on computer.

joelfromaus, avatar

I’m a big dumb. I’ve been using the Voyager app for a while and knew about the web app but never clicked I could use that on desktop.

The_Picard_Maneuver, avatar
vger, avatar



For now, because Lemmy is relatively new. There’s a reason many bot farms run accounts that are unassuming, “normal” people. Accounts that are established have value. They can then sell those accounts to another group who needs to sew discord. The older Lemmy is, the less useful the new account icon will be.


Is voyager an app like Sync?



Thteven, avatar

Yes, and no ads either.


I find at least one commenter with a new account on almost every post with more than 5 comments.

They tend to be negative.

Think I’m going to start welcoming them to Lemmy, note their activity to date, and ask them nicely what might have brought them to join. (If they are real, glad to have them, but I have found most Lemmy members came here from Reddit, not to make accounts to post in News or Politics or such places trolls would like.)

Until Lemmy updates to identify new accounts ala Voyager, I think that would be helpful to inform other users they may be talking to a troll.

There are approximately 433k accounts but only 48k Monthly Active Users.

It’s hard to believe that many of posts and comments are often the newest accounts, and though they will change tactics to using older accounts, at least it’s more work for them.

I recommend others do the same.


Memba reddit comments circa 2016 election? I memba.


No one is paying troll farms to go comment on lemmy though

HubertManne avatar

im not on lemmy but I see regular buy drugs here, how to change your flight booking (no idea how that scam whatever it is works), or for some reason random keyboard characters like a person randomly banged on the homerow keys. may not be paid but apparently someone thinks the fediverse is worth crapping up.


Fair enough, I have also seen that crap


No one is paying troll farms to go comment on lemmy though

Could you tell that to the c/politics commenters who seem to think russian shills lurk behind every rock?


I don’t really think political spending is going towards Lemmy trolls, much less like…national propaganda spending. Shitty advertising bots maybe.


There are 2 million monthly active Lemmy users. That’s a vast untapped market of grassroots users many who likely aren’t on many other platforms, due to the nature of Lemmy.

The first state actor to get in on the ground floor and shape the collective opinion of lemmings as a whole will influence the future outlook of every user of the fediverse. Especially young people. Majority opinion, majority rule.

I believe we can see this taking place on instances like .world and hexbear, but I’m sure it’s happening in a semi-automated fashion across most instances.


That’s total monthly users, not active. MAU is about 30-40k


Thanks for the clarification. Even easier to sink a claw in then. Trajectories don’t show growth slowing down, they show it accelerating.

davel, avatar

I don’t really think political spending is going towards Lemmy trolls

Nor do I. I don’t think lemmy is large enough for such spending to have enough return on investment to make it worthwhile. But it’s convenient to dismiss deviations from centrist orthodoxy as the output of shills, and so it happens.


We do it for love


It’s more like the far right is bored and doesn’t have anything better to do than troll on the internet.


Oh i doubt that. According to a few people I’ve spoken with i’m a paid troll.

That aside it’s good to be suspicious that any reasonably populated online space has is share of astrotrurfers. Hell, remember snowdens revelations shows federal agents had fuggen World of Warcraft and xbox live accounts


i’m a paid troll.

Wait, you guys are getting paid?

frauddogg, avatar

I fuckin wish; I’d be able to quit my dead-end.

Ultragigagigantic, avatar

So the record is correct here?

Sabata11792 avatar

My old comments would have had me banned a hundred times over today.


Jesus what kind of shit did you used to say lol

Sabata11792 avatar

I was fresh off the bus from 4chan and is was the same culture in the early days.


I don’t know if 50k people, at least a third of whom are outside of the US is a big enough target or if I’m being naïve in thinking that


I was thinking the same thing. It’s definitely not a coordinated propaganda thing. Some people are just assholes. And they like to troll.

But who knows, maybe someone, somewhere, knows about lemmy—some government/interest group—and think it’s worth it because it can be accessed through mastodon, blue sky, etc. The fediverse seems to be a relatively popular subject these days. So, I dunno. Maybe.

But I think some people just suck and think trolling is a good pastime.


Oh me too! I ‘memba!


