@kytta@fosstodon.org avatar



I write open-source Python and JavaScript to make computers go brrrr

I made #Shareon (https://shareon.js.org) and #Share2Fedi (https://s2f.kytta.dev)

по-русски: https://mastodon.ml/@n
auf Deutsch: https://norden.social/@n


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asier, to random
@asier@fosstodon.org avatar

The other day I entered the spanish diary "El Español" and they offer two options regarding cookies: either you accept them or pay a subscription to reject them

@kytta@fosstodon.org avatar

@asier sadly, it is. It is legal to either track users with their consent or to request payment for accessing a website. Both legitimate use cases, but horrible in combination with each other when there's no option 3 🙄

ChallengeApathy, to Cybersecurity

A rant: it seems are all the rage right now, with many -- including so-called privacy and security "experts" -- claiming it will "replace" traditional usernames and passwords. What sort of nonsense is that?

First off, the number one entity pushing for passkeys is ... you know, good ol' "don't be evil" data theft conglomerate, Google? They're pushing for biometrics (fingerprint or face scan) to be used as a master password to unlock everything, in a dystopian twist on their already absurd invasion of our and digital rights. Here's why this is dangerous:

  • As silly as it is, biometrics are not protected under the fourth amendment in the USA. They don't need a warrant to unlock your device if it's secured by your fingerprint or face scan. This isn't true with PINs or passwords; to bypass those, they have to follow due process and obtain a warrant

  • With biometrics, all it takes is for a criminal, a romantic partner with malintent or a deviously curious family member to snag your thumbprint or face data and they instantaneously have irreversible access to your devices and accounts. Why?

  • Because biometrics cannot be changed in the way you can change an email, password or even a 2FA seed. This means that just one data breach is enough to allow criminals access to a massive amount of phones, devices, accounts across the entire world, meaning that they wouldn't even need to knock you out to get access. Sure, it's claimed that biometric data never leaves your device but how do we know that? Moreover, how will that be true if passkeys replace traditional login with online accounts?

Not only do passkeys replace traditional usernames and passwords, they also effectively replace two-factor authentication, meaning that we objectively lose security because those two security measures (which are meant to be separate for a reason) are now united under one set of unchangeable information.

I understand the argument for "magic link" authentication, because that's definitely more secure than a "normie" reusing a crappy password across a bunch of services without any sort of 2FA. However, that's significantly different from uniting literally all of your login and authentication methods in one single point of failure. The entire point of passwords and 2FA are to follow the rules of "something you know" and "something you have". This is infinitely more secure than making it all "something you have" and linking it to biometric data that's unprotected under law (at least in the US).

So yeah, I really don't get why so-called "security experts" are pushing for passkeys. It makes sense for Google to do so. That's all they do: find new ways to intrude on our lives and our rights. However, security and privacy experts are supposed to be protecting their fellow man from threats, both criminal and corporate...

@kytta@fosstodon.org avatar

@ChallengeApathy also keep in mind that most people will use passkeys with their familiar service provider (Google, Apple, etc.), which leads to even more vendor lock-in. A solution would be to use a PW manager, but if people did, they wouldn't need passkeys, really 🤷🏻‍♂️

bagder, to random
@bagder@mastodon.social avatar

"Buffer Overflow Vulnerability in WebSocket Handling".

A bot? An AI? Just a silly reporter? Another fine waste of maintainer time.


@kytta@fosstodon.org avatar


> Certainly! Let me elaborate on the concerns raised by the triager

Oof, I can smell ChatGPT from a mile away 😂 Crazy how they've just kept it in, even though it makes it seem like they're addressing themselves in the third person 🤦🏻‍♂️

kytta, to random
@kytta@fosstodon.org avatar

This year, I didn't finish , I haven't finished a single book, and I didn't build anything worth forking.

And still, this was an incredible year for me. I've graduated from my university (still waiting for my certificate...) and got an incredible job. I've been a guest on a podcast! And, most importantly, I've been the happiest I've ever been.

2024 will bring in a lot of new challenges and opportunities, and I'm looking forward to them.

Happy New Year! Frohes neues Jahr! 🎄🍾

bonoky, to random
@bonoky@fosstodon.org avatar

My plans to wean myself off Apple devices is progressing slower than I had hoped.

