Nerrad, avatar

“Did any user in the world want a user-tracking and ad platform baked directly into their browser? Probably not, but this is Google, and they control Chrome, and this probably still won’t make people switch to Firefox.”


Their idea is that is hides all the user info from advertising companies. Downside is your browser is an ad slot machine.

Which is best?

Tracked or ad machine?

I’m more surprised people aren’t talking about the fact that since it’s running on the client side, someone would just figure out a way to hack and block all the ads even easier.

wizardbeard, avatar

This also further consolidates Google’s advertising power. Block all their competitors from gathering the information and give them a neutered “topics list”. Google still maintains every ability to allow their own products and ad platform to bypass and use the full information.

squid_slime, avatar

They are an ad company first. But yep now google will be the main advertiser in town


It hides user information from companies which aren’t Google. The best is not using anything Chromium based.

Extensions require APIs from the browser to work, and Google is going to nerf the APIs which allow for ad blocking. Extensions don’t have unfettered access to the DOM. FF used to be like that, but Chrome never allowed that.


Because the entire design of it is to mathematically prevent you from having the option to hack or block the ads. THe way to get around it is to… not use chrome.

Neato, avatar

You’re thinking about it the wrong way. How does this directly and noticably harm the user experience of the average user of chrome? If it doesn’t then there’s no incentive for them to switch.

Not everyone knows about this kind of thing or cares. Firefox has to be significantly better in obvious ways and market that to grow their market share.

Nerrad, avatar

At least better in obvious ways that normies care about.


I wish I could stick to Firefox but I’ve been having trouble with looping captchas on there. 90% of the time Firefox works fine but there’s still a handful of websites that just refuse to work unless I’m using chrome.


Some websites intentionally change behavior based on your user agent. There are plenty of extensions for Firefox that let you change it so sites think you’re using chrome instead. It’s wild to me that’s even a thing, but ¯⁠\⁠⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠⁠/⁠¯


Another beautiful day of ditching chrome for Firefox a long time ago


I used to use the good browser. But then they changed what the good browser was. Now what I’m with isn’t it, and what’s it seems weird and scary to me.



Mozilla Phoenix user here. Good old times. Then Firebird came along. Then Firefox… What an odd name change that was, IMO. Firefox. Huh.

Then Chrome came and I jumped on that ship for years until the new revamped Firefox came in 2018, and as it looks nowadays, I won’t ever leave Firefox until it dies of death.

Chrome has a pretty sleek design these days, but my conscience tells me I can’t use it.

I use Chromium for web development (testing purposes only), but I’m not sure if Chromium is any better. At least I’m not signed in to it.


They ditched Phoenix because the bios manufacturer had that copy right. There’s a whole story behind it.

Firefox in China is also known as a red panda


Ah, so that’s the reason. I never bothered to find out. Thanks! Only 20 years later or so 😅


Lol I only found out about a month ago. So I’m in the same boat.


“…and is now banned in the EU.”


The Federated Learning of Cohorts and now the Topics API are part of a plan to pitch an "alternative" tracking platform, and Google argues that there has to be a tracking alternative—you can't just not be spied on.

lmao what the fuck kind of dystopia are we living in

01189998819991197253, avatar

Google’s utopia is humanity’s dystopia.

gedaliyah, avatar

So this means that the internet could have always worked fine without invasive cookies and everything they told us about it being impossible was just a lie.

wizardbeard, avatar

Cookies serve important purposes for doing things like keeping you signed in as you navigate through multiple pages on a site.

The issue is that most parts of the internet were developed by people more interested in all the cool stuff you could do with it, and not at all concerned about the potential misuse by large multi billion dollar corporations.


You defend cookies in general. But the person youre replying to might have meant third-party cookies by “invasive cookies” ?

squid_slime, avatar

I’d suggest a password manager. Its not the prettiest solution but its worth it.


Cookies are a part of the http protocol and the server side design of the websites themselves. You can’t just replace them with a password manager on your individual client.

squid_slime, (edited ) avatar

no a password manager can’t replace cookies, Like a JPEG can’t replace a 2 hour long film.

I have however forgone cookies for the most part. Great for privacy.

I’d recommend keepassxc, bookmarking and some addons like ublock, no script, libredirect. Most sites still work and the few that don’t aren’t worth my time


I recommend setting up logging in yourself so you can see why you’re wrong.

squid_slime, avatar

What part am I wrong about?

Aceticon, (edited )

Cookies are literally how a website keeps track of you having logged with a username and password into that site on your browser, for all other pages after you leave the log-in page.

The reason for this is because the Web protocols were designed for the web server to get a request from a browser, send the page to the browser and after that close the connection (though since HTTP version 1.1 connections might stay up for things like sending the pictures linked to a page, a mechanism known as Keep-Alive).

For performance by default the web server doesn’t really care which browser has asked it for a given page or what it has asked for before unless some kind of tracking is added to the pages your receive so that in subsequent requests you’re identified.

