StillIRise1963, (edited ) avatar

"Students at Florida public schools will now learn that Black people benefitted from slavery because it taught them skills. This change is part of the African American history standards the State Board of Education approved at a Wednesday meeting."

*Obviously, I copied the text from the article. Now, the article has changed, so I deleted the second paragraph. It said "...violence perpetrated BY African Americans, it now says "on."

philip_cardella, avatar

@StillIRise1963 I literally told my high schoolers that I will reward them if a teacher says that and they stand up and say, "Now that's some fucking bull shit right there."

If they get suspended I'll be proud and have standing for telling the principal to his face (both schools have male principals) and joining a lawsuit.


@philip_cardella @StillIRise1963 Any high school student who stands up to racism in public schools and gets punished, should ABSOLUTELY INCLUDE THE INCIDENT IN THEIR COLLEGE ESSAYS.

They will be admitted to better colleges.

Bravery, everywhere, by everyone who stands up to racism is gonna be hot, hot, hot, I predict.

StillIRise1963, avatar

@KT This is true. @philip_cardella


@KT @philip_cardella @StillIRise1963

Only way I'd accept a student coming out of Florida is if they actively demonstrated they aren't bigots. I don't mean answering a question during an interview... I mean actively standing up against racism while they were at school.

otherwise, I'm going to assume they were indoctrinated by white supremacists.

Sorry... but you make a racism an official part of your state, I'm going to assume everything coming out of the state is racist.

philip_cardella, avatar

@Mxhrad @KT @StillIRise1963 my kids will be coming out of this state.

I'm an angry liberal and in grad school for history at a public Florida university and all of my kids history teachers so far have been angry too and all of my profs even angrier.

Miami Dade County went for Biden by 7 pts, Broward by 30 and Palm Beach County 16 (I think). Those counties have ~6m people.

It'd be helpful if the rest of the nation didn't assume we don't exist.


@philip_cardella @KT @StillIRise1963

I know you exist. Tell your kids to be actively antiracist and put it in their college applications. Otherwise, I'm going to assume you're ok with it because the majority of Floridians are accepting this. This isn't just politics. Why aren't those 6 million people doing more? Have a general strike. Have large protests. Picket the racists' homes. Civil disobedience. Until then, I can't be sure that what is coming out of Florida isn't racist.

chris, avatar


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  • Mxhrad,

    @chris @philip_cardella

    Oh yes, white guy telling me I'm "privileged" because I find Florida's racist education policies unacceptable. Amazing.

    chris, avatar


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  • Mxhrad,


    "running" from what? I'm not a Floridian. My state isn't doing the shit your state is doing (they're doing the opposite, in fact).

    "Whitesplaining" - I'm not white.

    What are you guys doing? It's been over a decade of worse and worse bigoted policies in your state & you've done nothing. This isn't normal politics. Let me know when you hold massive protests & stop Florida's economy. Anything less is cowardice.

    I don't fucking need to be insulted by a guy "whitesplaing" to me. blocked.


    @philip_cardella @Mxhrad @StillIRise1963 and also. Kids are never at fault for the state they grow up in.


    @KT @philip_cardella @StillIRise1963

    High schoolers are old enough to know when they're part of a racist system. That's why I said, I would consider them if they were actively antiracist.


    @Mxhrad @philip_cardella @StillIRise1963 not really. Brain development isn’t done until mid 20’s. Most high school students are focused on other things. Please dont pull me into this. I understand where you are coming from, but having taught in high school and colleges, I don’t agree. The value of the education is a secondary consideration for college. Kids from poor places in the Deep South deserve the best secondary Ed they can get.


    @Mxhrad @philip_cardella @StillIRise1963 and even young racists can be educated out of their dumbass beliefs, if we afford them a chance to learn and grow. Colleges will not consider the Students state politics in their admissions policies, or we are really fucked. I know my college system (SUNY) won’t.


    @Mxhrad @philip_cardella @StillIRise1963 on the other hand, we have kicked students out for racist acts. But that is educational for those students too. And tons of racist students come out of blue states, I can promise you that.


    @KT @philip_cardella @StillIRise1963

    Sure, there are racists everywhere, but if my state starts teaching kids that black people benefited form slavery - you bet I'd immediately stop working and work with others to grind the economy to a standstill. Until you do that... I refuse to believe most Floridians aren't racist.

    philip_cardella, avatar

    @Mxhrad @KT @StillIRise1963 well that's a block. Sorry. Don't have time for someone who writes off the whole state.

    I'd try to explain but you don't seem interested.


