Man Displays Father’s Severed Head in Horrific Video Railing Against Biden, Immigration, ‘Far-Left Woke Mobs’

Justin Mohn, a 32-year-old Pennsylvania man, is in police custody after allegedly murdering and decapitating his father, claiming the latter was a "federal employee" and a "traitor." Before his arrest, Mohn posted a 14-minute video to YouTube in which he displayed his father's severed head, proclaiming: "This is the head of Mike Mohn, a federal


Another “lone wolf” that has nothing at all to do with the bog standard violent demagoguery of every single right wing talking head grifter I’m sure


What are you saying? This has nothing to do with the current republican party or their talking points!

Mohn also calls for the end of “all woke and gender ideology propaganda in schools and other public places

I’m sure it’s a coincidence…

Mohn spouts several far-right talking points, including:

“America is rotting from the inside out as far-left woke mobs rampage our once prosperous cities, turning them into lawless zones.”

" A fifth column army of illegal immigrants infiltrates our border"



Decapitating a family member because there are men in your imagination wearing women’s clothes.

agent_flounder, avatar

Yikes on bikes. I’m guessing this is yet another person that probably should’ve been in a mental institution instead of alone, ignored, and getting suckered into the alt right pipeline. Surely the level of violence he exhibited is pathological.


Sadly, there’s a chance that he wasn’t alone and ignored but was getting as much help and support from his family as they could give on their own. The thought of which makes it even more heart-breaking.

agent_flounder, avatar

Could be. Oof. :(

SomeSphinx, avatar

I know this a very serious discussion, but I just wanted to say the phrase “yikes on bikes” is a good one.


Is this stuff even far-right anymore? Feels like it’s fully adopted by pretty much all self proclaimed Republicans at this point.

LinkOpensChest_wav, avatar

It’s ironic that if you proclaim to be communist or anarchist, they’ll basically blacklist you, yet one of our political parties is also the largest organized hate group in the nation, and we just accept that as normal.


They aren’t all that organized to be fair

agent_flounder, avatar

Well said. We as a nation need to snap the fuck out of it and realize how insane this all is. How utterly abnormal all this should be.

LinkOpensChest_wav, avatar

It’s astonishing they’re even given a platform, much less being one of the most influential political parties in the nation


This dude LITERALLY pulled an ISIS beheading his father while basically giving the same talking points AS FUCKING ISIS.

Swatting, bomb threats, planting bombs, death threats, murder, mass shootings, election tampering, sedition, attacking government institutions. Let’s call a spade a spade. They’re a terrorist organization


And they have the gall to say liberalism is a mental disorder.

Say it with me now, “P-R-O-J-E-C-T-I-O-N”

Sterile_Technique, avatar

…and even taking that BS at face value, an actual mental disorder is infinitely preferable to sober and calculated malice.

“No -your- brain is broken! I’m just plain ol’ evil.”


Their brains are broken. Depending on age, it the condition has a chance to be arrested, if not corrected. Until a significant amount of “not right leaning” people understand that at a core level, nothing will change.

Sterile_Technique, avatar

This is not an edited photo. CPAC literally created and wore that banner of their own volition.


On one hand this is the internet so you shouldn’t believe everything you’re told/see. On the other hand I can see Republicans being stupid and tone deaf enough to actually do this…


It’s pretty easy to verify.…/cpac-banner-domestic-terrorists/


goddamn. I’d have felt better with it being a photoshop.


Correct Attribution

About this rating

Fact Check

The 2022 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) took place in Dallas, Texas, from Aug. 4-7, featuring Republican notables such as former U.S. President Donald Trump and U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, as well as an assortment of panel discussions.

norbert avatar

It's very true, their mask slipped and they admitted what they are. The GOP are domestic terrorists intent on installing a theocratic Christian fascist regime in complete disregard of any freedoms or ideas you may hold. They do not engage in good faith discussions, the only thing they're interested in is power.

They're terrorists, and should be dealt with as such.

samus12345, avatar

This isn’t a mask slipping, this is not wearing it at all.

someguy3, (edited )

This is far beyond stupid and tone deaf.