It’s already getting like that over there. That’s why I’m here now. The last straw was a “Reddit Recommendation” that I join r/InternationalNews. I took a look around, and it was a hotbed of anti-Israel and anti-America content. There was the video of the university detonation from January 20th, posted that day and pinned to the top. When I commented on the date and provided the source, I was downvoted to oblivion, and eventually banned.

The sub was #7 under recommended news subreddits.

OpenStars, avatar

Recommended by who though? Spez, that’s who. Race-baiting works to increase “engagement” e.g. clicks and comments, thus it continues.


fuck u/spez


Being anti-Israel is based.

samus12345, avatar

The government, not the citizens, as per usual.


Yep, Israel is not Jews, and Jews are not Israel.


Beyond that even: not all Israelis share the way of thinking of the Government of Israel.

Plenty of decent people even in a country which has for decades been heavy in nationalism, delusions of inherent racial superiority and generally Zionist indoctrination.

They’re probably the minority rather than the majority though.

frauddogg, avatar

Plenty of decent people

Incorrect. They’re settlers participating in the genocidal occupation of land that belongs to a sovereign people. This makes it impossible for them to be ‘decent’. There are no ‘civilians’ among Israel’s number.


I also do not view Israel as Israelis, or Israelis as Israel. Just like most of the US hates BOTH Biden and Trump, yet those are our options.


Nah yes their citizens too. Have you seen the video of them literally jumping clapping and cheering the destruction of people’s homes?

frauddogg, avatar

…The citizens are participants in the settler-colonial project that is Palestine’s Occupation. They deserve the same vitriol until they defect or otherwise become a non-issue to Palestinian sovereignty-- though MotoAsh is correct, Judaism is not Zionism. Judaism is merely another Abrahamic religion; Zionism is an ideology of occupation, colonialism, and genocide.

Ultragigagigantic, avatar

The working class of every country has their respective 1%ers that need to be dealt with. Non violently, through electoral reform preferably.

Fuck first past the post voting. Intentionally limiting the number of viable options to pick from is NOT democracy.


Non violently, through electoral reform preferably.

Lol. How are you going to do that? Vote for it?


Bibi is basically a centrist in Israel so I dont think that holds up. eg the humanitarian aid at some border crossings are being picketed by Israeli chuds. Sure there are some good Israelis but they aren’t the norm.


Proving op point


I’m sorry, are you FOR regimes that openly commit genocides? Grow the fuck up or pull the mask off.


You’re not going to have much of a better time here if you like Israel and aren’t critical of the US. Lemmy is full of socialists lol


I’m educated enough on the history of the history of the conflict to know nothing about it is simple to resolve. The only strong opinions I have are Netanyahu =/= Israel and Hamas =/= Palestine, and hatred for an entire group of people is racist and ignorant.

The government’s job is to represent me. As a US citizen, it’s my job to criticize them when they don’t. I owe them no loyalty. They owe me representation.


You should look a little deeper into the history of modern Israel and Zionism. It’s always been a colonial project that necessitates genocide of the local population. I’m not going to get further into it here as it’s not really the place for this and people have already done the work. If you haven’t seen shaun’s video id recommend at least giving it a watch. I’ll leave the iron wall as well. It’s a short essay from one of the founders of Zionism. His views were quite explicit and highly influential at the time and his legacy is obvious in modern Israel. And lastly The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine. It’s a good book that plainly lays out the history of the Zionist colonial project from 1917-2017. I’m only halfway through it but it’s worth your time. Or just watch the video, it’s cites both the essay and book (among other things) and ties it all together very well.

frauddogg, avatar


There’s nothing fucking complex about what needs be done with settler-colonial genociders and their collaborating swine; and if you think there is, you might be a fuckin settler

davel, avatar

The government’s job is to represent me.

If you work for a living like the vast majority of us do, it isn’t the government’s job to represent you, and it never was. The US was born of a bourgeois revolution, and the Founding Fathers formed a bourgeois democracy, which was never meant to represent the working class, and never has. Princeton University Study: US is an oligarchy, not a democracy

RoseTintedGlasses, avatar

anti-Israel and anti-America content is cool actually


So are you racist or a nationalist? There’s a difference between criticizing Netanyahu and Biden, and entire nations of people.


