jordanlund, avatar

Jost nailed it too:

“The Republican candidate for president owes half a billion in fines for bank fraud and is currently spending his days farting himself awake during a porn star hush money trial, and the race is tied? The candidate who is a famous New York City playboy took abortion rights away, and the guy who’s trying to give you your abortion rights back is an 80-year-old Catholic. How does that make sense?”

ininewcrow, avatar

To the rest the world, the clincher is that it is even a contest.

The joke is not Trump

The joke is not Biden

The joke is America


Americans, rightfully, don’t care about your claimed opinion of the US. The undying thirst for our culture and innovation speaks loudly enough to drown out your feigned protestations.


What country should we gab about next; Is there answer going to be boring or all too expected?

Prandom_returns, (edited )

You should’ve stopped after the first sentence, you were so close to greatness… Now everybody just thinks you’re a 🤡


This comment has big American flag mural on the back of a Toyota tundra energy

FlyingSquid, avatar

I guess I’m no longer an American, because the world’s opinion of the U.S. is something I think is pretty important for a lot of reasons and it’s already in the toilet.




Lmao even

M137, avatar

This has to be satire.


And polls show Biden neck and neck with him…

Biden’s bravado is unearned and he needs to recognize the reality that his legacy may be “the guy who put the final nail in American democracy with his hubris and support of ethno-nationalist far-right genocide.”


Nah, it would be Trump and idiots who got him elected by voting for him or not voting at all who would take the blame for that.

natural_motions, (edited )

It is not the voters’ responsibility to make Biden electable. You have it completely backwards.

The choice for Biden is very clear and simple; stop supporting genocide. It’s not some complicated or nuanced thing. It would infact be very easy (and moral) for him to do.

Instead he’s chosen to give the finger to any voter that has a moral compass. So, yeah, we’ll see how his behaviour pays off for him.


Thank you for being such an important part in the implementation of Project 2025. Your work has not gone unnoticed.


It’ll pay off when he’s reelected and the shit stain cheeto goes to jail. Then maybe we can do something about the russian/china trolls and their propaganda.


Lots of trolls are trying to make hay off the Mideast conflict but Biden has done a lot of behind-the-scene work trying to mitigate deaths there. He has put restrictions on US arms use, slow walked arms shipments and is close to establishing a two state solution - pretty impressive despite having to work with the Israeli madman, Netanyahu. Yes, it’s a bad situation but the problem here is people don’t bother to get the facts.

natural_motions, (edited )

Biden has done nothing behind the scenes, and even if he had there is no reason for it to be “behind the scenes” in the first place, it would only help the situation to pressure Israel publically, many countries look to the US on this issue on how much they can say and do. When the Biden admin does nothing, vetos or abstains from UN resolutions, it takes the air put of the room.

Not to mention it would help his electoral chances to strongly condemn the genocide and show he gives even the slightest of fucks.


Biden has done nothing behind the scenes, and even if he had

Lol echoes of the Narcissists Prayer


You know what’s narcissitic? Demanding people put their stamp of approval on genocide so that you can go on pretending your politics are working.


You know what is even more narcissistic? Trying to get people to elect the even worse option because you are being paid by the Russian government to sow discontent.

If Americans don’t vote for Genocide Joe, they get Genocide Donald with an extra snuffing of fascism and the breakdown of democracy.

Blame the 2 party system all you want, that doesn’t change this fact.


I’m sorry, but virtue signaling about the Israel war against Palestine to blame the current guy for a thing the previous guy would have definitely done (and moreso) as well, is disingenuous. You want to hold Biden responsible for Gaza, fine, but do it after the election with the fucking Christo-fascist manifesto waiting in the wings to take the rights away from you and everyone you care about should tRump win again.

No one with any grey matter between their ears wants Biden again. For real, no one is happy with the options and haven’t been happy with the candidates since Obama. But only one of the candidates has actually been trying to help. I’ll take the one trying to make things better over the guy we know will make it worse.

Look, bottom line is we know exactly how both of the candidates lead, as we’ve seen them both for a single term. Only one of those guys has actively plotted, schemed, and stochastically terrorized the masses on the daily and it ain’t the current guy.

One thing young voters, or maybe Russian shit stirrers, don’t get is that voting is not a process of waiting around to vote for the perfect candidate. They don’t exist. Voting is a means of moving the needle toward the world you want to see. So I guess vote for whatever kind of world you want to see us move closer to: fascism r something along to American Taliban control, or something better, because rest assured, if “tTump” is put back in power, he’s already told you what he’s going to do, and none of it will help you, the world, our allies, or Palestine.

natural_motions, (edited )

I’m sorry, but virtue signaling about the Israel war against Palestine to blame the current guy for a thing the previous guy would have definitely done (and moreso) as well, is disingenuous.

Being against genocide and those who enable it is not “virtue signaling”. We can’t continue this conversation until you acknowledge that. You need to acknowledge that people are furious because genocide is being done in their name.

Talking down to people simply won’t be effective when talking with those who don’t support Democratic complicity in genocide, it does not come off the way you think it does.


Then those people are telling us they’re comfortable with a Trump presidency. Sounds like a dangerous group to me.


When fascists vote, not voting is collaboration.