Here’s a phrase I wish I took more seriously when I was younger: “When someone tells you who they are, believe them.”

TheBat, avatar

“We are who we pretend to be, so we must be careful about who we pretend to be.”

FlyingSquid, avatar

But Antifa is the real danger, right?

originalucifer, avatar

my most favorite game when i find a conservative is to ask them point blank:

are you a fascist or are you an anti-fascist? you only get to pick one.

and they squiiiiiiirm

MataVatnik, avatar

Eh that’s like asking “Are you Pro Israel or Pro Hamas, you only get to pick one”

originalucifer, avatar

yeah if i was sitting in gaza. which were not.

i dont think its crazy to expect the electorate to know the definition of fascism. its also a bit hyperbolic to compare full on genocide with electing a fascist.


Tbf, particular nations elect fascists, said nations commit genocide.


its also a bit hyperbolic to compare full on genocide with electing a fascist.

Did you fall asleep in history class or something? How do you think genocides happen?

MataVatnik, avatar

What I’m saying is that if you are asking a question that pigeonholes people into two categories sometimes they pick the worst one out of spite. It’s not really am indicator of what that person believes. Kinda like saying if you don’t support BLM you’re a racist, and guess what happened? A bunch of people started saying “well I guess I’m a racist now”


“they were forced” lmao what a gaggle of shit

FlyingSquid, avatar

and guess what happened? A bunch of people started saying “well I guess I’m a racist now”

They were always racists. They just decided it was okay to admit it.


“Whoopsie I got caught guess I’ll quit hiding it.”

MataVatnik, avatar

The reason I brought up the Palestine Israel example was because it was a real question in a survey (NYT I think?), more that 50% of the people under 30 responded they support Hamas and under 20 years old it was as high as 70%. By your logic, all of these people are terrorist, and always have been.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Please show how that is my logic. Do those people all call themselves racists?

MataVatnik, avatar

No, they call themselves pro Hamas. At least in that survey, but I doubt they actually believe it, more likely they picked that answered because they were pigeonholed.

FlyingSquid, avatar

What does that have to do with your spurious claim that people call themselves racists out of spite and not because they’re racists?


What at all does that have to do with being a fascist or an anti-fascist? A shitty survey asking people which of two awful groups of people they prefer is not at all the same as asking what one’s opinion on fascism is.

Fascism is very clearly defined. There is no pigeonholing here, there is no third option being left off the table like there was in that survey. You’re either in favor of fascism, actively by supporting it or passively by not resisting it, or you are anti-fascist and resisting the rise of fascism to the best of your abilities. There is no in-between.


Kinda like saying if you don’t support BLM you’re a racist

No it’s not the same. A better equivalent would be are you racist or anti-racist. Are you pro or anti rape. Are you pro or anti slavery.

Facism is defined as a violently oppressive form of government. It shouldn’t be a hard question if you’re not a piece of shit

MataVatnik, avatar

If you read Ibram X Kendi’s treatise on anti-racism you’d know that example is not helping your argument

YeetPics, avatar

If they pick fascist ‘to spite’ me they’re very clearly in that camp. Not because the question was asked but because of their intent in answering.


BLM is a specific organization. Fascism is an ideology. It’s more like saying if you’re not for civil rights you’re a racist.

But really, you’re spending a lot of time and energy trying to explain why you’re, at best, neutral on fascism.

MataVatnik, avatar

No, I’m spending energy trying to explain to an echo chamber that forcing people to take binary extreme positions forces neutral people to take extreme positions. It’s a matter of politics and getting policy passed, if you call a neutral person a fascist, the will not vote with you. Calling people names is not a way to get their support. I can tell that people really have not learned anything these past 8 years. A lot of Trump support in 2016 came from exactly this type of rhetorical mechanisms. You want to keep on going this way? Go ahead, but you will not get the support you need, but at the end of the day you can just say those people were fascists and racists anyways, right? Extremely convenient


You think being against fascism is extreme? That should be a baseline position.

And I’m not going to coddle Trump supporters just because they act like contrarian children when they get called out.

If some anonymous nobody on the Internet is making you support Trump or embrace hate because they said something you didn’t like or called you a mean name and you want to pwn them, you were just looking for a reason to support it anyway and need to grow the fuck up.

