Mates, today without warning, the reddit royal navy attacked. I've been demoded by the admins.

A fellow mod informed me that about it as I was laying in bed. Reddit sent a message to the mod team and after 1 hour demoded me. I didn't even had time to see it, never-mind respond to it.

Looks like we rattled reddit enough to start shooting. There goes all that fancy talk about our protest not affecting them much.

Just FYI for now. It's late here so I'll see how we proceed tomorrow.


This bullshit made me nuke my 30k karma account. I hope lemmy won't die month later.

db0, avatar

That's literally impossible! An instance may go down, but it will stay cached.


I hope lemmy won’t die month later.

That’s literally impossible! An instance may go down, but it will stay cached.

not enough. the big problem with activitypub/fediverse/mastodon/pleroma/lemmy is the lack of "nomadic identities", which would allow full replication of my account on any instance.

without nomadic identities, you have the same vendor-lockin bullshit as with reddit/twitter/facebook: when they close your account, your content is gone. when a lemmy-instance closes your account, your content is gone.

see also:


But what other federated entity allows for nomadic identities? And how would it work?

db0, avatar

This is not a simple problem to solve and it exists nowhere online. The fediverse however affords at least way more control than reddit or any forum where they can do the same and you have no options whatsoever


This is not a simple problem to solve and it exists nowhere online.

it is a solved problem. there are multiple implementations of the nostr protocol. nostr is newer than activitypub, so its less mature, but certainly a better foundation to build upon, ie more future-proof. nostr is similar to bittorrent: anyone can seed my content, and recipients can verify my content with my public key.

The fediverse however affords at least way more control than reddit or any forum where they can do the same and you have no options whatsoever

more control for admins, but not more control for users. i trust nobody, no admins, no moderators. sure, there are ways to archive and replicate an activitypub instance (just like reddit/twitter/facebook), but it is not a fundamental property of activitypub.

conspiracy ahead: these federated tools (activitypub, matrix chat) are "popular" because they enable censorship. nostr is promising censorship-resistance, but its not quite there yet.

db0, avatar

I checked nosr. It's very misguided. It's anti-spam strategy is wishful thinking. I wish them best of luck, but my belief is that it will crash and burn due to trying to fix something unfixable.


It’s anti-spam strategy is wishful thinking.

huh? relays can choose to block content.

my belief is that it will crash and burn due to trying to fix something unfixable.

abuse of power is fixable through nomadic identities and signatures. your lemmy instance will "crash and burn" when you decide to pull the plug. its funny to watch people trying "more of the same", naively hoping for the best with every iteration.

db0, avatar

relays can choose to block content.

This is so naive I don't even know where to start. But it's ok, I don't need to convince you. Reality will do it for me anyway.


please explain. me (and the nostr project) would love to hear your criticism.

also, relays are free to implement further anti-spam measures: captcha, email, phone, payment, ...

db0, avatar

No. I literally don't have time to deconstruct this for you now. I suggest you open a dedicated thread for this discussion on one of the communities speaking about the fediverse and ask for people's opinions. I'm sure you'll get a lot of people to debate this with.


cheap excuse. there is nothing to "deconstruct" here. you can implement exactly the same anti-spam measures in a nostr relay.

i guess your problem is: you dont like competition. when i can host all the content from "your" relay, but with better moderation, then users will prefer my relay.

i see this stupid mindset all over the "warez scene". "my release", "my content", "my profit"... for fucks sake, you people just as stupid as the people who write copyright laws... the only question is: stupid or evil? scriptkiddie or CIA?

now you can ban me to prove my point : D

edit: also, you seem to have a problem with free speech. looking at your modlog, where you ban people for "Misogyny" or "transphobia" or "condescending". literally, this is worse than reddit.

db0, avatar

Have you ever listened to an argument — perhaps it was generously titled a ‘debate’ by the participants — wherein each and every manoeuvre attempted by either of the participants amounted to little more than the attempt to assert one’s ego, show off one’s supposed knowledge and dominate the other in a flashy display of rhetorical proficiency? These are the debates to which we can barely listen for more than ten seconds without rolling our eyes and beginning to tune the combatants out, because this is precisely what they are: fighters, in the ring, trying to barbarically destroy the other person for personal glory and the vindication of a childish sort of rivalry founded on the belief in the superiority of oneself. It is, in many ways, rather pathetic to witness.

