
I still don’t know what a firewall actually does lol. I just install nftables and ufw and hope it somehow improves my security. I just don’t know how.


Programs that want to receive or send data across the network do so using a port. A firewall (in the sense of a firewall on your computer) is basically a program that sits between the rest of your programs and your network connection and determines what programs should be allowed out to the network and what incoming connections should be allowed to talk to your programs.

This is “increasing security” by making sure you don’t let incoming connections talk to whatever happens to be running on your computer that might be listening for network traffic.

I can provide a more ELI5 explanation if you would like it.


Every computer has a bunch of ports (1-65535 if I recall correctly), each of which is a unique entity to which a single service can bind. In layman’s terms, a port is a door that one service is able to answer when someone knocks. By convention, some ports have a specific associated service (80 = HTTP, 443 = HTTPS, 22 = SSH), but there are a lot that you can just use as you deem appropriate.

If you want a service (e.g. a web server) to be accessible, you have to run a service that binds to a known port (e.g. 80), and a client has to reach out to your server on that same port. A firewall sits between your service(s) and any potential clients, much like those steel security screen doors. If that’s closed, nobody gets through on that port, even if a service is bound to that port and is listening for a connection.

As a general rule of thumb, you want your firewall to block as much traffic as possible without breaking something (I.e. blocking one of your public-facing services). If you don’t run any services on your computer (web services, media servers, etc.), you can probably get away with blocking all inbound traffic. without any discernable impact.


Ironically enough if you do not know what a firewall actually does (and saying it “protects” against "stuff is NOT enough) IMHO you do need one. That being said unless you know what you are doing, better leave it to the default one with default settings.

jackpot, avatar

i dont even undedtsand what a firewall is, i yhinm it blocks incouming / ourgojng connectikns lol


Its always a good idea. I have a firewall on my laptop since I travel and connect to many different networks.

I don’t run any services that would be broadcasting open ports but its always better to be safe


Hell, even if you don’t travel. You never know when something nasty is going to get loose on your network. Especially since most folks have some IoT things, and don’t bother to properly isolate them.

bushvin, avatar

Do you need a lock on the door of your place?

No, but it’s a damn good idea to protect whatever is in it.


That’s a bad comparison. Without a lock you can just open the door from the outside.

bushvin, avatar

But… Is it?


It’s not.

If you have a house, it has a door which you can use to access everything inside.

If you have a linux install with no services running on it, it has no doors, and thus doesn’t need any door locks. And if it does have services running on there (which run publicly), it now has doors, sure, but getting one of those doors open doesn’t guarantee access to the whole house - usually it’s gonna be an empty room


Linux with no services? That’s not a usable system for anyone who would ask “do I need a firewall”

Systemd is a service that runs logind. What are you doing without them?


I think by services they mean self-hosted, web-based services, or things like sshd - services which work by actively serving connections on a particular port or ports.


And even then, a properly configured SSHD instance wouldn’t really benefit from a firewall, unless you wanted to block all countries besides your own or something.


On a laptop absolutely. My firewall on my laptop doesn’t let me discriminate between networks so I’m always worried someone will try to attack me on public WiFi for the few ports I want open

On a desktop on a network you trust less important but still no firewall means if another device on your network gets compromised you’re screwed


Keep in mind that a firewall may not be nessasary if you don’t have any network services running.


Yes, except that whether you do is not at all obvious.

Do you use KDE Connect? If yes, you run a network service. Syncthing, a bittorrent client? Those too, and many others. I know this is a Linux community, but as a comparison windows has a bunch of network services running by default.
By saying “network services”, I think menu of us would just think about a web server or a file server, conclude that they don’t run any of those, and don’t bother with it.

When in doubt, sudo netstat -lutpn, and look for the listening ports to see what software listens for informing requests.


I’d still have one, eventually something is going to slip past a new configuration or dependency that listens.


For laptop, what kind of attack would we be protecting ourselves from? I get the relevance of antivirus, VPN, and device encryption, but what about firewall?


Any vulnerabilities in any of your software that can talk to a network, ssh, browser, the operating system itsself could be exploited if your firewall is down

If you’re using username and password and have ssh enabled, for example anyone on your network could attempt to log in to your machine


For ssh, sure.

But a browser? No way.


My understanding is there can be a vulnerability in absolutely anything

Browsers are unlikely to but don’t think it’s impossible


A firewall protects open ports on your machine. A browser does not have any open ports.

Of course they have vulnerabilities, but a firewall won’t protect you from them.


Let’s just say the system does not have any outward facing service (no ssh, http, smb, nfs).