MataVatnik, avatar

You and I both know that the term “Anti-fascist” carries a lot more meaning than simply being against fascism. If you were to frame the question “Are you for or against fascism” you’d probably would get a more accurate answer


So now you’re going to argue linguistics as a reason to not come out against fascism? That’s really just supporting my stance of “grow the fuck up already.”


Worst made up genocidal criminal thieving country


Nope. Israeli citizens are not all bombing Palestinians, and Palestinians are not all Hamas.

MataVatnik, avatar

You’re so close to getting it


Are you saying antifa is equivalent to Hamas?

LordOfTheChia, (edited )

While I’ve seen many binary choice questions that are loaded questions, I think the above is a good example. A follow up (or two) if the person balks at the question itself is the following:

Do you know what fascism is and how to spot it?

Do you think antifa is a single entity and not a general ideology?

If it’s an entity, can you name or even lookup it’s leadership?

Do you believe everyone who espouses an anti fascist value system is a member of that org?

Good binary questions can help guide a discussion and expose biases and misunderstandings held by each side in the discussion. Seemingly paradoxically, nailing down specific stances using those types of questions, you can explore the nuance of certain positions.

Ex: on abortion

  1. Are you for or against the government mandated birth? (Seems loaded, right?)
  2. Are you for or against the government spending resources and citizen time investigating all miscarriages? 2a. Do you know how common miscarriages are? 2b. Do you know what the medical term is for a miscarriage?
  3. Are you in favor of the law punishing equally anybody who causes a spontaneous abortion or increases the likelihood of one? Even coal power plants?
  4. Are you for or against all abortions including those that are medically necessary to prevent undue suffering and/or injury to the mother? 4a. Do you believe an ectopic pregnancy is a condition that warrants an abortion?
  5. Are you for or against politicians making medical decisions on your behalf in the name of their ideology and/or gaining political points OR should the decision be left between the patient, their doctor, and the medical field’s understanding of the best standard of care?
  6. Are you in favor of all abortions at any time? 6a… Will a hospital in the states with the most liberal abortion laws perform an abortion on a woman with a healthy pregnancy at 8-9 months? 6b. If a fetus lacks a brain and no chance of survival, should the woman be denied the appropriate care?

Question 1 may just be a way to reframe the stances from “pro-life” / “anti-life”

Q2 helps bring the reality of what enforcement of that person’s stance may entail.

Q3 shows that big companies go unpunished for the same (or worse) violations of restrictive abortion laws and other laws that are used to punish women who miscarry.

Q4 helps bring focus on the fact that anti-abortion laws that are currently being passed and enforced are written so poorly that they are forcing doctors (through threat of imprisonment) to deny what would be routine procedures which would otherwise prevent suffering and permanent injury to women.

MataVatnik, avatar

Then the question could have simply have been phrased as “are you for pr against fascism.” Everyone know that Anti Fascism is a political ideology that goes beyond just simply being against fascism. And that’s why people don’t want to identify with that term

agent_flounder, avatar

These are all excellent questions to lead into a good discussion. Assuming you have someone who is open to approaching in good faith and who trusts you to do the same. I have a friend who I try to have similar dialogs with.

I don’t suppose you have looked at street epistemology. Sort of the same vibe of exploring beliefs in a less/not confrontational way.

riskable, avatar

Just an anecdote about this: I once asked a pro-lifer question 4a and their response was that there’s no such thing as an ectopic pregnancy (said it was made up nonsense/propaganda) 🤷

At that point I stopped viewing them as a rational being… Forever (I still know them). Now when I think about them… “were they like this from birth or did some combination of events lead to this insanity?” And sometimes even, “should they be committed? There is definitely something wrong with this person.”

Then I remember that a great many humans have been like this for thousands of years. Rational thought and critical thinking are probably the outliers in our evolution and maybe rather than trying to somehow teach everyone how to research things and examine evidence properly we should instead focus on taking away sources of misinformation (by force, if necessary).

I’m in favor of the corporate death penalty for any media company that is caught intentionally lying or misleading their audience. For example, the day Fox News admitted under oath that they intentionally lied to and misled their audience should have resulted in that entire organization being shuttered forever.

