

An organic intellectual, that's me :') Please ask questions here

Looking at the fluffy side of activism #NGO

#fedi22 #openweb #opensource #4opens #OMN #technology #tech #social #grassroots #activitypub #reboot #fluff

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

Hamishcampbell, to random

If you want to take your data when this instance closes down, "You can request an archive of your posts and uploaded media. The exported data will be in the ActivityPub format, readable by any compliant software. You can request an archive every 7 days." do this now

Hamishcampbell, to random

A wine reception after an Oxford seminar I come away with, "You are treating this as a personal issue, I am treating this as paranoid incompetence. Maybe mental health is a constructive way of mediating a better outcome." of meany people playing visible power plays I talked to.

Hamishcampbell, to random

Please take note this instance is shutting down due to lack of funds please move your account


Please move your account off this instance

" unless we can get sustainable funding for this instance it will shut down on the Renewal: 2023-11-12 which is the date of the next payment.

We have been talking about this for the last few months."

Hamishcampbell, to random

The mess we made with our use.
Error 402: But How Do We Pay For Content? | Techdirt

rooftopaxx, to random

Feargal Sharkey
"Thames Water to cut 300 jobs as it battles £14bn debt pile."

Not too sure how that's supposed to help them fix their leaks and to stop dumping their shit into our rivers?


@rooftopaxx was talking to an expert on this at an Oxford seminar, it seems they are going to go bankrupt as they have spent ten years boroing money to pay out as dividends and now have no resources left... it's beyond the level of mess...

Hamishcampbell, to random

At another event "How can we build the sustainable economy?' with Dieter Helm & Dimitri Zenghelis" let's see if this steps out of the pointless path of the last 3 events


This event https://dieterhelm.co.uk/sustainable-economy/ looks like what we need... Let's see.

Hamishcampbell, (edited )

The speakers are all but the subject is radical, let's see?

Update he was a good truth teller

Hamishcampbell, (edited )

Very good presentation, let's see if Q&A works.

Update: the middle guy likes to talk, about himself.


My question led to a very reactionary answer on social actavisam, a complete dismissal of politics and a clear democratic rejection of billionaires.

The is no agency for the needed change challenge he argues for, a bureaucratic plan with no path to implement it. Very

Hamishcampbell, to random

you need to move off this instance in the next few days to give the move config time to work best. See the announcement for shutdown date

glynmoody, to climate
@glynmoody@mastodon.social avatar

Banks pumped more than $150bn in to companies running ‘carbon bomb’ projects in 2022 - https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/oct/31/banks-pumped-more-than-150bn-in-to-companies-running-carbon-bomb-projects-in-2022 appalling


@aral @glynmoody maybe use the hashtag as truth telling about our "ruling class".


@bsmall2 @aral @glynmoody

Have been using the hashtag as a synonym of , which is old fundamentalist capitalism that has come in waves, look at "classical liberalism" of the Victorian era that lead to the Irish and Bengal famines. And the last 40 years of mess in the west.

This is a mess we need to compost agen.

Hamishcampbell, to random

this instance is shutting down Suspension date: 2023-11-12 due to lack of funds.

Payment History

Hamishcampbell, to random

unless we can get sustainable funding for this instance it will shut down on the Renewal: 2023-11-12 which is the date of the next payment.

We have been talking about this for the last few months.


@michaelgraaf no idea copied it from the renewal page, our instances is hosted in France but think the billing is in the USA... globalization :)

it's soon, is all i can say. a few weeks.

Hamishcampbell, to random
Hamishcampbell, to diy

You guys need to talk to each other @michaelgraaf @rooftopaxx @nedhamson as this space is culture


@rooftopaxx @michaelgraaf @nedhamson

it needs to have £40 a month donation, plus some extra to build up a buffer - currently we are down to nothing, not a good way to run the


@rooftopaxx @michaelgraaf @nedhamson @EarthWolf

if the is a strong enough community to make this happen, it can and should stay online.


@nedhamson @michaelgraaf @rooftopaxx the problem of this instance is that you guys have not talked to each other, try this as a first step.


@rooftopaxx @michaelgraaf @nedhamson @EarthWolf

Yep this is a shame as the fluffy spiky debate is key to real rather social change and challenge, it's basic stuff.

If we can all build a community to sustain the instances then we can reboot activism as a different codebase than mastodon, the are a lot so the ida is still good, can we build a community of use rather than individuals "shouting into the void" as we unkindly like to say at the

Hamishcampbell, to random

A reminder this instance will have to shut down due to lack of funding soon

We need your feedback on this.


@nedhamson @michaelgraaf @rooftopaxx the information is scattered all over the place, and has been repeated for 20 years :)

The openclective is the funding side of the and
campaign openworlds info? is an instances that is a part of this wider activist project


@rooftopaxx people are noticing... its the tools the devs give us to work with.


@nedhamson @michaelgraaf @rooftopaxx

you can see the money coming out here, but this is mostly only to cover the mastodon instances, as the OVH servers have been paid out of historic foundation funding that has now run out.


We try as much as possible to run things

You can find a lot of documentation on this here http://hamishcampbell.com which i use as a "collective backup".

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