
Guys who refuse to wash their arse because it’s “gay”.

The sheer amount of self-hatred, insecurity and homophobia caused by toxic masculinity and shitty upbringings is astounding that you’d rather have swamp ass than be worried you’re gay.

iAmTheTot avatar

Have you actually seen this? Like, do you have a first hand account?


If you search for “boyfriend refuses to wash ass reddit” on Google there are plenty of stories for you to eat your dinner over.


Well it must be true if it’s on reddit.

Pregnenolone, (edited )

lol actually just look. Literally tens-hundreds of stories. It’s not a global conspiracy or group false memory. I get the Reddit hate but that’s just silly.

Edit: some of you struggle. Y’all understand that I can lie about a personal experience much more easily than I could lie about the combined hundreds of experiences of mutually individual people on the internet. How is it that until I’ve personally experienced it it must be false? Real cream of the crop with you lot.


You know, I hate to be the one to have to tell you this, but a lot of people lie on the internet for attention. Weird, I know now.


“I question this comment, do you have any actual expirence”?

You: “sure, just look at all these other comments over there”.

This is indeed very silly, but not because of reddit being involved.

Pregnenolone, (edited )

I sincerely apologize for providing evidence of my claim that some men don’t wash their ass. I’ll remember for next time that I specifically have to know men that don’t wash their ass for my claim to have any validity, or else theKalash will not believe me.


providing evidence

Uff …

This really speaks volumns about what social media has done to the mind of some people.

You really don’t see the problem when being asked for “acutal exprience” and someone unironically points to a comment on the internet? That’s literally the opposite of actual exprience.


Are you more apt to believe them if they said they have personal experience? In their comment on the internet?


Believing it isn’t really the point, but actually yes and so should you.

The time constraint and limited participant pool of an active thread provides information itself.

Imagine two different comments, one describing a very common expirence and the other one a very uncommen one. If you ask people to confirm these expirences you should get a lot of replies two the first comment, but very few or only negative ones for the second.

However if you just search for both statements over the entire internet and dismiss the time and userpool contraint you can find any comment ever made about the uncommon topic … which makes it look more common than it actually is.


I would say the issue is more of, if you don’t trust what someone on Reddit, a message board, blog, etc/whatever - then what difference is it going to make if someone on Lemmy says “Yes, I have firsthand experience”? Obviously it’s one thing if a friend, or someone I personally know, asks for “actual” experience vs someone on the Internet… But this isn’t the case (I’m going to assume you don’t know the person you replied to). I’d even potentially get it if there was only one random comment on some random website - however that’s not the case either.

I couldn’t even make the argument of there being more implicit trust in the Lemmy space… Because a lot of us came from Reddit anyways.

So what difference is it actually going to make?

And yes, for the record, I do have “actual experience” with this - just in case somehow I’m more trustworthy than tons of people who have posted on Reddit (or some other site).

iAmTheTot avatar

If I wanted to read reddit, I wouldn't be on kbin. And I was asking if they, specifically, had a first hand account.


I did. I was talking to some guys and somehow my bidet came up and everyone found it pretty amusing and "gay". I said something like: well imagine you accidentally touch dogshit or something and then wipe it off with a piece of paper and go: well that's good enough until my next shower.
One guy said: what do you mean, next shower? And i said, that's your next opportunity to clean your ass with water and soap. Where everyone seems to agree that was also for gays.
It's extra funny to me that in a previous conversation one of the guys said his girlfriend hates giving head. I wonder why mr. Poopy butthole.

kux avatar

Not saying it doesn't happen but I've seen this said a few times now, and have never heard of anyone who actually refuses to clean their arse. Have I just lived a sheltered life or what?


You actually have this conversation with people regularly?


It’s a great ice breaker

sanguinepar, avatar

Also good at the end of a job interview, and they ask if you’ve any questions.


The internet can amplify incredibly marginal phenomenons. Like, how many incels can there possibly be? Yet you hear about them all the time


Enough incels that the gov makes reports about them:…/NTAC Case Study - Hot Yoga Ta…


How does this even come up in conversation, like what’s the context? Do they not wipe either?