“But that would eventually take down many news organizations!” To that I say, “yep.” Let new ones into the market that can keep their shit together and tell the truth.


the two are not logically exclusive. a correct comparison is

“are you Pro-Isreal, or Anti-Israel” and “are you Pro-Hamas or Anti-Hamas”.

MataVatnik, avatar

You are also so close to getting it.

CanadianCorhen, (edited )

And you, clearly, are in another postal code entirely.

“are you a fascist or are you an anti-fascist?” is exclusionary, you can only be one. You cant both be fascist and anti-fascist, nor can it be 1 and not 1, they are logically exclusionary.

“is the number of gumballs odd, or not odd” “you are so close to getting it” “yea… that’s not an answer”

"“Are you Pro Israel or Pro Hamas” is not, and proposing that as an example shows a complete lack of understanding on basic syllogism.

NVM, just saw you said this multiple times to everyone who raised a point you cant refute.

donuts avatar

If the question is whether you're pro/neutral/anti fascism, I think being anti-fascist is the only reasonable answer personally.

MataVatnik, avatar

Anti-fascism is a political movement with a lot of political theory. Its not the same thing as saying you’re against fascism.




No it’s not It only is to people on the right who want that to be the case, The only theory that goes into play into being anti-fascist is thinking fascism is bad.


Anti-fascism is a political movement


with a lot of political theory


Its not the same thing as saying you’re against fascism.

That’s exactly what it is.


What’s the opposite of fascism?


No, it is not. I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume ignorance instead of malice. What you’re saying is literally verbatim right wing propaganda.

The only thing “anti-fascism” or even “antifa” means is “against fascism”. That’s it.

Orbituary, avatar

It’s really not, though. I am anti-Hamas and anti-Israeli government. I am pro-civilian - a group comprised mostly of Palestinians and Israelis in your thought experiment.

You see, neither Hamas nor the Israeli government have their people’s interest in mind. However, you can’t really cherry pick aspects of Fascism and anti-Fascism and say, “sEe? BoTh SiDeS!”

DarkGamer avatar

Easy choice.


I’m sure that totally happened lol.

lennybird, avatar

I like asking to play a game of who can list more politically-motivated homicides for each ideology and conservatives strangely never want to play.


Let’s be real. No one wants to play that game.


How do you convince them, that “neither” is not an option? What if they say they care about neither?


It’s an equivocation trick. Not all anti-fascists are associated with the movement that calls itself antifa.

Are you pro-life or anti-life? You only get to pick one.

Fuck outta here with this nonsense. Stop trying to score points and try to have conversations with people.


All the conversations have already been had, this is just prelude to war

theneverfox, avatar

Antifa isn’t a movement, it’s a label.

There’s no organization, no overarching political goal - it’s literally just a term for people opposing facism through word or action.

There’s organizations that use that label in their name (like antifa of XYZ), but there’s no movement to associate with - fox news made that the fuck up

Take this example “antifa blocks off campaign event”. Fox news reports it as “members of a group called antifa has…”

A more accurate description would be “a group of people describing themselves as anti facists has…”

When people take on the term, they’re not describing their alignement to a movement - they’re describing their motivation


I would answer anti-fascist, but if someone asked me “Are you communist or anti-communist? Pick one” I would answer “neither”


You could pick either. There’s no problem with having communist ideologies or being for capitalism.

There is a problem with fascism, it’s not comparable to communism. A closer example would be asking someone if they are a racist or not.

We should be taking a hard line at certain ideologies and anyone that hesitate is suspect imo.

agent_flounder, avatar

Racist or anti-racist, really. Many people can answer “I’m not racist, but…(insert racist statement)”


I’m not racist, but I prefer Formula1 over NASCAR.


Dammit if I’d just looked one centimeter down I’d have avoided making the same comment


Great minds think alike.

Alternatively: We are Borg


I’m not racist, but sourdough is the best bread for a grilled cheese.


Ah, so you just have ill will toward the French!


I’m not racist, but have you tried substituting mayonnaise instead of butter on your grilled cheese sandwiches? It levels then up nicely.


