@PurpleShadow@eldritch.cafe avatar



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toplesstopics, to random
@toplesstopics@eldritch.cafe avatar

Me: "the men saying they hope women get mauled for choosing the bear in debate are unhinged"
men commenting on the above video:

@PurpleShadow@eldritch.cafe avatar

@toplesstopics I love it how ready they are to prove our points.

Mela, to random German
@Mela@zusammenkunft.net avatar

Eigentlich hatte ich heute das Handout für das Referat im Seminar zur Geschichtstheorie schreiben wollen. Jetzt habe ich den Nachmittag und Abend damit verbracht, Informationen hinterherzulaufen, den Teams-Account in Gang zu bekommen und mir mit Knoten im Magen Stress zu machen.

Alles für ein Seminar, von dem ich mich jetzt abmelde, weil nicht vernünftig kommuniziert wird.

@PurpleShadow@eldritch.cafe avatar

@Mela internet-drück falls gewollt. Manchmal ist es das beste nicht in der sunken-cost-fallacy rein zu fallen.

Mela, to random German
@Mela@zusammenkunft.net avatar

Cool cool. Also das Seminar, wegen dem ich heute Mittag schon rumgerantet habe?

Heute ist der letzte Tag für die Referatsanmeldung. Ich habe jetzt alle verfügbaren Materialien auf ILIAS durchsucht.

Es ist nirgendwo klar festgehalten, wie/wo man das Referat anmeldet.

Es gibt eine Präsentation von vor einer Woche, da steht drin "bei mir" anmelden.

Auf der Präsentation stehen alle vier Dozenten drauf. Die Präsentation wurde von einer Frau gehalten.

Zwei der Dozenten sind Frauen.

@PurpleShadow@eldritch.cafe avatar

@Mela Ich hätte dir sonst vorgeschlagen dich einfach bei beiden zu melden, aber ich kann verstehen dass du kein Bock mehr darauf hast.

green, to mecfs

«It’s the greatest medical scandal of the 21st century. For decades, patients with ME/CFS (myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome) have been told they can make themselves better by changing their attitudes. This devastating condition, which afflicts about 250,000 people in the UK, was psychologised by many doctors and scientists, adding to the burden of a terrible physiological illness.» written by George Monbiot.
#mecfs @mecfs #MillionsMissing

@PurpleShadow@eldritch.cafe avatar

@gboussard @green @mecfs despite having made the exact same "mistake" with multiple sclerosis.

Mela, to random German
@Mela@zusammenkunft.net avatar

Was Menschen sagen: "Woke Meinungsdiktatur."

Was ich höre: "Ich verachte gesellschaftliche Aushandlungsprozesse darüber, wie wir miteinander umgehen wollen."

@PurpleShadow@eldritch.cafe avatar

@Mela Was ich höre: mimimi, ich kann nicht mehr konsequenzlos mobben.

LLS, to mecfs
@LLS@wandering.shop avatar
@PurpleShadow@eldritch.cafe avatar

@LLS @mecfs According to this game you have a 16,67% probability to be taken seriously by a doctor, which is very optimistic!

girlonthenet, to random
@girlonthenet@mastodon.social avatar

Because it's , every woman is allowed to propose one (1) new law. It must be a silly, low-stakes one which has little impact on society other than to solve one of your pet peeves.

Mine is: 'make it illegal to illustrate articles about female pleasure with photos of someone fingering a piece of fruit.'

WOMEN: what's yours?

@PurpleShadow@eldritch.cafe avatar

@compost @girlonthenet And make the bags uncomfortable or unpractical!

Mela, to random German
@Mela@zusammenkunft.net avatar

Unter meinem Video zur Gedenkfahrt für #Natenom #RIPNatenom kommentiert jemand mit "war er geimpft" und jetzt weiß ich nicht, ob es es mit einem Scherzkeks, Troll oder Vollpfosten zu tun habe …


@PurpleShadow@eldritch.cafe avatar

@Mela Jetzt ehrlich, Querschwurbler scheinen sogar zu glauben, dass Impfungen auch rückwirkend in der Zeit Schaden zufügen.

LLS, to mecfs
@LLS@wandering.shop avatar


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  • PurpleShadow,
    @PurpleShadow@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @LLS I'm so sorry you are still dealing with that. I can only hope that scientists find a way to help us and that the rest of the society starts taking us seriously.

