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Mazoku, in I built the first 100% private, on-device "For You" feed on the fediverse

Where can I submit a bug report? Liking the app so far, great work!

@Aurelius@lemmy.world avatar

I appreciate it! And there is a Feedback form in the sidebar

historypresent, in I built the first 100% private, on-device "For You" feed on the fediverse

Wow. This is pretty impressive since you usually only see these kinds of things from big tech companies and their stuff is definitely NOT privacy friendly.

Can you provide more detail on how it works and how it is different than what big tech is doing?


Yep I will be happy to see that too

Aurelius, (edited )
@Aurelius@lemmy.world avatar

Thanks a bunch! It took me a while to craft the solution to make sure it was both effective + private. I was originally inspired by Canopy. They built a news aggregator with private & personalized posts a few years back and the idea sat in my head.

To answer your question(s), there are quite a few signals that big tech uses to recommend content. Not all of them are privacy invasive (or at least they don’t HAVE to be). My approach was to do thorough research on the different signals used by big tech to make their recommendation engines, and just build ones that 1.) were possible given fediverse API limitations and 2.) private. I had to craft some novel approaches to make it work but I’m pretty happy with the outcome!

One of the biggest differences between the “big tech” approach and Quiblr’s is that most big tech does not keep data simply on your device. They store it in datacenters to build large social-webs to essentially cluster users (and push more relevant ads).

But I was able utilize many of the other signals used by big tech (e.g. communities you engage with, metadata of content you read, dwell time, post/comment/vote activity) and I designed it to work offline with no servers.

Edit: grammar


How does it make the decision to recommend one post over another using the data it collects? Also does it treat all that data differently when ranking posts?

btw it feels really well polished so nice job.


mesamunefire, in I built the first 100% private, on-device "For You" feed on the fediverse

This is excellent! Thanks. Anyway to self host? I dont want to bog down your system.

@Aurelius@lemmy.world avatar

Quiblr is a frontend, so you are not bogging down my system :) It is designed to run on whichever Instance you use


You’re amazing. Nice way to do it!

michaelc, in I built the first 100% private, on-device "For You" feed on the fediverse
@michaelc@social.rootaccess.org avatar

@Aurelius This is excellent! Awesome job. Is there a github/git source for the code? Would love to contribute.

@Aurelius@lemmy.world avatar

Thanks! I work on Quiblr in my free time as a side project. I’ve never managed an open source project on my own, but I’m working with a buddy who has experience managing open source projects. I’ll let you know!

@michaelc@social.rootaccess.org avatar

@Aurelius Sounds good! Look forward to it.

Kolanaki, (edited ) in Lemmy community discoverability is not user-friendly and can be improved App side
@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

I really miss having Liftoff work because it has been the only app I’ve used on android that actually had a functioning search feature that let you search individual posts, community names, instances, or users.

@zackitrocity: pls come back 🥺

deweydecibel, (edited )

Give Summit a try. It’s got all those search options, and it seems to work well enough any time I use it.

If you liked RIF on Reddit, it’s far and away the closest I’ve found.

Kolanaki, (edited )
@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

If you liked RIF on Reddit, it’s far and away the closest I’ve found.


Edit: Ooooh yeah… This is way better than Jerboa.


I agree in that Summit is the most feature complete and polished Lemmy client for Android.

@idunnololz@lemmy.world avatar

Love you guys 💜

@Eideen@lemmy.world avatar

Test out Play Sync for Lemmy works great.

LudwigvanBeethoven, in I built the first 100% private, on-device "For You" feed on the fediverse

This is flipping amazing. UX beats big corps hands down, recommendations are greatly innovative. One little thing: can we have a back button? It’s a bit clunky when I have to go to the top of my browser every time I go back from a post. Other than that, it looks great!

@Aurelius@lemmy.world avatar

THANK YOU! Im glad you love the UX and recommendations feature.

Can you elaborate what you mean on the back button? Pressing back on your browser scrolls to the top of your feed?

BlueDepth9279, in Lemmy Just Reached 1 Million Posts

The jump in posts over the last month is incredible. I find Lemmy quickly replacing Reddit which is great.

@frippa@lemmy.ml avatar

Not just number but quality. It was all memes at the start, now actual conversation is happening in more than just a few posts.


We’ve had a good balance the past couple days. I like both.




we have bean through a phase, but we are moving into more mature content in a brisket


I’m making a brisket today. No beans. Is there s good cooking community? Or grilling/smoking?


Maybe !foodporn ? I think I linked the community right. If not, sorry I hope you get the jist.




