evan, (edited )
@evan@cosocial.ca avatar

In a public online conversation, how many replies to a single person can you have before you should move to a private conversation?

@flancian@social.coop avatar

@evan I love it when the least conservative option comes ahead in a poll :D

@evan@cosocial.ca avatar

Well, this got exciting.

My rule of thumb is 3.

Another rule of thumb is: can I get the person I am talking with to talk about changing spaces? If not, we are probably in a lot of conflict and shouldn't keep talking.

@evan@cosocial.ca avatar

I looked up the Netiquette RFC 1855.


Here's what it had to say.

"Watch cc's when replying. Don't continue to include people if the messages have become a 2-way conversation."


"If you should find yourself in a disagreement with one person, make your responses to each other via mail rather than continue to send messages to the list or the group. If you are debating a point on which the group might have some interest, you may summarize for them later."

@evan@cosocial.ca avatar

Wise words!

evan, (edited )
@evan@cosocial.ca avatar

Two things I wish I'd asked differently:

  • I was thinking in particular of shared spaces like mailing lists, forums, wiki pages, or chat rooms. Where two people talking a lot crowds out other people. I wish I'd said, "In a conversation in a shared online space, ..."

  • I was thinking of ways to move things out of the shared space; less about direct messages. I wish I'd said, "...a more private conversation" or "...a 1-on-1 conversation"

@evan@cosocial.ca avatar

As I said elsewhere in this thread, the key for me is if other people can opt out of your thread without leaving the entire shared space.

@aeva@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@evan ooooh I for some reason thought the poll meant on here specifically and so I was very confused because it is very common to have long interesting conversations in reply threads here

@evan@cosocial.ca avatar

@aeva well,

@aeva@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@evan awkward turtle

@aeva@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@evan I, uh, I'll just bcc myself out

@evan@cosocial.ca avatar

@aeva sorry I was the one to have to tell you

@evan@cosocial.ca avatar

@aeva I mean, having a 20-reply conversation in someone else's thread is kind of annoying; especially if you keep everyone else mentioned.


@evan I assumed that “public conversation” meant services such as this one, if not exclusively, then in first position. Clearly that was a misinterpretation. But it points to the fact that there is no one standard, acceptable practice is inherently tied to the particular medium in which the discussion takes place.


Especially in ephemeral conversation like IRC, it also depends how busy the space is while the conversation is happening

if it's mostly dead, go ahead


@evan would this be more like removing people who are not participating from the @ mentions than taking the chat private? My threshold for that is a lot lower.

@evan@cosocial.ca avatar

@jph sounds about right for Mastodon!

@evan@cosocial.ca avatar

@jph yes

@thisismissem@hachyderm.io avatar

@evan I almost wish Mastodon and other social software had this as a built in “hey, you’ve been back-and-forthing with a specific person but CC'ing heaps of others, maybe you should just not include them?” feature.

Very often on my moderation posts I get people going off on their on topics, and I get alllll the notifications for that and it's exhausting.

@evan@cosocial.ca avatar

@thisismissem Look, if we're going to start social engineering, we should probably have an AYS popup any time a man responds to a woman.

@evan@cosocial.ca avatar
@thisismissem@hachyderm.io avatar

@evan I mean... you said it, not me 🤪

@jamesmarshall@sfba.social avatar

@evan the ancient ways are sometimes the best.

@kat@stareinto.space avatar

@evan Not a number, but: if someone else joining the conversation would be unwanted/intrusive. Keeping a conversation public usually means other people are invited to join it.


@evan if the conversation stays on topic, eg started chatting about operating system issues, then stay public.
If it branches into "hey Dave, not seen you in ages, how's the kids" then take it to a new thread or private.



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  • evan,
    @evan@cosocial.ca avatar

    @brion this doesn't mention the fediverse. It says, "public online conversation."

    That could be on a mailing list, forum, wiki talk page, or in a chat room.

    Any shared space for discussion.



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  • evan,
    @evan@cosocial.ca avatar

    @brion has anyone ever asked you to move a conversation elsewhere?

    @evan@cosocial.ca avatar

    @brion a more common process in wiki world is to create a sub-page of a talk page. Like, this conversation has gotten so big, we need to move it to its own space to leave room for everything else.

