Fox News Left Shell Shocked by Dems’ Election Night Romp

A year after promising viewers a “red tsunami” in the 2022 midterms, only to be left with egg on their faces after the GOP drastically underperformed, Fox News was once again wondering what went wrong after Democrats romped to victory in statewide elections on Tuesday night.

Despite recent polls showing President Joe Biden deeply underwater with voters and even losing to Donald Trump in several battleground states, the Democratic incumbent governor easily won victory over his MAGA-endorsed opponent in deep-red Kentucky. And over in Ohio, a state Trump won by eight points in 2020, voters overwhelmingly passed an amendment ensuring access to abortion care in the state’s constitution.

The continued drag that undoing Roe v. Wade has had on the GOP was especially apparent in Virginia, where Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin had promised to implement a 15-week abortion ban if the GOP was able to gain unified control over the state’s General Assembly. Instead, not only were Youngkin’s hopes of a Republican sweep dashed, but the Democrats now control both chambers.

charonn0, avatar

“Republicans need to look at all of these numbers, and really think about what’s more important. Yes, most people that are Republicans are probably pro-life,” she stated. “And we love our babies. And I love being a mother. But what’s most important? Republicans taking over. And Republicans being able to keep our country!”

Wasn’t expecting them to say this part out loud.


Rofl Fuck them babies! Power above all else!


Their problem is that they’ve been making abortion a wedge issue for so long, that it’s now impossible for them to back down. They’ve been catering to the religious right, pushing a message that life begins at conception and any form of abortion (and some birth control) is literally the same as murdering babies. And their base ate that shit up.

Now they’re trying to backtrack, which leads to their hilarious message of basically “look, we’re going to have to kill a few babies to get into power, because power is more important.” Good luck trying to sell that.


They are literally sounding like sith lords…


They're being really blatant about it all of a sudden. Is this sort of statement effective on Republicans voters? Do they not have any sort of cognitive dissonance when hearing one of their beloved Fox and Friends anchors saying this?


Need cognition to have cognitive dissonance.

AngrilyEatingMuffins avatar

No, they don’t. Because they feel the same way. Beyond all of the minutiae the ultimate driving force behind the ideology of fascism is taking power for the sake of power


So “killing babies” isn’t okay as far as medical, financial/home stability concerns…

But it’s ok if it’s about winning elections…


You know priorities.


Remember this when any future conservative (I don’t care what party flag they’re flying) tries to claim they are about any policy. If they ever attempt to come up with a policy again.


They’ve been getting vauger for decades intentionally.

Anti-abortion is going to become “childs rights” and they’ll swear they’d never dream of outlawing abortion until they think they can get away with it.


Anti-abortion is going to become “childs rights”

No, probably not. That too easily leads to things they’re against, like funding health care and education.


As if they’re averse to hypocrisy and double-think.

root_beer, (edited )

The “Vote NO on 1” signs littering the chuds’ yards in my neighborhood were subtitled with bullshit slogans like “protect children”, “protect parents’ rights” and, most egregiously, “protect them both” (complete with an illustration of a pregnant woman who is ostensibly in danger of being forced at gunpoint into an abortion?). [edit to add] I just read this morning that there were people putting out rumors that the amendment would allow minors to get gender reassignment surgery without parental consent, when all anyone needs to do is read the goddamn ballot, publicly available, to see that there is nothing there at all saying that. They’re craven liars.

Nothing is off the table for these psychopaths; for fuck’s sake, when they tried to block the measure from the ballot back in August, some of these jamokes had the gall to put up signs that said “protect the 2nd amendment”… but idiots will lap it up.

“Children’s Rights” can absolutely be their next tactic, because as long as they act in bad faith and say all kinds of shit with zero meaning behind it, why the hell not?



Hunh. Genuine question: Is that a regional word, and if so what region?


Not regional as far as I know, I just picked it up a long time ago and recently reintroduced it into my vocabulary.


Don’t disagree with your point, just want to note it’s vaguer. The u is after the g to keep the g hard despite the e, and the e which is silent in vague is there to make the a long. Without the e it would be be vag, which ironically is pronounced with a soft g because of the i in vagina, even though it’s been shortened.