Lol, as if America and Israel were ok before Netanyahu and Biden


Can we start treating the bullshit line of “I don’t hate the people I hate the government” for what it is? This is the 40th time in a row it’s been used by someone who absolutely does conflate a government and its people.

frauddogg, avatar

Not a single peckerwood that’s ever fixed their face to say “neither Washington nor Beijing” has Ever taken the former to task

RoseTintedGlasses, (edited ) avatar

criticising Israel’s genocide of palestinians and consistent settlement of palestinian land going back 75 years and the American government unconditionally supporting them to do this for the last few decades regardless of political party isnt racist actually. I’m assuming you don’t think that just because I criticise the actions of the Russian government that makes me a white supremacist who hates all russian people.

edit: im getting downvoted for saying genocide is bad and countries that commit genocide are bad lmao

frauddogg, avatar

edit: im getting downvoted for saying genocide is bad and countries that commit genocide are bad lmao

It’s because redditoids are usually genocidal anglos from either an overt FIVE-EYES nation, or a vassal to a FIVE-EYES nation that desperately wants to be in the club. As one of those redditoids above mentioned, rather ironically I might add, “those with skewed moral cores don’t like being reminded of it by the upright”.


Vassal isnt the right word. Israel notoriously doesnt take orders from the US. Also I’m pretty sure they have a like a visitor pass to 5-eyes.

frauddogg, avatar

Vassal isnt the right word.

You’re not wrong, but calling what Amerika and Israel have an “ineffectually-dominated sugar baby relationship” deeply trivializes what the occupiers are doing to Palestine. As it is, I have no reason to believe Biden/the DNC don’t tacitly cosign what Israel’s doing, from how Biden just admonishes Bibi then sends them millions upon millions more dollars in materiel every month.


I think “psychotic 1800s style colonial project we inherited from the Brits” is better but also too verbose.

Theres a reason BDS just points to Apartheid South Africa. (and Rhodesia)

davel, avatar

Scratch a liberal and a fascist downvotes.


I mean, Israel hate is a relatively common position these days.

Of course there are less than intelligent people that think “anti Israel…okay, so fuck the Jews!” Like, no. Fuck those people. And in a social media environment, nuance isn’t allowed. If it sounds like maybe you might be possibly on “the other side” of a popular issue, fuck you there is no room for understanding. It’s a huge problem. I’ve noticed more conversations on lemmy that don’t fall into that trap as easily. But, that does seem to be changing somewhat.

It’s not entirely social media, that’s just people. But I do firmly believe social media has made this problem exponentially worse.

I mean, it seems like you and I would disagree on the Israel/palestine issue. But we’re here discussing the discussion surrounding it. On Reddit, that literally never happened to me.


It doesn’t matter if it’s popular. It’s still racist or nationalist. Just like people who say “fuck Palestinians,” you’re labeling an entire nation or group for the actions of their leader(s).

As an American, am I Biden or Trump? No. I’m an American. I should not be held accountable for the actions of the leader of my nation, even more so if I voted against them.

Netanyahu won his last election with 64% of the popular vote, and is currently polling at 15% popularity with the Israelis.

Hamas won the last election with 44.45% of the popular vote (similar to Trump, they won without popular majority).

I’m just saying words matter. “Fuck Israel” means all Israelis. I think you may just mean “fuck Benjamin Netanyahu.” In that, you’d likely have support of most of the world.

TheFriar, (edited )

Eh. It’s actually different. The popular position is that Israel the state is committing genocide. That’s not he same thing as saying “fuck Palestinians.” Because people aren’t saying “fuck Israelis.” They’re saying fuck Israel for what they’re doing.

You seem to be implying the nimrods who, as I explained earlier, lack the concept of nuance and take anti-israel positions to the illogical extreme of just becoming antisemitic. It’s the same type of people who were assaulting anyone of Asian descent during Covid. You can’t lump everyone who was being careful not to get sick in with the people who were pushing old Asian women down the subway stairs.

“Fuck Israel” means all Israelis

What. No. It absolutely does not. That’s you being overly sensitive and basically misunderstanding a message. If I say “fuck the US” in the context of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, that doesn’t mean “fuck everyone from the US.” Thats such an illogical conclusion to come to.

