
Asking the group mind in case someone has .

The drastic weight loss during my extended hospital stay (~100lbs) has changed my body-shape in all ways save skeletal.

1 weird-ass effect is that my feet have shrunk in width & thickness, but not length, which means I’m now swimming in my Docs, but can’t go down a size.

I’m trying to find a solution that won’t make it too hot for summer wear. I’m leaning towards but am not familiar enough.

Any suggestions/solutions?

LikeItOrLumpIt, avatar

@cautionwip The shoe salesman at Sachs fifth avenue put some insoles in my son's shoes when they didn't have half sizes and it seemed to do the trick.


@LikeItOrLumpIt Good thought, thanks! 😀 I should have added that I’ve already tried thick soles (wearing them now as I’m re-acclimatizing to boots rather than sneakers). They only really anchor things at the toe. North of the metatarsals, boots angle upwards to accommodate the lift of arches, of which I have none (should have included that in the description). I’ve never had proper fit in that area. I’ve always relied on ‘anchoring’ at toe & top (tight lacing).

LikeItOrLumpIt, avatar

@cautionwip Oh ok. Just adding that the insoles get mushed after awhile and you need to replace them. Good luck Caution.


@LikeItOrLumpIt And thanks for the wish for luck. :) It’s a pretty niche problem, so a certain element of Rube Goldberg design is likely. There’s a simple fix (get a leather worker to cut & re-stitch the sides of the boot), but that would be ridonkulously expensive - especially for a 10yr old pair of Docs. It would probably be cheaper to get custom-made boots. 😂🤷🏽

LikeItOrLumpIt, avatar

@cautionwip Yeah, but custom fit boots would be cool. Would it be cheaper and easier to alter a pair or two of socks?


@LikeItOrLumpIt Definitely cheaper, and that’s why it’s an element of the current plan. It’s just messy/slapdash, likely to require constant adjustment during use, not long-lasting, and will still increase insulation on those portions of my calves, which sucks for summer use. I’m trying to figure out something less complicated if possible, but I’ve hit my own limit on that, and am hoping someone else might have faced a similar situation and have insight I lack.

LikeItOrLumpIt, avatar

@cautionwip Boosted for exposure


@LikeItOrLumpIt Lol. Thanks. It’s a totally novel - and frankly silly - twist on the ongoing plot line that is the story of me & my feet. On the positive side, it gives me some insight into the problems faced by friends with uncommonly small feet (like, they can only shop in children’s sizes), in terms of the lack of easy options. For all that I’ve had special requirements in my footwear, I’ve always had styles & options that fit the societal needs as well as physical.

LikeItOrLumpIt, avatar

@cautionwip I used to have Croc™️ itis.


@LikeItOrLumpIt I’ve never worn them (nor have I ever discussed them someone who wore them) so that term is totally meaningless to me. 😞 Could you please elaborate?

LikeItOrLumpIt, avatar

@cautionwip Like everything I say it's nonsense.


@LikeItOrLumpIt LOL. The switch from (fleeting)seriousness to the usual (and delightful, I assure you) silliness lulled me into a sense of belief. :)

ETA : It was just possible enough that it didn’t register as an impossibility - like when Low Quality Facts posts something that sounds believable.

LikeItOrLumpIt, avatar

@cautionwip 😀 Just wanted to be helpful and make you smile. It's kind of my thing.


@LikeItOrLumpIt And totally appreciated. Even if no solution results, framing/reframing an issue in a way that explains it to others helps organize one’s own thoughts & can result in surprising insights into the matter. The pleasant interaction & dopamine rush of feeling seen is just a bonus.

It’s like how teachers talk about learning more about their subjects by teaching it to others.


@LikeItOrLumpIt Humorous sidebar :

At one place I worked, someone clever (maybe copied) used that as an efficiency hack.

A small office was set up with a plain table & (IIRC) a single chair.

On the table was a rubber duck.

Before disrupting anybody else’s workflow, it was strongly encouraged that one first “talk to the duck”, ie verbalize the matter and see if in doing so you arrived at a solution/deeper understanding.

Honestly one of the best management ideas I’ve run into.

LikeItOrLumpIt, avatar

@cautionwip I bet they could even do a sophisticated one that 'grunts' in affirmation at the appropriate intervals.

mentallyalex, avatar

Not to leap in here with worthless trivia knowledge, but...

Rubber Ducks are often associated with the IT community due to the phenomena "Rubber Duck Debugging"

Sounds to me like @cautionwip found a company that sort of "compelled" that behavior! How cool, I'm glad to hear it was so well received.


flies away to worthless trivia elsewhere

qurlyjoe, avatar

@mentallyalex @cautionwip @LikeItOrLumpIt
Also popping in to say this might actually be a use-case for the ancient AI model called Lisa. Anybody remember that one. From early 70s. You’d type something and it’d parse it and respond. The fun was trying to trick it into spouting gibberish.