So the only way for a website to keep track of a specific browser so that it can do different things for that browser (i.e. know a user has logged-in via that browser so send to that browser pages that user has access to rather than sending “You are not logged-in” errors) is by sending some kind of token to the browser which the browser will then present along with each subesequent request to that site.

Cookies are by far the easiest way to do this.

The problem with cookies is that their ability to track a browser has be abused for things far beyond their original purpose (mainly things like track the browser were a user logged-in, to know to which browsers it can send certain protected pages and information).

There are some sites that can track a user in that site after log-in with a different method (basically all the links you get in pages on that website have a tiny bit of extra information that identifies each request as coming from a specific browser, but for example if you come into the website again from a bookmark all that is lost), but those are pretty rare nowadays because it can be quite complex to get it work whilst cookies are pretty straightforward to get to work reliably.


It’d make the world a better place, but a big company would make slightly less money, therefore it’s unthinkable to even attempt it.

See also: vehicle emissions standards


In the case of Google, the effect on advertising bringing in “slightly less money” is an understatement :)


It’s also already built into Google Play Services. Remember this when they claim a monopoly is good for “security” reasons.


Security isnt always good. Look DRM.


Security is a good cop out to justify a lot of bullshit

Draconic_NEO, avatar

Indeed it is. Unfortunately though it’s also important enough that it means people will go along with fascist stuff if the “security” excuse is used, and people who stand up to it will be mocked and ridiculed at best, or be accused of being cyber attackers at worst.

zaphod, avatar

Amazing how Google and Apple differ on so much, but in this respect they are in total agreement…


Why are we posting news from September?


OP: * Wake me up when September ends *

Nobody did. OP just woke up.


The Eternal September.


It’s getting harder to remain compassionate towards people who keep using chrome.


In some ways, it is unavoidable, because chrome is also embedded in Windows, and the electron framework. You can’t blame someone for using it that way.


Are you serious? You can’t be compassionate toward people who use a certain browser? It’s probably because they don’t understand/know/care. 🤷‍♂️ Educate them.


Nuance is dead.


Long live nuance.


People who care make the switch so not sure what there is to feel compassionate about.

Its kinda nice they slowed YouTube down first, that got at least 3 people i know into using firefox, though if i still want to annoy them i could tell them to run a invidius docker instead.

Toldry, avatar

The main reason I haven’t switch to Firefox is that it doesn’t have a “tab group” feature nearly as functional, polishedg and usable as Chrome’s.


So convience over privacy, got it. That is pretty much what made Facebook rise to fame.


Then you don’t take your personal data security seriously.

Anyone who trades security for convenience deserves neither.

LunarLoony, avatar

I’m not sure that quote is especially helpful. We trade security for convenience all the time - if things were too secure, we wouldn’t be able to do anything with our computers.


How dare you have a different opinion! This is Lemmy!


Maybe try Vivaldi? Chromium?

Toldry, avatar

Thanks for the suggestion, I haven’t heard of Vivaldi before

LinusWorks4Mo avatar

I'm totally unable to switch from chrome, the chrome icon is really the only one that works, all others are just too hard to see


Just… change the shortcut icon???


pretty sure that’s a /whoosh

Jaysyn avatar

Chrome got blacklisted by our IT dept because of this.

"Ads are attack vectors."

Gormadt, avatar

Chrome hasn’t worked for months on our network due to this and was removed recently with the latest updates last week



Gormadt, avatar



Let’s Fucking Go


Looking for group (usually to play games with)




Lesbian for gay. It’s online dating slang



FenrirIII, avatar

Waiting to hear if my company follows suit. Most of our internal tools are built with Chrome in mind, so it would be a big effort to standardize on something else.


Chrome is pretty much the defacto standard for web. If it works with chrome, you’re probably safe.


Meanwhile my work mandates that we must use Edge. It’s fine from a usability perspective but I would much prefer my beloved Firefox at work, especially with the tab groups they have where you can have multiple different sessions


I’ve been using Edge at work. I literally made the decision as “this is a Microsoft heavy shop, Microsoft is pushing Edge hard, and Bing is kinda good now, so let’s see how this goes” and I haven’t had a need to switch back.

I use Edge’s different profiles for testing, work stuff and personal stuff to keep them nicely separated and prevent any from bleeding too hard into eachother


And mine is making the switch from Firefox to Chrome next year. I’m so fucking mad about it.


Switch to Edge would make sense due to how well it integrates with things like your Entra ID account, choosing Chrome now is bizarre. We also had Chrome as primary browser for years, but now we are pushing Edge as primary browser. Firefox was and still is an option for us as well.

oce, avatar

Change of manager?


Not sure, it’s a big corpo so the decision is far from me. Probably bribes or a C level exec that likes Chrome on his home laptop.


Ditto. The security department made the push because too many people were installing unapproved addons like ublock. They are mandating chrome, “for security”. LMAO

The irony is that people are signing into chrome with personal gmail and leaking stuff.


uBlock Origin is pretty much approved by Mozilla and ads are a big attack vector while Chrome is spyware.