I’d also expect another big jump when clients like Sync and Boost get their apps for Lemmy online. That will attract an enormous amount of users from reddit.


If you liked Sync, you should try Thunder.


I actually blocked all the meme and shitpost communities because they were flooding my all feed and they aren’t that interesting to me.


The beans phase had me doubting the quality part for sure.


What do you bean?


They bean that the beans weren’t serious discussion…beans.


I assure you, the beans are of the highest quality.


The memes were entertaining and it was content to attract users.


The memes has been high quality though


i posted like 10 per year on reddit and did around 30+ within a week on lemmy


Totally agree! I just have been a registered reader on Reddit. Now, it’s the first time I’m participating - might be considerably because lemmy is trending. Nevertheless, I found communities and post I’m interested in within minutes - 👌🏼 whereas Reddit was mostly clutter.


You need both though. Memes and shitposts to scroll though and chuckle, and then quality stuff to engage on. Lemmys got that, and the momentum will keep it growing.

I tried lemmy like a year or so ago, and it felt so stale. The technology is there, but the content just wasn’t. That’s clearly changed now. 😊


Totally agree, I don’t mean to demean the memes.


Would be nice if there was a way for posts to be flagged such that memes and shitposts and more serious discussions could be separated, so you could filter depending on mood.


Yep, also an easier way to explore/sign up and filter instances and their different pages. I’m new and have no idea what I’m doing regarding that. So far I’m just signing up to instances and hoping new interesting stuff appears on my page… I’m on Lemmy.world as I assume we all are, how do I view the different pages on this instance or is it all just in a singular feed?


Hit the communities button near the top of the page to subscribe and view. You don’t need to sign up to more instances unless you really want to, we can post on any federated instance. It’s weird at first but you’ll get it.

@Coelacanth@feddit.nu avatar

Discoverability is something that could definitely use more work. Right now I recommend the site lemmyverse.net/communities, which is searchable and shows subscriber and active user counts. It should help you find where the most populated communities for your interests are located, if they already exist over here.

Your front page has three feeds. All is just what you’d expect. Local filters to only show posts from your home instance (lemmy.world in your case). I find it’s mostly useful if you’re registered to a smaller instance and want to keep up with local concerns.

Home shows updates for all communities you are subscribed to.


I’m on Lemmy.world as I assume we all are

We’re not! :)

I’m on sh.itjust.works, others might be on lemm.ee, lemmy.zip, feddit.uk, etc., but we can all interact with each other. That’s one of the benefits of the fediverse.


Good point! I’m hoping for some of the more niche communities to start becoming more active. Things are trending in the right direction though.


I’m dying with the lack of baseball communication. The biggest Baseball and Atlanta Braves communities are pretty much dead and I really miss talking ball.


Reddit is still unrivaled for sports content unfortunately. I’m have to scrounge around and am considering moving back to RealGM shudders


We can just talk about Americas team then. That’ll unify everything, right? 😉

Disgustoid, (edited )

I was lamenting the lack of an NFL community here but no way in hell I’m joining a Dallas Cowboys community regardless of how much discussion it generates. 😆


Same. The White Sox community right now is just a bot posting game results.


Phillies fan checking in. Agree. I have a community with a bot that posts game updates like Reddit (which is nice) but the game threads are mainly me posting once or twice and one or two other people with side off comments. No community engagement so to speak. Long way from the Reddit game threads of several thousand comments.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

Feel your pain. I’m constantly thinking, what the hell do I have to do to get r/orioles to follow me over to Lemmy to grow the numbers? They are one of the only things left at Reddit that I regularly look at. But 99% of the mod and user base there just doesn’t care about the the issue.

Conversely, that means that at least sports spaces are among the least bot-spammed places on Reddit. So there’s that.

@matt@lemmy.world avatar

Sports is definitely hard to have take off in these sorts of spaces, since sports are generally talked about much more amongst regular/casual users, than the more tech-savvy crowd who are willing to try these things out.

It’s the same on the biggest ActivityPub platform (Mastodon) - the really popular regular subjects such as sports and cars just don’t have a presence there.


The best thing you can do to help is to comment on threads. I know it feels weird to comment in an empty post, but it does tend to spur lurkers to respond.


I’m part of things

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

There’s a whole fanaticus.social instance for sports


Shameless plug for !baseball (check out our sidebar for the team-specific communities). We’ve got the game bots ported over and are working on improving them and adding new features.

I agree with !matt though, the Venn diagram of sports fans and tech-savvy lemmy pioneers is pretty small. You can help by posting and commenting to attract more users. More content == more users (eventually).

