anarchy79, avatar

If the love of your life sports a man bun you have way bigger issues than how they use their phone, dude.

Piecemakers3Dprints, (edited ) avatar

To be fair, I’d be more concerned with the unkempt excuse for a beard being a sign of other, less visible issues. Sure, the bun is cringe AF, but adult-level hygiene is clutch for ranking as The One. 🤗

edit: ooh, touched a nerve with some? Go wash yourselves.


Stop talking about me!


What does the word hygiene mean?

Piecemakers3Dprints, avatar

Interesting. Based on the definition “conditions and practices that help to maintain health and prevent the spread of diseases”, I’m guessing that you’re implying a beard categorized as unkempt can lead to disease.

Just because I’m trying to understand, is the issue hair’s length? If so, shampoo and conditioner can be used in larger amounts. The shampoo would pick up the dead skin cells, remove excess grease, and pick up all kinds of germs. The conditioner would reapply grease so that the hair is healthy and strong.

Is the issue the fact that this hair is so close to the mouth that, when eating, it could have sauces or stuff like that falling onto it? If so, shampoo or regular soap can clean it all up for it to be hygienic again.

Am I missing something?

Piecemakers3Dprints, avatar

You are correct in these hypotheses, yes, and details to a person’s overall presentation are some of the first introductions one has to said stranger’s tendencies, interests, and even self-worth. Of course, conjecture is not fact, and an educated guess is only as good as the education behind it.


Why do you say so?


The way they put the string on top of their head means they’re a bad person because it’s different from how the commenter puts their head string, obviously.


If they sport a woman bun, wouldn’t that be an even greater problem supposing a straight monogamoship? 😂


I call this “pizza phone” because it looks like they are eating their phone like a slice of pizza.


I always thought it was more like toast.


To me, it looks like they’re about to bite into a kitkat


Imagine caring.


I think people care because they are subjected to other people’s phone conversations when they do this in public.


Yeah, I guess if they’re in public being loud, makes sense.


Well well well, I once again feel targeted by a meme


Who do you talk on the phone like that?


The microphone is there, why not?


But you can rotate the phone such that the mic is still in front of your mouth and the top of the phone over your ear, without being forced to use the speaker to be able to hear.


While driving


It’s so you can hear the speaker phone better. The speakers are on the bottom of the phone.

dual_sport_dork, avatar

I have had bozos legitimately try to tell me it’s the holding it up to your ear that’s illegal, so if you hold it sideways and talk at it you “can’t” get pulled over for it.

I also witnessed, from the other end of the telephone, one of my clients getting pulled over and trying to tell the cop he couldn’t be ticketed because the phone was on speaker – but still in his hand.


Drat, foiled again by that damn speakerphone loophole

-The Police


I feel attacked 😐

thegiddystitcher, avatar

Think of it more as an intervention


You’re not alone, although this isn’t my go-to for speakerphone usage.


I see a lot of kids/teens walking around doing this.

I think perhaps they don’t know how phones work as phones.


I think they often have earbuds but those usually have built in microphones so I don’t really know either, I think it’s popular when recording voice messages too.


I do this, here’s why. Also I’m 23

I don’t like getting oils and sweat on my screen. I also don’t like putting my dirty screen on my face.

I can still talk to someone and do other stuff on my phone. If I want privacy or I’m in an area where speakerphone would be annoying then fine I’ll use it the old way, but generally I have headphones to bridge that gap anyways.


Yeah, I’m with you. Speaker mode is much more comfortable. But I do have some common courtesy while in public though. Nobody needs to be forced to hear your conversation.

BeardedBlaze, avatar

You think your fingers don’t generate oils/sweat? You can have the phone next to your ear without having it pushing against the side of your head lol Multi-tasking makes sense though.


Not nearly as much as my face that’s for sure


A couple weeks ago I saw a high schooler asking friends to grab his phone, but they couldn’t hear him. So he mimed typing with his thumbs.

How did we lose holding a handset to your ear as the pantomime for phone??? I’ve heard Nirvana on the classic rock station and it didn’t make me feel as old as this.


Take your time, hurry up

Choice is yours, don’t be late

Take a rest as a friend

As an old

Memoria, memoria

Memoria, memoria


My neice asked me “Dad says you only had internet on the phone when you were my age, but I also only have internet on my phone. I don’t get it.”

That hurt me SO much.

willya, avatar

I think it’s more of a “hey everybody, look at me!”.