I’ve been going through all the propriety Apple apps looking for self hosted alternative but have been unable to find anything to replace “Reminders”.

Do you any suggestions or recommendations?

@kytta@fosstodon.org avatar

@bonoky not really self-hosted, but a good Android app for the tasks is Tasks.org


It can synchronize with any CalDAV server (which you can self-host, e.g., with Baïkal) or with their servers. Apple's Reminders app also works with CalDAV, btw, albeit not as good as with iCloud.

garritfra, to Futurology German
@garritfra@fosstodon.org avatar

2023 in review, and some for 2024. :ablobcatwink:


@kytta@fosstodon.org avatar

@jle @garritfra as someone who doesn't even have a driving licence, I support this decision. I don't think I'll be driving any time soon, it just isn't worth it :)

sotolf, to random

Do you need any more proof for npm being broken? the is-even npm package has 196,023 weekly downloads, and the is-odd npm package has 285,501 weekly downloads.

@kytta@fosstodon.org avatar

@lig @sotolf fun fact: is-even depends on is-odd and just negates the result

slashtechno, to poetry
@slashtechno@fosstodon.org avatar

I've been facing many issues with using () with my based project. I love Poetry for publishing packages, but think that would be better since I have to deal with and whatnot. Anyone familiar with a way to use pyproject.toml for publishing and building packages, even if Poetry isn't being used for dependency management?

For context, here's the project I'm working on: https://github.com/slashtechno/wyzely-detect

@kytta@fosstodon.org avatar

@slashtechno at this point, basically every Python packaging tool (Hatch, PDM, flit, setuptools) uses pyproject.toml, and Poetry is the only one with the vendor lock-in, since it uses non-standard fields. In any case, thanks to PEP 517, you can do pip install build && python -m build, and it will just work no matter which tool you use. Then, you can publish the .whl files in any way you like: from FTP to twine publish

@kytta@fosstodon.org avatar

@slashtechno yeah, that's where my expertise ends, as I do not know anything about conda. In Python packaging, you don't package the dependencies with the app, so you don't need to install them. Instead, the wheels just have the package names, so pip can resolve the dependency tree and pull the needed packages by itself

kytta, to random
@kytta@fosstodon.org avatar

Today's idea: Detect if people visiting my website have an ad blocker enabled, and if they don't, show them a popup saying why it's a good idea with a link to install uBlock Origin

tombuildsstuff, to iOS
@tombuildsstuff@hachyderm.io avatar

Today’s question: how did an app which has never been installed have nearly 15h of use (per screen time) on Monday? 🤔


@kytta@fosstodon.org avatar

@tombuildsstuff afaict iOS syncs apps’ usage with website usage on your other devices. So that if you don’t use YouTube on your phone, but are on YouTube.com on Safari on your Mac, it still would count towards one entry named ‘YouTube’. Perhaps that’s the case here?

julianfairfax, to random
@julianfairfax@fosstodon.org avatar

Now that I use Moshidon, I have the ability to add the local timelines of other instances in the app. I think this is pretty cool.

So far, I have added chaos.social and tooting.ch, to explore the German and French posts on both.

Do you have any others you think I should add?

Est-ce que vous avez d'autres instances que vous pensez que je devrais ajouter?

Habt ihr andere Instanzen, die ihr denkt, dass ich hinzufügen sollte?

@kytta@fosstodon.org avatar

@julianfairfax I use this feature on , but since I can only think and talk about tech and programming, the only other instance I follow is hachyderm.io 😅

sindresorhus, to random
@sindresorhus@mastodon.social avatar

What would you like to see from my apps in 2024?

@kytta@fosstodon.org avatar

@sindresorhus may be an unpopular opinion, but my employer does not allow App Store on the work laptops, so my wish would be up-to-date versions of your apps (at least the free ones) available as DMG downloads

gairsty, to random
@gairsty@fosstodon.org avatar

Today's tricky decision:
A. Write Xmas cards, and do other family festive things.
B. Install new


@kytta@fosstodon.org avatar

@gairsty C. Install ZorinOS (or any other distro) on every family member's PC :blobcatgoogly2:

brad_frost, to random
@brad_frost@mastodon.social avatar

Reply with your most nostalgic file extension.