    I'm sending you some good vibes and a bit of warming sunshine if you want to.


    dave, to random
    @dave@social.lightbeamapps.com avatar


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  • PurpleShadow,
    @PurpleShadow@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @dave I wish that people understood that Covid can make you vulnerable, and that "it only affects the vulnerable" is very close to eugenics.

    Mela, to random German
    @Mela@zusammenkunft.net avatar

    Wenn Dich ein Meinungsfreiheitsmaximalist innerhalb eines knappen Dutzend Tweets blockt ... Schnitzt sich eine Kerbe

    @PurpleShadow@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @Mela Meinst du eins von denen die es als Einschränkung der eigener Freiheit sehen wenn andere eine eigene Meinung haben die ungleich der eigene ist?

    Mela, to random German
    @Mela@zusammenkunft.net avatar

    Leichenschmaus im Vereinsheim.

    Am Eingang: ein Handdesinfektionsspender.

    Keine Luftfilter. Keine Lüftungsanlage.

    Mehr noch: bei den Klos ein weiterer Handdesinfektionsspender, mit dem Hinweis, man solle sich unbedingt nach dem Toilettengang die Hände desinfizieren.

    Wir haben nichts in der Pandemie gelernt und das auch noch falsch.

    @PurpleShadow@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @Mela In der Praxis meiner Ergotherapeuting läuft es ähnlich. Sie wollte mich auch damit beruhigen, dass alle Oberflächen regelmäßig desinfeziert werden. Die Maske bleibt bei mir sowas von auf!

    autoerot1ca, to random
    @autoerot1ca@kinky.business avatar

    Health update.

    You may know I had covid 7 weeks ago. It appears it did not leave me without any after effects. So-called #LongCovid now appears to be my present and future reality. Currently, my left lung registers discomfort if I breathe. This will likely pass in time but then I also lost my senses of taste and smell when I got covid and these, as yet, haven't returned. Who knows what wonders await?

    Just be aware that #covid is not a consequenceless disease for everybody even if you were one of the people who just thought it was a cold.

    @PurpleShadow@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @autoerot1ca I'm sorry you got Long Covid.

    About the smell, I read in a LC self-help book that trying to smell everyday can help you recover that part. I don't have my copy here right now, but if I remember well you can get some ethereal oils and try everyday to smell those. You can put one drop on a tissue, and first try smelling while knowing what you are smelling at, and later without knowing beforehand.

    If I remember right, peppermint, lavender and something else are good choices to try to get your smell senses back.

    Good luck :)

    @PurpleShadow@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @autoerot1ca If you don't have ethereal oils at home but you like to drink tea, you can also try to smell said tea.

    Mela, to random German
    @Mela@zusammenkunft.net avatar

    hüstel Ich glaube, ich habe einen gewissen Ruf im Institut weg.

    Dozent rantet über LaTeX und versucht den anderen zu erklären, was LaTeX genau ist
    Sein Blick schweift über die Besatzung des Seminars, bleibt an mir hängen

    "Die Frau Eckenfels weiß natürlich genau von was ich rede ..."

    @PurpleShadow@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @Mela LaTeX ist toll :3

    Mela, to random German
    @Mela@zusammenkunft.net avatar

    Wünscht mir Erfolg.


    @PurpleShadow@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @Mela ich wünsche dir Erfolg.

    nic, to cymru Welsh
    @nic@toot.wales avatar

    Mae un o’r dysgwyr wedi anfon hwn ata i heddi, mae e wedi fy nhiclo. Werth darllen tan y diwedd.