It’s usually partners complaining that they stink because they don’t wash themselves properly.

Some guys openly just admit it because they just don’t realise that it’s not normal. So fearful that they won’t put their hand anywhere near their own ass.


I sleep naked. My sheets would be so very rank.


Proof homophobes are full of shit.

samus12345, avatar

Sounds like he enjoyed the way it felt and that scared him.


An ex of mine refused to wipe and would shower after every poop, claiming tp was ineffective, BUT WOULD ALSO refuse to purchase a bidet; the toxic masculinity here was thinking he was outsmarting us all while also contaminating every shower he had ever used


Washing your ass isn’t contaminating the shower, that’s almost as bizarre as thinking using tp makes you gay.


Washing your ass under the shower doesn’t “contaminate” it. Sure, use toilet paper first, then go wash yourself. But you would be surprised how much shit (literally) is in the air. It’s everywhere, even on your toothbrush.


I’ve been to Gay pride parades, gay bars and gay clubs. The gayest experience I’ve had in my life was working in the trades with straight men doing everything they can to prove their masculinity at all costs.

These men will use women as mere possessive objects in order to prove to their masculinity towards other men. By oversexualizing all women while at the same time belittling all that their partner does. As if women were merely currency for respect among men.

They hated gays and trans people so much that they would spend an extremely uncomfortable amount of time telling you how much they were “disgusted” by these people.

They hated on any man who who did not possess physical masculine traits. Those traits that they hated? Not being muscular. Not being tall. Not being fat (what???). Having longer hair.

But the gayest thing these guys refused to do was stand up for themselves against unjust authority. They would spend the most all their free time explicitly telling you how much they hate their boss. How stupid their boss is. How much of an asshole their boss is. How they would kick their bosses ass. Just talk an absolute big game.

Then the boss would come around the corner and you’d never see a bunch of grown ass men tuck their dicks between their legs faster than these guys. Their voices raise up a couple pitches and suddenly they are acting as subservient as how they believe their wives should be.

It’s in this unspoken idea of respect for Men in Authority that you see the “gayest” trait in these toxic men. But not in a good gay way. A toxic gay trait that comes from a deep place built on oppression and repression of ones self. Where respect from your fellow man at all costs is the most valuable thing they crave. Where respect from your boss holds even higher value. Where respect from men in higher positions is held at even higher value.

All they care about is to be noticed by other men. That’s kinda gay dude.

The cost of all this effort to gain respect from exclusively other men is their dignity. And they are more than willing to give up their dignity to be noticed by men in positions of authority.

To these guys, questioning or standing up to authority is gay. Standing up for yourself is gay. Demanding to be treated with dignity is gay. They will be the first ones to kick you down for disrespecting authority.

I’ve walked into a club bathroom and saw two guys giving another guy a blowjob. That’s still not as gay as watching “straight” acting men grovel at the feet of boss in any trades.



That reminds me of this Ron White joke


The abject sycophancy to anyone in a position of authority is what amuses me the most about these “tough guys.”


Sounds like a great bunch(!)

Not sure how it relates to "gayness" though.


Don’t forget anything longer than a military buzzcut. Gayyyyyyy


Holy shit yes, this whole thing right here.

The trade fields are absolutely insanely full of men telling each other how manly they are and how not gay they are with the “notice me” mode that it’s kinda ‘dude… if you want guys to hit on you… you’re going about it all wrong.’

Hyperreality, (edited )

Ugh. Very relateable.

To give you an idea, I'm 2m/6ft6, do weight lifting and I'm not particularly worried about the size of my dick. I may be insecure about many things, but not about my manliness.

Anyway, these kind of insecure men always try to out macho me. It's so fucking tiring. I'm basically straight (never say never), but I like stuff these kinds of men often find gay, because I'm not an anti-intellectual moron who has the maturity of a 12 year old boy or cares too much about what other people think. It's like they want to whip out their dicks and measure each other all the time. What kind of manchild cares so much about what other people think, that they can't listen to classical music, dress nicely, or read a book? As you say, these men are too weak to have opinions of their own or stand-up to authority.