The point is that “neither” indicates someone who does not agree with an ideology but also does not see it as a threat.

You are of course free to treat that person accordingly.


I say “I’m personally a communist but understand that it isn’t right for most people.” I would have been awesome at communism. I’m a minimalist in a lot of ways and was good at science and math in school. I’d have probably been working at Roscosmos and then happily going home to my little apartment for my daily ration of vodka and potato bread.

Or maybe I’d have been an Olympian. I was small but athletic growing up so had no chance of playing after high school, really, but they were given athletes zoo animal growth hormones and the good steroids back then. I might have come out of the Yaroslavl Oblast Youth Olympic Reserve School the size of Arvydas Sabonis.


The opposite would be authoritarian or anti-authoritarian, it’s possible to be conservative without being a fascist just like it’s possible to be a socialist/communist without being authoritarian.


Compulsory alliance is sort of a core feature of fascism so you really must be either fascist or anti-fascist.

If fascist government is in power, it will creat a system in which non-partisan participation furthers and advances the fascist state, so one cannot “opt out”. Since a fascist system won’t entertain neutral, the question “Are you fascist or anti-fascist? You can only pick one.” Is not inherently disingenuous.

Communism does not force people into supporting it, there “neither” is an acceptable answer to “Are you communist or anti-communist” in a way that cannot be applied to fascism.

Well, Communism doesn’t force participation as long as you don’t ask the tankiis, but fuck the tankies.


non-partisan participation furthers and advances the fascist state, so one cannot “opt out”

The same is true of the UK monarchy, yet plenty of Brits are neither for nor against it.


I’m not familiar with the British Monarchy so I can’t really comment on how appropriate your framing is.

What I can point out is that your statement is logically inconsistent on its face.

One can’t be neutral towards a fascist state because the fascist state won’t allow one neutral. In such a condition, anyone who claims to be neither for fascism or actively anti-fascism is pro-fascism because the condition of fascist power will direct all the labour and efforts of participants to the support of the fascist state. In such a condition, pro-fascist is the default condition, and anti-fascism can only be achieved through conscious effort and educated and effective praxis. There is no neutrality. One is not neutral in the face of fascism simply because one declares to be so.

So, if the same conditions essential to fascism are true of the British Monarchy, then the nature of the political situation is stopping Brits from being neither for or against Monarchy. If your assumption that fascism is like the British Monarchy is true, then one could only be pro-monarchy, or achieve anti-monarchy through conscious and intentional effort.

FlowVoid, (edited )

In such a condition, anyone who claims to be neither for fascism or actively anti-fascism is pro-fascism

You are not making any distinction between those who would want a fascist state to endure and those who would be indifferent to replacing it with something else. But I think that distinction gets to the heart of the question.

You are also assuming that fascists and anti-fascists are only concerned about their own condition. Suppose you asked an American their opinion of Mussolini and they responded “He was terrible”. That’s clearly anti-fascist. But what if they responded “Never heard of him”? That’s neither pro or anti fascist, yet the neutral response won’t advance a fascist regime.


You are not making any distinction between those who would want a fascist state to endure and those who would be indifferent to replacing it with something else. But I think that distinction gets to the heart of the question.

Um… Yes I’ve made that quite clear because both have the same effect on a fascist state. If you’re just going about your business, working your job, not being political, being a centrist, then you are furthering the fascist state, just as you were a foaming at the mouth supporter, because fascist states co-opt the labour and effort of their citizens towards the growth of the state so there is no neutral. In such a situation, you are helping the fascist state to grow unless you are very intentionally fighting it.

You are also assuming that fascists and anti-fascists are only concerned about their own condition. Suppose you asked an American their opinion of Mussolini and they responded “He was terrible”. That’s clearly anti-fascist. But what if they responded “Never heard of him”? That’s neither pro or anti fascist, yet the neutral response won’t advance a fascist regime.

You have no idea what I’m talking about. I have no idea where you got the idea “ I’m assuming that fascists and anti-fascists are only concerned with their own condition.” What comment are you reading?