LikeItOrLumpIt, avatar

@qurlyjoe @mentallyalex @cautionwip
gawd nerds are so sexy


@LikeItOrLumpIt @qurlyjoe @mentallyalex Oh I know it’s a common/named thing but I simply didn’t think to contextualize it/include that because I was lazy. :) I included (“maybe copied?”) because this was long enough ago that I don’t k ow whether whoever thought to implement it came up with porting from coding to a more general usage (still an IT environment) or copied that practice from elsewhere. I didn’t want to miscredit, so I made both possible.

mentallyalex, avatar


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  • qurlyjoe, avatar

    I never heard of rubber ducking.
    @cautionwip @LikeItOrLumpIt

    mentallyalex, avatar

    It triggers a teaching response.

    You know how you learn, master, teach? The goal is to make you force yourself to look at things as if you had to explain literally everything.

    I tell so many people to start writing it down, or even re-writing the code on a separate tab to accomplish a similar thing.


    if { this != that} (
    blah....oh shit

    Almost every time.

    @cautionwip @LikeItOrLumpIt

    qurlyjoe, avatar

    @mentallyalex @qurlyjoe @LikeItOrLumpIt That’s what I mentioned in the comment I made referencing it. It’s common to pretty much any professional/educational situation.

    qurlyjoe, avatar

    I was in IT for nearly 50 years and never heard of it. We did the moral equivalent of it but I never heard it called that.

    @mentallyalex @LikeItOrLumpIt


    @qurlyjoe @mentallyalex @LikeItOrLumpIt Everything is new to someone. :)

    qurlyjoe, avatar

    I’ve said this often: I came to Masto for the yuks, I’ve stayed for the learning.

    @mentallyalex @LikeItOrLumpIt

    LikeItOrLumpIt, avatar

    Joe. You've never said it. :blobcatgiggle:
    @cautionwip @mentallyalex

    qurlyjoe, avatar

    Not in so many words. I have mentioned several times that I learn new things here all the time.
    @cautionwip @mentallyalex

    LikeItOrLumpIt, avatar

    @qurlyjoe :blobcatblessup: harumph!
    @cautionwip @mentallyalex

    qurlyjoe, avatar

    Why, just the other day I learned about a thing called The Rule of 300 Breaths, in a conversation about our impending Armageddon.

    “That’s how many breaths you can be sure you’ll be able to breathe, if you breathe 20 times/minute & it takes 15 minutes for an ICBM to get here from Siberia.”
    @cautionwip @mentallyalex

    LikeItOrLumpIt, avatar

    @qurlyjoe Soak it all in Joe. Good for you. God knows I'll forget as soon as the next toot shows up. :blobcatderpy:

    @cautionwip @mentallyalex

    qurlyjoe, avatar

    It would help if Masto had Search. Took me a few minutes to scroll back to that. I wasn’t sure what it was but I knew I’d learned something.
    @cautionwip @mentallyalex

    LikeItOrLumpIt, avatar

    @qurlyjoe Earlier people recommended books. I had to bookmark the replies. @cautionwip @mentallyalex

    qurlyjoe, avatar

    I do that. When I remember to.

    @cautionwip @mentallyalex

    qurlyjoe, avatar

    @LikeItOrLumpIt @cautionwip @mentallyalex
    Problem is, there’s no place on the iPad to put a post-it note to remind me.

    mentallyalex, avatar

    Aren't iPads literally just post-it notes and YouTube?

    :/ do we know any other mac power users? :(


    LikeItOrLumpIt, avatar

    Stickies....on my macbook
    @qurlyjoe @cautionwip

    mentallyalex, avatar


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  • LikeItOrLumpIt, avatar

    :blobcatgiggle: no expert Alex. Still I piped up.
    @qurlyjoe @cautionwip

    qurlyjoe, avatar

    We’re EVERYWHERE! Mwahahahbananahaha

    @mentallyalex @cautionwip

    mentallyalex, avatar


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  • qurlyjoe, avatar

    :pinky in corner of mouth: smirk.

    @LikeItOrLumpIt @cautionwip


    @qurlyjoe @LikeItOrLumpIt @mentallyalex Get a folding case, then keep post-its on the inside of of the cover. That way you’ll see them every time you go to use your IPad.

    mentallyalex, avatar


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  • qurlyjoe, avatar

    Sadly, I didn’t think to ask if that’s an east coast or a west coast measure. I’m in the middle, so, who knows?