The_Picard_Maneuver, (edited )
@The_Picard_Maneuver@lemmy.world avatar

I’m usually a lurker, but I decided to just go ahead and make one that I was missing. Something about personally wanting Lemmy to grow is motivating to me.

I made an XCOM community on Lemmy.world, and even though I’m the only one posting so far, it’s fun to watch the subscriber count grow. Already at 50!

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

Please definitely don’t be discouraged in the slightest, TPM.

Single-game forums were almost always the smallest gaming subreddits on Reddit, often times being several orders of magnitude smaller than the “gaming in general” communities.

But that special feeling of having other people passionate about that specific game you love can’t be beat. Hang in there, and you’ll definitely grow and get that engagement in time.

@The_Picard_Maneuver@lemmy.world avatar

Thanks. Fingers crossed!

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

May I suggest doing an informal poll of some sort to boost engagement? I’m not that familiar with XCOM, but it’s a pretty big series with a lot of games, right? Maybe just a simple “which is your favorite XCOM game?” thread.


And if it is still going in Reddit, make a post and link that it is now in Lemmy.


They will. My experience community building thus far is that if you can build up one anchor community to the point where people are organically sharing content and commenting, other adjacent communities will start to generate the same sorts of things with smaller subscriber bases because that anchor community is keeping people’s eyes here. Just a question of time.


Speaking of sharing content, is there a way to crosspost around here yet?


Yes, when you make a post look at the line where the ‘save post’ button is at the bottom of the entry. There will be two overlapping squares. That’s the crosspost button.


Never noticed that. Do any apps feature it too?


I’ve only used jerboa but I can’t seem to find a crosspost button. Every app is alpha at best though so I’m sure it will come.


Thunder does, but the body text is not automatically copied like in the web interface.


It just definitely needed to hit a critical mass. Enough that people had enough to read, stick around, and post themselves. Which in turn created a place that new people felt had enough content.


It’s also about search engine indexing. It’s happening slowly, but I’ve noticed Lemmy posts are finally beginning to show up in Google/Bing search results. As this trend improves, more people will stumble here by accident and then join out of curiosity.


I thought I was gonna be able to quit Reddit full time. Didn’t look for a few days, then did. Still check since some niche communities aren’t over here (or active) yet so I have to go there. But I only still check every few days (I was a several time a day redditor so usage is down) and I’ll check Lemmy at least once or twice a day now.


I quit Reddit cold turkey. I miss sports talk and some of the gaming and workout subreddits though.

@trambe@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah same, most communities i frequent on Reddit haven’t transitioned yet or is still tiny so I kinda juggle between the two apps.

Lemmy is nice for tech and nerdy subreddits but that’s pretty much it rnow


Same. Last night i went in and deleted all of my subscriptions except for the 3 i really want to keep checking in on.

Diabolo96, in I built the first 100% private, on-device "For You" feed on the fediverse

Forget about personalisation. That UX work is just 👌👌💯✨

But I’d definitely would like to know how it works.

@Aurelius@lemmy.world avatar

Your comment made me smile! I’ve worked hard to make Quiblr a platform for the fediverse to be clean, modern, and accessible. Basically - remove all the friction that generally comes with fediverse apps

smileyhead, in How do you guys feel about Loops?

I never got into vertical video, not my type of thing.

But if something like that is a way for someone to reduce stress or do anything in a bored moment, then why not.

@ItsYourBoyHalo@lemmy.world avatar

Ofc! That’s what I use them for haha, destressing.


That’s a refreshing take to have on things.

dkc, in Just a reminder we are the future of social media.

I still haven’t been able to give up reddit but I have always been a lurker there. Here I’m trying to make a conscious effort to participate in conversations. I’m trying to be positive, kind, and thoughtful because that’s what I want lemmy to be.


Thank you!


I started to think of Reddit as just an occasional Google search result necessary evil and have successfully ignored it ever since. Log off DKC, there’s a better world out there.

In all seriousness I think eventually conventional social media will start to feel very siloed like AOL did as more people join the fediverse. I can’t imagine using a site that I couldn’t look at everything from anymore, save for stupid ass Facebook which I do solely for sovcit material. Why would I want to look at crap ads and AI when I can be here?

@sudoroot@lemmy.zip avatar

I started to think of Reddit as just an occasional Google search result necessary evil and have successfully ignored it ever since.

This is my experience. I try to search elsewhere, but consistently still find good info there. Only when I exhaust other options I go crawling back.