If the revolution you salivate for comes, you will be seen as no different than the rat turning in his neighbors to the morality police for being a gay couple.

natural_motions, (edited )

No. The fact that you can’t even acknowledge the moral issues with actively voting for an administration that has repeatedly affirmed its willingness to aid a genocide tells me you’re full of shit.

You’re absolutely morally lost if you think greenlighting Democratic participation in genocide is not really problematic. Whether I chose to vote for Biden or mot, I would never be chastising people for being unable to support genocide as casually as you seem to be able to.

Kecessa, (edited )

It’s the voters responsibility to consider the repercussions of their choice and, unless you’re in a proportional system, to vote strategically to prevent the worst from happening.

We’ve got that in Canada with people voting for Liberals so the Conservatives don’t get in power even though their real allegiance is to the Neo Democrats or the Bloc or the Greens. Now the same thing needs to happen in the USA where Biden might be financing Israel, but the alternative is Trump who will support Israel, stop supporting Ukraine and make women’s, LGBT’s and POC’s lives even worse than they are at the moment.

So please, tell me how not voting for Biden or not voting at all isn’t basically the same as voting for Trump and supporting more genocide?


Yes, voters will have to live with the choice they make. Putting their stamp of approval on Democratic complicity in genocide is something a voter would have to live with for the rest of their life. Enabling future democrats to behave in this same way, knowing that it presents no issue for their electability to be pro-genocide, will be something voters will have to live with.


Do you think Trump, the only other choice would be any better for the people of Ukraine?

He definitely wouldn’t do anything differently in Gaza, he’s already said as much.


Putting their stamp of approval on Democratic complicity in genocide is something a voter would have to live with for the rest of their life.

As well as being passive and letting a fascist take over who will do everything bad that the other guy will, but 1000% times harder. Not voting against it is putting a stamp of approval on it as well, since you didn’t care enough to try to stop it.

Voters have to live with their choice no matter what, and inaction is a choice as well. Don’t vote for Biden if you want, but that’s still on your conscience if Trump is elected.


People are taking action right now. It’s you who are standing in the way of that.


Taking action without taking the only action that is guaranteed to make a difference is the same as not taking action at all.


Taking action that signals to Democrats that they can support genocide and get reelected is supporting that genocide yourself.

See how that works?


So you would rather see another genocide taking place in Ukraine along with the genocide that will continue in Palestine to send them a message?

Guess you don’t really care about genocides and you’re just virtue signalling.


How am I standing in the way? Because I don’t let people play the game of trying to pretend that not voting Biden when the literal only other option is trump is a moral choice? Or do you think I just post on Lemmy and call it a day? People can do both, and calling out behavior that makes things harder isn’t standing in the way, it’s trying to improve to things by convincing people to do the better of two bad options.

Get the fuck out of here with your reductionist bullshit, or at least admit you don’t care as much about the victims of genocide as you want to pretend.


Are we leaving out the part where he’s alienating young people because he won’t stop Israel from committing genocide? I’m pretty sure he needs their votes.


Someone tell those young people what Trump will do to Palestinians if he wins

thatirishguyyy, avatar

Yeah, because voting for Trump is definitely gonna show them!


Trump also supports the ethno-nationalist far-right genocide.

The problem you are highlighting is bigger than the presidency.


Not when it comes to his re-election. He’s responsible for how he’s behaving, and he’ll be responsible for the electoral consequences of that behaviour. Fullstop.


It is completely impossible to argue with people like you. What solutions do you propose ?

JoeBigelow, avatar

That’s a silly question


Stop approving weapons deliveries to Isreal.

It’s surprisingly simple actually.


Okay, I stopped approving them. Now what?


Lmao, I would assume you’re making a joke, but honestly, there are enough people here dumb enough to make that statement unironically, so I’ll clarify for you:

Biden can stop approving weapon deliveries. He can just stop sending weapons.


How do I make him do that?


Well certainly not by campaigning for him.


Okay, that’s what not to do. But that wasn’t the question.

Can you answer the question?


Lmao i didnt realize you were also an anti-electoral agitator. Carry on comrade.

You could campaign against his policies and push him to fix his shit, maybe. I’m not an expert but I didn’t think loudly pronouncing fealty to his reelection was a part of activism.


Okay, so we do that right up until election day, but he doesn’t stop. What’s the move?


You think the protest stops once the election happens…?


Of course not. But how do we vote?


If the objective hasn’t been met, then it doesn’t matter, vote how you want. The protest goes on, and is now significantly more challenging since the target of the protest has gotten what they wanted without you.

Civil disobedience and broad economic obstruction become the only tools to keep the pressure up. That’s why you should be pushing for the change before the election. Instead, dipshit liberals are determined to give the game away because (spoiler) they don’t actually care about the issue.


So you’re saying that putting up that fight under Biden or Trump – no difference.

The political climate would be more or less identical, and those big problems would be equally easy to solve under either administration?


Frankly - no, not really. Anti zionist protestors are being arrested for demonstrating now, he’s expanding the surveillance state now, he’s deporting immigrants now.

Even his supposed support for LGTBQ rights and abortion doesn’t mean shit when he just sits and watches while states encroach on those freedoms and persecute the most vulnerable. He’s a fucking Catholic, of course he doesn’t give a shit.

