KydiaMusic, avatar

Shout out to @nigelharpur for buying my two songs on Bandcamp yesterday! I was having a day full of frustration and self-doubt as I work on my latest track. Thank you so much for reminding me why I do this; you made me feel like a rock star.

But you're the real rock star!

Gif of Beyonce looking relaxed and happy on stage as she laughs and points at someone in the audience who is (probably) the person who made her smile.

KydiaMusic, avatar

For as little as $1, (or heck, even just one supportive comment) you can brighten a musician's day and give them the encouragement they need to keep being creative.

Support your local fedi musicians today!


radiofreefedi, avatar


awesome list!

and absolutely 100% on the power of a word of encouragement as fuel to carry on and keep creating!

dgar, avatar

Thank you so much for the shoutout!🫶
Big appreciation.

wjmaggos, avatar

@KydiaMusic @nigelharpur @elsemusic @etherdiver @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @hilljam @imyke @dgar @muz4now @jonnyfallout @skysonix

so Bandcamp added a tag today. we digital radio stations and podcasts need you to release your music this way to better spread the word.

radiofreefedi, avatar

@wjmaggos @KydiaMusic @nigelharpur @elsemusic @etherdiver @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @hilljam @imyke @dgar @muz4now @jonnyfallout @skysonix ?

no they don't, respect artists wishes instead of framing it in the age old work for free for promo tone.

just ask for consent, copyright artists will usually be more than happy to consent to a specific use case if you aren't offputting about it.

celebrating consent IS supporting artists

olav, avatar


@wjmaggos @KydiaMusic @nigelharpur @elsemusic @etherdiver @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @hilljam @imyke @dgar @muz4now @jonnyfallout @skysonix

I'll donate artwork to non-profits and other places with some variations in licensing but not for "exposure" because that just cuts me out of the deal

radiofreefedi, avatar

@olav @wjmaggos @KydiaMusic

We hear you, just meant that was the kind of tone the poster was vibing with their demand.

It's poor form to tell independent artists what they need to do, to make something easier for you, that you can try to frame as being something for them.

Especially as structurally important yet universally confusing as license.

That feels more anti artist and exhausting than as the poster put "spreading the word".

wjmaggos, avatar
olav, avatar

@wjmaggos @KydiaMusic

I think we're on the same page. Were I a musician and you asked, I'd more than likely say yes. Were you wanting free content for a subscription fee service, not so much. With exceptions of course.

A weird example is if I were asked to contribute to the Chromecast screensavers. I might. Google doesn't actually profit from that and it is actual exposure. A lot more like a museum gallery than anything else, yanno?
(I'd want to read the terms of course)

muz4now, avatar
wjmaggos, avatar

@muz4now @KydiaMusic @nigelharpur @elsemusic @etherdiver @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @hilljam @imyke @dgar @jonnyfallout @skysonix

To put music on a site like Bandcamp, you have to pick a license ( I think). you can see it on the lower left of most album/song pages. usually all rights reserved but not always. it needs to be something else for me to play it on my show/stream.

but today Bandcamp also added the tag .

muz4now, avatar

@wjmaggos @KydiaMusic @nigelharpur @elsemusic @etherdiver @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @hilljam @imyke @dgar @jonnyfallout @skysonix
I'll have to take a closer look at this. Since my tracks are all fully (registered) copyrighted by the time I release them, I'm wondering if my tracks even fit this.

etherdiver, avatar

@wjmaggos @muz4now @KydiaMusic @nigelharpur @elsemusic @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @hilljam @imyke @dgar @jonnyfallout @skysonix

I've been reluctant to release my music under CC license because I'm extremely sensitive to it being used in a way that would reflect poorly on it and/or me (for example, soundtracking some fashy bullshit in a YouTube video). That said, I will give you, and most people, written permission to use any of it freely.

muz4now, avatar
elsemusic, avatar
KydiaMusic, avatar

@etherdiver @wjmaggos @muz4now @nigelharpur @elsemusic @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @hilljam @imyke @dgar @jonnyfallout @skysonix

Same. I. don't mind giving people direct permission, but I don't necessarily want it out there for anyone to use in a way that I might have objections to.