At that point why not just have the firewall set to deny everything just to be safe though? There’s always the chance you missed something that’s decided to listen on some random port and if you aren’t using anything that listens on a network why have the firewall open anyway


If you have the ability to take a look at either SANS website, and see their articles, or have your system show you all the automatic attacks hitting your machine, then maybe you will understand…

Botnets are coded to hammer-away at all possible internet-addresses, trying to break-in & highjack more machines, to include in the established criminal-machine that the botnet is…

SANS said, a decade or 2 ago, that it took, on average, something like 6 or 4 minutes for a new MS-Windows machine to be owned by some attack from the internet.

I’ve had linux machines cracked/owned, and wiped 'em to get 'em clean.

Having no immune-system is BAD.

Linux botnets, apple operating-system botnets, they exist.

I don’t think there is any operating-system that is connected to the internet that doesn’t have attacks coded to crack it.

I just looked at, and they have totally changed, so they are now … more a moneymaking-machine wanting B2B biz?

Here, though, are some cheat-sheets they made:

They used to tell us the top-20 most effective protections for particular threats, identifying how prevalent the threats were, etc…

No idea who does that nowadays…


Eh, the router acts like one. I have no open ports. On a laptop you use on the go I would use a firewall tho.

corey389, (edited )

Linux comes with a default firewall it’s called IPtables/NFtables, Just make sure that it’s on. Example I Ubuntu Sudo ufw enable.

FrostyPolicy, avatar

Actually it’s Netfilter. IPTables is just a frontend.


Linux is a kernel. The actual tooling varies and isn’t always preinstalled


Yes, and hopefully you will have one preinstalled, blocking all incoming connections.

An outbound firewall like Opensnitch or Portmaster is also nice. But here I would say often you dont need one. Balena Etcher was the only App loading Ads, at all. Firefox and Thunderbird can be hardened. The rest is okay and doesnt phone home, Flatpak permissions ard also great.


Balena Etcher shouldn’t be loading ads. Where did you install it from?


Official website. They just advertise their own products which I consider Adware

Notamoosen avatar

I'd say if you plan on using it any public places, or if you don't have full control over all the computers/technology in your home network, it's a good idea to run one. It's a nice last resort should someone on the same lan have a piece of malicious software.

tal, avatar

No, you don’t. But it’s also not necessarily a bad idea if it’s not going to create issues for you.

Normally, a software package that wants to talk over IP and only wants to let local software communicate with it can listen only on loopback addresses (like But I have definitely seen software packages that have defaulted to listening to the world (gpsd used to do this by default, for example, which would let anyone in the world who could talk to your machine see precisely where you were). Having a firewall makes the default to be secure – you know that the default is not to be reachable, regardless of what some software author thinks is a good idea.

Most home systems these days are generally behind a NATting router, which effectively firewalls them against the outside world (though maybe IPv6 will change this), so they can’t be directly reached from the outside anyway, unless a user has set up port forwarding on the router, the systems are effectively firewalled anyway, unless an attacker can get inside the network somehow.

It’s one more thing that you’re going to have to remember to deal with if you’re installing software and troubleshooting network problems. You install software package X and it isn’t reachable, you’re going to have to figure out how to diagnose problems. As long as this isn’t a problem for you…shrugs

I don’t personally run firewalls on my desktops. But I have also, over the years, occasionally checked netstat -ntap and discovered that a service that I thought only listened locally was listening to the world, gpsd probably being the most-flagrant example.

If I were not behind a router, or if I were forwarding all ports to my system, I would be firewalling my desktop systems.

On a dedicated server, I’d be less worried, because I’m not normally installing tons of random software on the thing. If you aren’t going to firewall it, though, be sure that you’ve checked to see what is listening on the server.


I strongly disagree.

For example on systems based on Debian (running myself) which simply enables networked services by default running a firewall is a total no brainer. Same is true for literally every Linux distribution with dependency management.

Especially if someone asks, it is a strong indicator this person should run a firewall.


There is no reason to not leverage a firewall. Plenty of browser based malware can breach your home router and call back out to allow an attacker to explore your network. Windows has included a firewall for over a decade and it’s fine. You can with a single command enable Linux’s built in firewall and be glad you did the bare minimum of cyber security.


Windows network layer is a desaster. It is so bad, you could currupt the system with Ping in the past.

I would not say, you should not have a firewall on a desktop, but saying it’s a good idea bc/ windows makes me laugh.


Yes, because you can forget what services are running and maybe they can be explited.

An example can be Syncthing which setting are done via web browser at port 8384. If you do not have a firewall, everyone on the same network would be able to change Syncthing settings and then sync your directories to their devices.


Good point, but syncthing only listens on localhost as others have said too.
However it still is a network service that can have vulnerabilities, besides many others like KDE Connect (which may be a target as one of its purposes is remote control and monitoring) or a bittorrent client

Bitrot, avatar

Is syncthing listening on all addresses, or only loopback? A firewall would block it, sure, but that would also be bad design.


Syncthing only listens on loopback by default unless you modify the config.

