br00t4c, to privacy avatar
br00t4c, to privacy avatar
nekohayo, to security avatar

I have reported a mild & issue in where, if I am not mistaken, the kanban board or task details' URL could probably be leaked to third-party websites as Kanboard does not tell the web browser to use noreferrer 😬 I'm surprised nobody noticed this in all these years:

AAKL, to privacy avatar

You need to know this, if you missed it yesterday.

Photo-sharing community EyeEm will license users’ photos to train if they don’t delete them @TechCrunch @Sarahp

vifon, to Facebook avatar

The companies have masterfully muddled the definitions of advertisement and , making them indistinguishable for a typical person. I see the tax being compared to the Premium all the time, so let me explain the difference and why one of them is unlawful in the eyes of .


AAKL, to Windows11 avatar
AAKL, to infosec avatar

Do you smell the rat?

Update: University of Alberta says they comply with they Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act, but then claims exemption when you file @PogoWasRight

openrightsgroup, to privacy avatar

"While the UK government adopted powers that could allow the private messages of everyone in the UK to be scanned, it did concede that this could not be put into practice without jeopardizing people’s security and privacy.

ORG has called for Ofcom to publish regulations that make clear that there is no available technology that can allow for scanning of user data to co-exist with strong and .“

🗣️ Pam Cowburn, ORG Head of Comms.

outofcontrol, to privacy avatar

Christmas and birthday presents are now going to be a RaspberryPi with pi-hole pre-installed and simple instructions on how to setup on your router.

Come to think of it, why don’t routers have adblockers pre-installed? You can turn on or off, but have them built in.

br00t4c, to privacy avatar
simplex, to random avatar

SimpleX Chat v5.7 released:

  • quantum resistant e2e encryption will be enabled for all contacts.
  • forward and save messages without revealing the source.
  • in-call sounds and switching sound sources.
  • customizable profile images - from square to circle.
  • better network connection management.

Also, we added Lithuanian interface language to Android and desktop apps - thanks to our users!

Read moret:

orci, to random avatar

Currently using Standard Notes as my daily driver. But testing out @joplinapp and diggin' it. It's very generous of them to offer the app for free with self-hosting and cloud sync options 👍

trusttrist, to photography avatar

It's , here are a few accounts that I think are very interesting.
: @landscapephotos
: @9to5mac
: @protonprivacy
: @fediversereport
: @TechDesk

researchbuzz, to ai avatar

Well. That's creepy.

'Many mobile applications use machine learning or AI systems called “vision models” to look at images on a user’s phone and extract data, which can be useful in facial recognition or in verifying a user’s age. These models can collect a lot of other information too, including demographic info, objects in a photo, and possible locations, though it’s not clear what, if anything, this data is used for...'

iodetech_de, to privacy German avatar
iode, to privacy avatar
linuxmagazine, to security avatar

Hunting and Gathering: Chris Binnie looks at passive reconnaissance tools attackers use for preliminary research on network assets and the people who use them #security #tools #attack #privacy #DNS #certificate

topio, to privacy German avatar

Wir freuen uns über Besuch an unserem Infostand auf dem UMWELTFESTIVAL am Sonntag 28. April 2024 am Brandenburger Tor!

Unsere Standnummer 202 in bester Nachbarschaft, nebenan @fsfe @bitsundbaeume_berlin @be4foss @kde

Wir beraten zum sparen von Rohstoffen, Daten und Kosten mit gebrauchten Smartphones...

#floss #privacy #UpcyclingAndroid #umweltfestival #berlin

AAKL, to apple avatar
beardedtechguy, to privacy avatar

Google is out of their mind. There are so many other options for a "more secure" browser. Especially one that doesn't have Google tied to it.

simplelogin, to privacy avatar

ICYMI, has been busy since the start of 2024:

🚀 We tripled the loading speeds

🧩 We reworked our extension for

🇨🇭 We moved our legal domicile to Switzerland, the home of @protonprivacy to benefit from the country’s legal protections

Download our apps today to protect your email addresses:

And don’t forget to follow us here to get the latest updates!

Tutanota, to privacy avatar

📣📣 Good News Alert 📣📣

The US might get their own GDPR: the American Privacy Rights Act! 🔐🇺🇸

It will strengthen protections of both Americans & people around the world. 🔐🙏🏼


mysk, to privacy avatar

Nice! @brave for iOS just got updated to support the new "marketplace-kit" scheme. Brave only calls the scheme when trackers blocking is disabled. As we reported earlier, Apple implemented the new scheme in a way that allows tracking across websites based on the unique client_id.

Now users in the EU can use Brave to safely install alternative marketplaces. We would like to thank Brave for considering our advice about potential .

Screenshot of Brave settings. Trackers & Ads Blocking is set to Standard.
Screenshot of the POST request sent by MarketplaceKit. It shows the client_ID sent in the body of the request to the alternative marketplace backend

AAKL, to Cybersecurity avatar

In case you missed this and it affects you, tough luck.

LA County Health Services: Patients' data exposed in attack @BleepingComputer @serghei

icd, to privacy Polish avatar

Państwo udostępnia dane o obywatelach gigantom technologicznym.

Fundacja „Internet. Czas działać!” wspólnie z fundacją Panoptykon (@panoptykon) złożyła do Ministra Cyfryzacji petycję dotyczącą wykorzystywania technologii śledzących na stronach internetowych prowadzonych przez organy administracji publicznej.

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