They're so deeply insecure, it's fucking sad. Pathetic even. Not that I feel much sympathy for them, especially the older ones who've had time to mature, because they inevitably cause you grief. They're at best annoying, but can be outright dangerous. The whole machismo, kiss the boot, contempt for the weak thing is a toxic cocktail. No surprise who they vote for either, always love to suck the dick of a strong leader who tells them they're better than someone else.

You know those Harvard implicit association tests? They have one for racism, but they also have one for homophobia. Certainly not without their flaws, but I took one. Turns out I have a bias against straight people. No mystery how that happened, given so many men are toxic.


Kudos for being able to say what you did, while using gay as a “derogatory” word, and not fucking it up in a way that would lead an uncharitable interpretation of what you said.

That being said, I absolutely agree with you, and the most homophobic shit I’ve ever heard came from guys who were so insecure about their sexuality, in a way that signalled to virtually everyone who was secure, that there was something about themselves they didn’t want to accept.

Kalkaline, avatar

Refusing an umbrella. Ok, be wet then.


Wait, I have clarifying questions.

Were you also in the rain?

Were you offering the umbrella to take with me?

Were you offering to share the umbrella?

I don’t mind a little rain, especially when I have my rain jacket on. Sometimes I find carrying an umbrella around cumbersome. If it’s really pouring, I have several umbrellas of various sizes, but more often than not I’ll just go without.

If you are also in the rain, I don’t want to deprive you of the umbrella you cared to bring.

If I’m taking the umbrella with me, that’s an implied obligation to return the umbrella in good condition, something I don’t trust myself to remember to do. I’d rather be a little wet than create that social contract I’m probably going to fuck up somehow and foster animosity.

If you’re offering to share the umbrella, there’s an implied intimacy there. I’m happily married, and we are secure in our relationship that neither feels threatened that the other would cheat, but I still don’t want to give someone else the wrong impression. I have friends I’ll happily share an umbrella with, but there’s a much larger number of people who might offer and I’ll decline. Like another parent at a kid’s sporting event. Someone who’s name I ought to know, but can’t remember, and I’ve met the other parent, but I don’t know what their deal is. Someone who goes in for the hug, but has never seen the inside of my car. Are they just super friendly, or are they angling for more? I’m fairly oblivious to the “signals” as my wife will attest, and I’ve been accused in the past of leading people on, so I’m a little gunshy.

So if that’s being interpreted as toxic masculinity, I think I’d rather people believe that about me than have to politely decline another indecent proposal from someone I’m going to have to see at every PTO meeting.


Ok, be wet then.

Thanks for the permission?


Well somebody has to be wet, because their wife sure as hell aint.


Hahaha, I was in my car once, in a parking lot, and I saw this white-oakley-wearing baloon animal due running to his jacked up truck with his shoulders all hunched because it started raining. No one else was doing that LOL


Isn’t being wet gayer than using an umbrella?

t0fr, avatar

Not gonna lie, I just hate dealing with umbrellas. They suck most of the time. I love my rain jacket though


same, maybe I’m just stupid or something, but I can never close them without getting water all over myself.


Wait, I have clarifying questions.

Were you also in the rain?

Were you offering the umbrella to take with me?

Were you offering to share the umbrella?

I don’t mind a little rain, especially when I have my rain jacket on. Sometimes I find carrying an umbrella around cumbersome. If it’s really pouring, I have several umbrellas of various sizes, but more often than not I’ll just go without.

If you are also in the rain, I don’t want to deprive you of the umbrella you cared to bring.

If I’m taking the umbrella with me, that’s an implied obligation to return the umbrella in good condition, something I don’t trust myself to remember to do. I’d rather be a little wet than create that social contract I’m probably going to fuck up somehow and foster animosity.

If you’re offering to share the umbrella, there’s an implied intimacy there. I’m happily married, and we are secure in our relationship that neither feels threatened that the other would cheat, but I still don’t want to give someone else the wrong impression. I have friends I’ll happily share an umbrella with, but there’s a much larger number of people who might offer and I’ll decline. Like another parent at a kid’s sporting event. Someone who’s name I ought to know, but can’t remember, and I’ve met the other parent, but I don’t know what their deal is. Someone who goes in for the hug, but has never seen the inside of my car. Are they just super friendly, or are they angling for more? I’m fairly oblivious to the “signals” as my wife will attest, and I’ve been accused in the past of leading people on, so I’m a little gunshy.