GustavoM, avatar

Why not? It’s comically easy to set up one.


yup, all you have to do is install ufw then run:

<span style="color:#323232;">sudo systemctl enable --now ufw
</span><span style="color:#323232;">sudo ufw default deny
</span><span style="color:#323232;">sudo ufw allow from
</span><span style="font-style:italic;color:#969896;"># if you want ssh:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">sudo ufw limit ssh
</span><span style="color:#323232;">sudo ufw enable

If you allow the whole subnet you might as well not use a firewall. Your router has one and port forwarding is disabled by default.


Hey thank you for this comment. I was just following the ArchWiki and you can also find similar directions here. I think the idea is that on a home network, every device can be trusted, but it’s still good to have a firewall in case your ISP’s firewall is crappy. What do you think?

Bitrot, avatar

Your isp firewall uses nat, and a hacked isp gateway or some other device that had ports forwarded to it are the most likely things to be reaching into your network. They’ll be on that subnet.


Ohhh of course. Thank you.

So the more practical solution is just to assign a static IP to all my trusted devices, then allow those IP addresses rather than the whole subnet.

That makes total sense, but why do you think the ArchWiki says otherwise? Do you think they’re just presenting a “just werks” solution?

Bitrot, avatar

Yes, they’re giving “very simplistic” and also demonstrating how to deny and add access in multiple ways.

It’s also not uncommon to do things like that. The default firewall config in Fedora is wide open for every port above 1024.


You are a rock star.

Okay, I now have new awesome rules! I assigned my other two machines static IPs ( and, respectively). So now I have:

<span style="color:#323232;">sudo systemctl enable --now ufw
</span><span style="color:#323232;">sudo ufw default deny
</span><span style="color:#323232;">sudo ufw allow from
</span><span style="color:#323232;">sudo ufw allow from
</span><span style="color:#323232;">sudo ufw limit ssh
</span><span style="color:#323232;">sudo ufw enable

SSH still works, everything is awesome. Thanks again 👏👏👏

Infernal_pizza, avatar

I set up a rule last night to allow SSH access from any device on my subnet, is it a good idea to add a separate rule blocking SSH from my router? I’ve already set up SSH with public key authentication so in theory there aren’t many devices that can access it but the firewall restriction seemed like a good idea


If you are worried that an attacker may have compromised your router and that key auth is not secure enough, then yes it would make sense.

I move ssh to a non-default port, only allow key based auth and install fail2ban. This is enough for me. It protects against automated attacks hitting port 22 and prevents brute force.

Infernal_pizza, avatar

I don’t think my router has been compromised and I think it’s pretty unlikely it will be, but the extra rule seems pretty trivial to set up so if there are no downsides I may as well! I have already changed the SSH port and disabled password login. I’ll look into fail2ban, might be worth it if it’s relatively simple to set up!


Yeah, I kind of agree. Unless this is a mobile device pretty much all traffic will come from within your subnet. I often deny incoming from my gateway (i.e. router) and poke holes as necessary.


ufw and docker don’t like each other


Can you elaborate on that? I’m curious what you mean.


I din’t have much time right now…/how-to-fix-the-docker-and-ufw-…

It’s quiet old. Maybe it’s fixed now.


Thanks. So docker manipulates iptabels directly, thereby bypassing ufw rules. (Your previous comment was just really vague)

Dirk, avatar

It’s also comically useless to have a desktop firewall application installed when you’re already behind some sort of firewall solution like a router not forwarding most incoming traffic.


It depends. Sure, maybe somewhat redundant for a home desktop that just stays at home on a network you control, but for a laptop it is absolutely essential.

You may also want a firewall to defend against other devices within your local network. Let’s say you have IoT devices, many of which are poorly secured and maintained by their manufacturers, or you live with family members or guests who don’t practice or even know about proper computing hygiene and are bringing in devices onto your local WiFi.

Dirk, avatar

My IoT devices already have a dedicated network and guest can use my guest WiFi. But yes, you’re right. It depends. And especially for mobile devices some sort of local firewall solution could be relevant. If there are no ports exposed to the LAN you’re pretty save, though.


No you aren’t, browser based malware puts the attacker inside your fancy network. A basic firewall will greatly hinder any attack at basically no cost to you.


That’s fine right up until something on your network, even the ISP modem-firewall-router-switch itself, gets compromised.


There’s incoming and then there’s outgoing traffic. Software firewalls can forbid processes that may be advertised as “offline only” from reaching out; typically a hardware firewall doesn’t care about this kind of thing.


Some people like hosting some servers on their desktop as well, and doesn’t want others on their local network to access them. With firewalls, you can allow specific IP address to reach those servers.


Very few people do, you probably don’t need to worry about it


A sane firewall configuration should have no/minimal impact on a desktop focused OS.

On the other hand, sometimes programs are really badly made and expect stupid things like there being no firewall.

You should have one yes, but to each their own.

I manage a bunch of windows computers and regularly make adding firewall rules part of install scripts, good example: Dreamweaver.

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