blinry, avatar

My current monthly challenge is to eat at a 1000 kcal deficit for 30 days! :breadnommed: Posting about my challenges here has been really motivating in the past, so I'll do it again!

I started on Tuesday (Day 1), where I consumed the amount of energy required to charge my smartphone battery 92 times!

blinry, avatar

Day 2: I ate the entire energy of the sun hitting earth for 0.03 nanoseconds! ☀️

blinry, avatar

Day 3 (yesterday): I ate enough energy to bring 14 liters of water to a boil. ☕

blinry, avatar

Day 4: I ate the calorie equivalent of 8.3 kg of cucumbers! That would be about 27 cucumbers! 🥒

blinry, avatar

Day 5: I drank 150 ml of olive oil! Cheers! 🫒

blinry, avatar

Day 6: I ate the kinetic energy of a 21-ton truck hurtling down the highway at 80 km/h. Feeling kinda hungry today.

blinry, avatar

Day 7: Today, I ate enough energy to lift the Eiffel Tower by 5.58 cm. If only Paris would let me. 🗼

Also, that's 5 mm more than I wanted.

blinry, avatar

Day 8: Today, I could've eaten exactly 1 kg of cooked white rice! 🍚

blinry, avatar

Day 9: To produce the energy I ate yesterday, you'd need to extend the runtime of Germany's "Isar 2" nuclear plant by 1/26th of a second! ☢️

blinry, avatar

Day 10: Today, I could've eaten one quarter of a Black Forest cake! 🍰

blinry, avatar

Day 11: To burn the energy I ate yesterday, I'd need to ride my bike for about 37 km! 🚴 That's approximately the circumference of Halley's comet. @piko warns me that there are no bike paths there, though.

blinry, avatar

Day 12: Yeaterday, I was six trillionths of the Saarland! :D

That is, I ate as much energy as the Saarland (a federal state of Germany) consumes in 5.2 milliseconds!

blinry, avatar

Day 13: I ate exactly five sticks of dynamite! 🧨

blinry, avatar

Day 14: The energy I ate yesterday could power a 5 mm LED for 3.5 years! 💡

blinry, avatar

Over the last 14 days, I lost as much weight as the entire luggage I took on the Interrail trip last month! 🎒

blinry, avatar

For context, this is a graph of my body weight over the last 10 years. Whoa, I've done a lot of dieting! :O Always with a deficit of 500 kcal/day. This time, I'm trying 1000 kcal/day, and I think seeing fast results is super motivating to me!

blinry, avatar

My current motivation is papers like "Years of life lost and healthy life-years lost from diabetes and cardiovascular disease in overweight and obese people: a modelling study" (Grover et al., 2015).

They estimate that when people like me lose weight, they will live around 4 years longer, and, in addition, will have 7 more healthy life years (free from diabetes
or cardiovascular disease). That sounds pretty desirable to me! :)


blinry, avatar

Day 15: The energy I ate yesterday could power a 5-litre gasoline car for 3 km... 🚗

blinry, avatar

Day 16: I ate 1/100th of an average lightning bolt yesterday!! ⚡ I'm a bit shocked!

blinry, avatar

Day 17: To store the energy I ate yesterday, you'd need to charge a poor little 1000 μF capacitor to 100 kV! :D 💥💨

blinry, avatar

Day 18: With the energy I consumed yesterday, I could run my laptop for 200 hours! 💻

blinry, avatar

Day 19: If you push on 44000 ballpoint pens, you can store the energy I ate yesterday as elastic energy! 🖊️

blinry, avatar

Day 20: I ate the magnetic energy of 100 million fridge magnets yesterday! That's 2.4 magnets per household in Germany! 🧲

blinry, avatar

Day 21: I ate the energy consumed by 4500 Google searches yesterday! 🔎

blinry, avatar

Day 22: If all humans who currently live would whisper into my ear for 2000 years, my eardrums would receive acoustic energy equivalent to what I ate yesterday! 🔊