When I was little, before kindygarten even, I would read books with my mom. One had the word “vague” in it, and I would pronounce it “vagh-you” because I didn’t know yet how to pronounce it. My mom would correct me, but I thought she meant that I was mispronouncing the vowel in the first syllable, and we’d go back and forth until I melted down because I was 4. It wasn’t until later on when I was actually in school that I got it because she never explained the concept of silent letters. Almost 40 years later, I’m still miffed about that.


Mark my words - if the GOP manages to gain a 2/3 majority in the house and Senate through any form of shenanigans they will pass an amendment to relegalize slavery.


My crazy prediction is the only lesson the GOP will take from this is that they have to try to steal elections even harder.

Keep voting at every legal opportunity you can people and great job yesterday!!


They’re working on it.


It’s not enough to vote.

We need to be vigilant as we enter the presidential elections next year. Keep a close eye on secretaries of state or whomever certifies election results.

2020 was a test run for the Alt-right and they have learned where the weaknesses are in the democratic process. They will most certainly attempt to steal the 2024 election by any means necessary, up to and including violence.


They're still working on it:

Four county elections offices in Washington state were evacuated Wednesday after they received envelopes containing suspicious powders — including two that field-tested positive for fentanyl — while workers were processing ballots from Tuesday’s election. The elections offices were located in King County — home of Seattle — as well as Skagit, Spokane and Pierce counties, the Secretary of State’s Office said in emailed news release. Source

Veraxus avatar

"If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy."

  • David Frum

So many things to fix in the US alone that would do the world some good and the only thing the GOP can agree to fix is elections. BIG SAD.


Vote in numbers too large to suppress.

And because of the day Election day falls on next year:

“Remember, remember, the 5th of November, The facist’s treason and plot; for there is a reason why facists and treason should never be forgot”

(Someone better with words can probably improve this)

Plan to take election day off next year. Take a vacation day, if you’re able, and if not, just plan not to show up to work. Stand in line. Get a camelbak or a big water bottle. But vote, because I’d rather start steering the right direction than crash into a wall.

mateomaui, (edited )

Hannity also groused that Republicans’ push to ban abortion in states across the country, as well as the reversal of the federal right to abortion, meant that “Democrats are trying to scare women into thinking Republicans don’t want abortion legal under any circumstances.”

When Republicans keep saying things like “total abortion ban”, yeah, we get that impression.

edit: fucking Texas is trying to make it illegal to drive to get around their abortion ban


Show us your PAPERS!!

FoundTheVegan avatar

Don't mess with Texas, but we'll sure as fuck mess with you.


Sometimes I wish we could go back to when they were mainly known for open beverage containers, but it was pretty fucked then too.


Every time I see Texas in the news I say a little prayer for the man who my Greatx4 (5?) Grandfather, who definitely had some looser morals around things like murder and escaping prison twice, shot. If it weren’t for their unfortunate ass, my family might still be in that awful place.

Bizarroland avatar

Fucking Texas made it so that someone that presents male, whom all of their classroom mates referred to as he, can't participate in a high school play as a male character.


I could cheerfully never once hear about this issue again.


Don’t mess with Texas, because we’re insecure about a lot of things.


In Texas, everything is bigger! Except the dicks!


And the IQs!

CharlesDarwin, avatar

Yep. It turns out that a great many people don’t fall for their bullshit gaslighting.

ETA: Also, I think everyone given a chance to interact with Klannity should always ask when he’s going to be waterboarded.


Republicans are scaring women just fine on their own by making is less safe to be a woman


Democrats are trying to scare women into thinking Republicans don’t want abortion legal under any circumstances

Oh hun, you don’t need to blame Democrats for that. You’re spreading that message quite clearly yourselves.


Yeah Ohio made a 10 year old go to fucking Indiana for an abortion. That’s part of why we legalized abortion


Not a violent person but I genuinely want to break things whenever I’m reminded of that. Just unbelievable from every direction, from people who preach about caring for children.