hilljam, avatar
etherdiver, avatar

@hilljam @KydiaMusic @wjmaggos @muz4now @nigelharpur @elsemusic @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @imyke @dgar @jonnyfallout @skysonix I don't think so... But I don't know for sure because figuring that out requires reading pages of legalese and that stuff turns my brain to oatmeal in about two paragraphs

etherdiver, avatar

@hilljam @KydiaMusic @wjmaggos @muz4now @nigelharpur @elsemusic @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @imyke @dgar @jonnyfallout @skysonix
That's also part of why I passed on CC licensing -- I don't understand it, and from what I can tell no one else does either. I've seen two passionate CC fans nearly come to blows over what constitutes "commercial" vs "non commercial" use and if advocates can't agree on what it means, I have no confidence anyone else will.

etherdiver, avatar

@hilljam @KydiaMusic @wjmaggos @muz4now @nigelharpur @elsemusic @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @imyke @dgar @jonnyfallout @skysonix I'd rather just grant written permission to use it to anyone who's interested.

If it's too much trouble to send me an email to ask, then ¯_(ツ)_/¯

KydiaMusic, avatar

@etherdiver @wjmaggos @muz4now @nigelharpur @elsemusic @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @imyke @dgar @jonnyfallout @skysonix
Sorry if anyone doesn’t want to be part of this convo!
But after reading the links @hilljam provided, it looks like the CC licenses “recommend” complying with the creator’s requests (like w/moral objections) but doesn’t seem like they could legally require anyone to do so.

etherdiver, avatar

@KydiaMusic @wjmaggos @muz4now @nigelharpur @elsemusic @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @imyke @dgar @jonnyfallout @skysonix @hilljam that's my impression as well, which, again, leads me to the conclusion that while I love the ideal of CC and even tho 90% of the CC reality works fine for me, that narrow 10% that doesn't is an absolute showstopper for me.

Again, tho: EAGER to allow you to use my music, just ask!

KydiaMusic, avatar

@etherdiver @wjmaggos @muz4now @nigelharpur @elsemusic @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @imyke @dgar @jonnyfallout @skysonix @hilljam
And we all know the worst types of offenders won’t ask permission or comply even with a commercial copyright, since it costs so much for most musicians to fight it with legal representation.

etherdiver, avatar

@KydiaMusic @wjmaggos @muz4now @nigelharpur @elsemusic @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @imyke @dgar @jonnyfallout @skysonix @hilljam yep. I'm privileged enough that if mine gets hijacked like that, I'll be able to make them regret the decision, although I'm sure it would cost me several times what it was "worth" monetarily.

wjmaggos, avatar

@etherdiver @hilljam @KydiaMusic @muz4now @nigelharpur @elsemusic @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @imyke @dgar @jonnyfallout @skysonix

I get that but what if you change your mind? I find out about most of the music I play from @ryno and would just be much more reluctant to play anything if I had to confirm they are also ok with me playing it. I really want CC to become the default ala anyway. a world of human recs not corporate algos.

etherdiver, avatar

@wjmaggos @hilljam @KydiaMusic @muz4now @nigelharpur @elsemusic @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @imyke @dgar @jonnyfallout @skysonix @ryno if I grant you a license to use X tracks for Y purpose for Z length of time, that's legally binding. I can't "change my mind" any more than I can with CC.

I just want to hold the prerogative to say, "No, you actually CAN'T put my music on your non commercial White Supremacy Radio show, and fuck you for asking"

etherdiver, avatar

@wjmaggos @hilljam @KydiaMusic @muz4now @nigelharpur @elsemusic @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @imyke @dgar @jonnyfallout @skysonix @ryno even an email between us that says, " yeah you can use these three tracks on your show, and I get that the archives will be available indefinitely, that's no problem" constitutes a contract, generally speaking. If I "change my mind" and sue you, well, that email is all you really need to shut me down.

etherdiver, avatar

@wjmaggos @hilljam @KydiaMusic @muz4now @nigelharpur @elsemusic @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @imyke @dgar @jonnyfallout @skysonix @ryno honestly, as open to interpretation as some of the elements of CC are, I have much less confidence in a "violation" of its terms holding up in court vs a simple, unambiguous written agreement between two parties. YMMV.

etherdiver, avatar

@wjmaggos @hilljam @KydiaMusic @muz4now @nigelharpur @elsemusic @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @imyke @dgar @jonnyfallout @skysonix @ryno I do understand that as a indie radio host that might seem onerous or unworkable. At the very least it's a bit burdensome. And if I miss out because of that, I get it. Hey, I'm not on Spotify either, for similar reasons! That's got to be costing me exposure to potential new audiences!