blinry, avatar

Day 23: I ate 14 micro-picard today! For more practical uses of the picard energy unit, see @JanHegenberg's book "Weltuntergang fällt aus"! :fairydust:

blinry, avatar

Day 24: With the energy I ate on Thursday, I could toast 84 slices of bread! :breadnommed:

blinry, avatar

Day 25: Using yesterday's energy, I could've powered an induction stove for 45 minutes on its highest setting. 🥘

blinry, avatar

Day 26: The energy I ate yesterday is the hypothetical minimum required to accelerate a small potato to leave Earth's gravity field! :D 🥔🌌

blinry, avatar

Day 27: I ate 8 tea lights today! 🕯️

blinry, avatar

Day 28: Where I live, 5 m^2 of solar panels would generate the energy I ate yesterday on a typical day. 😎

blinry, avatar

Day 29: ...while today, I ate as much energy as would be produced by a modern wind turbine in 1 second! 🎏

blinry, avatar

Day 30: Yesterday, I ate enough energy to melt 3.7 kg of steel! 🔥

blinry, avatar

Whoa, I did it! I ate at a 1000 kcal deficit for a full month!

Can you spot the day where I got very little protein because I ate mostly chocolate croissants? 😋

blinry, avatar

Eating a lot of protein seemed to keep me satiated longer. I often started the day with a simple protein shake.

Making sure to have enough calories "left over" for eating in the evenings seemed crucial to me. Also, lots of voluminous veggies!

Yeah, I often was hungry, but I somehow got used to it. "It's the feeling of losing weight", right?

I'm really happy with how this experiment went, and I plan to keep going! :) Might switch to weekly check-ins here.

blinry, avatar

For tracking calories, I used, which performed flawlessly! I tried a bunch of other tracking apps (MyFitnessPal, Lose It, Yazio, FDDB Extender), but they all miss some crucial features for me. Cronometer can:

  • Create custom "recipes", and then log portions of it.
  • Visualize the macro nutrient percentages (protein/carbs/fat).
  • Scan the barcode of most packaged food items to log them
blinry, avatar

For drawing the weight graphs and estimating calorie requirements, I used my own little tool,, which I've been using over the past 8 years now! <3

blinry, avatar

Thanks for following along here, and cheering me on! Having your accountability here (and having fun with the energy calculations) was super motivating to get this started!

blinry, avatar

Time for a report one week later!

  • On average, I ate 1220 kcal/day.
  • That's the equivalent of 50 pieces of popcorn per hour, if I ate nothing but popcorn all day!
  • I now weigh 80 kg, which is the lowest I've been in 7 years.
  • I'm now officially in the "normal range" of the BMI (which is an imperfect measure, but still).

Graph generated with

blinry, avatar

Another week over! On average, I ate 1209 kcal/day.

With that amount of energy, I could've powered a soldering iron all week! 🔌

  • I was really hungry on a day where I ran for 2 hours, and I allowed myself an extra 517 kcal that day.
  • I ate 69 g of protein per day, on average. It seems advisable to raise that a bit while dieting, to retain lean body mass.

The coming week might not be as consistent, as I totally plan to indulge on at least two evenings! 😋

blinry, avatar

Over the past week, I ate 10577 kcal!

Which is what Michael Phelps (the most decorated Olympian athlete of all time) ate PER DAY during his training! 🏊

  • I allowed myself to dig in on two days, which felt great!
  • I still only ate an average of 1511 kcal/day, which is below what I burn per day.
  • I've lost over 10% of my body weight since the beginning of November!
blinry, avatar

This week, I ate an average of 1242 kcal per day! That's the energy required to type 50 million characters on my Thinkpad, and enough to type out 1/5th of the current Mastodon source code!