@kytta@fosstodon.org avatar
Gina, to australia
@Gina@fosstodon.org avatar


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  • kytta,
    @kytta@fosstodon.org avatar

    @Gina if they say nothing and hang up — it's a check. They call every number they've stolen/bought from elsewhere and make sure that it's still being actively used by a real person, to maybe scam/spam them later.

    18+ andthisismrspeacock, to threads
    @andthisismrspeacock@mas.to avatar

    Ok, here is my thread, which I'm posting in the middle of the night so it doesn't clutter up most of my followers' feeds. Buckle up. 🧵

    @kytta@fosstodon.org avatar

    @folkerschamel @kindspells I don't think you really understand what you're talking about. IMAP is the example of EEE, where you can't really start your own mail server if you want to talk to Google, or use any IMAP client to use it. It's a miracle the protocols haven't died yet. Microsoft Edge is a bad example, too, because Chromium is Google's EEE project. Microsoft has to battle it themselves by introducing differences, making Edge not-quite-Chromium-based.

    @kytta@fosstodon.org avatar

    @folkerschamel @kindspells Microsoft is a very bad actor. They already own the de facto default code forge, so I can imagine them bringing people over to their platform, their CI, their CLI, and "oops! We killed Git for our proprietary solution!". And their (indirect) acquisition of NPM is even worse, because there aren't even alternatives to it, and JS and TS (oh, also by Microsoft?) keep growing. There is literally no barrier for them to completely own the Web, yet again.

    @kytta@fosstodon.org avatar

    @folkerschamel @kindspells MS embracing Linux may just be a start of EEE, we just don't know. Couldn't you imagine them making a Linux distro that “works best with WSL”, then making it the only version to download from MS Store, to use on Azure, to run GH Actions on? Suddenly, every FOSS project is being tested and run on Microsoft® Linux™, so people start switching to it on their desktops, too. The differences to Linux will grow until no interop is possible, all while being FOSS. Extinguished,

    jp, to random
    @jp@lowkey.zone avatar

    Wife's Macbook is dead. No charging indicator, no display, no power. Tried multiple power bricks, cables, and ports. Are these things worth trying to diagnose yourself or is that going to be an uphill battle?

    @kytta@fosstodon.org avatar

    @jp may I guess: Is it a Touch Bar model with the Intel processor? If yes, don't give up! Try all your cables, but keep them in longer. Also, try different outlets. Also, try plugging the USB-C cable the other way around (sic!)

    My old laptop has this problem every time I let it completely discharged. I thought it was a faulty cap, but then reversing the USB-C cable helped???

    oliverandrich, to random
    @oliverandrich@fosstodon.org avatar

    After Github Copilot gets more and more annoying, I will give Jetbrains AI a try. The new UI of the Jetbrains looks nice, and maybe the AI convinces me to put some money into Jetbrains.

    @kytta@fosstodon.org avatar

    @oliverandrich AFAIK it's still OpenAI's GPT-4 on the backend, so I don't know if the results will be that much different

    @kytta@fosstodon.org avatar

    @oliverandrich I have reconfirmed with the website: JetBrains is planning to use their own model some time in the future, but for now, it's OpenAI. Can't find any information on what data they've used for training. I guess, at this moment, JetBrains AI is just a prompt for GPT-4 🤔

    kytta, to random
    @kytta@fosstodon.org avatar

    Given how popular Logitech MX mice are, also amongst developers, how come nobody has still made a usable version of the ‘Options’ software? Reverse-engineer the drivers, make a lightweight daemon and native UI. Are the projects that currently are or have tried tackling this?

    kytta, (edited ) to random
    @kytta@fosstodon.org avatar

    Fediverse, I need your honest opinion on my next crazy project idea.

    I am envisioning a CLI app that would give you contact details for people based on their nicknames/homepages. Here are some loose thought about how it should work: https://codeberg.org/kytta/reachout/wiki/Project-idea (~2 minutes; please read before voting)

    I want to keep it as ethical as possible, and I want to know whether you think it’s creepy or not, and whether you would use it :D

    @kytta@fosstodon.org avatar

    @julianfairfax I keep it in the back of my head. It's finally Christmas break, so maybe I can jot down some prototype code. I often find myself wanting to contact other maintainers, and I want to save me some seconds of research by spending hours to automate it, as every software developer should :BlobHajMlem:

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