what? of course im fighting to win, because i have the technical skill to see how nostr is better than activitypub.

obviously you are fighting to protect your fragile public image, to keep your stupid followers, who lack the technical skill to see quality.

your rhetoric:

  • "everything is fine"
  • "its complicated"
  • "that other thing is shit", "misguided", "wishful thinking"
  • "i dont need to convince you", "i dont have time", "ask someone else"
  • you ignore fundamental problems like vendor-lockin, abuse of power, the overblocking of free speech that you call "moderation"

all in all: a perfect reddit moderator, but definitely no alternative to reddit. as i said, just "more of the same" reddit abuse-of-power mainstream bullshit. byee!


@milahu @db0 my issue with nostr is it seems to be another private "network" while activity pub has issues it at least lets me talk on mastodon/lemmy/kbin and see posts from all those services.

and I can freely move my account from one instance to another one if needed than migrate back home even.

and for privacy in small groups you can even implement your own peer to peer encryption so DMs remain private between trusted sources.


my issue with nostr is it seems to be another private “network”

no need for speculations ("seems"). just read the intro and visit some public frontends like or or or ... or other clients

while activity pub has issues it at least lets me talk on mastodon/lemmy/kbin and see posts from all those services.

posts on activitypub are not even signed... the only advantage of activitypub is more users, more content. but quantity is a poor indicator for quality.

its possible to create aggregating clients to "bridge all the networks", or to use bridges


@milahu I have looked at the bridges and the use still tends to create errors for the encryption I have always supported that users should be taking the initiative and using GnuPG encryption for sensitive messages on all platforms so your not relying on any one else's use of data.

So I know it started with crypto being the push for this one can you tell me if it is still heavy into cryptobro hype?

milahu, (edited )

obviously bridges are lossy: nostr events are arbitrary JSON objects, activitypub messages are markdown text. both transmit events as JSON objects, but with different structure. for lossless transmission, you would have to use one protocol as framing protocol, ie, send the message as attachment.

can you tell me if it is still heavy into cryptobro hype?


(slang, sometimes derogatory) An enthusiastic cryptocurrency supporter, usually male, especially a dogmatic, condescending one.

not really, nostr itself is not a blockchain, because a blockchain is not space-efficient. some instances support lightning (bitcoin) payments, so you "upvote with money". (personally, i would prefer monero or zerocoin, but that can be implemented later.)

in nostr, all messages/events are signed by default. in activitypub, signatures are optional (, which means that most users will not use them. signatures are required for replication across multiple relays/instances. without signatures, i have to trust the relay admins.

hype: a nostr client (damus) is banned in china. nostr is supported by Jack Dorsey (ex twitter CEO) and Edward Snowden.


My main concern with nostr is that it's developed by a man who's abused me for 8 years without even knowing I existed, so discussing about specs or clients is missing the bigger picture (basically tech bikeshedding).


My main concern with nostr is that it’s developed by a man who’s abused me for 8 years without even knowing I existed

aah, more of that emo rhetoric. go file a lawsuit.

the beauty of nostr is: anyone can run a relay, so you and your emo friends can make a "safe space" relay, where all "hate speech" is censored.

tech bikeshedding

comparing two protocols is no bikeshedding.


@milahu You clearly have no idea of what you're talking about, so you're resorting to personal insults. Your behavior is
completely coherent and thus, not surprising or disappointing in any way. You're just an asshole.

I've repeated year after year, and been exposed to a domestic predator because of Twitter. I'm still depressed and I
still can't manage my money and my time properly because of Twitter. I've stayed in the closet for another decade
because of Twitter. You don't even know the beginning of what you're talking about. You don't even know what's a
dispositive of power, or even the face of the most famous French philosopher having dedicated his life to write
about power.

You're just an ignorant.

Yes, it's tech bikeshedding because you're restricting the conversation to tech and protocols. As far as I know,
there's a 50/50 chance you don't know what an affordance is, and you're going to lecture us about how easy it is to
run a relay. This isn't the topic at hand. The topic at hand is that you wouldn't trust Dorsey if you gave a shit,
and I assume we do, so shut up.