  • I ate an average of 81 g of protein per day! I still want to raise this a bit more.
  • I ran 27 km this week. Marathon coming up at the end of April! 🏃

I think I can lower the frequency of these check-ins, so see you in a fortnight!

blinry, avatar

Two weeks over, time for another report! I ate 1206 kcal/day on average! With that energy, I could've powered a heating blanket for a full week! ♨️

  • Since I last checked in, I lost approximately 2 kg.
  • I'm now halfway to my (somewhat arbitrary) goal! \o/
  • During the first week, I experimented with eating more protein, and arrived at 96.6 g/day! It didn't make me very happy though – to get there within my energy limit, I had to chug a lot of protein shakes…
blinry, avatar

I want to point out that what I'm doing here is probably a bit extreme. ⚠️

I'm approximately on a deficit of 1000 kcal per day, meaning that I eat a little over half of what my body needs. I have 400 kcal per meal, and that's… not a lot. :/

I have to be strategic, and pick food that's high on protein and not too energy-dense. On some days, I'm really hungry. In social situations, I envy people who just eat what they want.

blinry, avatar

I got the idea that it's an option to lose weight that fast from the book "Fettlogik Überwinden" by Nadja Hermann (of @erzaehlmirnix fame), which is a science-based look at weight loss and the risks of overweight.

Like her, I find that fast weight loss motivates me a lot! Instead of doing this for a year, it only takes 5 months…

One precaution I take is to take a comprehensive vegan multivitamin, so I don't run into deficiencies while I'm eating this little.

blinry, avatar

Over the past two weeks, I ate 1224 kcal/day, on average! :breadnommed:

My tool estimates that I burn 2300 kcal/day. To make up for the difference of 15000 kcal, my body had to burn about 1.6 kg of body fat!

  • Every time I got sad that I couldn't eat all the delicious things other people ate, I just asked to try a tiny bite of it. Which mostly made me happy again!
  • My weight is now the lowest it has been in the last 9 years! 😮
blinry, avatar

One challenge that I'll have to face eventually is to maintain my new low body weight.

If anyone can recommend strategies for that, I'd love to hear them!

blinry, avatar

Time for another check-in! In the last two weeks, I ate 1271 kcal/day, on average. That's the same energy contained in 3 liters of cola! 🍾

  • I'm surprised by how steady my weight loss has been over the past 3 months!
  • I lost 20% of my weight since November!
  • Almost all of my clothes look much too big on me now.

(Graph created with

blinry, avatar

Another two weeks are already over!

I decided that after 3 months of eating a deficit of ~1000 kcal, it's time for a break. 😌 I'm aiming at keeping my weight where it is for the next month or so!

So last week, I added 500 kcal to my daily allowance! If I still lose weight on that, I plan to add more. This is pretty exciting for me! :D

blinry, avatar

While travelling, I don't have access to a body scale, so I don't know my current weight… super curious to see what'll happen!

Another fun stat: I've been tracking what I eat for 115 days in a row! \o/

blinry, avatar

Our current host kindly provided me with a body scale!

After 2 weeks at 1700 kcal/day, I still kept losing weight, slowly. My tool nom estimated that, to stay at 70 kg, I could eat 2100 kcal/day, so that's what I'm doing since last Thursday! :D

Interestingly, I don't feel less hungry, and it doesn't seem much easier to adhere to this limit. But I definitely can be less strategic.

Graphs generated with

blinry, avatar

After aiming at 2100 kcal/day, my weight stayed exactly the same! 🎉 That's quite a change from the yo-yo effect I sometimes encountered in the past.

After three weeks, I decided that I had enough of a break, and went into a 500-kcal deficit again, according to what my tool predicted: 1800 kcal/day.

I've been staying there for two weeks, but today, there's an exciting change!!

blinry, avatar

I'm participating in the "Half-Tato Diet Community Trial"!

The idea is to get ~50% of your calories from potatoes. 🥔 As I'm controlling my caloric intake anyway, I'm not expecting big changes, I'm just curious and willing to contribute data. And the idea of eating a lot of potato is just very funny to me. :D

blinry, avatar

The organizers ask participants to include two "regular" weeks as a baseline, and to track their weight, mood, sleep, and a couple of other parameters.

Those two baseline weeks are over, starts today! Get ready for daily potato fun facts. :D

Fun fact! The German word "Kartoffel" is derived from the Italian "tartufolo", which comes from Latin "terrae tuber" (earth bulb).