    @jonny@social.coop avatar

    a contextual no limit! some conversations are really good to be had publicly, even if just between two people - I have learned a lot from two domain experts talking about something I'm interested in, if they're comfortable/it makes sense to have gawking onlookers

    @mrcopilot@mstdn.social avatar

    @evan I do not think a rule by enumeration is appropriate in this instance.

    Is the conversation on topic, informative, useful reference material, or amusing?

    Yes? Then it could be a 1000.

    No? Then it could be as little as 1 before they are removed from the on-topic public conversation depending on their tone and response to reminding.

    If the conversation requires private or personal information then a change a forum is appropriate. (For Me)

    @swetland@chaos.social avatar

    @evan I think it's really situational, depending on the particular public venue, the topic, and the people involved.

    @usul@piaille.fr avatar

    @evan it depends

    @BlippyTheWonderSlug@social.cologne avatar

    That's too variable a line to simply assign a digit to: a LOT depends on context, content, and intent.

    @greg@aus.social avatar

    @evan I voted 5+ but also in general I support the poster having a lot of control so it’s up to them.

    @dneary@mathstodon.xyz avatar

    @evan I said 3, but I think it depends on whether the other participants are still getting anything out of the conversation.

    @evan@cosocial.ca avatar

    @dneary fair. One sign that they're not is that you've had 3 back and forths and nobody else replied.

    @jamesmarshall@sfba.social avatar

    @evan great question! I've wondered this myself. Various thoughts:

    • it depends on both the medium, and how relevant the discussion stays to the original thread.

    • when it gets personal (including "I'm the smartest" chest-bumping threads) I take it to DMs or just stop participating.

    • as a reader, I often enjoy back-and-forth discussions between two other people, even when I don't favorite any posts (like if I'm still undecided on an issue but value their possibly opposing ideas). I don't mind muting conversations when it's too much, if it's possible to mute conversations.

    • a compromise solution is just to remove @ mentions of everyone except the immediate replier. This way, those people aren't bugged with notifications, yet the conversation is still public for those who are interested.

    These aren't strong opinions, though, and I'm happy to follow any relevant community guidelines wherever I am.


    @evan If you're OP or talking to OP, as many as you want. If it's 2 commenters probably 3 deep w/o any acknowledgement from OP (like/comment) is time to move on, esp if it's gotten off topic.


    @evan this poll is missing a "never" option. I don't consider it appropriate to take a public conversation private unless there's some information which cannot be shared in public necessary to continue the conversation. In practice, this does not occur because the conversation ends at that point.

    @evan@cosocial.ca avatar
    @carbontwelve@notacult.social avatar

    @evan really depends how well you know the person.

    Switching from public posts to unlisted is probably fine for the majority of cases.

    @stefan@gardenstate.social avatar

    @evan I think it depends on the algorithm and who sees the convo. I still get confused who sees posts between people on mastodon.


    @evan It's not about the number of replies. Is it on topic? Stay on thread. Is it reeally far on a tangent? Create a new thread.

    Going private? I'm here to have public conversations. Going private would be for if someone needs a stern talking to and you don't want to shame them in public, or if the conversation becomes too personal to have in the open.

    @evan@cosocial.ca avatar

    @clacke the question isn't about just here. It's about public online conversations. Mailing lists, forums, wiki pages.

    @benpate@mastodon.social avatar

    The truth I pull from this is that whatever people "should" do, you can be certain that plenty won't do that. They'll do whatever the "wrong" thing is.. most of the time.

    I get the idea that culture and norms are good. But the past few years have demonstrated that they cannot be relied on -- especially in terms of a well-run technology stack.


    @mce@cosocial.ca avatar

    @evan by default conversations between individuals, unless they’re designed from the outset to be public (like an open question that one person answers) feel like a phone call. Shouting on speaker in a public space feels like noise pollution.

    Conversations with multiple people are pretty much public by nature.

    By the time I get to my second reply I am very much wondering “should this be taken off-line?”. This being a poll is, of course, is public and exempted ;)

    @sarajw@front-end.social avatar

    @evan I wouldn't tell two people in the pub or bar who are having a conversation in public to "get a room"

    @evan@cosocial.ca avatar

    @sarajw two people at your table of five, who are having a conversation, and don't do anything to include you or others, or check to see if you're interested in listening?

    You wouldn't start another conversation among the other three?