I’ve repeated year after year, and been exposed to a domestic predator because of Twitter. I’m still depressed and I still can’t manage my money and my time properly because of Twitter. I’ve stayed in the closet for another decade because of Twitter.

more of that emo rhetoric. go file a lawsuit.

it’s tech bikeshedding because you’re restricting the conversation to tech and protocols.

well, its a technical discussion on technical issues, so your “emo rhetoric” has no place here

youre just trying to blame others (twitter, me) for your own defects. in my world, victims like you get a headshot, problem solved, next problem. but in this world, youre allowed to play the victim, as a provocation for aggressive people like me. youre just bait in a trap… cry harder, im just laughing


You clearly have no idea of what you're talking about, so you're resorting to personal insults. Your behavior is completely coherent and thus, not surprising or disappointing in any way. You're just an asshole.

I've repeated year after year, and been exposed to a domestic predator because of Twitter. I'm still depressed and I still can't manage my money and my time properly because of Twitter. I've stayed in the closet for another decade because of Twitter. You don't even know the beginning of what you're talking about. You don't even know what's a dispositive of power, or even the face of the most famous French philosopher having dedicated his life to write about power.

You're just an ignorant.

Yes, it's tech bikeshedding because you're restricting the conversation to tech and protocols. As far as I know, there's a 50/50 chance you don't know what an affordance is, and you're going to lecture us about how easy it is to run a relay. This isn't the topic at hand. The topic at hand is that you wouldn't trust Dorsey if you gave a shit, and I assume we do, so shut up.


I like the idea of nostr, but is there a fork around to avoid the stream of cringe bitcoin talk? I think this would be ideal for something like high speed discord, more than a twitter replacement.


You've sold me on nostr as a protocol, and the importance of nomadic identities more generally. Thing is, I don't and have never used twitter, or any simililar platform, since I'm not really interested in that model of content consumption. (User/follower based)

I'm much more interested in group/community based models, like lemmy/reddit, and conceptually even futaba/chan style imageboards where users can create their own boards (though I have yet to see one that isn't a cesspit).


Okie, I'm absolute noob here. Right now I struggle to find night mode. :D

db0, avatar

Settings > Theme




Karma is for noobs and tryhards.

riskable avatar

Not sure about the optics of Reddit force-reenabling a subreddit devoted to piracy LOL

VeeSilverball avatar

Coming soon: rebranding /r/piracy to "pirate cosplay"

overzeetop, avatar

Nothing but pictures of John Oliver in maritime garb.


Is this the "sexy john oliver" thing people were talking about?


r/piracy after the IPO: piracy is unethical as it is stealing from the poor (companies). This is a community to discuss how to stop piracy and become responsible and dutiful consumers.

XiELEd, avatar

“dutiful consumers” kinda icks me lol


This could not be any funnier. Please reddit, take legal control of the piracy subreddit, right as you take the experienced mod team out. I'm sure everything will go fantastic.


I had a good hearty laugh thanks to your comment.

sharpsphere, avatar

they're gonna love that sweet, sweet liability


lol yeah


Reddit will sure be a lovely site in a few months…


I'm sad to see what has happened to the community I've been a part of for the better part of my life.

infinitevalence, avatar

May their shareholders weep.


If you take away what the people want

You’re gonna have a bad time. ⛷️


[removed by reddit]


I heard Disney really likes it when their content is shared through Reddit without them getting a cut of the profits. ;)


Wow, didn't figure they'd go so blatantly mask off this early on. They must be nervous.

Also dumb. Have they never dealt with pirates before? Cut off one head and two more grow to replace it. Good luck you shmucks.


We’ll just tell the pirates that what they’re doing is wrong and they’ll stop right? Right?


This shouldn't be a surprise... It was only a matter of time after Reddit got taken over by the CCP...




I can’t even begin to imagine what the world looks like to you.

MargotRobbie, avatar

If reddit decides to moderate the Piracy subreddit directly, does that mean that they'll be responsible to respond to DMCA requests? If so, that's going to be a shitshow all in itself.

db0, avatar

They'll just put scab mods


They are. That’s why they’re banning subs that are sharing links. R/piracy doesn’t allow the sharing of direct links


Oh shit, I didn't even notice what subreddit this was. Please PLEASE someone kick down their door (with legal actions) over this.