We cooked "Himmel und Erde" today, a dish made from potatoes and apples!

blinry, avatar

Fun fact! The potato plant was chosen as the "poisonous plant of the year 2022" by a botanical garden in Wandsbek, because all of its green parts are slightly poisonous to humans.

@zormit and I made Hasselback potatoes today! So good!

blinry, avatar

Fun fact! Potatoes are 80% water, 15% carbs, 2% protein, 2% fiber, and a tiny bit of fat. With that much water, no wonder they're so satiating!

@piko and I made potato soup. Puréeing made it a bit slimy, but the taste is great!

Turns out getting 50% of your calories from potato is a lot of potato! All my meals have to be potato-centered. I'm not so sure I like that.

blinry, avatar

Fun fact! The "Bundessortenamt" tightly regulates which potato varieties can be sold in Germany – you can find the full list here (~250 varieties):

Had fried potato cubes for breakfast; leftover potato soup for lunch; and yesterday evening, these smashed + roasted potatoes, suuuper recommended!!

Smashed, roasted potatoes on a plate. They look very crispy.

blinry, avatar

Still aiming at 1800 kcal/day, but I haven't been very consistent in the last weeks.

A big irregularity last week was my marathon on Sunday! You can see in the graph that I tried to eat as many carbs as I could the day before. Certainly an interesting feeling to be very full. Haven't experienced that in quite a while.

(Graph created with

blinry, avatar

Interestingly, eating at a 500 kcal deficit seems harder to me, compared to a 1000 kcal deficit. :O I don't have to be super strategic, and in theory, it's okay to snack here and there, but if I'm not careful, I simply eat exactly the calories I burn.

blinry, avatar

In addition, I still try to eat 50% of my calories from potatoes, as part of the Slime Mold Time Mold community trial! 🥔

This is pretty challenging for me, and feels like it's interfering with the way I usually eat a lot. Also fun to try a lot of new recipes, though! I especially liked a veganized version of "Erdäpfelkaas" (mashed potatoes with sour cream and onions)!

Pan-fried potato slices
Mashed potato (with lots of vegan cream) on bread
Schupfnudeln with fried vegetables, cranberries and vegan meat

blinry, avatar

I'm also starting to notice differences between different potato varieties! :D

I like "Linda" (or the very similar "Belana") for their sweetness and their waxy consistency.

And "Queen Anne" tastes a bit like roasted chestnut! :O

blinry, avatar

Quick recap of the last 1.5 months:

Finished the half-tato diet! In one month, I ate 27.5 kg of potatoes. It didn't seem to have any special effect for me – weight loss correlated neatly to my calorie deficit. Still fun!

And in Japan, I stopped tracking what I ate entirely; I think that would've overwhelmed me. I expected to gain some weight, but it was more than I thought! :O

No hard feelings, just gotta get back to tracking. :)

blinry, avatar

That's where you come in! :D Having accountability here is extremely helpful for me. I'll re-start a 1000 kcal deficit, and aim to eat 1200 kcal/day.

Going to post fun facts about the numbers themselves this time! Yesterday, I ate 1216 kcal.

And 1216 is the serial number that the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) uses for a type of electric locomotive that set the current world record for the fastest conventional electric locomotive: 357 km/h!

blinry, avatar

I ate 1235 kcal yesterday! In the year 1235, construction started for the St. Elizabeth's Church in Marburg, the oldest Gothic church in Germany, which later became a model for the Cologne Cathedral!

piko, avatar

@blinry How is it going? Magna Charta? Dschingis Khan?

blinry, avatar

@piko Right, I'll just start posing a riddle each day :D

blinry, avatar

I'll just start formulating these as riddles for y'all! :D

Today, I ate as many calories as the UN number identifying a certain hazardous material!