I know the phone is designed for you to hold it a certain way, but don’t smartphones have the mic at the bottom next to the charge port?


google pixel 6 pro user here, nope, at the top, because fuck the consumers, that’s why

on a more serious note, normally it doesnt pick up too much external audio but if i’m in a crowded place i have to turn it upside down and back up constantly to speak and then hear


I don’t know where you got that idea, there’s definitely a mic on the bottom. The top mic hole is just for noise cancellation. Google even has an interactive diagram here…


welp, turns out i was wrong, thanks for the heads up

after some fiddling, i found that the voice recorder app i used to test where the microphone was only utilized the top microphone, while calls and voice messages (at least on signal) use the bottom one


I think the point is that the microphone should be close to your mouth, but not in the direction of your breath, so as to avoid pops. That’s why headsets have the microphone a few inches away from where your breath would go through.

Hence, the preferred holding position would have both the speaker and microphone in optimal spots.


Yeah, and my tiny Nokia from 15 years ago also had a mic next to charger very very far from my mouth. Worked completely fine though, since it’s designed to do that.


They grew up with facetime, and this is how they translate that into a facetime without video


Isn’t there an option to disable your camera while facetiming? Alternatively just…Calling would make sense, but setting that aside.

Rootiest, avatar

Is the earphone speaker destined to go the way of the headphone jack?

Will phones 5 years from now be shipping without them


Only if Apple is brave enough


Reject apple. Return to Star Trek TOS communicators

woodenskewer, avatar

Then Google will make fun of them only to do the exact same thing months later.


What’s facetime?


Zoom for Apple users.


Ah, so that’s pretty much useless for anyone who has a non apple user friend they want to talk to?




I knew there was a reason I loved them 💖

helenslunch, avatar

What’s wrong with this, exactly?


I think it’s cuz of speaker phone

helenslunch, avatar

And what’s wrong with speaker phone?


Nothing, as long as you’re not out in public while doing it. I don’t want to hear your conversation.


Feeling personally attacked I see. Well since you are completely oblivious, it’s rude and annoying, no one wants to hear your conversation. Use the phone like a normal person.

helenslunch, avatar

Feeling personally attacked I see.

Uhhhh nope, you just made that up.

Well since you are completely oblivious, it’s rude and annoying, no one wants to hear your conversation.

Pretty sure the person on the phone with me wants to hear the conversation…

If you’re referring to being in a crowd of people, I understand, but that’s not what’s happening in the photo.


This entire post is about using speaker phone in public. You just want to argue about semantics to be a contrarian. So I’ll just stop responding to you now, thanks.

helenslunch, avatar

There’s literally nothing about the OP to indicate anything about being in public.


Ahem. Its on speaker. Technically its ‘our’ conversation and you are a part of this too.


Usually because the other person is on speaker, and having a conversation on speakerphone while others are around that aren’t on said call with you is seen as being rude to a lot of folks

helenslunch, avatar

But there’s no one around him.


You just insulted the camera man. :D

ikidd, avatar

So every person I see talking like this seems to do it at twice the volume than if they put it to their ear, and then you get the added bonus of listening to the other idiot on the call as well, again, at twice the volume that it needs to be.

It seems more like performative art than a phone call at that point.


So every person I see talking like this seems to do it at twice the volume than if they put it to their ear, and then you get the added bonus of listening to the other idiot on the call as well, again, at twice the volume that it needs to be.

Oh bro, we’re on speaker baby. You in the conversation too.


I have to do this when my grandma calls. Not because I have loudspeaker mode on, but because SHE has, but still talks with it against her face so she comes out extremely loudly on my end.


You know you can lower the volume right?



ElBarto, avatar

That’s how loud their grandma is , they had it on silent.


I like doing this. I know they can’t hear me better but it feels like it makes sense you know? It gives me a peace of mind when talking on the phone, even if many times I still need to put it to my ears

agent_flounder, avatar

Believe it or not, jail.


How does it feel like it makes sense? Maybe it is because I was alive before cell phones but one side is for your ear and the other is for your voice. Doing this requires you to be on speaker phone which is super annoying in public.


I do this a lot (not in public) because it’s way too easy to hang up with your ear and it fatigues my arm after like half an hour. It’s fine as long as you don’t shout into the phone.


Means you have a broken phone - they have sensor that turn off the screen when you’re talking to someone and it’s next to your ear. It shouldn’t happen to you.


you’ve obviously never bought a budget android phone. I haven’t had a single phone where that works out of the box


I’m quite literally using a budget android phone where it works perfectly.


oh no you beat me


I have a brand new iPhone


Hal… Half an hour?

agent_flounder, avatar

That’s like almost thirty entire* minutes strung together. Jesus Christ how???