muz4now, avatar

@jonnyfallout @bluenagoon @skysonix @hilljam @m2m @wjmaggos @etherdiver @Sakti @MOULE @nigelharpur @eRatt @elsemusic @limebar @mxtthxw @imyke @ryno @KydiaMusic @dgar @shannoncurtis I had a message exchange with someone who wants to use 2 of my tracks and it brought this up for me again. I tried to choose my words in those messages very carefully. What words/phrases constitute agreement to license the use of a track?

etherdiver, avatar

@muz4now @jonnyfallout @bluenagoon @skysonix @hilljam @m2m @wjmaggos @Sakti @MOULE @nigelharpur @eRatt @elsemusic @limebar @mxtthxw @imyke @ryno @KydiaMusic @dgar @shannoncurtis again, I'm not a lawyer! But, as I understand it, any document that lays out clear terms is arguably a contract. So, keep it simple and specific and you should be fine. If they're offering compensation, make it clear what that is. Name the tracks. Name the project you're allowing them to use it on.

etherdiver, avatar

@muz4now @jonnyfallout @bluenagoon @skysonix @hilljam @m2m @wjmaggos @Sakti @MOULE @nigelharpur @eRatt @elsemusic @limebar @mxtthxw @imyke @ryno @KydiaMusic @dgar @shannoncurtis if there's any situation that breaks the agreement or necessitates a renegotiated deal, state that.

muz4now, avatar
KydiaMusic, avatar

@wjmaggos @etherdiver @hilljam @muz4now @nigelharpur @elsemusic @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @imyke @dgar @jonnyfallout @skysonix @ryno
I wonder if I could use the new Bandcamp hashtag to notify ppl such as yourself that I’m open to it but just want to give permission first?

muz4now, avatar

@nigelharpur @mxtthxw @KydiaMusic @m2m @wjmaggos @hilljam @etherdiver @eRatt @shannoncurtis @ryno @jonnyfallout @Sakti @MOULE @skysonix @bluenagoon @imyke @limebar @elsemusic @dgar If this hashtag is enough to grant license, I don’t want to use it. Hopefully that’s not the intent.

etherdiver, avatar

@muz4now @nigelharpur @mxtthxw @KydiaMusic @m2m @wjmaggos @hilljam @eRatt @shannoncurtis @ryno @jonnyfallout @Sakti @MOULE @skysonix @bluenagoon @imyke @limebar @elsemusic @dgar I'm not a lawyer, but it shouldn't be enough to grant a license. Typically you would have to state clearly and ambiguously that you were granting whatever kind of license. And if there's any ambiguity I would expect it would default to a typical copyright.

etherdiver, avatar

@muz4now @nigelharpur @mxtthxw @KydiaMusic @m2m @wjmaggos @hilljam @eRatt @shannoncurtis @ryno @jonnyfallout @Sakti @MOULE @skysonix @bluenagoon @imyke @limebar @elsemusic @dgar certainly any lawyer worth their salt would argue that you should assume in the case of any ambiguity that the most severe license possible is what's in effect.

muz4now, avatar
KydiaMusic, avatar

@muz4now @nigelharpur @mxtthxw @m2m @wjmaggos @hilljam @etherdiver @eRatt @shannoncurtis @ryno @jonnyfallout @Sakti @MOULE @skysonix @bluenagoon @imyke @limebar @elsemusic @dgar
I wouldn’t think a hashtag would be legally binding, especially if you have your copyright info also posted, and a note that says “all rights reserved, but please ask if you’d like to stream my music on your broadcast.”

muz4now, avatar
wjmaggos, avatar

@muz4now @mxtthxw @hilljam @skysonix @elsemusic @etherdiver @MOULE @bluenagoon @imyke @nigelharpur @limebar @shannoncurtis @ryno @eRatt @KydiaMusic @dgar @m2m @Sakti @jonnyfallout

the new tag is just an easier way to find stuff on their site. I think the license option is part of the upload.

hilljam, avatar
wjmaggos, avatar

@KydiaMusic @etherdiver @hilljam @muz4now @nigelharpur @elsemusic @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @imyke @dgar @jonnyfallout @skysonix @ryno

maybe? the emails would be a bit to keep track of.

my process is I hear something, I look it up on Bandcamp, if it's CC I mark it to buy on Bandcamp Friday, then do that, then add it to my Mac media player with the CC tag, and then my station playlist. give the info during the podcast/stream and link in show notes.