It's highly flammable (its flames are invisible in daylight) and toxic – the median lethal dose for humans is 100 mL. 🔥☠️

daniel_bohrer, avatar

@blinry oof. doesn't that apply to about half of the UN numbers? 😅

idk, probably 1202 (diesel) or 1203 (petrol)?

blinry, avatar

@daniel_bohrer Nope! The property of having invisible flames seems to be pretty specific for another substance!


@blinry @daniel_bohrer Invisible flame makes me think of Methanol, UN 1230

blinry, avatar

@drc Yep, that's what I had in mind! :)

blinry, avatar

I ate as many calories as the number of a UN Security Council resolution, which established an international military and civil presence in Kosovo, and marked the end of the Kosovo War. 🕊️

daniel_bohrer, avatar

@blinry ah, the foundation year of Regensburg!

blinry, avatar

I ate exactly as many calories as the first "Holy Year" declared by the pope! Under certain conditions, Catholics are forgiven all sins in these years. How convenient!

This is kind of my limit of what I try to eat each day. I feel that my body needs to get used to this again. I'm doing okay, but some days are pretty exhausting…

blinry, avatar

Yesterday, I ate as many calories as the skateboarding trick where you make three and a half revolutions while airborne! 🛹

blinry, avatar

Yesterday, I ate the smallest prime number whose roman numeral representation has 13 characters!

But that's okay because I rode my bike to a calorie equivalent of the year in which plutonium-238 was first synthesized!

I'm back on track! :) Next check-in in a week!

(Graph made with

blinry, avatar

This week felt easy! Good to know that I can quickly get comfortable with a calorie deficit again.

  • I ate 1223 kcal/day, on average
  • I did some free introductory sessions at three different gyms, to try out strength training. Fun and exhausting! :D
  • I'm aiming for 100 g of protein per day; this week, I ate 94 g on average, which seems fine.

I'm tracking calories using, and plot them with &

powl, avatar

@blinry What do you do about hunger?

blinry, avatar

@powl I try to avoid being hungry in the evening, as that's the most difficult situation for me. So I try to split up the hunger over the rest of the day.

My current rhythm is:

  • Drink a protein shake in the morning
  • Eat "half a meal" after 12:00
  • Eat the other half after 18:00
  • Eat a snack before going to bed

I'll be somewhat hungry inbetween, but I can always look forward to the next meal!

Also, picking foods with low calories density, like vegetables!

urx, avatar

@blinry @powl wie zählst Du Kalorien, insb unterwegs?

blinry, avatar

@urx Schau mal zwei Toots vorher im Thread! :) Cronometer hat auch ne Android-App.

urx, avatar

@blinry aber wiegst Du dann das Essen bzw. Den Reis und die Erbsen einzeln, oder schätzt Du?

blinry, avatar

@urx Achso! Wenn ich selbst koche, was oft der Fall ist, wiege ich ab, ja. Auswärts versuche ich zu schätzen...

blinry, avatar

Feeling good! :) Over the past week, I ate 1211 kcal and 91 g of protein per day, on average.

Last week, someone commented on my weight loss in a charming way: "It feels like you've changed somehow…" I like how this formulation leaves it up to the listener to decide how to reply. Because weight loss can also happen unintentionally, or not be associated positively.

I think I can reduce the frequency of these checkins again, see you in a fortnight!

blinry, avatar

I reached a cool milestone today! My weight dropped to 67.2 kg, which is lowest I've ever recorded in the last 11 years! \o/

When I measured my blood pressure and resting heart rate recently, I noticed that it also had dropped significantly into a super healthy range! :)

I was pretty hungry on some days in the past two weeks. D:

And I did lots of sports, but I'll tell that story on another day.

blinry, avatar

All my t-shirts are way too big now… I sometimes steal shirts from @piko! :D

Does someone, by any chance, have nerdy shirts (from CCC events, for example) in size S which you never wear? :D

blinry, avatar

Only 2 kg to go until my goal of 64 kg! Really exciting! :)

I picked that specific goal last year both because:

  • It's a nice, round power of 2!
  • It corresponds to a lower-normal BMI of 20 (I started at 28).
  • It puts me approximately at a body fat percentage of 15% (I started at 32%).