Biden is just a more pleasant fascist, but he’s still a fascist.


Project 2025 thanks you for your efforts.


Fuck you too, bud.


BoTh SiDeS


Insert “Everybody I don’t like is Hitler” here.


Wait so are you saying protest is more difficult under Biden than it would be under trump?


I’m not convinced it’s any easier.


That’s fucking wild. I mean, I don’t believe you actually think that, it’s just wild that you’d say it with a straight face.


I’m flattered you’ve taken such an interest in my comments this morning.

Take a look at what’s been happening with the peaceful protests the last two weeks, and tell me how much easier protests under Biden are than under Trump.


So were you like on another planet when BLM happened?


Maybe you’re just on another planet right now.


You do know that if you were to live in Russia, you’d be killed for supporting LGBTQ+ right?

Same with living in the US when Trump gets into power

Why are you simping for them?

archomrade, (edited )

If you actually believe that, no amount of voting will save you from it, and if Biden believes that, he’s not made it clear he has any plans to do anything about it either.


How does that change anything? Say we did. Now isreal is pissed at us and they’re getting weapons and shit from someone worse. If you think us cutting them off will stop a single thing even for a second, you are a fool.


Here’s a bit of unrelated reading.

Have a fucking backbone, Jesus christ.


Jesus Christ, you just don’t get it do you? You a bot or troll?


I guess I just don’t understand the ‘if we don’t supply the tools of genocide, someone else will’ logic.

I don’t see that as a negative thing, at least I wouldn’t be paying for and aiding a genocide


You are looking at it with blinders then.


Lol, alright buddy, if you say so.


Even if it was true that someone else would supply the weapons to the genocidal maniacs in Israel if the US did not, that doesn’t excuse Americans committing the crime of arming the fascists in Israel themselves 🙄

natural_motions, (edited )

The solution has already been outlined explicitly for Biden. Outlined, circled, highlighted and underlined in red.

Now it’s up to him since he’s the only one with the power to actually implement that solution.


Maybe I missed the memo. What’s your solution?




Whatever Putin tells him to say


This, ladies and gentlemen, is what we like to call a “non-answer”. If you look closely you can see that the poster is obviously full of shit, doesn’t actually have a position or isn’t cognitively capable of producing one, so he says nothing of value and expects everyone else to fill in the gaps.


It’s not a non-answer. People have been very, very clear about the solution; stop aid to the genocidal regime of Israel. Stop taking Israeli money. Stop using our tax dollars to kill children.

That’s what the protests are about, that’s what the Uncommitted vote is communicating; the solution for Biden.

Is that clear enough for you? Any more dishonest rhetoric to try out? It’s time to stop pretending that Biden has no way of resolving this.


I wish I was dumb enough to think global politics was this simple


I wish I was ignorant enough to not know that US administrations have used witholding aid to curb Israel in the past. Or that the president has the ability to veto aid.


And no one is saying withholding aid is physically impossible. Just the politics around doing so aren’t so simple.


They’re accelerationists. Debating or arguing with them in any fashion is a waste of time. They have no solution or better ideas. They don’t care how many people are being or will be killed. They just want collapse.

They will squeal screech and virtue signal without end. Never once have a thought or suggestion of any value. Because their ideology and philosophy is so shit that they can’t convince anyone else to embrace it without having the threat of death and apocalypse upon them. And I say this as someone generally pragmatically socialist libertarian/anarchist. Who would agree with much they pretend to support.


If there are only 2 sides, and both support a specific notion, then that notion is useless in determining who to vote for.


Not if you’re considering future behavior of the democratic party (and your own conscience, obviously).

Your lesser of evils politics have put us in this position. It’s time to acknowledge that those politics are an abject failure that have done nothing to stem the tide of fascism, but have in fact helped usher it along at every step.

You need to sit down, your bullshit has inflicted irreparable damage and you should not still be acting like you have some kind of way out.

FlyingSquid, avatar

What makes you think there will be a Democratic party if the “dictator on day one” gets into office?


Guess it depends on how the house and senate go.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Oh, well nothing to worry about then. It’s only maybe going to be a dictatorship in January of 2025.


There’s a lot to worry about, what are you talking about? Our democracy is in ruins and people are trying to avoid acknowledging the scale of the crisis.

FlyingSquid, avatar

If there’s a lot to worry about on that front, maybe the future of the Democratic party shouldn’t be priority number one when it comes to voting.

natural_motions, (edited )

The Democratic party does represent the only lawful potential avenue out from under fascism, but rewarding them for participating in genocide only incentivizes them to keep pushing to the right which means that avenue is closer to closing with every corporate right-wing democratic victory.

They’ve become close to industinguishable from Republicans as it is, allowing them to go any further to the right without consequences means the door soon gets close permanently and the only option left is the worst one.

Our government has consistently moved to the right, regardless of party, for the past 40 years because democratic voters refuse to take a long view, instead getting stuck in the fear stirred up each individual election cycle, as if it’sthis self-contained thing that has no consequence outside itself. Which is why the Democratic leadership have adopted this insane strategy of propping up lunatics as their opponents; the dem base has demonstrated to them that when the Democratic establishment plays chicken they win every time.