Also, I don’t know where you got your numbers, I can only find these figures about Netanyahu’s approval ratings in Israel:

According to a survey of more than 700 people carried out by the Israel Democracy Institute this month, 57 percent of the public rates Netanyahu’s performance as “poor or very poor,” while only 28% believe it is “good or excellent.” 14% assess his performance as “so-so.”

And this:

On both questions, Israelis agree with Netanyahu: A poll last month by the Israel Democracy Institute found that nearly two-thirds of Israelis say Israel should “expand its military operations into Rafah.” A separate February poll by IDI found, by the same token, that 55% of Israelis oppose Palestinian statehood, compared to 37% who support it.

This one survey is the source for those numbers, and it doesn’t paint as clear of a picture of not supporting Netanyahu. Now, this doesn’t mean anything about antisemitism. That’s always wrong. But my point is that, first off, you seem to be skewing numbers to make a point, unless you have data I can’t find. Secondly, you also seem to be falling in with that group of people who can’t grasp or don’t operate with any nuance. I can say fuck people who support the genocide, whether they are in Israel or elsewhere in the world. Because…it’s fucking genocide. That doesn’t mean I get to generalize about them and hate hem for unrelated qualities, like their religion or skin color. But I can hate their beliefs about what’s happening. It’s all about nuance. It’s very fucking important.


Israel is a nation. There is no nation of Palestine. That’s why I wrote “nationalist or racist.” Either way, the sentiment is the same ignorant hatred that is propagating the war.

You’re conflating a Palestinian statehood poll with Netanyahu’s favorability. Israelis are protesting in the tens of thousands in the streets against Netanyahu.

So fuck Netanyahu and Hamas. Just keep your prejudices away from the Palestinian and Israeli people.


But that doesn’t change anything. If anything, wouldn’t that make it different than saying “fuck Palestine?” Because you’re basically saying fuck the idea of a Palestinian state. But if you say “fuck Israel,” you’re very clearly designating the state itself as the problem.

Also, I wasn’t conflating those figures. I was citing a more recent poll that gave more context, as well as updated job favorability numbers. The poll you’re citing isn’t measuring favorability, but percentage of Israelis that want Netanyahu to “stay in office after the war in Gaza ends.”

keep your prejudices away from the Palestinian and Israeli people.

But that’s my entire point. There isn’t prejudice in saying “fuck Israel.” You’re projecting that onto the message. Your entire thing started with complaining that people are “anti-Israel” in a community. So I’m really just not even sure your point anymore.

davel, (edited ) avatar

It’s never too late to learn the difference between a people and a state.

davel, (edited ) avatar

it was a hotbed of anti-Israel and anti-America content.

Welcome to a hotbed of anti-imperial, anti-colonial, and anti-settler content 😂 If you’re looking for pro-imperial core content, you’ve come to the wrong place.


I deleted my 14 year old account after enough BS on Reddit

Going there with no account but not really on private mode so i got recommendations for regional subs

canada_sub keeps getting pushed. That sub is an alt right neo nazi echo chamber in which the founder and head mod admitted to astroturfing himself with multiple accounts to push hateful topics.

Reddit is intentionally pushing misinformation and hatred for metrics to prop up the ipo


I think r/InternationalNews was mainly created as a place to discuss issues free from the rampant Zionism of r/WorldNews.

Happy to have people on Lemmy but I have to say, Lemmy as a whole seems way more anti-Israel than reddit right now. Although to be fair outside of r/WorldNews and a few other places, the general mood does seem to be shifting away from Israel pretty hard.

For me this is nice to see, because fuck Israel right to hell, but you’ll certainly see the same type of content here. I like that if people don’t like it they can make their own community or even an instance, and also that people are generally more free to disagree here (partially due to lax moderation I guess). You should have never been banned for that comment by the sound of it, absolutely stupid.


I believe THIS is exactly what is being talked about when they say “Russian troll farm”


I fit your definition. Now lemme ‘splain:

For thirty-five years I have heard nothing but radical right fascism spewing hate, lies, vitriol, slander, and violent rhetoric- over the airwaves, cable, and now social media- and without the slightest bit of challenge or pushback. The amount and volume increased when they figured out it pays big money. The people who listen have never known that it was for entertainment; they are being edged to violence just like Ruwandan radio did.