Unfortunately we still have a ways to go to protect our children from republicans. We need to ban all instances of underage marriage. I don’t give two shits if your parents are ok with it. Unless some evidence comes out that it’s actually beneficial for the child long term I don’t want to allow 16 year olds to get married.


In addition to that, most child marriages are young girls married to men twice their age.


Republicans have never cared about children.

Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren’t they? They’re all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you’re born, you’re on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don’t want to know about you. They don’t want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you’re preborn, you’re fine; if you’re preschool, you’re fucked.

  • George Carlin
mateomaui, (edited )

Classic stuff. He was so dead on accurate for then and now, and even he probably wouldn’t believe where things are today. We would get some epic rants.

edit: man, it’s hard to believe he’s been gone 15 years. The shit that’s happened since then.

edit2: I was just trying to work out how it’s possible it’s been only 15 years, then remembered that Trump’s presidency only took up 4 of them LOL


Fuck the republican traitor filth. Fucking worthless parasites.

FoundTheVegan avatar

Anyone voting republican, especially after Jan 6th, directly opposes democracy. If large scale organized violence aginst elections isn't a breaking point for you, then I don't/won't/can't trust you.


Anytime someone tells me they are a Republican, I immediately think they are stupid.

TheBat, avatar

That’s not fair. They can be smart but hateful.


Which is a stupid way to live.


I just want to point out that, nationwide, moms for liberty candidates lost 92% of the elections they were involved in. America HATES MAGA


Thank fucking God. They are the worst.

Their platform is literally “ban all the books that might make you, ya know, think”

uis, avatar

Deep-red? As in COMMUNIST?



Heresy_generator avatar

Kayleigh McEnany actually seemed to correctly diagnose the problem. I was shocked. And then she started in on her solution:

Tomorrow, I want the House of Representatives passing legislation for men to pay women child support from the moment of conception, legislation to make the child tax credit apply to the unborn

Her solution to the vast majority of Americans rejecting GOP 'fetal personhood' extremism is to... go right back to trying to shove fetal personhood in through a back door. They really do think everyone else is even dumber than they are.

anarchy79, avatar

They really do think everyone else is even dumber than they are.

The one thing I agree with GOP on.


Her idea to increase SNAP funds for young mothers and add child support for pregnant women isn’t that bad. The funny thing is, Republicans will never go for it. They’re not a party of policies, they’re a party that proposes “gotcha” bills that mock government and tax cuts.

There’s no way Republicans will support any of her ideas. It’s funny that someone on Fox News doesn’t understand that.

Heresy_generator avatar

The idea of creating pregnancy support and a tax credit for pregnant women is fine. The idea of expanding child support and the child tax credit to pregnant women is all about expanding the legal definition of "child" to include fetuses.


Calling a fetus a child makes as much sense as calling a bee a fish. Incidentally, bees are known to the state of California to be a type of fish (for the purpose of California’s endangered species act).

It is easier to expand an existing program than it is to create a new one.


Maybe instead of worrying about gaining power through whatever means necessary they actually try doing what their constituents want?

They don’t have a party they have a coup in search of a country.


The problem is they are doing what their constituents want, they just don’t have enough of them to get them the power they want because they are evil bastards.

BeautifulMind, avatar

they are doing what their constituents want

It’s worth noting that their constituents are an amalgam of fringe theocratic radicals and check-writing plutocrats. The whole reason Fox exists is that they realized long ago that their policy programs aren’t popular, they instead needed to add circuses to the bread and circuses to be relevant in any way


They don’t have a party they have a coup in search of a country.



That’s the thing. Republican politicians have a corporate mentality. They pretend to care about the customers, but their true allegiance is to the shareholders. And that mentality has worked surprisingly well for them for decades. Pretend to care just enough about social issues, but don’t do anything too controversial, all the while enacting legislation that disproportionately assists the 1%. They had a good thing going.

But they kept wanting more. They kept going back to the social policy well to get more voters because they weren’t getting enough buy-in on their fiscal policies. Now you’ve got more elected politicians willing to push unpopular social policy when just ten to fifteen years ago they knew better for the most part. This new batch of Republicans actually intend to enact their regressive policies when previously they were content with merely stymieing progress and loudly complaining.