You keep playing that game, fascism is inevitable. Only thin chance is holding Democrats accountable in the only way available to us, the party must be radically reformed or there is no point to any of it.

Extremists like Biden must become unelectable in the Democratic party.


Lol, shut the entire fuck up, troll.


Fuck you genocide supporting piece of shit


Not into russian dudes komrade, I’m straight, unfortunately for you. But hey, there’s plenty of good people out there that I’m sure would take you up on the offer. Oh, while I have your attention, how does it feel to have two brain cells fighting for third place?


Who talks like this? What are you 12?

YeetPics, avatar

Great point, wow such delicate wordplay.

Why do we give a fuck what you think?


So you’re a bot, got it.

Snowpix, avatar

They’re not a bot, they’re just a moron. Whether or not there’s a difference? You decide.


I don’t know man, acts just like a bot. If it’s not, I feel bad for them being that dumb and manipulated.


The only one supporting genocide are the ones claiming Biden is the reason for the Israel-Gaza war, and try to persuade people not voting, thus throwing the election into genocide Trump’s lap, who is known to be in league with genocide Russia and genocide Putin.


Biden isn’t the reason but he is making sure it keeps happening. Blood is on your hands for voting for Biden.


You’re a genocide apologist.


Because tRump wouldn’t do the same thing? Troll.


Is this hourly or per post? The money can’t be good, can it? I mean doing it for free would be ridiculous, but I doubt it works out to minimum wage.

natural_motions, (edited )

Is that the only defense you have left to justify ignoring genocide then? “People outraged by dem complicity in genocide are trolling me.”

I hate to break it to you, but no one is trolling you into not having basic empathy for other human beings who are being killed in your name.

No one can troll another person into being a callous sociopath who sees genocide as some kind of political inconvenience that can be waved away to make your own choices easier.


I think these are all Nancy Pelosi soc accounts, no way a normal lib could be this ambivalent about Palestinian genocide.


You guys can’t even come up with your own insults, you need to steal them from the smarter Biden supporters lol


That’s a part of the joke, it’s the cliche special^tm^


you need to ask the Russian propaganda department for a raise.


I don’t know, he’s pretty terrible at it. That or it’s a bot that needs work. No way it’s a free thinking human.


Propaganda and low intelligence make one heck of a combo though.


I’m still hoping he drops out and lets the Democratic convention choose the next candidate. He should never have run again.


but you’re okay with Trump running again?


I’m just afraid Biden is going to lose and we’ll be stuck with Trump


a legitimate concern, but that ship has sailed, so vote Biden and focus on 2028.

thatirishguyyy, avatar

Another hamas supporter


Found the nazi

thatirishguyyy, avatar

Outstanding comeback. Go back to Twitter.


I never understood the age argument for Trump, he’s basically the same age.


And given how Trump spent the 80’s, I assume they’re about the same biological age.


I don’t like the guy as much as the next but isn’t it common knowledge Trump never fucked with drugs or alcohol? Or am I missing what you’re referring to by spent the 80’s?

littlebluespark, avatar

FFS. The bot trolls are getting lazy AF.


isn’t it common knowledge Trump never fucked with drugs or alcohol?

What youtuber told you that lololol

Dude is methed OUT, you can see it every time he speaks.


I remember hearing this, but I don’t remember the source cuz it didn’t matter to me honestly. I do think he was at least publicly straight edge. As someone with addiction issues who has spent time with lots of addicts - meth included - he doesn’t seem to have been a meth addict. He’s still a piece of shit. But let’s be honest.


It’s common knowledge that he pays a lot of money for publicists, yes.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Trump never fucked with drugs or alcohol?

He didn’t fuck with alcohol, but that man was on the nose candy as much as any 1980s New York Business Guy.

YeetPics, avatar

Trump literally invented crack cocaine personally in his basement lab in his free time while he mapped the human genome singlehandedly.

Source: BiDeN’s very real laptop which totally exists.

FlyingSquid, avatar

It’s common knowledge that Trump claims he doesn’t touch alcohol and drugs.

And yet he also sold his own brand of vodka and his White House was a pill farm.…/white-house-clinic-improperly-distr…

Do you think Donald Trump might occasionally say things that aren’t true?

negativeyoda, (edited )

He’s boomer methed out: Trump isn’t partying in the strict sense of the word, but his doctor and handlers seem to have him on all sorts of dangerous levels of shit given how jumpy he is. A lot of our parents who were medicated like this didn’t see themselves as having a problem since having it medically prescribed is viewed as legit treatment

I hate to make yet another Hitler reference with him but Hitler was the same: he didn’t partake in “recreational” use but dude’ doctor had him fucked out of his mind on cocaine and opiates in the 40s but he also famously didn’t drink

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Fascism runs on meth.

Always has.


given how much difficulty trump is having sitting for more than half an hour in a courtroom I very much doubt he’s as fit as Bicycle Joe


Can you imagine Trump trying to ride a bicycle? Actually there’s a good chance he never learned how.


It would run down his battery too much.


Or during the primaries with Bernie. While Bernie was bing harangued for extra medical records, Joe Biden got a free pass, despite only being a year younger.