Liberals have been major pussies and doormats about this because they have no idea who they’re dealing with. They cannot be reasoned with or appealed to through humanity. The radical fascists’ free speech rights do not exist and are not to be defended; there is absolutely nothing to gain there and everything to lose. As I said, liberals have no idea who they’re dealing with.

For all the unchecked violence and damaged caused by the radical fascist shitbags to our daily lives, our long term properity, and to safety and security in general, I absolutely attack them with all the violent and vitriolic slander I can muster to pay back for thirty-five plus years of the same. This is the route every one of you should take, because they all think you’re a bunch of pussies and they take great joy in running you over. They must be made to fear even being seen in public, and beaten down like rabid dogs when they are. They are enemies of freedom, enemies of humanity, and enemies of all that is good in the world.

polskilumalo, avatar

A account with a spine? 😳😳😳

God damn, color me pleasantly surprised!

frauddogg, avatar

Yeah that’s a new one. They deserve a better class of fed.


It’s those god damn cracka ass crackas taking up the black mans freedom of speech

Sprawlie, (edited )

Yes. Especially in subs like “Canada” or any post involving Canada in any way

It does not matter what the topic of the thread or conversation is. It can be about how Canada loves puppies. And there will be random 1 or 2 liners from new accounts making political comments heavily pushing specific agendas. Even completely unrelated

Lots of random anti government misinformation and one liners pushing a specific party misinformation and narrative. Our how we’re some 3rd world collapsing country

It is not natural. Same thing occurs also on Reddit.


We’re about 6 months away from the US presidential election so it doesn’t surprise me.

emmie, (edited )

Never feed the trolls, the only winning move is to downvote and move on

Nothing is as maddening as writing an elaborate troll post only to be completely ignored.

I do all my riling people up on Reddit though because that site is collapsing anyway and a shell of former self. Hard to bring yourself to respect it and not throw some spicy fake made up posts into the wild and see what happens


So you speak from experience?






Report if they break the rules, block if they’re bad enough.

Draconic_NEO, avatar

You should report them as trolls in any case, most instances on Lemmy have rules against trolling in general, further violations beyond that just add to the initial violation of trolling.


Never feed the trolls, the only winning move is to downvote and move on

A counter-philosophy I subscribe to is call out the BS but don’t go back and forth. If you let the trolls be this can bring more trolls. Call out the bad behavior and move on so it isn’t accepted but they also don’t get the satisfaction of engaging in an argument.


.ml is very obviously like 20% right wing trolls pretending to be leftists. Literally everyone on the fediverse can see it except for the admins who protect these trolls because of Poe’s law blindness.


Liberals literally cannot imagine people existing to the left of them.


Nah, I am a leftist, I have just actually studied enough political science to understand the difference between leftism and braindead campism.


Your post history is 85% left punching, 10% defending Israel, and 5% advocating for new deal style capitalism.

Like I said: liberals literally cannot imagine people existing to the left of them.


I don’t see it as left punching as much as calling out campists and .ml mods. I see it as holding up actual leftist values rather than forming a political philosophy around relitigating the cold war. I have never defended Israel, I have called out the issue with religious fundamentalism in this conflict. I have and will continue to call Israel an apartheid state.

Like I said, MLs literally cannot imagine the existence of political theory after 1924.

Also, my account is at least 5% femboy worship. At least do your homework.

RoseTintedGlasses, avatar

my account is at least 5% femboy worship

Average chaser lol. People will unironically just declare “hey, I have a fetish for objectifying crossdressing twinks!” and then act like it’s a completely normal, not creepy thing to say out of nowhere because it’s funny when it’s queer people being randomly fetishized


I’ll let my partner know that you think they are a fetish. They’ll get a kick out of it. If I was you I’d probably find your comment offensive.

frauddogg, (edited ) avatar

my partner


if a chaser managed to pull the object of their fetishization that’s really just torturing the poor victim; and I refuse to believe someone could be so self-hating as to dabble with such a prime example of an intellectual, ethical, and philosophical equivalent of a black hole like you. That’s a level of self-hatred that shouldn’t be possible without burning out its holder.


you a PDA type? Damn, that’s unfortunate.

davel, avatar

Like I said, MLs literally cannot imagine the existence of political theory after 1924.

get a load of this gramsci-heh mao-wave josus-stalin fidel-wut che-poggers deng-smile xi sankara-salute angela


I don’t see it as left punching as much as calling out campists and .ml mods.