Now that they’ve reached a critical mass of people who don’t know better or don’t care, they have started enacting deeply unpopular policies. They don’t know our care how unpopular they are because they can’t imagine anything outside of their echo chambers. They’re listening to the loudest 10 people in the room while ignoring the quiet 200 who will only speak at the voting booth. And voters have finally had enough. They may not love what the democrats are doing, they may even think that the democrats are doing a terrible job, but they absolutely hate what the republicans are doing even more. I’m betting that a large number of apathetic voters are starting to show up.

So republicans resort to every trick in the book to silence the majority who disagrees with them. Gerrymandering, purging voter rolls right before an election, closing poling places and limiting hours, restricting absentee voting, holding special elections during times when voter turnout has historically been very low, enacting voter ID laws… Every single trick they can think of so that only their voices count. And that still isn’t enough.

They’re doing what the people who voted put them there to do. The only problem is that those people apparently don’t actually represent the majority, and republicans absolutely refuse to accept that.


Pretend to care just enough about social issues, but don’t do anything too controversial, all the while enacting legislation that disproportionately assists the 1%. They had a good thing going.

Yeah, overturning Roe was the dog that caught the car. Now that they don’t have their main boogeyman drum (women everywhere aborting all the babies all of the time won’t someone think of the children!) to bang on they’ve got nothing. Savvy grifters like Turtle Interrupted never wanted to actually succeed in passing that kind of extremist legislation, but now the GOP balance has shifted too far down the scale of “pretending to be crazy in order to steal money vs being actually crazy”.


To offer my trivial little analysis:

The GOP has happily made themselves into the Trumpism party even in elections where Trump isn’t even running.

Those hard core Trump supporters are only interested in Trump himself (just like Trump is only interested in himself), and aren’t as likely to bother if he isn’t personally involved. To all but the Trump die hards, Trump is odious and that stink has rubbed off to make his detractors very active to fight the GOP at large.

I fear that next year Trump will bolster GOP votes with his fanatics.


Maybd an american can explain the abortion bans: Does 15 week ban mean no abortion after 15 weeks? That sounds reasonable. I thought the bans mean no abortions at all. In germany its no abortion after 12 weeks unless there is serious risk for the mother or the fetus is not viable.


Not an American, but from what I have heard, that along with the outright ban at 15 weeks, they also often include other inhumane things.

Making the woman listen to the fetus’s heartbeat. Forced waiting periods. Parental consent required for minors. Forced counseling. Etc.

ook_the_librarian, avatar

Also, medically unnecessary transvaginal ultrasounds and doctors forced to read scripted lies to scared patients. (just thought I’d fill in some of the etc.)

Also, pregnancy is declared to have begun basically four weeks before the last missed period. So a 15 week ban is really an 11 week ban. And you only get 11 weeks if you are regular and are keeping track.

Now keeping track, in some states, is becoming a legal liability. So these antiabortion measures are just going to cause more oopies. It’s just evil for the sake of being controlling.


Yep, it’s not about saving unborn fetuses, it’s about controlling woman


And about gaining power in general. The Ainsley Earhardt quote in the article is very telling.

“Republicans need to look at all of these numbers, and really think about what’s more important. Yes, most people that are Republicans are probably pro-life,” she stated. “And we love our babies. And I love being a mother. But what’s most important? Republicans taking over. And Republicans being able to keep our country!

She is flat out stating that they should drop the anti-abortion stance if it means gaining and keeping power. Abortion is, and has always been, nothing more than a tool the GOP uses to win elections and now that the tool is ceasing to be useful, they should discard it.


The “unless” part is important…


Does 15 week ban mean no abortion after 15 weeks? That sounds reasonable.

It isn’t, though: It’s forcing birth on someone who doesn’t want it, and probably forcing a child into a bad home.


The vast majority, ~96%, of abortions take place at 15 weeks or earlier. That said, conservatives in America have spent the last 50 years arguing that each individual state should decide how to handle the abortion issue themselves. Now that Roe has been overturned, they’ve immediately pivoted to pushing a federal ban, proving once again that there are no core principles in modern American conservatism.


