@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar



I play strategy games, write software, and stream on Peertube (not necessarily in that order). Also, sock monkeys! Preferred pronouns: he/him/his.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

zalasur, to DwarfFortress
@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar


It's Dwarf Fortress again. We're going to try a volcano start again, but this time in an ancient world (2000 years). This embarkhas tons of tetrahedrite so we'll have plenty of copper and silver. Maybe we can get an obsidian farm going here while we're at it.

I'll also try some experiments with Adventure Mode on this map so we'll see how that works out.

Come join the fun!


CodingItWrong, to random
@CodingItWrong@tdd.social avatar

Does anyone happen to know what years local storage and service workers were added to browsers?

@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar

@CodingItWrong This link (at the bottom of the page) has it broken down per browser.


@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar

@CodingItWrong Proving my memory isn't all that bad, it entered widespread usage around ~2010 (give or take a few years) just as I recalled.

zalasur, to random
@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar

Two years ago today I announced I'd be shutting down my Twitter account. I'd been meaning to do it for quite some time but I finally decided to make the jump because Elon Musk was all but certain to take over the site after months of saying he'd do it and then he wouldn't do it, but then getting sued so that he finally was forced to do it anyways.

I'd already been on Mastodon for a year-ish by that point (I was still on mastodon dot technology). That made the transition a lot easier. 😎

zalasur, to DwarfFortress
@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar

All right, tomorrow I will stream some Dwarf Fortress. I generated a 2000 year old world and found a pretty sweet volcano embark. I tried using the same seeds as before but there have been some changes to world generation since the last patch so I got a different map. There are still plenty of good spots, though.

It felt good to get the evil embark done though. I'll know what I'm getting into next time.

annaghughes, to random
@annaghughes@mastodon.online avatar

Hey it's me, the character about to get hit by a car. I'm just going to walk backwards into the road while we continue this conversation

@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar

@annaghughes They are related to the person who drives their car talking to their passenger and spends more time looking at the passenger than they do keeping their eyes on the road.

Then you hear the truck horn...

zalasur, to fediverse
@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar

Today it's a technology stream! I'll be setting up a Synapse server and will try to get it federated.

Once we get this done, my next stream will be.... drum roll Dwarf Fortress!


@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar

So good news, the stream from my laptop to peertube was successful with few technical hiccups.

I wish I could say the same for the Synapse install. Out of memory issues and really slow loading times led me to the conclusion that I should probably explore alternatives. I have some ideas but I have to think about it for a while. I'm leaning towards Conduit but we'll see when I can try that.

zalasur, to random
@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar

I was watching a video, and stupid YouTube plays another ad. But this one is a Coco Chanel ad that has a disco song playing. It sounded pretty good so I replayed it and listened carefully to the lyrics. I did a bit of digging and found the song (it was "Follow Me" by Amanda Lear).

I scrolled down and the first five comments were pretty much "I'm here because of the Coco Chanel ad".

Welp, that's definitely not the worst thing. I got to hear Amanda Lear so I won't complain. 😉

zalasur, to random
@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar

"Technically," mused Neil DeGrasse Tyson as he watched Netflix, "this is a depiction of a Four Body Problem."

zalasur, to random
@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar

Of course! The mic stand that I use for my downstairs desk was being kept in the most logical place: in my upstairs desk.

@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar

Microphone has been set up. For some reason I had to recreate the old microphone profile in OBS along with the filters to cut down on background noise to make sure I could be heard.

I did log into my remote server to see what state it was in (it was still working). I might need to clean up some old logs and free up some disk space, but I think I'm ready to start this after lunch.

Synapse, here we come!

CodingItWrong, to random
@CodingItWrong@bitbang.social avatar

Putting together a timeline of the history of the web, and I'm not seeing much (in the categories I'm looking in) since 2017. What since then have been the main advancements in the web platform, in your opinion?

@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar


Obvious answer: ActivityPub (2018) 😉

Older technologies that I'm starting to see starting to make a big impact on recent years are web components and WebAssembly. These are pre-2017 but I'm starting to see them gain some significant steam in just the past couple of years.

eniko, to random
@eniko@peoplemaking.games avatar

of course rust isn't the perfect language for game development. that would be qbasic

@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar

@eniko Gorillas, the world's most underrated classic

zalasur, to Matrix
@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar

I might finally do a technical stream this weekend. But instead of coding the goal for me will be to set up #Synapse and hook up to the #Matrix. I tried this before but got stuck on the mail server setup step, but I've been told there are other options so I guess we'll give this another go.

Will I finally divorce myself from #Discord? Probably not, but this is a good first step and if I can get this to work, then I can finally delete my server from that cursed network! 😂

palafo, to random
@palafo@mstdn.social avatar

In an interview with Howard Stern, President Biden says he'd be "happy" to debate Trump. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/26/us/politics/biden-debate-trump.html?unlocked_article_code=1.nU0.Hpie.Gp9jWNqERNEQ

@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar

@palafo That first debate was...


The candidate who blurted out "Will you shut up man???" was the more civil of the two people up on that stage.

zalasur, to random
@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar

That moment when the two bunny picture profiles you follow on the fedi turn out to be different people and you see them talking to each other in your TL. 🤯

You means there is more than one bun?

@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar

@ai6yr no but I'll take 'em!

zalasur, to random
@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar

I've got this knack for discovering amazing people who are also pop culture phenomena several years after they've passed on.

It all started with Mitch Hedberg when learned about him way back in 2010 😅

@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar

In other news, why hasn't anyone told me about James Gandolfini? He seems like an amazing actor! What's he been in lately?

@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar

(time to watch the hate-unfollows start piling up) 😅

jasonkoebler, to random
@jasonkoebler@mastodon.social avatar

New: Discord has shut down a tool that was surveilling thousands of Discord channels and selling the data, and is considering legal action


@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar

@jasonkoebler Only Discord is allowed to spy on Discord channels, thank you very much 😅

ernie, to random
@ernie@writing.exchange avatar

Ben Collins, one of our best disinfo reporters, going to The Onion to become its CEO is my favorite story of the year.

@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar

@timo21 @ernie Daily Show kinda filled that niche for a while too

LikeItOrLumpIt, to random
@LikeItOrLumpIt@mstdn.social avatar

I don't boost any of my old funny toots because I think there's something wrong with that. I'm just too lazy to go back that far.

@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar

@LikeItOrLumpIt There's no algorithm but eh, it's just so much effort

<send toot>

SmudgeTheInsultCat, to random
@SmudgeTheInsultCat@mas.to avatar
@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar

@SmudgeTheInsultCat Yes but the skyscrapers and cranes are on fire somehow, but people still live in them. Sometimes the skyscrapers are on top of the cranes. There's a giraffe in there for some reason. The people who manage the whole thing have not spoken to a living human being in several years, if ever.

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