Your supposition about asking an American what he thinks of Mussolini seems entirely tangential to me. I was talking about one’s actions within a context of a fascist state, not regarding foreigners looking in, so what are you commenting on?

Also, having an opinion or talking crap isn’t an into-fascist in any sense of the word. Fascist states need to be combated with direct action, such as economically divesting in financial systems that benefit and fund a fascist state. It’s not germain to my previous comment, as I was talking about people living in a fascist system, but even as a foreigner to a fascist system, allowing a fascist system to function unchecked is effectively the same as supporting it, because fascist government aligned themselves with capital and will use economic output and trade to fund themselves.

So, once again, it doesn’t matter what you say or don’t say. It doesn’t matter what you think or don’t think. You have to take intentional and carefully considered actions to combat fascist states. In this way, thoughts, opinions and statements cannot be anti-fascist. Only actions can be anti-fascist.


A great point well made.


If you live in a Communist state you won’t exactly have any way to “opt out” of it any more than you can just “opt out” of paying taxes.


That’s true for a culturally conservative Russian state that claims to be “communist” the way North Korea claims to be “democratic”.

The USSR sucked ass because it was made of the same kind of Russians that we’re still fighting against today. The label they wear as a disguise, communist, capitalist, kleptocracy, or whatever “the commies” are calling themselves these days is irrelevant.


Like I said, Fuck the tankies.

Leftist political theory can get very complex, and when people say communism they can mean a lot of things.

Technically, Communism as per Karl Marx in the Communist Manifesto, Communism isn’t a government. Communism is a state of anarchy in which people naturally share resources and the means of production communally and provide ownership does not exist as a cultural concept. So going by the original definitions “Communist Government” is an oxymoron. Explaining what the hell happened in Russia is a whole conversation.

When people talk about communism or communist elements in a government, they are probably talking about some form of socialism.


I saw a post recently - pretty sure it was in nottheonion - of a screencap of a Fox News segment, where they were interviewing someone that the caption described as an “anti-anti-fascist”.

Though to be fair, Fox News viewers aren’t likely to put two and two together. Or, for that matter, realize that an anti-anti-fascist is just a fascist.


To the fascist movement? Yes.


Yes, one is a crazy guy, and the other is a movement that helped terrorize cities for months.

HubertManne avatar

were these other cities than the major one I live in?


I have no idea where you live...

norbert avatar

Was the city you live in terrorized?


Being from Portland, I am well aware of what they did in Portland and Seattle. They literally had riots downtown Portland for multiple months, and overthrew the government in seattle.

norbert avatar

Yeah I'm familiar with the talking points I was curious if you'd actually experienced any of that. Clearly you did not, hence your "I'm from Portland!"

Nobody believes you.


I get that you dont believe me because you are deep in the propaganda, but I am just answering your questions. Is the billions in damage and 19 + dead all a talking point also?

donuts avatar

It'd probably be easier and more useful if you just spoke about what the actual problems are where you live than regurgitating right-wing media talking points about cities that you've probably never even visited.


There was rioting in I believe over 100 cities...

Deceptichum avatar

Oh, did they storm the capitol to try and overthrow democracy.

Drive truck convoys around harassing cities.

Remove rights for 50% of the country.

Bomb healthcare clinics.

Etc. etc. etc,

Pretty sure we know who the terrorizers are.


I like how you had to go back a couple decades for abortion clinic bombings, that kind hurts your point.

So you are comparing billions of dollars in damages in cities and a couple dozen people dead, and literally overthrowing local governments in parts of cities to driving around and bothering canada?

Deceptichum avatar

I see "bomb threat" four times, were there any real bombings?


It seems like women don't matter to you unless they're dead.


Strawman... Yawn.. So then the claim that there were bomb threats recently is false?


Oh, did they storm the capitol to try and overthrow democracy.

Yup, CHOP lmfao.

Drive truck convoys around harassing cities.

Nah they just lit vehicles on fire instead.

Remove rights for 50% of the country.

Vaccine passports lol.

Bomb healthcare clinics.

Bomb crisis-pregnancy centers.

Pretty sure we know who the terrorizers are.

Agreed, most of us do. Hence why Trump is leading Biden by 6%.