Oh it’s no biggie if you use it to deshittify Google. It is there, after all. Just treat it like ghetto Wikipedia and don’t hang around. Haha.


Similar here. Reddit has become, for better or worse, just another Facebook. I include in my search queries when I need. I get in for specific communities and get out immediately afterwards.

TheImpressiveX, in Just a reminder we are the future of social media.
@TheImpressiveX@lemmy.ml avatar

Just out of curiosity, how much does it cost per month to run a Lemmy instance? Not that I’d want to do that myself, I’m just grateful for our admins that keep Lemmy up and running.


I’d certainly be interested to know for the sake of donations. I would gladly donate to keep the fediverse alive.

@kersploosh@sh.itjust.works avatar

It varies greatly depending on your setup.

Lemmy.world’s monthly expenses are around €1,200. Though that includes hosting more services that just Lemmy.

For comparison, it looks like £30 per month for lemmy.zip:

And lemmy.ca is around CAD$30 per month:

At one point Reddthat.com was considering moving to a bigger server that would cost A$150-200 per month:

@v4ld1z@lemmy.zip avatar

Ayy Lemmy.zip :)

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

It depends. I run an instance with a whole two users and it costs me about $25 a month.

But if I let 200 users join, I would need beefier hardware and a higher bandwidth limit.

However running an instance like Beehaw is probably on the order of hundreds, not thousands of dollars a month.

mrmanager, (edited )
@mrmanager@lemmy.today avatar

You can rent an instance for like 10 dollars per month and grow from there. Then expand if you get users and things get slow. Lemmy runs ok on 4 GB of memory but it’s better with 8 GB. Postgres use the most.

@GreatAlbatross@feddit.uk avatar

feddit.uk clocks in at under £40/month. That’s hosting, and backups. lemmy.zip is similar.

Plus our time, but we’re obviously doing it as a labour of love.


I’m curious as well. I want to selfhost a personal instance, but CGNAT is getting on the way. I can always pay for VPS, but then the recent shenanigans involving CSAM images potentially being synced from rogue instances scared me.

Thorny_Insight, in How do you guys feel about Loops?

I don’t watch reels, shorts, tiktoks or any other short for videos and Loops is not an exception. I moved from Instagram to Pixelfed for the sole purpose of getting atleast some audience for my photography since Instagram wants you to post videos instead.

@ItsYourBoyHalo@lemmy.world avatar

What’s your profile? Let me drop you a follow!

iopq, in It's been a year since I joined the Fediverse

I’ll have to say that I feel like Lemmy is the biggest success since it replaced Reddit for me almost completely except for Google searches


Yeah Lemmy is really a perfect replacement without any big downside. I really enjoy the community and the help you can get from it.

Noodle07, in Just a reminder we are the future of social media.

I’m doing my best to look at memes 💪


Teamwork makes the dream work.

Penguin_Rocket, (edited )
@Penguin_Rocket@lemmy.ml avatar

As would say this wise person (@peachymist): you are not procrastinating, you are fighting for a free and open Internet

@peachymist@sakurajima.moe avatar

@Penguin_Rocket @Noodle07 hahaha i'm honored but i was not the one to say it first :neocat_laugh_sweat: i saw this on a meme that was going around fedi at the time and i tend to just post silly stuff that goes through my mind without context and i was thinking of the meme

Aurelius, (edited ) in Lemmy community discoverability is not user-friendly and can be improved App side
@Aurelius@lemmy.world avatar

I built the Quiblr web app. I love the idea of being able to filter results for a given instance! I will see if I can push an update tonight

Edit: I pushed an update to implement Advanced Search options on the Communities Page. Given how the API works, community IDs are different between each Instance so you can’t view the post feed on another Instance’s community -but- I made a solution that lets you VIEW the communities on different instances (regardless of your home instance). If you are not signed in, you can change the instance with a single button push.

Hope your friend finds this feature helpful!


I clicked the star under your message…but I’m unclear what that does. Did I save your comment? I want to come back to it tomorrow.

@Deebster@infosec.pub avatar

Yes, you can go to your profile and click on “Saved” to see your starred posts/comments.

One annoying thing is that it’s sorted by the original posting date, not the time you saved it, which might mean your most recently saved item isn’t even on the first page of results.

@Rebels_Droppin@lemmy.world avatar

I thought I was going crazy, thanks for explaining how saved sorting works

@Eideen@lemmy.world avatar

I love masonry view. This is the first web app I have see, that is closers to Sync for Lemmy.

Thank you.

@Aurelius@lemmy.world avatar

I’m glad you enjoy Quiblr! Let me know if you have feedback

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