During , I might decrease the calorie deficit a bit, but I'm still furiously determined to keep tracking, to avoid another "Japan effect"! xD

gnarf, avatar

@blinry This is great! Honestly, this makes me smile so much because watching you start this journey half a year ago and rigorously pulling through is super inspiring!

I also always struggled with weight, though in the opposite direction in that I was underweight and was really uncomfortable around the topic. I gained 8kg since your first post, which isn't as impressive as your progress, but still made me feel much better :))

I'm at 63.3kg right now, so we might meet in the middle soon ^^

blinry, avatar

@gnarf Oh yay, I'm also glad you're moving in a direction that you like! Yeah, let's meet in the middle! :D


@blinry thank you for sharing your journey. Your extremely controlled and recorded angle to weight loss is impressive.

blinry, avatar

The last check-in was almost two months ago, time for another one!

Had a busy August, and basically stopped tracking during , and

Still, my weight basically stayed the same, which is a surprise!

So… I wanna do a "final push" to my goal of 64 kg, which should be doable in 3-4 weeks at 1200 kcal/day! When, if not now? Wish me luck!

I'm scheduling the next check-in for next Thursday!

(Graph made with

swamptin, avatar

Best of luck with it! Fair play on getting as far as you have.


@blinry it sounds like you've been doing a good job and keeping to your goals! Yay!!

blinry, avatar

By the way, I got a lot of new t-shirts at , which fit me much better! :D

And sooo many people complimented me on my changed appearance, which made me really proud! :3

When I was sorting through old photos last month, I was really surprised to see how much my face changed since 2019!

(Left: Peak weight at ~95 kg; Right: Now at 66 kg)

My face is thinner, and my beard is shorter. The photo is taken in front of a white wall.

blinry, avatar

Almost there!!

I'm feeling pretty hungry, and I'm sometimes grumpy because of that. But I'm so close now!

Planning to do another check-in next week, to think about how I can best stay at this low weight.

sumpfsuppe, avatar

@blinry Awesome work, congratulations. Feeling hangry is my no. 1 opponent for losing weight. 🫠


@blinry Good job! 😊✨
It's easy giving up on diets, so I respect that. 👍

daniel_bohrer, avatar

@blinry it has become a very hilly landscape, but I guess you don't need as much energy walking down the hills as walking up :D

blinry, avatar

I set myself a challenge to eat 1200 kcal per day, on average, for two weeks (until last Monday), and as a reward, I'd get a scraper tool for my standing mixer! :D And that was indeed a good motivation, might do something like that again.

Despite me being that consistent, my weight mostly stayed the same. That's okay, there are sometimes random fluctuations…

blinry, (edited ) avatar

I'll be travelling next week, and will likely not be tracking at all. So, another experiment: Try to mostly stay at the same weight, with the goal to arrive at 64 kg one week later, on or before October 24th!

aldroid, avatar

@blinry i always find that i lose weight on holiday, regardless of my actual diet. the actual measurable weight gain happens about a fortnight after i return.

blinry, avatar

Wow!! Today, I arrived at my goal weight of 64 kg! \o/

Since I started writing this logbook, almost a year ago, I've lost 24 kg (= 53 lbs)! That means I lost around 2 kg/month, on average.

Really happy and proud that I've made it! This took so much self constraint…

Thanks for keeping me accountable here, y'all! <3

(Graph made with

miketango, avatar

@blinry dude you're doing the opposite of what my receiver does and trust me there's no joy

chiasm, avatar

@blinry congrats!! That is hard work!

GustavinoBevilacqua, avatar


Glad for you!

The good thing about weight loss is you can recover a lot of clothes which some time ago mysteriously "shrink", like my tuxedo, which a dozen of years ago fit perfectly 😄

blinry, avatar

Since 2020, I've lost one third of my weight! I moved from an "L" shirt size to an "S"!

I feel great! Haven't been this thin and fit since many years! 😊

katzenschiff, avatar


  • Loading...
  • katzenschiff, avatar

    @blinry Was hast du gemacht? Kalorien gezählt? ✏️ 🗒️

    blinry, avatar
    blinry, avatar

    Now the challenge will be to stay at this weight!

