br00t4c, to Florida avatar
philip_cardella, to random avatar

So. I just submitted my final work of the term. And of the degree. Unless something weird happens, I have a graduate degree in history!!

HistoPol, avatar



...equal than others. And then there's

b) The are inexorably moving towards a , at least in the states that have , if you also factor in the by the various agencies.
You don't even need to keep in mind the playbook, the draft version of 's *( of 1933), to see that trend.

@GottaLaff wrote...

openrightsgroup, to humanrights avatar

🚨 Prevent is a UK surveillance export 🚨

Under the pretense of safeguarding, the programme harvests and retains people's data, mostly children, even when no action is taken.

We need to stop Prevent before it becomes a global problem.

Read this new report by Rights and Security International: "The UK is helping Indonesia violate freedom of religion, risks complicity in torture and disappearances." ⬇️

ploum, to random French avatar
tamarin, avatar

Soyez un héros, passez en manuel !

"Ce qui est fascinant c’est à quel point ces outils permettent de diluer la responsabilité. Les militaires obéissent aux ordres, les commanditaires disent se fier aux algorithmes, les programmeurs que la responsabilité incombe aux collecteurs de données et ces derniers prétendent ne faire que collecter des données, ne rien en inférer ni décider...."

Par @ploum

greenpete, to privacy avatar

"If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear."
Ex undercover cop, would disagree!
Video clip taken from Big Brother Watch - 'Confessions of a former undercover cop

Video of a bold, middle age white man sitting in a chair.

fsf, to random avatar

Did someone say ? Encryption helps protect the privacy of people you communicate with, and makes life difficult for bulk systems. Learn more with our Email Self Defense guide:

msquebanh, to Israel avatar

at top have also set up solidarity camps. and have followed a similar pattern to the ones in the United States, with students demanding their institutions cut ties with companies that supply 's military. organiser Jasmine Alrawi has more on the .


msquebanh, avatar

The sound of buzzing #surveillance #drones over #Gaza played from a loudspeaker on the steps of #UCBerkeley’s Sproul Hall, on the very spot where Mario Salvo rallied for free speech in the 1960s. A #student #encampment of about 40 tents at the campus on Tuesday, up from 12 the night before, spanned the landing and sprawled onto the grass.

BarbChamberlain, to random avatar

I cannot fully capture how creepy it is to walk past a neighbor's driveway to get to the bus stop about 20 ft past it and an externally mounted camera says "Hi. You are being recorded."

Any suggestions for a sign that I turn towards the camera as I go by? I don't want to be as unneighborly as their camera is and I don't know what possible past behavior or circumstances they're responding to but they're creating an atmosphere I don't want.

#surveillance #neighborhood #FearItself

BarbChamberlain, avatar

I'm thinking along the lines of some humorous signs to hold up to my neighbor's surveillance camera that tells me I'm being recorded as I walk past on the sidewalk. Along these lines:

  • Does my hair look good today?
  • Don't you love this outfit?
  • I'll be back later with snacks.
  • I'm looking forward to the highlight reel.

WA state law doesn't give me the right to an expectation of privacy on a sidewalk but it's still creepy.
#surveillance #neighborhood

technotion, to Palestine avatar
jsrailton, to poland avatar

NEW: "shocking and depressing"

"...even in this room I am speaking to people who were victims of this system"

#Poland's prosecutor general testifies to 🇵🇱#polish parliament about hacking of 100s with #Pegasus spyware.


#polska #cybersecurity #spyware #malware #infosec #surveillance #EU #Europe


fsf, to random avatar

Did someone say ? Encryption helps protect the privacy of people you communicate with, and makes life difficult for bulk systems. Learn more with our Email Self Defense guide:

br00t4c, to Canada avatar
strypey, to journalism avatar

"New Zealand is far, far too small to bring the likes of Netflix, Google and Facebook to heel. California for example, is said to be the fifth largest economy in the world. Yet Meta and Google are threatening to cut off news items (and searches) about California if the state proceeds with... legislation [that] would require the social media giants to pay a “journalism useage fee” for linking to news sites based in California."

, 2024

strypey, avatar

"Meta also records that 234 such requests [for personal data] were made to it by the New Zealand government during the same period. That sort of thing explains why the real answer is not a selective ban imposed solely on Tiktok, but a comprehensive law to protect data privacy for all, from all, by all."

, 2024

br00t4c, to random avatar

The Next US President Will Have Troubling New Surveillance Powers

simulatedchollas, to tech avatar

“Former [Canadian] prime minister’s fund controls and is the main investor in Israeli company that developed AI-based facial recognition tech being used by IDF on Palestinians”

clarinette, to random avatar
jsrailton, to poland avatar

NEW: female army officers that reported sexual harassment... were hacked with .

Official confirmations from 's AG keep shedding light on more apparent spyware abuses by past gov.

Link [in PL]:

jsrailton, to privacy avatar

"Citizen, leave a copy of your home keys at the police station."

Hmm, people won't like that.

How about, "home-builders have a social responsibility ...[and must give police copies of all house keys]"

Much better.

taking another stab at the encryption fight.

xynthia, to Wyze French avatar

Loi JO: des supporteurs de football en première ligne face aux algorithmes de surveillance

@france -

Alors que la préfecture de police de Paris teste ce dimanche, pour la première fois, la vidéosurveillance algorithmique lors de la rencontre Paris Saint-Germain - Olympique lyonnais, certains fans de football s’inquiètent de l’impact potentiel de cette technologie sur leurs libertés.

#Police #Caméra #Surveillance #JO2024 #Football

br00t4c, to random avatar
Tutanota, to random avatar

With the US Senate agreeing to reauthorize #FISA there has been no better time to start using end-to-end #encryption. 🔒

We don't need more #surveillance. 🕵️

Please contact your representatives and say NO to warrantless surveillance!


br00t4c, to random avatar

Controversial US surveillance program (briefly?) lapses amid congressional dysfunction

remixtures, to ai Portuguese avatar

#Surveillance #PoliticalEconomy #AI #SyntheticData: "Surveillance of human subjects is how data-intensive companies obtain much of their data, yet surveillance increasingly meets with social and regulatory resistance. Data-intensive companies are thus seeking other ways to meet their data needs. This article explores one of these: the creation of synthetic data, or data produced artificially as an alternative to real-world data. I show that capital is already heavily invested in synthetic data. I argue that its appeal goes beyond circumventing surveillance to accord with a structural tendency within capitalism toward the autonomization of the circuit of capital. By severing data from human subjectivity, synthetic data contributes to the automation of the production of automation technologies like machine learning. A shift from surveillance to synthesis, I argue, has epistemological, ontological, and political economic consequences for a society increasingly structured around data-intensive capital."

eff, to random avatar

Until abortion access is fully legal, digital surveillance poses a significant threat. We’ve gotten better at answering questions about how to keep each other safe. Here’s what we’ve learned. #abortion #surveillance

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