The DNC actively sabotaged Bernie’s run. Looking at all the the facts in retrospect, I do not think he would have won. He, however, would have performed much better, and maybe pushed the overton window within the DNC left in order for Hillary to appease the segment that was pro Bernie, rather than just scoff.


I’m more optimistic about Bernie’s odds, but whatever, it’s just speculation either way. But yeah, a more prominent Bernie campaign would have done a lot of good even if he didn’t clinch the nomination. It would have pushed for a more progressive platform for whomever won.

And I’m just so tired of bad faith arguments from people acting like the DNC has no internal politics or even preferences, and that there’s nothing weird about the primary process. I once got called a conspiracy theorist for describing how the format of the primaries affects the results, even if you ignore DNC or media influence.

UnderpantsWeevil, (edited ) avatar

You could say the same of Sanders. They’re all old dudes.

But there’s a certain “will be fight for me?” attitude. And Trump’s a cranky cantankerous piece of shit who fights with everyone, while Biden seems content to let the White House run itself.

Trump’s personification of the Angry Elderly Racist American generates more passion for his campaign than Biden’s “Hey, man, why can’t we all just sit back and watch the world burn together without harshing my vibe?”

selokichtli, (edited )

Just reform your electoral system. For the love of God, stop that pantomime.


Oh wow why didn’t we think of that 🤦‍♂️


Provide me a solution that can reach the level of consensus required to modify the system.


Republicans hate it and have been propagandizing against it because FPTP benefits them more.


Yet Alaska has it…

Cornelius_Wangenheim, (edited )

Alaska is why they hate it. They implemented ranked choice and immediately afterwards a Democrat won their House seat, something that’d normally be unheard of.


Ranked choice is infinitely better than FPTP. I still don’t know why that is the choice to go in on when score voting exists.

  1. Not as easy to explain and understand compared to score.
  2. More likely to have invalid ballots compared to score.
  3. Cannot tally in separate districts and join, it has to be one massive count.
  4. More likely to have weird shit in close races compared to score.

If anyone already has inertia moving forward with ranked choice I support you. If anyone is starting from zero, please try for score voting.

  1. is a fake problem - If you can pass a driving test you can fill out a ranked choice ballot. I’ve never seen the (x is too hard average joe to understand) argument made in good faith on voting.
  2. Fair. Common criticism but often its still not a major problem. Electronic voting machines can throw an error message for an improper ballots as well.
  3. This is probably the best real criticism of RCV.
  4. Weird outcomes tend to happen the more candidates are involved. Realistically the top 4 jungle primary system used by alaska is quite good though and 4 candidates are unlikely to have weird outcomes except where one bloc has 1 candidate and a second large voting bloc has 3

“weird shit” would be everyone getting their second or 3rd choice because they weren’t as polarising, which would fix a bunch of problems.


Unless they don’t because the results for irv is chaotic and it tends to elect extremely candidates.

  1. Is how the Democrat won Alaska. The Republicans split the vote.

I’d prefer Approval over RCV or score, but anything is better than FPTP.


They literally made it illegal in Florida, thanks.


What? Don’t you have great universities with Democratic Studies departments? Oh, wait, maybe they are protesting right now against your government support to a genocide.

morrowind, avatar

The existence of universities does not provide a concensus. A quarter or the country is convinced universities are communist brainwashing clubs


You have to figure it out yourselves. IDK, but I think universities are good places to start looking for solid ideas, but they are not the only places.

I don’t think your politicians will allow it, in any case.


Step 1: Decide on what electoral system is best (for me, plurality representation and RCV or something like that)
Step 2: Launch a nationally-funded campaign to implement it in a small and friendly state and/or localities to demonstrate its effectiveness
Step 3: Success in some places ideally leads to adoption in other states and localities. Obviously some established politicians will recognize this as contrary to their interests and will oppose it, so relentlessly attack those politicians with crowdfunded political ads.
Step 4: Once it’s pretty much everywhere and obvious to everyone that the federal system is backwards compared to the country, push for a federal constitutional amendment.


Just reform your electoral system

if it’s that easy, you do it


Its not hard to talk about and the first step to solving the problem is to recognize our two party system exists because of the voting system we have. Once people agree its a problem then you move to solving it.


Well, voting and representation system. Without some kind of proportional representation you’ll just end up with a two party system with extra steps. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Organize a referendum to switch your elections to Approval Voting, which will then let you easily switch your legislatures to Sequential Proportional Approval Voting](…/Sequential_proportional_approv…), keeping the voting system the same across all elections.


If they said “your system”, it’s not farfetched to imagone they have no rights here.


I don’t think it’s easy. I’m saying that’s a good way to begin with.


Easiest way to get it is by finding a big-tent party that isn’t averse to change.

Once they dominate politics at every level, the big-tent will get full. That’s a highly unstable event…there will be infighting, and the party will begin to shatter. Then they will realize that the only way to preserve any of their changes is to switch away from FPTP, as that’s the primary reason we have two parties. Voting reform will become necessary, otherwise the former primary opposing party will get a foothold.

Know any big-tent parties that aren’t change-averse?


alaska did a direct democracy initiative in a republican controlled state. Is there an initiative for alaskan style top 4 ranked choice elections in your state? Why not?

