@mai_lapyst@soc.saiyajin.space avatar



Your friendly neighbourhood non-binary fluid trans-girl :3 🏳️‍⚧️

  • Software Engineering / Coding
  • Dlang, :cxx:, :ruby:, :javascript:/:typescript:, Custom language(s) in the making
  • Frontend dev :html5: :css: :react:
  • Gaming
  • :linux: :arch_linux: Linux ("I use Arch btw" x3)
  • INFP-T (aka Mediator)
  • Self diagnosed ADHD & Autism

Pronouns: she/her
Age: 24

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mai_lapyst, to trans
@mai_lapyst@soc.saiyajin.space avatar

Wore a bra the first time yesterday (and the night). It just feels awesome :heart_trans: And it has some cute lamas on it too :3

witch_warren, to gamedev
@witch_warren@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

This scene is getting a little hard to read; which of these 4 do you prefer?


@mai_lapyst@soc.saiyajin.space avatar

@witch_warren Hmmm I think it depends on how "far" away the second tower/wall/thing is from the first one; if its near, like its litterally behind the stairs then 2, middle far like "reachable" in a short while then 3 and if its very far away (either not reachable or you'll need to leave the current castle or something) then 4.

Personally for purely astestics I would go with 3, since it's the most "balanced" one of all three.

mai_lapyst, to Software
@mai_lapyst@soc.saiyajin.space avatar

Nice. #gitea did it; they're now makeing #giteaenterprise where they added already more features. And there's no doubt that they'll continue this path forward, putting more and more effort in the enterprise version and keeping the free version from getting these features via contributions since it would ruin their company.

And best thing is: they already are stealing code. They took stale PR's and put it into the Enterprise version. Thats just disgusting. And unlike gitlab, which EE is not only opensource (i.e. readable), they also have a lot of paid engineers to built their product, unlike gitea, where like 95% of work is done by volunteers, not only now but in the past included. It's espc disgusting for how cheap the features are, like an IP allowlist. Which gets even more sad when you think about what would happen if a volunteer would contribute similar features to the free version. Atleast we have not to guess as it is clearly stated in their contributors guidlines: they have added a clause once they became a company, that they can "politly refuse" any PR by simply not responding. That stinks for me after a tactic of keeping face while not allowing any code that would conflict with the enterprise version.

Source: https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/blob/83850cc4799285d766d0fb5751fff10a6e4d3353/CONTRIBUTING.md?plain=1#L324

Im so glad I already switched to #forgejo .

Only thing left is to close up my pr's to gitea as fast as possible to not support this trainwreck anymore.

#software #softwaredev #development #programming #hosting #git

mai_lapyst, to MMORPG
@mai_lapyst@soc.saiyajin.space avatar

Urgh. Wanted to play a bit (was a browser a bit like with a good load on humor over the genre itself), and just now found out they pulled the public servers and working on a new version where the combat is entirely replaced through a tradingcard-game-ish system. Idk, but it seems so random and honestly not a good decision imho. I know it's somewhat of a obcession lately in some parts of the gameing industry lately to shove a tcg into everything, but come on, as a replacement for combat? Also: just sad to see a game "die", bc now all progress people had is just lost.

Welp, back to good'ol it is then xDDD

zombierustpunk, to random
@zombierustpunk@hachyderm.io avatar

what should i do for Advent of Code this year?

Last year i did everything in Rust.
One year i used mostly Go and Python.
One year i did mostly C++.
And one year i did a weird retro variety pack including Fortran and Pascal.

I like a challenge, but i also don’t want to spend all my time writing code to parse the input files. 🤔

Seriously considering doing all Fortran or all COBOL, but im not sure if i hate myself that much.

