


One step at a time. One breath at a time. The summit draws closer.

You can't uninstall this software without being forced to participate in their survey (lemmy.world)

I initially only installed “Comodo Firewall” but for some reason they also installed a “Comodo Dragon Browser”, which I did not consent to. I always choose the “advanced” installation to uncheck bloatware, but in this case there was none and when you try to uninstall the browser, they force you to participate in...


Is there no other way to purge the software? Doesn't Windows offer any alternate means to purge software, apart from wiping the drive clean?


Yup, waking up to BeanPosting wasn't what I had in mind


This is so beautiful!

Swear to fucking god, if mine were this beautiful, I just won't get any work done!

rgb_leds_are_love, to gunners

The January transfer window was the best January window we have seen in a long, long time. Trossard, Jorgi and Kiwi marshalled in almost seamlessly, without any noticeable drop in quality.

Excellent business and excellent scouting.

Now, it's Basmatin' time


I like this place. Not gonna lie, the only reason I go back to Reddit is for football news. I think we should start reconstructing the football community here.


100M Pounds over 18 months is an absolute bonkers ask. It's like they have a release clause without having a release clause.

Even 100M over three installments is insane. If they reject this one, we should walk away.


I've seen a few maintenance contracts which not only require maintenance for the OS, but also for a very specific build of the OS too. Are you, by any chance, bound by any such contract?


My dumbass thought "Why do you need three zeroes after the decimal place" until I realized some countries in Europe have the comma and the dot backwards

This feels like a forced reddit detox.

I, much like basically everyone here, have been avoiding Reddit when possible, and the content here just doesn't hit the same. My fried dopamine receptors were certainly screaming for stimulation early on but now I feel an urge to touch grass and breathe fresh air. What is this? Am I dying? I still hate the angry lightbulb in...


The only real 'complaint' I have is that you gotta scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to get to the comment box.


Aaron Swartz probably turning in his grave.

u/spez is a terrorist.


r/wallstreetbets is probably preparing to short Reddit once they IPO 😂

rgb_leds_are_love, to ADHD

I am in the process of getting formally diagnosed with ADHD. So far, about two psychiatrists have basically confirmed it, based on my list of symptoms and my history.

I know this is a question for another time, but I’m losing a ton of weight right now and getting myself to look better. If it comes to getting medicated for ADHD, will any of the meds affect fat loss? I really don’t have any problems putting on muscle, but I do have a problem losing fat (genetic issue).



Thank you for the insight. I guess this is something I should bring up when I'm talking to a dietitian and/or psychiatrist.



Do you know if the meds do that by themselves, or do they do some voodoo like killing the sensations of hunger? Or something like that?


@pharmachiatrist thank you. That makes sense.

Yes. I got formally diagnosed.


This year has been incredibly hard so far.

In the midst of all this, I've been taking the time this summer to nail down a routine for myself. I'm getting myself formally diagnosed with ADHD, working on a couple of projects and also working on losing weight. I've made positive progress everywhere, except I haven't been able to make as many friends as I had hoped to.

I'm sure eventually it will get better, but right now it keeps bugging me. I've been doing all that is conventionally advised - join meetups, hit up old friends, everything. Putting yourself out there is fucking exhausting lol


There's a general lack of content here - and Ernest has been doing an extremely courageous job of keeping the lights on.

I guess it's up to us now to start creating content, and improving this site.


Imagine the blackout extending to more than two days.

While Reddit will absolutely fake their traffic numbers, claiming this is just brigading, we need to completely decouple from Reddit.

While it's regrettable that kbin.social doesn't have any mobile apps yet, I found that the browser version on my Android works pretty well. I loved using kbin.social on my android firefox browser.

Fuck Reddit. Fuck their monopolistic practices. Fuck anyone that tries these terrorist practices.

Next up - if Discord do something similarly boneheaded, we must have a Discord alternative. I'm already regretting paying them $30 for the Nitro basic version - it basically does nothing!


A silver lining, perhaps, is that kbin.social works extremely well on Firefox for Android. I've been browsing kbin.social since yesterday afternoon, and a significant portion of it has been on my android.

While there's not much content here for now, and sure, things may look a bit tedious, I'd rather this than Reddit's absolutely pathetic video player.

I do feel sad, though. I honestly thought Reddit would be the one to stick. Perhaps not. Oh well.

mattblaze, (edited ) to random
@mattblaze@federate.social avatar

I just changed the filter in my Flo Mask Pro, which I had changed just before our two days of 200+ AQI. I was out (and masked) for maybe 4-6 hours total.

The filter was visibly darkened, which I've never seen before.


Since moving to the US, I've begun noticing just how cleaner the air really is. Average AQI around where I used to live was about 174, occasionally dropping to the high 60s.

I live in NC, and the AQI here hasn't been 200+, but I can tell that the air has gotten far worse in the last few days. And if someone like me, accustomed to almost daily 170+ AQI levels can feel the difference, I can't imagine how hard it is for the locals here.


And true to my word, I haven't opened Reddit since yesterday. Social media post-2008 was unsustainable and at someone else's expense (the investors). Now that they want their money back, social media will go to shit until better business models are developed.

Since the lockdowns of 2020, social media in the form of highly concentrated chat rooms became popular again (Discord, please don't become any more shit than you already are!). If social media will be going monke again, 1997-style, so be it.

I'm considering hosting my own instance. I have a spare Windows/Linux dual boot laptop. Mf can stay connected to the internet and sit right underneath my router. Lemme sift through the docs see what I can find.


Yep. Just requested mine yesterday. As soon as it comes through, I'll archive it.

I won't delete my account, because if there's a chance my stupid posts and comments can help someone.

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