    I'll start to continuing to track calories for 5 days, but with an allowance of 2000 kcal/day, to re-learn what portion sizes should look like for me.

    After that, @piko had a clever idea: I'll monitor my weight, but I'm free to eat whatever I want until I hit a threshold of, let's say, 67 kg. At that point, I have to start tracking again – so I'm motivated to avoid that! :D

    18+ blinry, avatar

    Eating and cooking whatever I want feels great after so many months of restricting myself! :D

    One month later, I'm now between 65 and 66 kg, which means that I ate around 50 kcal too many per day.

    I'm really motivated to stay at this weight, so I'll start implementing little behavior changes. First rule, which I'll try for a month: Don't eat while focusing on something else (like TV) – with the exception of vegetables!

    18+ blinry, avatar

    Still orbiting around 66 kg! To reiterate, the moment I'm going over 67 kg, my rule is to go back into tracking/calorie restriction mode!

    Which is something I'd really like to avoid! :D So I'm trying to implement other, easier rules to prevent that.

    (Graph made with

    18+ max_power,

    @blinry impressive self control over the first month.

    18+ blinry, avatar

    The "don't eat anything except vegetables while doing something else" rule felt a bit strange, so I modified it to "don't snack anything except vegetables while doing something else" (which means that reading during lunch is fine, for example).

    And I added a second one: Have a protein shake as a default breakfast! Protein generally helps with weight loss, and seems a good addition to my current diet.

    18+ blinry, avatar

    My calendar reminds me to do another weight check-in:

    I hit my "upper barrier" weight of 67 kg on New Year's Eve, and went on a 1200 kcal/day diet again. That wasn't particularly fun, but I'm super used to it by now.

    Two weeks later, I was at 64 kg again. \o/

    (Graph made with

    18+ nblr, avatar

    @blinry Impressive!

    18+ blinry, avatar

    I can see that being my strategy for the foreseeable future: I try to stay in that band, but if I leave it, I can quickly reach the lower end again.

    My current goal is to stay in the band for three months. As an incentive, if I manage to do that, I'll treat myself to a new fountain pen!

    Currently, I'm doing a lot of running, and feel like I can eat a lot, but I should probably add back some additional rules when I touch 66 kg...

    And I wanna weigh myself each day!

    18+ blinry, avatar

    Here's what happened since the last check-in:

    • After 6 weeks "in the band" (and after a trip without access to a bathroom scale) I hit my upper limit of 67 kg again…

    • I started eating 1200 kcal/day.

    • After 4 weeks, I hit the lower limit of 64 kg again.

    I'm fine with this! :) Super used to calorie counting by now. But it'd be even better if I found a way to stay in the band without it…

    18+ blinry, avatar

    I learned that "Slime Mold, Time Mold", a group of hobby scientists on the Internet, are conducting a new Potato Community Trial! This time, you're instructed to eat mostly potatoes, but with your own "riff" added to it!

    So I decided to eat nothing but potatoes, soy products, and chocolate for a month, and see what happens! Spices and oil are allowed, as well.

    Note: I'm doing this because I think it's fun. So far, I don't see a helpful effect in weight maintenance.


    18+ promovicz, avatar

    @blinry it seems like a small band. at the lower end of my weight-scale, I oscillate like that quite easily. doc says it‘s just a sum of factors - hardly any real change. but that‘s obviously individual to some degree.

    18+ sn0opy, avatar

    @blinry were you doing any fitness activities in that time frame as well? Just wondering if you factored in the burned calories as well.

    blinry, avatar

    @sn0opy Jep, calculated the burned calories using Cronometer and added them :) My running days were the best days, because I could eat more!

    18+ pietbear,

    @blinry Mit was hast du das getrackt? damit so ein Graph rauskommt?