If they use Windows, you can use Firefox Portable of PortableApps.


You can lockdown user addons in both chrome and firefox via GPO. You can also auto install them with the same policies if you like. Both browsers have enterpise admx files available.

Your security department sounds like they are bad at their jobs.

01189998819991197253, avatar

Came here to say the exact same thing. It really is amazing to me just how many IT professionals are bad at their jobs.

oce, avatar

I don’t think it’s worse than any other office job.


Meanwhile, I’m over here unable to find an IT job :')


When I lost my job over the summer I put my resume on dice and immediately had 3-4 guys with Indian accents calling me every day. I found a new job within a week. I still get emails and texts though, can’t put the genie back in the bottle


Tech is a boogie man to many executypes. I’ve seen plenty of IT pros that were in over their head but smooth enough con men. If they keep coming up with things to throw money at/trim money out of convincingly they have long and successful careers.

empireOfLove2, avatar

Your security department sounds like they are bad at their jobs.

First time in corporate?

mosiacmango, (edited )

Nah. I work in the field.

Im well aware of bad security teams. Looks like they got one.


Duck duck go has become a pretty good viable alternative to google using it full time now.




I use it for everything except maps, there is no real alternative to Google maps as far as I know



Which is getting worse now too.
It now searches “related” locations to what you searched for to show you more bought ads for locations instead of what you looked for originally. Get ready for the slow crawl of enshitification of maps now too.


Their maps are pretty bad, there are better alternatives although it can depend on your region. Navigation and POI search wise though they still seem the best to me.


Magic Earth is neat


I will check it but I doubt it will be as good for a rural european city as Google maps is.


Have you tried open street map? The geography nerds building that have a surprisingly up to date and high quality map of the rural midwestern region I live in so you might be pleasantly surprised


It’s just dressed up bing, it’s also going downhill


Bing has gotten surprisingly good recently though?


I’ve been using it as my main search engine for around a year now. I accidentally used google today to look up “best screwdriver sets” and the results were all ads instead of results with screwdriver set reviews. I put the same thing in DuckDuckGo and immediately got relevant results.


Googled the pirate bay and it wouldnt.

Unless the first link after a link to the wiki, www. is the correct place to go…

Duckduckgo first result was the correct result


Odd. I just tried to google “pirate bay” and the top result was correct. Personalized results?


Must be


37 upvotes for a completely off-topic comment. Yay!


Interest of avoiding Google’s ad platform which is arguably more invasive you should use a browser in search engine that is not developed by Google thus use duck duck go. I mean it’s at least tangentially related.


next up: every page requires shitty chrome or login with google.

then the big shrug and all continue using chrome, iphone, amazon and the other evils.

if you are using any of the above YOU are the problem.

thoughts and prayers. wasch mich, aber mach mich nicht nass.

CosmicCleric, avatar

wasch mich, aber mach mich nicht nass.

From the article…

Literally, “wash me, but don’t get me wet”.


In star Trek, they use sonic showers.

CosmicCleric, avatar

I’m just offering the translation, I’m not the one who made the comment. You’ll want to reply to the person that I replied to.


I love Firefox when it works, but half the time it can’t access any sites while Chrome does. It’s like Firefox can’t see the network.


Very rarely I face a website I can’t open on Firefox because it’s not compatible but half the time is surely a gross exaggeration


I don’t mean half the websites don’t work. I mean half the time Firefox won’t load ANYTHING. It basically stops working with any DNS for a few hours at a time.


DNS is an operating system level service. Your computer is screwed, not the browser.

Chrome might be fixing it up by using Google DNS behind your back.


Firefox uses its own internal cert database which could create a similar effect.

Firefox supports DNS over HTTPs or a similar protocol that escapes my memory at the moment which could very well mess with its ability to handle DNS


I have had this issue a few times and find that usually there is some weird update or something behind the scenes and a reboot of Firefox lets it start loading again. I’m not techy enough to know why but I have found that closing all tabs is mandatory maintenance for Firefox every so often.


Netscape Navigator has the same issue!


I think that depends heavily on the pages one might frequent.

Most of the time i comfortably get by using netsurf…


Seems like a quick hop to chrome://flags allows one to disable this. chrome://flags/#privacy-sandbox-ads-apis

Ads aren’t evil though. They are the main method of making people know about new things. Intrusive and privacy-defeating tracking is.


And nowadays, most online ads are intrusive and privacy-defeating tracking, so you know

mellowheat, (edited )

Yes, absolutely. As far as I can tell, Privacy Sandbox could help with that.


You know what really helps for privacy? Adblockers.


The big problem with Privacy Sandbox is who is implementing it. I was on the fence about it for similar reasons until I saw who came out against it. Mozilla, the EFF, etc. all heavily condemned it, so I knew it was safe to say its bad (limited time, unlimited desire for knowledge and all I did not have the time to do a deep dive on Google’s newest way to get people okay with invasive tracking)


September news?


Wake me up when September ends?

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