So if that’s being interpreted as toxic masculinity, I think I’d rather people believe that about me than have to politely decline another indecent proposal from someone I’m going to have to see at every PTO meeting.


Besides physical violence, the most absurd thing I’ve seen was a man who bought a car after his wife pleaded not to because it would bankrupt them. He didn’t like that she was “telling him what to do.” They had two perfectly fine vehicles btw.

Transporter_Room_3, avatar

Weird, I know a couple who did exactly this about 13 months ago. They’re divorced now. Unfortunately they spawned a child who will now have to deal with two parents who hate each other and can’t stop fighting in front of them at every meeting.

All from some kind of weird macho trip fuelled by insecurity.


The dangers of telling your man what to do!


That’s how the salesman guy got Homer to buy the Mister Plow truck lol

InEnduringGrowStrong, avatar

Bankruptcy is so alpha male


Was an old car salesman tactic to basically tell guys they weren’t man enough to risk something they could barely afford.


“Oh you want to talk to your wife before making the second largest purchase of your life? Who wears the pants in your relationship?”


I heard a motorcycle salesman tell a customer to call his wife and ask if he could have his balls back for a couple of hours so he’d be able to make a decision on his own.


Yep, that’s what I’m talking about.

So funny how poorly this would go for me. I’d just tell the guy he’s being a dingus and go to a neighboring town’s dealer in hopes of finding someone less douchey.


Salesmen are pretty good at judging what works with which people. It’s still really douchey and manipulative though.


My last car purchase involved something like this but without the misogyny. I knew exactly what I wanted, for how much, and had my own external financing. The dude loudly sighed on the test drive multiple times after trying to build a rapport unsuccessfully. I was perfectly courteous to him, but I wasn’t giving in to his sales pitch one inch.

Sorry guy, I view you as the cashier at Walmart and not my buddy who’s gonna get me a killer deal on undercoating.


Still is. Attach emotion to a sales pitch and if the buyer is dumb enough to play into it, you’ll sell every time.


One word.



Tell his wife that he loved her, because love is “gay” and “feminine”

Firstly, audibly expressing your heterosexuality isn’t gay.
Secondly, there is nothing feminine about 2 guys loving each other, they are both guys so it’s the most masculine sexual/romantic pairing.


Sarah Silverman had a bit about how heterosexual love is… Kinda gay, by toxic masculinity standards.


Lmao literally “fellas, is it gay to love a woman?”

buffaloupperclass, (edited )

Obligatory Steve Hughes bit


I’m so glad someone linked it as it’s the first thing I thought of


Hehhe It’s so great


Just in case you haven’t noticed yet, youtube has started putting trackers on their links when you copy them. You can delete the question mark and the si= string and the link works without the tracker


Thank you, I did not notice, i will edit the original comment if i can


Hella gay. You need to engage in naked Greco Roman wrestling with another man to wash that gay off.


Yeah, working in a factory was full of the bullshit like this, but this was the weirdest example. Things that boiled down to “No, I can wear less protective equipment than you!” were very common.

Even if you take the “gay argument” out of things, why would you let a group of 4 divorced guys give you relationship advice?


You know what they say: There is nothing more manly than gay sex.


To be fair, having sex with women is pretty gay. They're girly, weak and smell nice.

Nothing more masculine than two smelly men fucking each other in the arse. Dominating this guy who's just as strong if not stronger than you, then enduring the pain of Big Jim's rod penetrating you, because you're a manly man who's made of tougher stuff.


Fucking women is gay because women like men and liking men is gay


enduring the pain of Big Jim’s rod penetrating you,

Fellas, is it gay to use lube for anal?


You're not a true man until you sand it up.


Probably still less painful than figging.

CADmonkey, (edited )


Ugh. Off to Urban Dictionary I go.

Edit: Inserting peeled ginger into the anus. Ok, I’d heard of this with horses, it’s even mentioned in one of Sir Terry Pratchett’s books. Id not heard of people doing it to themselves or each other but I’m not surprised."