Do the world a favor and jump off a cliff, we need less of y'all.


Lmao sorry your side is losing, get mad bro. I’ll buy another AR and roll coal out of my exhaust this weekend just for you.

norbert avatar

Oh look it's this fuckin' moron again.

What's wrong? The guns you already have lose their sexiness to you? You can try jerking it to a new one I guess, we both know that'll only work for a bit though, then you'll have to get another one.

30 year old Hondas can't "roll coal" either, fuckin' moron.


Damn bro I can’t tell if it’s more sad that you spend your life camping a Reddit knockoff or that you quote Sarte.

norbert avatar

Aww sad little fash mad he gets called out immediately.


Oh wow you didn’t quote Sarte that time?? I proud of you sweetie.

norbert avatar

I love how much a quote from 70 years ago makes you mad. It's so obviously relevant to you and your little buddy. I'm glad you didn't link any white supremacist articles this time, fuckin' moron.

Never believe that anti-Semites are completely uare completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.

Cylusthevirus avatar

Yup, CHOP lmfao.

That's in Seattle sweetheart, try again.

Nah they just lit vehicles on fire instead.

One car fire doth not a movement make.

Vaccine passports lol.

Oh noes, you can't spread plague whenever, wherever. What of your constitutionally guaranteed rights to put someone's grandma in the ICU?

Bomb crisis-pregnancy centers.

"Your people are just as bad!" is not the flex you think it is.

Please rejoin reality.


That's in Seattle sweetheart

Yes. Congrats. You can read a map. Take a guess at what sort of buildings were taken over, lmfao. (hint: the government's)

One car fire doth not a movement make

Talking like you're a Redditor doesn't mean you can light cars on fire.

Oh noes, you can't spread plague whenever, wherever. What of your constitutionally guaranteed rights to put someone's grandma in the ICU?

Lmao imagine telling someone they're not allowed to buy food for their family because you're scared of getting a cold, then saying they don't have a right to go get food.

"Your people are just as bad!" is not the flex you think it is.

Nope, but it was directly responsive to the parent comment claiming one side is bad and the other isn't. Reading helps sweetie.

Please rejoin reality.

You're bald lol.

donuts, (edited )
donuts avatar

I live in one of the bigger PNW cities that you might hear about occasionally from Fox News or Ron DeSantis.

I can say with absolute certainty that, while we have problems and challenges that we face (namely affordable housing, opioid addiction, gangs and anarchists, mental health, petty theft, lazy sandbagging cops, etc.) being "terrorized by antifa" is not one you're going to hear about from touching grass and talking to real people here.

I think that's a really warped view on what happened during the 2020 BLM protests. In fact, during the heat of the protests, people here were just as concerned about violence against peaceful protesters from unmarked out-of-state US marshals under Trump. I guess in 2020 I was too busy trying to wash off my elderly parents fucking instacart to worry about vaguely defined boogeymen like "antifa".


Great, I also was born and raised in portland and lived outside the city till I was about 40. I recall their riots every night, I drove through the city and saw what happened to it. I know about how they had an insurrection on the seattle government and created CHAZ/CHOP.


…Mohn spouts…

The federal government of America has declared war on America’s citizens and the American states. America is rotting from the inside out as far-left woke mobs rampage our once prosperous cities, turning them into lawless zones.

[A] fifth column army of illegal immigrants infiltrates our border, and if the traitorous Biden regime is successful in sending America’s military overseas to fight for Ukraine and die in a Russian winter just like every other military who has ever fought Russia in the winter, then America will be less protected when the fifth column of illegal immigrants strikes Americans on our own soil. …

If you are a federal employee and are listening to this message, now is your last chance to resign from the side of the traitors and join your countrymen in taking back your country. … I urge the U.S. Postal Service to suspend their services at this time, split from the federal government, and join your countrymen, or else I cannot offer federal postal workers any protection. If the media begins to spread lies about this revolution and its patriots. Then I authorize the targeting of news stations and their owners and employees as well. The hunting, capturing, and killing of America’s federal employees will not stop until Americans’ demands are met.