    @sarajw@front-end.social avatar

    @evan are we discussing two people just @-ing eachother here on Mastodon, or also including a string of other mentions of people who haven't responded in ages? As I feel the latter is closer to the example you give of people on a table together.

    If two people are having a conversation in public that's totally fine to me tbh? Maybe they keep it in public because they welcome input, or because it feels a bit too weirdly private to make them into direct messages?

    @sarajw@front-end.social avatar

    @evan also... It's totally okay for two people in a social group to be in a slightly separate conversation. Often in pubs or at dinner parties that's what happens anyway, people sort of pair off into mini-chats.

    It can be annoying to be third-wheeled, but normally this stuff shakes out. People move seats, or visit the restroom, and by the time they come back the dynamic or topics of conversations have changed.

    @sarajw@front-end.social avatar

    @evan here on Mastodon... Turn off replies for a bit if it bugs you, I guess. I do that sometimes. But I also sometimes butt in on a two person thread on public if I think I can join in :)

    @evan@cosocial.ca avatar

    @sarajw I love it!

    @evan@cosocial.ca avatar

    @sarajw absolutely. When we're occupying shared space, we can shift to let others enjoy that shared space too.

    @sarajw@front-end.social avatar

    @evan sounds like we're in agreement then, and it wasn't clear to me in what arena we were talking about.

    Yes, if your two-person conversation is pinging a bunch of people that aren't participating, you should remove whatever mechanism it is that keeps pinging all the others.

    Otherwise, chat/debate away to your heart's content tbh.

    On here I only go private if I'm say showing a photo that includes my family, or wanting to say something to them that might be a sensitive topic to someone else.


    @evan IMO, the number of replies is irrelevant. The conversation should be made private if/when the content becomes too sensitive to share publicly, and unlisted/soft-private when it becomes irrelevant to anyone outside of the conversation.

    @evan@cosocial.ca avatar

    @hazelnoot so, someone in your replies starts a conversation with someone else, and they go 10 posts deep only talking to each other, and you're like, thanks folks, please keep cc'ing me and everyone else in the thread?

    You are more patient than I am.

    @Andres@mastodon.hardcoredevs.com avatar

    My vote is 5 or more, but it really depends on the topic and if people seem interested in participating (ex. Fav or RT replies) some very interesting conversation can expand for many replies in backs and forwards and going private could mean that it doesn't get shared.
    Otherwise if the topic gets personal, including personal experiences or asking for a pause (totally valid) it could go into private very quickly.

    @evan@cosocial.ca avatar

    @Andres by definition, nobody else is participating. It's just you and one other person.

    @Andres@mastodon.hardcoredevs.com avatar

    @evan yeah, if no one else is participating I would say yes to 2 or 3 replies then go private.
    It's rare tho, people like to interject and talk their views here, it's very nice to see.

    @evan@cosocial.ca avatar

    @Andres not necessarily here. I find it most egregious on mailing lists, but it also happens in chat rooms or wiki talk pages.

    @Andres@mastodon.hardcoredevs.com avatar

    @evan I'm not very experienced on the ambiance for every case.
    I guess that on mailing lists people are discussing some specific topic, not going at each other without a defined argument counter-argument.

    @tezoatlipoca@mas.to avatar

    @evan It depends. When I start flirting with you and complimenting you on your moustache, that might be when.

    @g@irrelephant.co avatar

    @evan if there’s threading, and both sides wanna participate in publicly… go for it!

    @evan@cosocial.ca avatar

    @g really? There's no point where you'd say, hey, we're taking up a lot of mental bandwidth in this chat room/mailing list/social network group, nobody else is interested, and maybe we should make room for other conversations?

    @g@irrelephant.co avatar

    @evan If there’s threads, then it isn’t taking bandwidth from innocent bystanders 😂

    For example a slack thread won’t notify people who didn’t talk in the thread, people can unsubscribe for notifications even if they did participate, and everyone else in the channel won’t notice anything unless they dig in the thread

    @evan@cosocial.ca avatar

    @g so, if no one else has to see it, I'd call that a private conversation.

    @g@irrelephant.co avatar

    @evan Well, it’s public but not « in your face », I guess it’s technically not confidential yet not annoying either.

    At how many replies are we now? 😅

    @evan@cosocial.ca avatar

    @g three! We should take this private!

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