@mai_lapyst@soc.saiyajin.space avatar

@zombierustpunk How about writing a minimal interpreter / language that only grows in features every new AoC challenge and only what's needed? Could be pretty fun / messy xD

Other than that theres ofc assembly lmao

@mai_lapyst@soc.saiyajin.space avatar

@zombierustpunk Yeah indeed a bit like intcode :D

Yeah xD Or you make your own CPU instruction set, which you then write an compiler in for a languagr to write the AoC problems in xDDD

mai_lapyst, to linux
@mai_lapyst@soc.saiyajin.space avatar

After spending yesterday entirely by re-implementing in I now know:

  • TCP is weird
  • we have the PSH flag that completly makes the data ignore the TCP sending/recieve buffers and directly writes into the application's stream
  • ACK can be part of literally any other package; you also can SYN, FIN or PSH data while ACK'ing
  • zero-length data packages technically exist, but they dont do anything; they dont even wake up the FD when it's in a epoll
  • the is funny: it responds with RST to incomming TCP packets, even on raw sockets; you'll need to drop them via if you want to implement TCP in userspace

Learned a lot! Now I can go on and create a few tests for ; mainly SYN floodings and so on.

@mai_lapyst@soc.saiyajin.space avatar

@adnan While QUIC exists, the majority of webserver software & proxies only run on HTTP/2 to my knowlege; and mostly the consensus is that QUIC only has really benefits in very high volume scenarious or on edge-routers.

Another reason is that HTTP/3 was standarized only recently in mid 2022; so we'll dont see increase in widespread use until maybe 3-5 years from now.

Also im working on an own web- & async-framework, which both need TCP; the webframework for HTTP/1.1 & HTTP/2 and the async ofc bc TCP is still one of the biggest standards xD

foolisholivia, to random

is there like some kind of site where you can put all your links into one place. i know linktree exists but i'm curious what's the best option for that kinda thing

@mai_lapyst@soc.saiyajin.space avatar

@foolisholivia There's also https://linkstack.org/ ; its opensource and self-hostable, but there is also an offical list of instances for anyone not having the knowhow, time or ressources to maintain an own instance: https://linkstack.org/instances/

mai_lapyst, to random
@mai_lapyst@soc.saiyajin.space avatar

Nice, either I accidentially discovered a bug in c++ / gcc, or I use references so horribly wrong gcc cant help me anymore (which totaly is an possible option).

Apparently generates gcc some code in the prelude of a member function that overwrites parts of the data inside a reference, which it is not supposed to do.

@mai_lapyst@soc.saiyajin.space avatar

Okay so aparently the random value that is written here is originally supposed to be the stack-guard. But why it writes in some reference isn't clear to me yet...

@mai_lapyst@soc.saiyajin.space avatar

Okay I think I found the error; it's so fucking stupid and shows that references in aren't at all safe but rather more error prone that pointers:

So I have this code that builds a span (essentially a range with a start & end position), which I give to get_line_iter to create a line iterator. This function accept it as value (this is important later!). The method effectivly only creates a instance of LineRange, gives it the the span (and some other infos) and returns it. Plain and simple. The trick is, that the LineRange dosnt own the span or it's other information and thus takes a reference to it, which seems resonable. But this reference goes out-of-scope once we return frrom get_line_iter because (surprise surpise!) the method itself has only a copy! Why? Because values are copied when passed to functions! Since values life on the stack and this value we have a ref for is now invalid, gcc correctly re-uses it's this space to put other things, for example the stack-guard!

The solution is also quite simple: make the param of get_line_iter a ref too. Solves everything.

Holy guacamole; why can't be easy, or atleast not add features that are more bugged then using plain pointers????

elaine, to random

Please do!!!

@mai_lapyst@soc.saiyajin.space avatar

@elaine ...and I said: promise?? X333333

No for real; They really dont know how many people would directly let it be done, and how happy it would make them.

zombierustpunk, to random
@zombierustpunk@hachyderm.io avatar

It’s fascinating that C# found such a strong niche as a game programming language with Unity and MonoGame/XNA, while Java did not. They have similar tradeoffs, and Java had a five year head start. What’s that about?

Was it DirectX? Xbox support?

@mai_lapyst@soc.saiyajin.space avatar

@zombierustpunk I think it's primarly because C# had in the early days better compability & integration into windows & the visual studio IDE environment. You simply only needed one installer to install IDE, tools, languages etc. Java was always: download JRE to even run it, JDK to develop on it, then choose one of the many IDE's out there.

And ofc C# came with XNA which helped it hugely, while java never had such a thing nicely provided right from the start. Yes you had JavaFX but man it sucked. Other than that you effectivly had only direct opengl (via lwjgl like minecraft did back in the day). Today it's a bit better with LibGDX but not really.