I don’t think anyone really cares how you see it: its all just you railing at anyone to the left of Elizabeth Warren.

I see it as holding up actual leftist values

Leftist values like western chauvinism, anti-communism, pro-capitalism, and Zionism.

I have never defended Israel

Lol, sure thing.


Yes, Marx definitely wrote a lot about “western chauvinism.” Perhaps you mean “social chauvinism?” Because it’s definitely very confusing language for the under studied. Perhaps you should pick up some German language.

Again, I just can’t help but be struck by the stark chasm between this liturgical internet “leftism,” which seems confused between the principals of pragmatic worker liberation, versus the fantasy that Lenin’s autocracy ever achieved anything noteworthy. But I guess populist fan service gets engagement, so who cares about results, right?


Yes, Marx definitely wrote a lot about “western chauvinism.” Perhaps you mean “social chauvinism?”

"MLs cannot imagine political theory after 1924! But also, unless Karl Marx himself explicitly said it, it isn’t real!’

Because it’s definitely very confusing language for the under studied. Perhaps you should pick up some German language.

Lol, perfect. I can tell you watch Oppenheimer recently…

Again, I just can’t help but be struck by the stark chasm between this liturgical internet “leftism,” which seems confused between the principals of pragmatic worker liberation, versus the fantasy that Lenin’s autocracy ever achieved anything noteworthy.

You think the USSR wasn’t a noteworthy improvement on imperial Russia? And your calling other people ‘under-studied’? Good lord, liberals really are proudly ignorant.

so who cares about results, right?

MLs. MLs are the ones who care about results and ‘practical workers liberation’, rather than liberals, who simply demand instant utopia while defending capitalism.

frauddogg, avatar

Bullshit, no “leftist” unironically throws out the term “degenerate” as frequently as you do. Don’t make me fish out the receipts.


I’m sorry, but air fryers, and counter appliances in general, are degeneracy and that is a very serious position, thank you very much.

polskilumalo, avatar

Chłop co nie lubi erfrajerów a sam jest frajerem… 🤔

frauddogg, avatar
frauddogg, avatar

This guy Socsa’s got so many modlog hits.


He’s trying for some more.


well i mean yeah, anything to the left of the left most position on a scale would be, well. Left.


If you think liberalism is the left most position on the scale, then you’re exactly what I’m talking about


im shitposting in reality, but my point was that it’s stupid to pick straws like this.

CosmicCleric, avatar

There’s a group of conflict bots that show up every day, around the same time.

Then throw in a mix of astroturfers from certain countries trying to steer conversations away from one direction and into another direction.

Finally mix in comments from one of the extreme edges of the political spectrum, that repost the same kind of posts that support their extreme views almost daily.

Lemmy admins have some work to do.


No, Sounds like someone who can’t give a counter arguments, and instead reverts to crying about trolls, bots, and calling for the opposite side to be censored.


The problem is that there are trolls here and rage baiters.

Having an argument with them is their goal as it opens up discussion for them to contribute nothing and spread more division.

They aren’t trying to have a discussion but use the comment chain to spread shit for others.

The user here never called for opinions to be censored. He called for action against trolls and bots who intentionally try pushing false narratives and division

The fact you immediately jumped to argue about censorship rally evidence your own point for being here and that’s to be a shithead too

ripcord, avatar

No, not really.


Nazis have been attacking Lemmy for quite awhile now. They’ve only really been finding success on a few problem instances, though.


Is it still shit and exploding heads?


I think the latter is blocked on ml but I think any conscious entity can see the former for what it is.


It’s almost the European Parliament and US presidential elections. Just today our national crisis centre heightened the threat level after a presumed Russian threat mail was send to Wallonian schools yesterday.


I noticed votes related to political comments are suddenly shifting to the right which was different just 1 week ago.


Absolutely this. We are in for a ride!

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