FuglyDuck, avatar

Know any big-tent parties that aren’t change-averse?

nope. why do you think Biden has been in politics longer than I’ve been alive, and most current federal senate/representatives are in long-term careers.


So incumbents keep getting re-elected?

Huh. Wonder what the fix for that is.


FuglyDuck, avatar

Show me a “vote” that isn’t “thrown away” that doesn’t consist of voting for… that.


Do incrementalism by starting from localist changes. Minessota and Alaska already has ranked-voting and worked wonderfully for the locals. If these states could do it, so could others. American politicians tend to listen more to their electorates if enough mass pressure is applied.

ininewcrow, avatar

If an 80 year old is the best America can do against growing fascism in their country.

We’re all doomed.

I’m not American but I support the American people, I support the Democrats and the liberal minded people of the country … but the way this election is building up is leading to something terrible. It’s like watching an enormous cargo ship on its way to slowly destroying a popular recreational marina.


I think a lot of doom and gloom haunts this era and leaves us blind.

We entered the information/disinformation age very recently of course it was going to be global chaos. I think it was necessary and good things are ahead.

Every generation believes the end is nigh, they’ve all been wrong but sometimes felt and saw and swear they were right. I’m sure as Rome burned and the Aztec empire fell and the black plague devoured they thought the end was here.

Yet here we are and how irrelevant their issues are today.


You know that between 50% and 90% of the population died in all three of the examples you listed, right?


You know there is a theory that a volcanic eruption reduced the human population down to 1-3,000 individuals?

Yet here we are.


This isn’t the comfort you think it is. If the bombs light up my horizon, I won’t be thinking “well, at least some remote tribe might continue a stone age humanity” while my entire family is consumed in a nuclear fire.


Okay? I’m not offering comfort. It is simply true. We all die one day and worrying about the end of our society isn’t new.

My point is there will be cataclysm. That’s it.

Y’all are so argumentative and sensitive


I’d probably be thinking “Well, fuck. That’s disappointing.”


just shrug at the mushroom cloud and go back to seeing how many upvotes my final meme got


Believe it or not, my criteria for prosperity is more than “literally somebody survives to propogate my species.”

oce, avatar

Any source on that apart from the plague?


The Roman Empire one is a harder one, since it was a centuries-long process with plenty of plagues, wars and migrations. It’s not hard to find sources, however, that the city of Rome fell from 1 million to 30.000 ~ 60.000 people.

oce, avatar

That’s kind of what triggered my question, there’s a common misunderstanding that the fall of Rome was something brutal and with few causes (that are selected by politicians when they want to scare people). I think Rome losing its population can be explained by emigration rather than people dying.

ininewcrow, avatar

It all depends on your perspective and what position of society you occupy.

If you are even a little bit wealthy and live in a first world country … the decline of the global world will be an inconvenience.

For the rest of the world, it will mean death, destruction, starvation and misery.

Every global societal failure in the historical past were all the same. The rich lost some of their power and got little uncomfortable. The poor died en masse.


please don’t support democrats or liberals, they’re genocide enablers


as opposed to republicans who are all about stopping genocides 🙄


Especially Trump, who famously pardoned multiple war criminals, he will absolutely be on your side /s


If you had any morals you’d vote for Jill Stein


No, you would vote for Biden to stop Trump from finishing the job and killing all of the Palestinians. Not to mention Trump wants to round up immigrants and homeless people and put them in camps. Everyone will be worse off with Trump.


IShe said Russia was basically forced to invade Ukraine by NATO, so… She’s making excuses for genocides too. She just doesn’t care if her funders and the oligarchs she dines with are the ones committing genocide.

Oh and she still has to explain her vaccine skepticism, saying that wifi causes cancer, and her nuclear fear mongering.


Please don’t support comments like the above, they’re heads in the sand enablers.


Yeah, Donald “Muslim ban” “Israel should finish the job” Trump will surely stop this conflict. Jared Kushner got how many billions from the Saudis? That was an award for creating peace in the Middle East, right? Great work, Jared. Let’s get him to head this task force. Mike Johnson wants to send in the National Guard to handle the students. Fuck those students, they should write letters to the editor if they don’t like war. Protesting is illegal, I think.

Yeah, let’s enable the government to go even further genociding Muslims at home as well as abroad. Let’s choose the guys who will prevent us from being able to vote ever again, just in case we change our minds later.


If you edit to make that a bridge instead of a marina it would be pretty topical. Perhaps a commentary on how the owner of the ship is trying to dodge any liability whatsoever despite fucking up safety protocols.


He looks like Odo when he’s been out of his bucket too long.


When a 80 year old makes fun of another 80 year old

recapitated, (edited )

Honestly, being impressed that someone called someone else “six year old” is really actually embarrassing. There are better takes… if this is the high water mark we are fucked.

nexguy, avatar

In the context of a stand up routine… Not official speech.


I mean to be fair, it’s a dinner, not an inauguration, and given what the other side was like a few years back. Yeah I’d say he’s earned it


Nobody is calling this the high water mark. It’s a joke flipping the expectation of a comment on him being old to an argument about the lack of maturity of his opponent. Pretty standard politics joke.


I know you’re right …but fuck that standard.


Have you ever watched a single WHC dinner ever?