And ofc oracles inability to meaningfully extend and enhance the language. C# always was more marketed as also be able to produce native code, while in java we only have GraalVM coming up int the last couple of years, and then its still more experimental than not. :/

I unfortunately choose the java route back then and not C# lol

zombierustpunk, to random
@zombierustpunk@hachyderm.io avatar

Making friends is so hard because when I think someone is cool, I’m afraid to talk to them too much, or I’ll say the wrong thing and they’ll think I’m annoying.

I guess I was supposed to learn this skill as a teenager, but I had the wrong gender enabled and I learned all the wrong lessons.

@mai_lapyst@soc.saiyajin.space avatar

@zombierustpunk Yeah, and bonus points if your autistic / neurodivergent and don't understand half of the stuff society trys to teach you about these topics. (Or sometimes nothing at all lol)

mai_lapyst, to webdev
@mai_lapyst@soc.saiyajin.space avatar

The most tiresome thing in is picking the techstack. So many choices to make: plain or a more restricive language like , which ofc is often depending on the overall frontend framework to use: , , , ?

Or do one completly deviate from the classical way and use rather a techstack via , such as with ?

So many questions to answer and that still is only the js side of things, you then have to think about your css framework (if you want to use something like ), your font choices, and ofc if and what styling library you actually use ontop of our frontend framework; e.g. , , .io and so on.... which also often depends on your framework of choice!

@mai_lapyst@soc.saiyajin.space avatar

@danjac For me to (also talking in the toot more about personal projects!); that being said, I mostly deal for my employer / with clients that primarly use some php software, only a bit vue here and there when for example dealing with bigger projects where a own plugin for shopware is needed xDD....

@mai_lapyst@soc.saiyajin.space avatar

@danjac Yeah thats true. Only problem is when you are burned out by your current tried-and-true stack (ruby w. sinatra+mustache templates & manual js) and tried to many different other frameworks, libraries and languages in a maybe too quick manner xDD

Also: Actually didn't knew about HTMX so one thing more to look into lol

mai_lapyst, to random
@mai_lapyst@soc.saiyajin.space avatar

QwQ this outfit is soooooooo cute but its only available in L and dosn't fit me like at all q.q why do clothing companies must be so mean...

julia, to random

Feeling the need to make my own programming language again 🥴

@mai_lapyst@soc.saiyajin.space avatar

@julia Know that faaaar to well lol (Actually have already written code laying around that somehow uses LLVM and actually dosnt burns the whole building down when started lol), but qwq so many other projects also laying around that are soooo interesting q.q x3

Any idea yet from which one you want to draw inspiration from?

@mai_lapyst@soc.saiyajin.space avatar

@julia Nice collection there. Do not know nelua at all, maybe something to look into xD

And julia I only know from the name and that its pretty math focused xDD

I guess rust bc of the ecosystem (cargo etc), the macros and/or just the borrowchecker?

@mai_lapyst@soc.saiyajin.space avatar

@julia Yeah thats also better than most other systems languages (mainly c/c++ lol) ^^

Only the way the module systems works annoyes me sometimes xD

mai_lapyst, to random
@mai_lapyst@soc.saiyajin.space avatar

When you're so fed up that you accidentily re-read you own toot in the timeline, mistake for someone elses and your muscle memory auto-favs it. x3333

james, to programming

We have a 17 year old woman doing an internship with us next week. She's interested in programming and I said I'd compile a list of resources and thoughts on how she can teach herself.

I'm a self taught developer but I taught myself eight years ago, nor am I a woman anymore, so I'd like to know if any of y'all have links to useful things.

@mai_lapyst@soc.saiyajin.space avatar

@sarajw @james Yeah it is, but if you quickly want an overview of what is out there / what is all to learn about certain specialication, theres not really a better way. Ofc one should be aware of that and not be using that as "oh no I'll never learn that much" but rather see it as an guide what you all can achieve if you put your mind to it!

@mai_lapyst@soc.saiyajin.space avatar

@sarajw @james Thats true! I'll prefer that myself, but I also know that theres a lot of folk out there that need a more strict plan of what general direction to follow.

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