    @StillIRise1963 @KT @philip_cardella Same.

    We color states red or blue as if they’re only one thing, and as if voter suppression doesn’t exist. I, too, get frustrated with the red states, but there are lots of blue voters in red states. I’m not willing to condemn or abandon them.

    StillIRise1963, avatar

    @MistyAtBoulder I think on some level, we don't know how to think about these states. While there are certainly pockets of hostages within them, there are also seriously dangerous fuckwads who threaten all of us and the people who voted for them. Do we see these states as under siege, or occupied or are they willful parts of the confederacy, meaning traitors?🤔 @KT @philip_cardella


    @KT @philip_cardella @StillIRise1963 Indeed. They’re -on a good day- hateful and cruel. The majority are irredeemable, willful Confederates - but a sizable minority are under siege. Those are the people I want to protect and support.

    I don’t know how to change the Confederates, but the protections of a renewed VRA that applies to every state would be a good first step for their victims. Not nearly enough, I know, but a step at least.

    philip_cardella, avatar

    @StillIRise1963 @MistyAtBoulder @KT Florida voted for Obama twice and for DeSantis by 30,000 in 2018.

    Then DeSantis won by a wide margin in 2022 while voter participation among Black people went into free fall after he arrested Black people for voting and put it on TV, purged voter roles and laughed while the DNC and DCCC pulled their money out of the state.

    It's under siege. So is Texas. The GOP can't win the White House without BOTH so they cheat in these states the most.

    cdarwin, avatar


    @StillIRise1963 @MistyAtBoulder @kt

    "They cheat in these states the most."

    "DeSantis arrested Black people for voting and put it on TV, purged voter roles and laughed while the DNC and DCCC pulled their money out of the state."

    IAmDannyBoling, avatar


    This comment from the article is 1000% correct:

    "'The law says that students must not feel guilt over past actions of people of the same race'

    "The feeling they want to ensure our children don't experience is not guilt, it's empathy."

    This is exactly what they want. Fascists want all the empathy and compassion we have for other humans to be completely removed from our souls.

    Like they've done to themselves.


    @StillIRise1963 I should have stated this, but that bullshit is so craven and wrong and offensive and obviously a lie, that I don’t have words sufficient to describe how deeply offensive I find that morally bankrupt lie. There was nothing that was not profoundly evil and morally rotten about slavery. Especially the race-based chattel slavery of the US.


    @MistyAtBoulder @StillIRise1963

    "It is hatred which confines us.

    Often in bonds that cannot be broken."


    @StillIRise1963 We must always be aware of any new acts of erasure. These attacks are more in the open now, but this type of alternate reality being presented is not new. They're just emboldened.

    This is white nationalism. This is racism. This is hate.

    Example here is how textbooks present information in different ways depending on which state it's in.

    StillIRise1963, avatar

    @kv Thanks! This is awesome.


    @StillIRise1963 you are most welcome! Knowledge is power and very awesome.



    Republicunts have no shame. There are people alive who have 2nd hand accounts of slavery direct from the source. Slavery was 160 years ago. There are 80+ year olds who heard directly from their grandparents, who were slaves, about how evil slavery was. Slavery is still within living memory.

    I hate fascists.

    StillIRise1963, avatar

    @atatassault Yep. My great grandfather, the husband of the woman in my avatar, my mom's grandfather, was born enslaved.

    Oldfartrant, avatar

    @atatassault @StillIRise1963
    Yes, and Ron DeSantis and the people of Florida would enslave people again if they thought they could get away with it.


    @StillIRise1963 I am sure this is entirely not news to you but, for the record since I only started learning about Gullah Geechee culture recently and want to share with anyone else like me: enslaved people were explicitly targeted FOR THEIR SKILLS and brought to the US to do labor their enslavers did not know how to do themselves.

    paninid, avatar
    StillIRise1963, avatar

    @whetstone This is really interesting. Thanks for sharing. ❤️ I've always been fascinated but the Gullah. A friend of mine is a Gullah scholar.


    @StillIRise1963 so Florida is saying slavery was a trade school for kidnapped blacks

    tombarkas, avatar

    @StillIRise1963 @_L1vY_ of course, they didn’t have skills in Africa…

    CStamp, avatar


    _L1vY_, avatar

    @CStamp @tombarkas @StillIRise1963 So many things already chasing away decent normal teachers.

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


    mstrmustache, avatar

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @StillIRise1963

    Seeing as how the slavery that is still legal (prison labor) is big business AND called "job training" it looks like they already do.