Thank you for explaining the joke I was so lost

littlebluespark, avatar

Your punctuation (lack thereof) is also in the hyperbolic running for causing the End Times, so 🤷🏼‍♂️


I added a little something to help you out

GladiusB, avatar

He’s playing the crowd. It’s more a symptom of the system than of the man himself. He’s 100 percent correct against who he is facing off against.


True, but you have to remember swallowing Biden’s cock is a much vaunted activity around these parts.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Is it? Because unless “I don’t like him all that much but he’s better than Trump” is what you consider “swallowing Biden’s cock,” it’s not what I’ve observed here.


Biden is someone you’ll let come over if it’s a large party and ya don’t have to spend a lot of face time with, not someone you have over and let fuck your wife. That’s Obama.


Feels like an ad. I love you, Zero, but this feels like an ad.


I have no issue if it is one when it’s true 🤷‍♂️


It’s not exactly complimentary for Joe that almost all of his tribe’s the strategy is “Vote for Joe because the other guy is worse”.

One is left with the idea that “random person of the street” would be a better president than either of these assholes, which then leads to the whole “How exactly does America have Democracy when of all the possible 300 million Americans, the only two ‘choices’ the voters de facto have are worse than the average American?”


It is because the Emancipation Proclamation guy got shot in the head, leaving a dimwit to do reconstruction. Now we have a massive cult of boneheads backing a dude who led an insurrection against the country. All out of spite because a black man dared to get elected to office.

I don’t want to vote for Biden but I don’t have a choice as long as the rest of the Repubs will back whichever corrupt piece of shit the cultists push through their primaries.

OpenStars, avatar

Bc Democrats didn’t even bother to hold primaries - tbf, that’s common with a sitting incumbent - and while conservatives tried to hold debates before the Republican primaries, Trump just laughed them off, didn’t bother to attend, and won easily anyway.

Meanwhile, people on both sides are like “how is democracy not working”!?, while choosing to conveniently ignore that this is how democracy always works. i.e. it takes real effort, so this whole solution of waiting for Superman or whoever to save us was doomed from the start.

If we will not put forth effort to maintain something, then someone may come and take it away from us.

Aceticon, (edited )

I’ve lived in a couple of countries in Europe and always voted when I could (being an EU Citizen, I can vote in Local and European Elections in any EU country).

From my own experience, that is not at all “how democracy always works”.

It’s at best how the American voting system always works.

Merelly “having a vote” is not the same as Democracy - just look at Russia - so the question is “How far away is the American Voting System from the ideal of Democracy and is it even a Democracy or just a Theatre Of Democracy?”. Whilst I have my own belief in that, I think it’s best if each person, looks around and really thinks about and draws their own conclusions.

It’s funny that the least democratic system I lived under - Britain, which was even worse than the US IMHO (they have a King and an unelected second chamber whose membership is lifelong and in some case hereditary) - was a place were, just like in the US, policians kept going on an on about how great a Democracy their country was, whilst in the most democratic one - The Netherlands, who though they do have a powerless Monarch, use Proportional Vote for Parliament which has all the real power - politicians never felt the need to harp about how great a Democracy they had.

OpenStars, avatar

Oh yeah - to clarify, I meant “things take effort to maintain” is how democracy always works, not “vote for me bc the other guy is worse”, which is only a feature of those with 2-party systems in place.

The former is also simply stating that systems tend towards entropic decay, without intervention to prop them up. So it is not unique even to just political systems. e.g. Nixon was impeached, but rather than attempt to stop future such attempts, we instead allowed people to lay the groundwork for the next attempt. And then when the January 6 coup attempt failed, once again rather than take steps to prevent such in the future, we again allowed it to fester and the same exact people who tried it before are now stating openly that they would like to try again. So… third time’s a charm, anyone? 🍀

Whereas it seems an open question whether a 2-party system can even be called a “democracy” at all, but even if it can, especially at first, it definitely shifts the field away from what people consider as the foundational principles of democracy. And that too we allowed to fester, for many decades. But surely nothing bad would ever happen, ever, for any reason, right!? Nope, it seems to me that we are all permanently safe, forever… 🍀


Well, ok, that does make a lot of sense and aligns with what I’ve been discovering myself in the last few years - Democracy is a process, not an absolute inalterable state of being.

This dovetails with a lot of things such as how parties who remain too long in power become corrupt over time no matter how honest they started as, an effect that also seems to happen when it’s two parties alternating in power (were both parties become corrupt over time, just slower).

You also see the near constant attempts at undermining the independence of the Press and Judicial Pillars of Democracy and making them subservient to the Political Pillar and/or with that same Pillar becoming subservient to other, non-state unelected powers, typically those whose power comes from Money.

OpenStars, avatar

Similarly with religion. e.g. Jesus said: “love one another, especially those you disagree with” - love ofc is a chosen attitude towards patience, gentleness, kindness, peace, etc., and instituted the most widespread and strongest provisions for women’s rights that the world has ever seen.

Fast-forward to today’s religious christofascists taking away women’s health options and taking sexual advantage of children and it’s just… not the same. Everything gets corrupted over time, and takes effort to preserve and persevere.