    @LikeItOrLumpIt @cautionwip


    @qurlyjoe @mentallyalex @LikeItOrLumpIt

    Divide the result into 25.5k/kph.

    Then you’ll be able to know pretty accurately how much time you have left after the public alert goes out, assuming it’s not delayed much after NORAD picks it up.

    OH! My apologies to Gnome, Alaska. They’re a couple of seconds closer than Anchorage, but TBF, nobody ever talks about it.

    mentallyalex, avatar


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  • cautionwip,

    @mentallyalex @qurlyjoe @LikeItOrLumpIt Yah, if you’re on either coast or a primary military target, you’re probably going to be hit by an underwater launched missile, which makes all of the stuff upthread irrelevant.

    mentallyalex, avatar


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  • cautionwip,
    mentallyalex, avatar


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  • cautionwip,

    @mentallyalex @qurlyjoe @LikeItOrLumpIt I missed. The disclosure, it was honestly just the only US military base in sufficiently familiar with to know its proximity to mountains. I’ve got no idea what other strategic installations. Given the convergence of intercontinental travel routes in that area, I’d wager a guess that anyone in proximity to I-25 between Denver & Pueblo has a higher than average likelihood for being in the first wave.

    mentallyalex, avatar

    @cautionwip there are a few more in the area. I think they like the mountains cause they are easy to bore into.

    @qurlyjoe @LikeItOrLumpIt


    @mentallyalex @qurlyjoe @LikeItOrLumpIt Boring into and hollowing out a mountain turns out to be a lot easier than digging down and covering with cement, in terms of hardening a facility, yah.

    qurlyjoe, avatar

    I’m a mile from I-25, between Denver and Cheyenne, another military target. So I’m toast. Vaporized toast, that is.

    @mentallyalex @LikeItOrLumpIt


    @qurlyjoe @mentallyalex @LikeItOrLumpIt It’s honestly the best option in the event of all out nuclear exchange. I have no interest in surviving that outside of a very specific set of circumstances.

    qurlyjoe, avatar

    That’s my take. I’m too old to be shooting at people for food.

    @mentallyalex @LikeItOrLumpIt

    mentallyalex, avatar


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  • qurlyjoe, avatar
    mentallyalex, avatar


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  • qurlyjoe, avatar

    @mentallyalex @qurlyjoe @LikeItOrLumpIt Fft. I live in BC. Dispensaries are for civilians & lawyers.

    Are you seriously telling me there isn’t online pot with a “there within the hour” guarantee available anywhere in the state aside from a military installation?

    qurlyjoe, avatar

    Doh! I didn’t make the connection. If I’m gonna go out high I’d wanna do psychedelics. They’re semi-legal in Colorado, but not available yet.
    @mentallyalex @LikeItOrLumpIt


    @qurlyjoe @mentallyalex @LikeItOrLumpIt Actually, I may have misunderstood the meaning of “Dispensary?” In the context of the thread..can you please elaborate?

    qurlyjoe, avatar

    What I thought you meant was a retail recreational cannabis dispensary.

    I can order online but have to pick it up.
    @mentallyalex @LikeItOrLumpIt


    @qurlyjoe @mentallyalex @LikeItOrLumpIt What a weird limitation. Like, it seems designed to actively deny it for the people most in need of medical marijuana (ie chronic pain, cancer patients) who have difficulty travelling.

    qurlyjoe, avatar

    No kidding. Airports have bins where you can dispose of any cannabis you might be carrying before you get on a plane. Oh, but carry a gun? You betcha, step right up. You do have to declare it, I guess, and it has to be in non-carryon luggage, and they do ask you to unload it before you get to the airport. But people (as in Congress people, for instance) still get caught with undeclared loaded weapons, in carry-on.
    @mentallyalex @LikeItOrLumpIt

    qurlyjoe, avatar

    Also, pot isn’t deliverable here yet. And there’d be 1 ass long line at all the dispensaries.

    @mentallyalex @LikeItOrLumpIt


    @qurlyjoe @mentallyalex @LikeItOrLumpIt I dont honestly know if it’s technically legal here (I’ve never checked) but I think you can purchase it for delivery through the post, at the minimum, in most of Canada. In BC, as long as you live within an hr or so of an urban environment (ie large-ish village and upwards), you should be able to find it online & payable through direct payment via your bank. The only limit (AFAI) is an unlicensed physical dispensary.

    qurlyjoe, avatar

    It varies from state to state here. Also from town to town in some states. In Colorado we have retail medical recreational dispensaries. Order online or walk up. I think delivery is going to be on the next ballot in November. Payment is by cash only, because federal law complicates the bank connection. I don’t know if you can use a credit card.
    @mentallyalex @LikeItOrLumpIt

    mentallyalex, avatar


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  • qurlyjoe, avatar

    I always pay cash, because it’s how I’ve always done it. I’m old school.