    18+ blinry, avatar
    jer, avatar

    @blinry 👏 👏 👏

    neingeist, avatar


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  • katzenschiff, avatar

    @neingeist has a very good TDEE calculator. It's usually a good idea to eat at maintenance for a week and check if you are losing or gaining weight. Then cut around 500kcal/day. But maybe @blinry has a better answer 🤗

    blinry, avatar

    @katzenschiff @neingeist Yeah, that seems reasonable! I also used such an calculator/estimator when I first got started. My tool also tries to estimate your TDEE from what you weight and eat, if you're interested in that! (That's the black line in the lower graph.)

    oxytocinated, avatar


    Ich benutze zum Tracken FDDB.
    Das errechnet mir auch automatisch die aktuelle Kalorienzahl anhand von Größe und Gewicht.
    Hab es vor Jahren empfohlen bekommen, kannte damals viele, die es genutzt haben.
    In der Premiumversion ist wohl auch Meal Prep möglich.


    blinry, avatar

    @oxytocinated @neingeist Ich mag :) Man kann dort zB auch Protein-Ziele einstellen, es hat ne große Produktdatenbank, und die Werbung in der Mobilapp ist mit Blokada 5 leicht blockierbar.

    blindcoder, avatar

    @blinry That's so awesome! Really happy for you!

    daniel_bohrer, avatar

    @blinry :yayblob:

    tikitu, avatar

    @blinry do you mind telling something about the visualisation? (Software, the name for that kind of chart, anything at all really.) I find the intuition of the points “pulling” your line up or down very compelling, wondering about applications for myself.

    Also my respect for your effectiveness, that chart is impressive.

    blinry, avatar

    @tikitu This is made with my software "nom"!

    tikitu, avatar

    @blinry oh well done! Really nice work, cheers

    daniel_bohrer, avatar

    @blinry :-O

    santiago, avatar

    @blinry I am not used to seeing such photo pair without a sales pitch for a magical weight-loss yoghurt! Congratulations :-)

    LangerJan, avatar

    @blinry Remarkable, really wonderful. Congratulations <3


    @blinry Wow! You look like 10 years younger!

    kaMi, avatar

    @blinry Unfassbar. Glückwünsche!! Wie hast Du das geschafft?

    blinry, avatar

    @kaMi Die Antwort ist im Grunde der Thread, der diesem Post vorangeht. :) Konsequentes Tracking, soziale Kontrolle, gezieltes Kochen. Ungefähr so!


    @blinry That's amazing and you can be very proud of you. How do you feel when you see those changes and how do you feel today about how you are right now?

    publicvoit, avatar

    @blinry Wow, consider me impressed! 🙇

    GustavinoBevilacqua, avatar


    👏 👏 👏 👏 👏

    BTW, your fat brother looks older than you 😄

    otacke, avatar

    @blinry Is your low consumption of calories healthy? I am no expert on this, not by far, but continuously fueling your body with close to 50% of the average required intake only makes me worry.

    blinry, avatar

    @otacke I try to be careful, and take an extensive multivitamin while on high caloric deficits.

    It's probably a bit stressful, and sometimes affects my mood. Other than that, I didn't find any reasons it would unhealthy – bodies are great at using their fat reservoirs to compensate for missing energy!

    I got the idea that it's possible to to high deficits like this while reading @erzaehlmirnix / Nadja Hermann's book "Fettlogik überwinden".

    otacke, avatar

    @blinry @erzaehlmirnix Good you keep an eye on this.

    claudius, avatar

    @blinry o you also do some kind of activity tracking? I could imagine this being great with data from Gadgetbridge!

    PurpleShadow, avatar

    @blinry I have some pink jersey fabric leftovers. I can sew you a new t-shirt if you want.


    @blinry good for you. I am very envious.

    suvidu, avatar

    Just wow :-)
    And congratulations!

    katzenschiff, avatar


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  • blinry, avatar

    @katzenschiff Oh, klingt großartig, danke für den Tipp! Hast du bestimmte Episoden/Themen, die dir besonders im Kopf geblieben sind? Da richte ich mich gern nach Empfehlungen bei neuen Podcasts! :)

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