    @StillIRise1963 That’s the craziest shit I ever heard. It’s like saying a rape was beneficial because it taught the person a new sexual position. Fucking insane point of view. These people are just gross to think this way.

    holyramenempire, avatar

    @HellaPterodactylSkills @StillIRise1963 They say stuff like THAT, too. Then they turn around and say that rapists are on the loose because of liberal prosecutors, or whatever else. It's absurd.

    StillIRise1963, avatar

    @holyramenempire It doesn't matter which words they use to rationalize controlling and oppressing women. We need to stay out of the weeds and just focus on the outcome. They want you all tangled up with bullshit. @HellaPterodactylSkills

    holyramenempire, avatar


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  • StillIRise1963, avatar

    @holyramenempire Just ignore that shit. They want your mind consumed with their nonsense. @HellaPterodactylSkills

    mentallyalex, avatar

    @StillIRise1963 I will never forgive the governing body of Florida for causing such unchecked anger and neglect.

    Every business in Florida should pull up stakes. Every sane person in the state should vote out and actively protest every decision these fascists are making.

    The state is no longer compliant with the American standard and regardless of what we feel about that standard, it should be adhered to. You don't get to pick and choose education.

    DeSantis has overstepped and this should not be allowed.

    seanalan, avatar

    @StillIRise1963 this is crazy and infuriating and …


    @StillIRise1963 OK, this reminded this old white lady to renew her membership in the NAACP. Suggestions on who else to Rage Donate to?

    StillIRise1963, avatar

    @Piranesia I'm going to boost your post because I bet others have better suggestions than I do.


    @StillIRise1963 hurts to see this some kids will grow up thinking those teachings are facts

    paulc, avatar

    @StillIRise1963 This ignores the skills that Black people had before they were enslaved. The rice plantations were designed and built by Black slaves from northern Africa. They were enslaved because of their knowledge.

    KanaMauna, avatar

    @StillIRise1963 Only evil people would make this argument.



    The only option is to - don't travel and if you have an option don't purchase anything made by Florida companies.

    If you still do any business with Florida knowing this, you're pretty damn racist yourself.

    This is not even subtle... this is 1840's-level pro-slavery white-supremacy.


    @StillIRise1963 The state of Florida essentIally has declared war on Black history -- and should be treated accordingly.


    @StillIRise1963 that is just completely fucked up... Teachers are actually saying this.? None of the teachers or administrators or saying I am not teaching that lie. What about higher education? I mean I believe it. It is just very fucked up.

    morachbeag, avatar

    @StillIRise1963 There is no limit to their audacity.

    matty, avatar

    @StillIRise1963 I was looking at that article and click on the link to Florida's public school plan about and christ..

    Also interesting that they use "blacks" instead of just black people as I keep reading that PDF

    Here's the link for anyone want to look at it as well.


    @StillIRise1963 many analogies can I come up with to point out the absurd logic of this bs...

    Let's see; "Rape is beneficial because it teaches sex education"
    "Spanking is beneficial becuase it teaches fighting skills"
    "Driving drunk is beneficial because it teaches driving skills"
    "Etc, etc, etc..."

    This is the kind of racist bs that gets throw around right before the fascist dictator takeover.

    Threadbane, avatar

    @julescelt01 @StillIRise1963
    Merely sharing a humorous memory of the 60s. There was a track star runner, Olympics grade, Michel Jazy, who during training smoked French Gauloises cigarettes, mustard gas grade smoke, to make running harder, then quit two weeks before a meet, which he would win, of course, thereby proving the efficacy of his training regime!

    StillIRise1963, avatar

    @Threadbane Omg. That's so crazy! I stopped smoking 17 years ago, and I still miss it. I'll never do it again unless we're all going down. 😁 @julescelt01

    Threadbane, avatar

    @StillIRise1963 @julescelt01
    Stopped October 2016 after going to the ER with exacerbation of COPD. I have had absolutely no desire for tobacco in any form since. None. Smoked for 56 years. A lot.

    StillIRise1963, avatar

    @julescelt01 Yep. Right before.

    mousey, avatar


    War is peace!
    Freedom is slavery!
    Ignorance is strength!!


    @StillIRise1963 this really burns me up. I am not surprised to hear of individuals holding such misguided beliefs, but a governing body ( and it’s whipmaster party) doing so is - or should be- beyond the pale. I never expected to see such mental and societal degradation in my life. We must stop this at all costs.


    @StillIRise1963 Here’s the link to the document being discussed here,


    @StillIRise1963 Part in question may be at the bottom of pp6.

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