Pizza eaters are rude as hell, too. I’d guarantee that there’s significant overlap with the people who play music in public from their shitty phone speaker.

shinratdr, avatar

Is “pizza eater” a slang term for something or do you just hate anyone who eats pizza in public for some reason?


I’m referring to the way they hold their phone.

shinratdr, avatar

Wow I’m an idiot, thanks for clarifying :)


Wdym, just anyone who eats pizza? Pizza is good tho :(


I’m referring to the way they hold their phone.


Ohh thanks, I like it lol


Yeah, they have statistically significant above average slapability ratio as well.


When did this become a thing anyway? When out and about, I see everyone talking on the phone like this.

I don’t want to hear your conversation.

Isoprenoid, (edited )

It’s because the speakers for the iPhone are on the bottom of the phone.

Edit: I meant the speakers that are used for “hands free mode”, which is what the user in the image is doing. The reason why people hold their phone like this is because it directs the speaker sound straight at them (again, in hands free mode).


As a former iPhone repair technician, I can confirm this is both true and false at the same time. There’s a speaker in the normal position for the ear as well, it all depends whether the user decided to put the phone into loudspeaker mode.

This comment coming from an Android user that’s just as guilty of this at times.


I am not ashamed to say I will talk on the phone like this often. I dont alway hold it to my mouth though just prefer more freedom with speaker phone. But I never do it in public


Right? I have another comment at -7 because it says you can hear the speakers better that way while driving.

I get the speakerphone hate. But if someone is in their car that’s less annoying than blasting it through the stereo. So who cares how someone holds their phone in this scenario? Especially when there is an actual benefit to holding it that way.

This entire post is the stupidest case of gatekeeping I’ve ever seen.


The earpiece doesn’t work anymore and I don’t have headphones with me. ✓


I don’t even want to hear my conversation, I just have to - but someone else’s, wtf?

It should become socially acceptable to slap their phones, maybe from bottom up for a greater comedic effect.


Keeping Up With The Kardashians.


Probably around the pandemic when people became extra wary about hygiene - at least that’s my observation. I’ve also noticed that people listen to voice messages like this - if you’re in a loud environment and don’t have headphones, it kind of makes sense. It still looks stupid, and for normal phone calls it is stupid, since both the earpiece and the microphone are optimised for having the phone on your ear.


Before that, see it a lot in construction and in places with a lot of noise so you can’t hear off speaker


The theory I’ve heard is that people on reality TV shows would do this so the mics could pick up their conversations better. So naturally, brainless idiots without an original thought in their dense godforsaken skulls people who watch those shows started doing it in real life too because they saw popular people doing it on TV.

It’s just a theory, but it seems plausible because it’s clearly not how phones were designed to function on speakerphone or otherwise.


I’ve heard that gangsters holding their guns horizontally comes from a movie. I don’t remember which one. Life imitates art.


Actually the holding the gun sideways was a practicality thing. When unloading a magazine rapidly you have limited control of the weapon’s recoil. When holding a gun upright the recoil moves it upwards, holding it sideways moves it sideways.

Now imagine you’re a gangter, ‘bout to come up on some punk steppin’ on your turf. You an da boyz gatted up ready to throw down. Get in the low-rider with your illegal Tek-9. Roll up on those fools ready to shed lead. Which way do you want your recoil going? Upwards? Or sideways.



Monkey see, monkey do.


That’s where the trend is putting books spine first into a bookshelf came from too.

The tv producers don’t want to spend days asking for permission to use book spine graphics in the shot, not spend time blurring the film, so they flip the books around to hide all the spine art. It’s on HGTV a ton.


Is that actually a thing people do? I am so far out of the loop I haven’t heard of it either on tv or irl


That one just makes me sad and angry. I try not to judge people, but I would judge the shit out of someone for doing that IRL.


If you find visual clutter distracting or upsetting, it’s a pretty useful trick to still be able to own a bunch of books. Alphabetize your books, and you can still find them. And most people I know can find their favorites even without that.

It’s kind of like getting mad at people who organize their books by color. If you’re a visual person, there’s a half decent chance you remember the color of the book rather than remembering the author’s name.


Or get a shelf with doors :)

TDCN, avatar

What is worse is when people are wearing a Bluetooth headset and still holds their phone like this.


I remember my first time seeing someone use a Jabra bluetooth ear piece. 2003 in a college dorm, a girl was walking back and forth but her phone was probably in her hoodie. I was bewildered, wondering why she was talking aloud to herself.

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