    @cautionwip @LikeItOrLumpIt

    qurlyjoe, avatar

    You’re probably right. I don’t pay it that much attention I guess. Another excuse to get out of the house.

    @cautionwip @LikeItOrLumpIt

    mentallyalex, avatar


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  • cautionwip,

    @mentallyalex @qurlyjoe @LikeItOrLumpIt

    This is why the hard plastic aspect to a rubber duck is such an important element of the process, IMO. 😀


    @mentallyalex @LikeItOrLumpIt @qurlyjoe The main reason I mentioned it at all was that I thought it might be a new-to-her concept for Annie, whose posts have never suggested a history in IT (Ie, not especially nerdy). I felt like adding that it was fairly well known/commonly used might smack of the unpleasant tendency in some professionals to imply that their own experience should somehow be common knowledge, & anyone who doesn’t know $that is ignorant.

    qurlyjoe, avatar

    As the gods would have it, this is what’s sitting in my bathroom.

    @mentallyalex @LikeItOrLumpIt

    mentallyalex, avatar

    That poor.... :blobcateyes:

    @cautionwip @LikeItOrLumpIt

    qurlyjoe, avatar

    The things he sees. 😱
    @cautionwip @LikeItOrLumpIt

    mentallyalex, avatar


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  • LikeItOrLumpIt, avatar


    😳 😭 :rubberduck:

    @qurlyjoe @cautionwip


    @qurlyjoe @mentallyalex @LikeItOrLumpIt I will pay you not to elaborate as to what you explain to the duck in the process of using you’re toilet. 🤣

    qurlyjoe, avatar

    He’s stoic. Never questions, never judges, often sympathetic.

    @mentallyalex @LikeItOrLumpIt

    mentallyalex, avatar


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  • LikeItOrLumpIt, avatar

    @mentallyalex @qurlyjoe Joe! You have to do something about this! C'mon man! @cautionwip


    @mentallyalex @qurlyjoe @LikeItOrLumpIt Hahaha! I remember that. Is that your IP or one of the various responses to it?

    mentallyalex, avatar


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  • cautionwip,

    @mentallyalex @qurlyjoe @LikeItOrLumpIt I wouldn’t call it plagiarism. Very little of what anybody says throughout the day isn’t just a personal phrasing/framing of something somebody else said or thought. If everything we expresssd was original, we’d never get anything done as a species, because we’d be too busy explaining this new thing to others. Rephrasing and repeating or the main structural underpinnings of communication and education.

    mentallyalex, avatar


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  • qurlyjoe, avatar

    Ah, yes. Eliza. Correctomundo. I think that was the first one I had access to.

    @LikeItOrLumpIt @cautionwip

    LikeItOrLumpIt, avatar

    @qurlyjoe @mentallyalex @cautionwip

    Why are you guys calling me Eliza?

    qurlyjoe, avatar

    I had to use a teletype to run it off the univ mainframe. Then I got a job janitoring and some office had some PDPs where I could run Eliza and some kind of space ship thing, maybe asteroids.

    @LikeItOrLumpIt @cautionwip


    @mentallyalex @LikeItOrLumpIt @qurlyjoe Likewise Eliza, but honestly, I didn’t find it sufficiently engaging. Lisa came close enough to Turing-capable that it was more than just an interesting development.

    xris, avatar

    @mentallyalex @cautionwip @LikeItOrLumpIt
    I used to keep a stuffed dog in my cubicle for other members of my team to borrow as needed.

    mentallyalex, avatar

    I have totally walked plush animals, my deadpool piggie-bank, and various other objects through pages and pages of code.

    @cautionwip @LikeItOrLumpIt


    @mentallyalex @xris @LikeItOrLumpIt This is gonna sound weird, but I associate plush animals so strongly their function (which I continue to employ) as a replacement for human touch/comfort when that’s not available that I can’t make the necessary jump to interacting with them on an intellectual level.

    I do, however, employ my Ruby Gloom & Willow plushy/figurine for the purpose. I think the banter my brain would generate using Deadpool would distract.🤷🏽

    mentallyalex, avatar

    Ah ha! Further proof that contrary to popular opinion, I do not have ADHD, I just... think a lot.

    Deadpool and I have had so many convos. I would never dream give him money to hold. He is horribly irresponsible. Zara often tries to slap him if he gets in her way so...

    @xris @LikeItOrLumpIt

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