Gonkulator, (edited ) avatar


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  • jordanlund, avatar

    From another source, decapitation aside, this guy does sound severely mentally ill.…/72416523007/

    "The video, reviewed by this news organization, includes a manifesto-style rant in which Mohn calls on his followers to take action against federal employees. It is titled “Call to Arms for American Patriots.”

    After holding up what appears to be his father’s severed head, he says he now controls and commands “America’s police and military,” and calls for the execution of federal employees, and puts bounties on the FBI director, the Attorney General and the Chief Supreme Court Justice.

    He rails against the LGBTQ community, the Black Lives Matters and “terrorist organizations such as anti-fa.” He calls for the seizure of federal buildings and says federal employees should be “publicly executed for betraying their country.”

    Gonkulator, avatar


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  • jordanlund, avatar

    I mean, even aside from that, thinking that he’s now leading the US military and law enforcement…

    lennybird, avatar

    How much would fox news cover this if this was an Antifa / BLM person?

    Oops, that doesn’t happen because Antifa / BLM aren’t remotely a concern to the FBI, unlike right-wing extremists responsible for the vast majority of political violence and murder.

    agent_flounder, avatar

    Political violence has been perpetrated by the right wing extremists far, far more often than the left, yes. Totally agree with your point.

    But I have to speak up: The FBI has tracked and harassed leftists and black activists in the past and I don’t want anyone to think otherwise.


    True, but it wasn’t always true. In the 1960s and 70s the far left was more violent. Not especially relevant, but it is interesting.

    ganksy, avatar

    Fox won’t cover it


    I truly wonder what he thinks will happen now, my thought is he thinks he’ll go down as a martyr and I wonder what will happen when and if he sees that nothings really happening


    Don’t worry they’ll call him a leftist agitator and keep on without blinking an eye. 🙄

    YeetPics, avatar

    Watch out for those far left mobs they’ll sever your father’s hea… Oh shit. Oh fuck.


    I’m not American, but your Republicans need to chill the fuck out.


    That’s an understatement


    I’ve been watching in horror pretty much all of my short 30 years of life from America. And I wish the problem was just here.


    Jesus Christ, fucking minding your own business when your own son murders you and decapitates you because he was radicalized by the extremist rhetoric used constantly by the Right.


    Anyone have a mirror?


    Why is it the people with the crazy issues tend to gravitate to right wing conspiaracy?

    You know what you get when you have a crazy left-winger? Someone with 50 cats and a lot of save the trees and Co3x1st bumper stickers.


    Don’t forget highly embarrassing social media interactions


    Michael Reinoehl Willem Van Spronsen


    I keep wondering this, too. I am sure it doesn’t help that those on the far right seem to demonize mental health help and showing weekness/needing any help. Besides the general crazy conspiracies and tendency to blame the government/others for what they see as wrong in society


    Biden regime is successful in sending America’s military overseas to fight for Ukraine and die in a Russian winter just like every other military who has ever fought Russia in the winter, then America will be less protected when the fifth column of illegal immigrants strikes Americans on our own soil. …

    Columns? Do illegal immigrants come in Phalanx formations?


    Also to my knowledge, we have only stationed troops in poland??

    I’m pretty sure that’s just factually untrue.


    Exactly, but when your news intake is fox news, oan and other “news” providers (with VERY large air quotes), facts become very… Shall we say, liquid …


    im not even sure we could refer to those as facts at that point either “information tidbits” maybe.

    geogle, avatar

    No, they hit us with Excel spreadsheets!


    I’m not saying that the person who said this isn’t nuts but, as a point of interest , they did use “fifth column” appropriately.


    Yes except I would argue that while he believes immigrant are the fifth column, the actual fifth column is this guy.

    lennybird, avatar

    I just want to take this opportunity to remind people how important it is to vote.

    And also: Tell your Republican friends and Republican echo-chambers that if the whole thing is rigged as they say, then why should they even bother voting? Tell them to consider protesting! :)


    If you don’t vote, then it’s people like this psycho who will get representation instead of you. If that doesn’t freak people out I don’t know what will.


    Or don’t, if you want to keep your head


    Sounds like schizophrenia to me. Fear-mongering by politicians only exacerbates existing mental health issues.

    Sad day.

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