Imagine fucking up that hard that pirates endorse DMCA


“In analyzing the availability of the immunity offered by Section 230, courts generally apply a three-prong test. A defendant must satisfy each of the three prongs to gain the benefit of the immunity:

  1. The defendant must be a “provider or user” of an “interactive computer service”.
  2. The cause of action asserted by the plaintiff must treat the defendant as the “publisher or speaker” of the harmful information at issue.

3. The information must be “provided by another information content provider”, i.e., the defendant must not be the “information content provider” of the harmful information at issue.

If Reddit the company is now picking and choosing who approves or blocks harmful information, are they an information content provider now? Are they liable if their chosen mods allow harmful content?


Lemmy it is, then.


Welp! I'm glad I made the switch to Lemmy at least.


Aye. Good to have a new home in case the old one burns down


You and me both. Im still heaving a little trouble figuring out all the fediverse, but it will definitely be better than reddit


@Charcoal8645 @edgerunnergit Basically, the Fediverse is a universe of tech designed to talk and interact with each other. For example, I can interact with you even though I don't have a Lemmy account, and it works the other way too. ActivityPub connects all of us. I'm also sure interopability will strengthen as these services grow. It isn't just Mastodon focus migrations happening and this is really great!


This episode as a whole is a great illustration of the danger of allowing a private business to run one of the biggest spaces for community and discourse in the world.

ActivityPub connects all of us. I’m also sure interopability will strengthen as these services grow.

activitypub instances can decide to block other instances like

user accounts are bound to instances = vendor lockin.


a more decentralized protcol is nostr, see also


Yeah, even if they backtrack on all of this shit, I am done with them. This episode as a whole is a great illustration of the danger of allowing a private business to run one of the biggest spaces for community and discourse in the world.


Same here, no matter what they do now they've made it extremely clear what they think about their users, even if something happened tomorrow and the fediverse somehow went down (which would be a feat unto itself) I'm never touching reddit again


Fuck those Reddit punks, people can make a better piracy community in the fediverse.


Hello how did you change the font on your username?


My guess is fancy font generator and setting that as displayed name.


I have used a Twitter(it work for any platform anyway) font editor you can search it at Google or whatever search engine you use.

negative12dollarbill, avatar

@MrComradeTaco @collegefurtrader
Not to be that guy, but I think accessibility advocates would rather you didn't do that, because it causes issues for screen readers for the visually handicapped.


Just call your local politician and tell them to create a law banning fonts you don't like.

l3mming, (edited )

Yeah, can we defederate^*^ from this guy and his fancy fonts?

^*^ Whatever the hell that means


Lol who cares

negative12dollarbill, avatar

Blind people care.


You don't need to know usernames to read the comments


This is happening all over reddit.

Mods are posting all over the place saying "I have to bend over for the admins because if I don't they'll find someone else who will".

You do you but honestly I find this a bit weird. As an unpaid volunteer you don't have to do anything. Just resign. Reddit's not about to die but it's best days are in the past. I wouldn't want to be a part of the future of reddit.


We'll build a better ship with a sturdier ram, 32 pounder cannons and free wenches and rum! Dbzer0 for captain, 2023

Che_Donkey, avatar

Im here for the plexable wenches & torrents of rum!


Reopen with the new rules: All posts must relate to the golden age of piracy!


Lol but I think don't reopen; for r/piracy it looks way better if the Pigboy CEO forces it to reopen return legitimate posts IMHO


This is gold 😂

Difficult_Bit_1339, avatar

Remaining mods should just do what r/pics has done. Change the subreddit's topic to posting sexy pictures of John Oliver.

The subreddit is open so you complied. Reddit didn't dictate that you keep or change any rules so changing the subreddit rules so that only posts about sexy John Oliver pictures are allowed would have the same effect as the blackout.


How about posting pictures of Lemmy from motorhead as a pirate?

On topic for piracy and a link to the new home for the community.


And I wish you didn‘t. God is this awful lol.


You misspelled glorious


You like pain, don‘t you?

db0, avatar

what do you think the banner image is ;)

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