    @PurpleShadow@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @nic (I'm answering in English because I don't speak Welsh plus I don't thrust google translate)

    I love the editor's note though. That was a very elegant "fuck you" towards the colonist Susan Dickson.

    eniko, to random
    @eniko@peoplemaking.games avatar

    Getting real tired of the media gaslighting anyone who still takes covid seriously by trying to claim people who don't want brain damage or heart damage or strokes or ME/CFS or diabetes or nerve pain or a bunch of other issues are just "overly anxious" about covid now and it's because we haven't been given "guidance" on how to "adapt to the new normal"

    Meanwhile, in the land where science has actual meaning, covid is 4x deadlier than the flu, several orders of magnitude more likely to lead to chronic postviral illness, and people enjoying the "new normal" are getting it 1-3 or more times a year whereas I can count the number of times I've had influenza in 40 years on one hand. Also, award winning viral disease experts talk about how important it is to get covid as infrequently as possible

    But sure. I'm just "overly anxious" about getting the brain eating, heart destroying, diabetes inducing, immune system depleting, neuron fusing plague that nobody is trying to stop from spreading anymore

    @PurpleShadow@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @inquiline @eniko my cardiologist asked me why I was wearing a mask. I was there because since my covid infection my heart hasn't been the same.

    Mela, to random German
    @Mela@zusammenkunft.net avatar

    Zwei Studentinnen, die sich beim Husten abwechseln, im Hörsaal gehabt. Keine sichtbare Lüftung, kein Fenster offen. Ich fühle mich mit Maske und Mini-HEPA-Filter nicht übervorbereitet.

    @PurpleShadow@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @Mela Darf ich fragen welchen Filter du da hast?

    Mela, (edited ) to random German
    @Mela@zusammenkunft.net avatar

    Nuff said:

    @PurpleShadow@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @Mela was zur Hölle soll ein Aromapraktiker sein? Ich bin mir nicht sicher ob ich es wissen will, auch wenn ich frage, vor allem weil es so nach Esoterik klingt :/

    blinry, to random
    @blinry@chaos.social avatar

    TIL: Toilet paper origami! 😍


    @PurpleShadow@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @blinry Aw! Eine Krokodil-Fee!

    augieray, to random
    @augieray@mastodon.social avatar

    I dedicate this post to everyone who keeps saying, “COVID is just the flu now.”

    In the most recent complete report weeks:

    #COVID19 hospitalizations: 15,756
    #Flu hospitalizations: 1,607

    COVID deaths: 1,262
    Flu deaths: 14

    Most COVID deaths in a week THIS YEAR: 3,866

    Most flu deaths in a week SINCE 2019: 1,048

    Yep, exactly the same!




    @PurpleShadow@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @augieray But the economy!

    (Never mind that rich people need alive and healthy workers to keep making a profit)

    blinry, to random
    @blinry@chaos.social avatar

    "Cutting video files with GNU Emacs editor is easy." 😆

    @PurpleShadow@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @blinry I didn't know that operating system also has a video editor.

    Did you know it also has a psychologist?

    DenisCOVIDinfoguy, to auscovid19
    @DenisCOVIDinfoguy@aus.social avatar

    Doctor wrong on long COVID’s link to jabs.

    A prominent vaccine sceptic claims a German study proves vaccination causes long COVID.

    This is false. The study, which explores the risk of developing long COVID when compared to previous infections, vaccination status and virus variants, makes no such claim.

    “This study provides no evidence or even suggestion that vaccination causes long COVID," Professor Baker said


    Source: https://www.aap.com.au/factcheck/doctor-wrong-on-long-covids-link-to-jabs/

    @PurpleShadow@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @DenisCOVIDinfoguy @auscovid19 there are people who got long covid before vaccines where available. Somehow this is something that anti-vax people don't like to hear.

    jonny, (edited ) to random
    @jonny@neuromatch.social avatar

    Helping someone debug something, said they asked chatgpt about what a series of bit shift operations were doing. He thought it was actually evaluating the code, yno like it presents itself as doing. Instead its example was a) not the code he put in, with b) incorrect annotations, and c) even more incorrect sample outputs. Has been doing this all day and had just started considering maybe chatGPT was wrong.

    I was like first of all never do that again, and explained how chatGPT wasnt doing anything like what he thought it was doing. We spent 2 minutes isolating that code, printing out the bit string after each operation, and he immediately understood what was going on.

    I fucking hate these LLMs. Empowerment is learning how to figure things out, how to make tools for yourself and how to debug problems. These things are worse than disempowering, teaching people to be dependent on something that teaches them bullshit.

    Edit: too many ppl reading this as "this person bad at programming" - not what I meant. Criticism is of deceptive presentation of LLMs.

    @PurpleShadow@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @jonny Playing with ChatGPT in the past, it even began to make up words that didn't exist. I never told it to do so.

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