@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar



The account of AI6YR Ben, on his own server. Also at https://mastodon.radio/@ai6yr (ham radio). Yes, I'm the guy who found that hiker using only the selfie of his feet. If you want to support this server, https://patreon.com/ai6yr

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ai6yr, to random
@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

👀 Sunday's convective outlook (per SPC).

ai6yr, to random
@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar
ai6yr, to WX
@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

Hmm, my server has been overtaken by tornado warnings tonight. Well, some flash floods too. 😬 #wx https://m.ai6yr.org/public/local

@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar
ai6yr, to random
@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

Complete future Little Free Library! Next, to mount it on a post. #LittleFreeLibrary #carpentry

Closed front of box with doors and roof, white.

@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

@grumpasaurus 🤔 Well, I've put DVDs and CDs in them...

@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

@Fury Yeah, It's kinda heavy. I don't think the post is going to hack it. Will try to that tomorrow, but I may have to rethink how to mount that (aside from perching it on some cinder blocks) 🤔

@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

@Fury Well, I can put a second post in if needed farther back a few inches....

ai6yr, to random
@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

Just sitting here minding my BBQ ribs and a swarm of bees showed up :shrug: - maybe they would like some smoked pork ribs?

@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

@lkngrrr They just show up here, all the time. Even before we were beekeeping. Even before we lived here, according to one of our next door neighbors. There's a magic bee swarm magnet here, I think.

wcbdata, to random
@wcbdata@vis.social avatar

Went to the first ever here in my town just to check it out and meet some of the folks running it (tbh, I'd only heard of its existence yesterday).

Not 10 minutes later, I was accidentally volunteered to help fix small appliances! I managed to help out with one of several broken humidifiers (bad bearings on an easily-replaced motor), but had no tools to do much else. I'll be at the next one, this time legit: with meters, soldering supplies, and maybe some parts!

@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

@wcbdata this is Awesome!

ai6yr, to random
@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar
ai6yr, to random
@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

Closeup of one of the tornadoes near Wichita, near Grenola.

meganL, to random
@meganL@mas.to avatar

I find it odd, to say the least, that you know these people harm and kill human beings (including vulnerable people) all the time, but what finally gets people vocally riled up and active is finding out they harm domesticated non-human animals.

This says something to me about how (some) people view people as somehow deserving of their own victimization.

@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

@meganL The "only care when animals are hurt" is a strange one, but definitely see this a lot. Thus people donating a lot to help animals in a third world country while the humans living there are suffering from lack of food, sanitation, etc. as well. I don't know why that is the case, and it's sad we humans devalue other human lives--and are only concerned when animals/pets get involved.

@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

@meganL Most certainly. The farther right someone is the more "they deserved it" is uttered, even for innocents. This is why, even though it was the leading cause of those in law enforcement during the pandemic, the reaction was really "oh, they weren't strong enough; only the strong survive" vs "let's try to protect our own with vaccination/masking"

ai6yr, to random
@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar
ai6yr, to woodworking
@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

Organic certified wood glue! (In all seriousness, condiment containers are superior to what wood glue is sold in normally. This is bulk refilled) #woodworking

@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

@dougfir 😂

ai6yr, to random
@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

T-shirt seen today at our radio club.

@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar
@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

@vees 🤔 Now that you mention it...

@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

@vees LOL many of my transceivers are older than I am, and all of them were built before I was licensed (aside from the el-cheapo Baofengs)

@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar
@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

@Dianora @WastelandWandrr @paninid Although... I do NOT miss those Sun optical mice. WORSE MICE EVER.

@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

@WhiteCatTamer Lol...

"AARP membership is open to anyone 18 or older. While AARP’s mission is dedicated to the needs of the 50+ population, anyone can become an AARP member. "

@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

@irick Hmm, not sure when AX.25 went into play... will go look that up.

@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar
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