Real super straight hetero male masc men use blood (but no tears as crying is gay) as lube when fucking bros.


Not if it’s 5W30 Valvoline.


Saw on a tangent thread on a Lemmy post about bidets that someone didn’t wash their hole in the shower because “too gay”


I know some people that never wipe their ass because that’s a gay thing. Well if being hetero means have a dirty ass and smell like shit, I think I rather be gay then.


Came here to say this. Disgusting and stupid.


I knew this would be mentioned. Dudes that don’t wash their asses because it’s gay.

You know what’s not gay? Having sex with girls and that becomes really difficult when you’re a nasty unwashed homophobe with a dirty ass.


I don’t understand how this works. Like, not even in the shower?


I didn’t get into the details as they would be pretty gross. So I have no idea


Wait what? I tought this never got beyond bad jokes


Back in my country, bottled mineral water used to have a pink cap when it was non-carbonated, and blue cap for the carbonated one. I guess, I don’t even have to finish the story, at this point everyone can imagine… But yeah, in primary school I had class mates who refused to drink the non-carbonated one, saying it’s “gay water”.

Evia, avatar

Someone couldn’t ever admit that he was wrong to a woman, particularly not to a girl.

So I said, ‘why did you buy the American sliced cheese, you hate all of the additives?’ and he refused to believe that there were additives. I litterally pulled out the American cheese and read the ingredients list out, then compared it to our usual cheddar, which just listed milk, but he refused to admit that a teenage girl knew more than him.

yamanii, avatar

When I was a teen I had a friend that wouldn’t cross his legs because only women do it or something, but he was also too chicken to confront any adult that did it when we walked about.


Wouldn’t use a straw in their drink because he didn’t like the idea of it passing through his lips.


If someone sees you suck on a straw they’ll assume you suck on cocks too.


More popsicles for the rest of us

Draconic_NEO, avatar

Refusing to wear a sweater, jacket, hat, or gloves when it’s bitterly cold out. They claimed that “real men endure the cold” and tried to say that wearing warm clothes to stay warm makes you “Womanly”.

Nothing more manly than hypothermia and frostbite am I right guys? /s


Sometimes I just like to be cold, the only thing is my hands get too cold, so I’ll wear gloves but not a jacket.


Everyone knows it’s the opposite, mans not hot


Sorry, can you translate that whole video into English please?


2 plus 2 is 4 minus one thats 3 quick maffs


That’s why men die younger

Neil, avatar

Not sure if this counts, but one guy I knew would boast about how he never drinks water. It was a matter of pride for him that he only drank soda. I know he was lying because I’d seen him drink water, but better not tell him that.


For anyone thinking of only drinking soda, have fun with the constant headaches and hurting when you pee. Plus your pee is absolutely rank.


real men have stinky pee


My female coworker doesnt like water guess its not just men, I tell her the migraines she gets is probably from dehydration but she says its not


Well, I never touch the stuff. Fish fuck in it.


Water is a gateway drug. 70% of alcoholics and 90% of heroin addicts used water before moving on to drugs and alcohol

ginerel avatar

That remembers me about this older video. It's in Romanian, but it says "stay away from water" and the images are from some sparkling water commercials presented as the consequences of anyone drinking water.


What’s the meaning of the adjective for hallucinations?


Monixidul de dihidrogen dăunează grav sănătății!


breathing the air around us is also a gateway drug to everything else.


Kids as young as one year old are getting hooked on dihydrogen monoxide these days and 100% of users eventually die. It’s a real scourge.

PM_me_your_doggo, avatar

My father once chose course of intravenous therapy over intramuscular injections because apparently exposing your butt to a nurse is not manly enough


I just tell them to get cheeky wit it. If they watch Brit TV they laugh. If not they grumble and do it anyway. If they are a very young and new employee they don’t get it. If they totally get it I get statements I don’t have comebacks for.

Someday said person gets a cath installed. Then what?


Being too ashamed to tell people I couldn’t swim as a kid in situations that seriously could have ended in me drowning.


Reminds me of this macho guy


It was almost that absurd.

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