I would say that Trump is like that 14 year old edgy idealist rebel who thinks the world is better realized under their haphazard of a vision. The one who wants to get all of their unqualified and equally inexperienced friends in positions of power who all think they’re better than officially qualified individuals with the experience.

That is him in a nutshell and we’ve seem him practice exactly that.


Lol nah.

Trump’s only ideal is him making more money.


Something he is failing hard to do, unless he grifts people.


I’ve posted this article many times, and I’ll keep posting it.

Donnie was given a golden opportunity to get in good with the real Manhattan elites, the 0.0001% and he ended up making them despise him through his own stupidity, greed, and arrogance.…/how-donald-trump-took-down-bonwit-te…


Nah, he has ideals like standing up to China and kicking out Mexicans. He just abandons them in a blink of an eye if they are inconvenient to his own interests, just like a 14-year old.


One might say he doesn’t actually have ideals then


One might, but what would you call them then? Fancies?


Positions of convenience.


Trump and idealism. Just wow


Like, honestly, some people just don’t know words good

mlg, avatar

Damn grown man can’t identify a genocide

Both of those fools would fail a CAPTCHA for different reasons


I like that phrase, I’m going to steal it. It’s mine now.

Hello_there, (edited )

I thought the title was related to his bombs killing 6 yr olds
Edit: Why are you booing me. I'm right.


you are. Far right.


Nah. The far right is like 'fuck them kids. They're brown.'
I just want my politicians to not help bomb cities


then stop being pro-trump, facist.


Wanting more out of Biden is not being pro trump


Liberals fully support genocide so even tho that was funny it’s gonna get down voted. I do appreciate the laugh tho.


What’s the “conservative” view on it? Oh yeah, MORE FUCKING SUPPORT for the genocide, so you CAN FUCK RIGHT OFF with your bullshit.


Obviously you’re not American, but if you were people like you who are One Issue Voters are just as bad as FPtP voting.

The other choice fully supports what you spend so much time hating. Your comments are completely and utterly useless.


Libs fucking furious, how dare people not understand the moral complexity of genocide.

Definitely weren’t exactly the same kind of asshole that said the same thing about the Civil Rights Movement. Or slavery.

Or the Revolutionary War.

Is Biden better than Trump? Sure. Now stop demanding I suck his dick and cease all criticism.


You need help.
Do you have family that can assist you, or have they all stopped talking to you?

BigBananaDealer, avatar

geez, yet again joe biden showing he is too old to run. 6 year olds cannot run for president.

hark, avatar

Biden is slayin’ even harder in Palestine. Congrats on the grade school level dunk, though.


Why don’t you go over there and help them yourself then

hark, avatar

Going to Palestine would do nothing but add more meat to the grinder. Action in the US is far more effective since the US is the one funding israel’s campaign of genocide. I used to think genocide was an absolutely forbidden red line, but it turns out people are actually quite dismissive when it’s actually happening. Even worse, many here are sucking biden’s dick while he supports genocide with full force.

Fidel_Cashflow, avatar

Voting for Trump gives more. PROBLEM SOLVED!

Fidel_Cashflow, avatar

Hmmm, perhaps i’ll simply not vote for a candidate that funds an apartheid ethnostate, no matter what color his tie is :)


Choosing not to vote is choosing to support the candidate you like least. Rationalize it all you want, but we have a 2 party system that you won’t fix by choosing not to participate.

Fidel_Cashflow, avatar

Hell yeah, so if I hate them both the same then they both get my vote? But I was already planning on voting for the PSL, are you saying I get 3 votes? If not voting for biden is a vote for trump, then that also means that not voting for trump is a vote for biden. Do my not-biden and not-trump votes cancel each other out? Does the PSL get all 3 votes??? American democracy is so confusing…


if I hate them both the same

Then you’re a fucking idiot

Fidel_Cashflow, avatar

You may be surprised to know that this message did not change my stance on Joseph Biden. You should be doing more to earn my vote.


Hence the idiot thing I mentioned

Fidel_Cashflow, avatar

Good luck in November! 🥰


If Trump being so blatantly bad isn’t enough, then you’re a moron and a lost cause. It’s not our problem, it’s yours.


Do you really, honestly believe that Trump and Biden are equivalent? One is imperfect in many ways, while the other is a literal fascist being backed by people who are explicitly planning to run the US as a Christofascist oligarchy.

The goal for one side is for this to be the last election we ever get. Don’t hand them victory because Biden isn’t your ideal candidate.

Fidel_Cashflow, avatar

If trump is truly an existential threat to democracy and our country, biden should order the military to assassinate him. He’d be 100% justified in doing so. You’d shoot hitler to protect democracy, right? that’d be a surefire way to get my vote, tbh. I voted for biden as the “harm reduction” candidate in 2020 and it really seems like that blew up in our collective faces big time, so I’m gonna avoid stepping on that rake again. ✌️😉


If you voted for “harm reduction” then I’m not sure why you’re disappointed.


Fewer and fewer people are downvoting you as you post more. It means they are ignoring or blocking your comments, so they don’t even see them anymore.

You’re not going to convince anyone of anything like this. Maybe you should think about why that is?

Fidel_Cashflow, avatar
Deceptichum, avatar

He looks uncanny in that photo.

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