The reason it’s not reasonable is based on how we age pregnancy. The counter starts at the last day of your last menstrual cycle. That means the gestational age of the egg might be two days but you’re already 4 weeks pregnant. On top of that a lot of diagnostic tests cannot be performed that early. My wife needed an amniocentesis due to possible congenital birth defects but by the time we had the initial screening, then the diagnostic test, we were at 16 weeks. Add onto that after a test like that the decision has to be made wether to terminate a pregnancy then the procedure has to be scheduled and performed. All in all you’re looking at 20 weeks or so.

A 15 week ban might as well be a total ban.


Part of the issue in the US is that the exceptions in these laws are made purposely vague to make it too risky for doctors to be able to help pregnant women unless they are literally about to die. Not familiar enough with the reasonableness of different week limits for abortion but the main way it’s framed here is that it’s mostly an issue between a woman and her doctor and not the business of politicians

Good video from John Oliver on this topic which just aired:


Hannity: "Democrats are trying to scare women into thinking Republicans don't want abortion legal under any circumstances."

Nah, you guys are doing just fine on that without any help at all.

While the other cable news networks stuck with live special coverage for the rest of the evening, Fox News decided that its audience needed a break from the deflating electoral results for conservatives. After Hannity signed off at 10 p.m., Fox aired its regularly scheduled broadcast of “comedy” show Gutfeld!, which was pre-taped and didn’t make any mention of the elections.

Gotta protect their snowflakes from any hint of reality until they can figure out how to spin it properly.


Nah, you guys are doing just fine on that without any help at all.

“Damn, those democrats shat my pants again!”


Democrats are trying to scare women into thinking Republicans don’t want abortion legal under any circumstances

if your opposition’s propaganda consists solely of unedited video clips of you speaking, it’s not propaganda


So, I went to Faux News and looked at their front page. The very top headline is GOP Flips New York Seat Democrats Held for Decades, Causing 'Political Earthquake'.

This is followed by 29 more stories, including important stories like Couple's Viral 'Taylor Swift Jar' Has Wife Paying Whenever She Mentions the Star and Global Study Names the World's Booziest Nations - The Top Three Will Surprise You.

Finally, a full 30 stories down the front page, you eventually reach After Dismal Election Night, Republican Candidates Hammer Trump.

As an aside, it's cute how, when they want to celebrate and promote the feeling that their party is all one big happy family, they refer to themselves as "the GOP", but when they're trying to distance themselves from the party, suddenly it's "Republicans".

Anyway, well done, everyone!


“There is no defeat in Ba Sing Se.”


God damn dude, I’m sorry you had to look at that. Thank you for doing a dirty job so someone else didn’t have to.


You rightoid fuckers HAVE NO POLICIES outside of schadenfreude and bogeyman flavor of the month fearmongering. Conservatives are incapable of governance, and a lot more people are finally catching on.

CileTheSane, avatar

You rightoid fuckers HAVE NO POLICIES outside of schadenfreude and bogeyman flavor of the month fearmongering.

That’s not true: they have hatred of minorities and women.


Oh and tax cuts for billionaires.


While not improving any efficiencies and therefore skyrocketing debt

ChunkMcHorkle, (edited ) avatar

deleted by creator

Zombiepirate, avatar

In my opinion PotatoTown Tuberville and the rest of the GOP who don’t override the filibuster want to leave these positions open so they can stuff them with Christian Nationalists if they take the Senate next year.

They don’t intend to let the next coup fail.

ChunkMcHorkle, (edited ) avatar

deleted by creator


Thoughts and prayers

CharlesDarwin, avatar

It’s so hilarious to see these people still acting like the dog that caught the car.

The forced birthers, oops, I mean, “pro lifers” need to shut up for a little while and repeat this mantra in their heads, over and over until it fucking sinks in: “Roe [*] WAS the compromise. Roe WAS the compromise”.

[*] The thing they worked for decades to destroy.


Nah, I'm fine with them continuing to announce their anti-abortion views. Politically it costs then elections, and in real life it helps identify the idiots.


While 10yo rape victims suffer…


Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better.

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