muz4now, avatar
etherdiver, avatar

@wjmaggos @KydiaMusic @hilljam @muz4now @nigelharpur @elsemusic @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @imyke @dgar @jonnyfallout @skysonix @ryno that's totally fair. I think it may have gotten lost in Mastodon's weird threading, but I totally acknowledged that my preference is probably unworkable or at least a GIANT pain in your ass as a radio host.

etherdiver, avatar

@wjmaggos @KydiaMusic @hilljam @muz4now @nigelharpur @elsemusic @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @imyke @dgar @jonnyfallout @skysonix @ryno
When I was working in music journalism, we'd usually just get file attachments and a little explanation how we were allowed to use them (put up on this day, streaming only, etc) and yeah, I think that constituted a contract if we decided to post the stuff.

etherdiver, avatar

@wjmaggos @KydiaMusic @hilljam @muz4now @nigelharpur @elsemusic @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @imyke @dgar @jonnyfallout @skysonix @ryno and we'd reach out to artists occasionally too, with kind of the same deal -- but this was like, a few a month, not 15+ a week 😂

In any case, I am sympathetic to your position and wish there was a solution that served us both better.

hilljam, avatar


for what it's worth, here is something i just found on the creative commons faq:

"Creative Commons licenses are drafted to be enforceable around the world, and have been enforced in court in various jurisdictions. To CC's knowledge, the licenses have never been held unenforceable or invalid."

@wjmaggos @KydiaMusic @muz4now @nigelharpur @elsemusic @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @imyke @dgar @jonnyfallout @skysonix @ryno

etherdiver, avatar

@hilljam @wjmaggos @KydiaMusic @muz4now @nigelharpur @elsemusic @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @imyke @dgar @jonnyfallout @skysonix @ryno I'd be interested in the substance of any cases that HAVE been argued-- I'm still thinking of those bloody arguments over whether you could use NC content on a site that had ads...

I acknowledge this was like 15 years ago that I was mucking around with this shit so this may have all been settled since then.

etherdiver, avatar

@hilljam @wjmaggos @KydiaMusic @muz4now @nigelharpur @elsemusic @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @imyke @dgar @jonnyfallout @skysonix @ryno it DID stop me from using NC images on my site because a lawyer friend advised that if there was any question (and there CLEARLY was), I'd be doing myself a favor to steer clear.

etherdiver, avatar

@hilljam @wjmaggos @KydiaMusic @muz4now @nigelharpur @elsemusic @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @imyke @dgar @jonnyfallout @skysonix @ryno was my site "commercial"? I still don't know. Never made a dime off it. The ads covered a fraction of the hosting fees, and NONE of the thousands of hours of work I put into the site. BUT I also got professional work and recognition for that site... And I'd have been thrilled for it to get popular enough to make money...

KydiaMusic, avatar

@wjmaggos @etherdiver @hilljam @muz4now @nigelharpur @elsemusic @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @imyke @dgar @jonnyfallout @skysonix @ryno I’m not sure I’m following? You can find all sorts of non-corporate music by indie musicians that would be delighted to grant permission to general radio stations/streaming. A commercial license (all rights reserved) is about protecting the creator’s rights, not necessarily a corporation’s.

muz4now, avatar

@etherdiver @hilljam @KydiaMusic @wjmaggos @nigelharpur @elsemusic @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @imyke @dgar @jonnyfallout @skysonix
I hear you. CC licensing has never appealed to me since it requires 100% trust in every entity that could play, review, download, etc. a track on the internet. I 100% do not trust that.

wjmaggos, avatar
nigelharpur, avatar

@wjmaggos @KydiaMusic @etherdiver @muz4now @elsemusic @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @hilljam @imyke @dgar @jonnyfallout @skysonix @pluralistic

Gonna catch up on all this later at Franco's ☕ - 01:27 here - I was dreaming of sheep...

muz4now, avatar

@wjmaggos @KydiaMusic @nigelharpur @elsemusic @etherdiver @bluenagoon @Sakti @limebar @mxtthxw @m2m @MOULE @eRatt @shannoncurtis @hilljam @imyke @dgar @jonnyfallout @skysonix
Hope you all are headed into a wonderful weekend!
3 tracks on my new album are - just trying it out. Here's the toot for one of those:

dgar, avatar
KydiaMusic, avatar
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