Sam_uk avatar


Computers, Robots, Climate, Agriculture

We've been accidentally geoengineering for decades...but then we stopped:

SO2 actually (very temporarily) cools things down by seeding clouds and creating sulfuric acid aerosols. That's not, like, /good/, but by making more clouds (and also decreasing the size of droplets in clouds, and thus increasing their number) more sunlight is reflected to space....

Chozo, (edited ) to fediverse
Chozo avatar

I feel like the reason , and the at large, aren't taking off has to do with the fact that they're actually social networks. People don't seem to want a social network, they want content platforms. People aren't using or or to keep up with their friends these days, they're using these apps to entertain themselves. And since and every other platform that used to be a social network began pivoting toward content promotion, I think society has forgotten what a social network is supposed to actually be anymore.

(E: Grammar.)

Sam_uk avatar

@Chozo I wonder if this bodes well for Kbin/Lemmy? Arguably their model is more about content than social relationships.

[Video] Is Veganism Really the Answer? (

In this Our Changing Climate video essay, I look at the validity of vegan and plant-based diets as a solution to climate change. I dive into the human and planetary toll of the meat industry, looking at the massive emissions toll of beef production as well as the exploitative conditions in meat processing plants. Ultimately, I...

Sam_uk avatar

@Athena5898 there isn't a single globally applicable answer. It depends.

Sam_uk avatar

@admiralteal whether we can switch that to lab grown remains to be seen.


Sam_uk avatar

@Athena5898 did that include Asia /China? I can't watch video on slow connection

NSFW content in the sidebar random posts

Hi, I was just browsing kbin on my work pc which is not signed into my account. While scrolling down there was a very nsfw picture (female genitalia) in the random posts sidebar. This nsfw content was, for some reason, not even blurred. I've seen this a couple times previously and am not sure where a good place to report or...

Sam_uk avatar

@mystphyre AFAIK this is a known issue that the developers have been looking at in the last few days. Hope to have a fix soon

Sam_uk avatar

I'm curious why this recent trend isn't visible in Google Trends? I watched the November exodus unfold in real time there. This time not a glimmer of activity

A once in every 7.5 million year event is unfolding in the Antarctic. And it has scientists scrambling for answers (

Antarctic sea ice has usually been able to recover in winter. But this time it's different, with levels taking a sharp downward turn at a time of year when sea ice usually forms reliably — and experts are worried.

Sam_uk avatar
Sam_uk avatar

@xuxebiko AFAIK the paler lines are the most recent, so assuming that pale line to the right is 2022 it would support that.

Looking for r/menslib equivalent, like mensrights without the toxicity

Greetings, Kbinners (and anyone else from the 'verse who might be reading this). Back on the platform most of us migrated from, there was/is a subreddit called r/menslib, which was like r/mensrights minus the misogyny and shitting on marginalized groups and minorities. Those of you who subbed will remember it was a great place...

Sam_uk avatar

@JonEFive I do run an instance that's just for me (configured as a news aggregator) it was easy on $10/ month is too much for most people though. I don't think this is the route to mass adoption.

Sam_uk avatar

@JonEFive I've been wondering about separating the ID/auth from the app. Someone recently got Keycloak working and that has some possibilities for federation. Not sure if that really helps though. You still have to trust the keycloak admins

Sam_uk avatar

WebauthN maybe? Pretty niche right now, but the threadiverse is quite a techy crowd..


Sam_uk avatar
Sam_uk avatar

@JonEFive I think the identity bit is the hard part, as you say most content will be federated/ cached in several locations for retrieval

Sam_uk avatar

Have you read similar themes that we're talking about here.


Sam_uk avatar

@poVoq yes this sounds sensible. I think the key is the user themselves having more control over their identity.

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