@largess@mastodon.au avatar



I am here to learn and face the truth, not avoid it and sometimes this can alas lead to confrontation when others prefer the latter to the former.

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Ruth_Mottram, to climate

A survey in European countries showed 69% of people would be willing to give up 1% of their income each month to fight - but most people believe they are in a minority who would.
How to do climate policy in the age of the green backlash - https://on.ft.com/3urWMxH via @FT

@largess@mastodon.au avatar

>69% of Europeans would be willing to give up 1% of their income each month to fight

Well, they just have to stop flying, sell their cars and cycle and catch PT and make sure their houses are really well insulated. All of those that would save them money, no need to "pay extra" and would be a massive emissions saving

I'd suggest what they mean is they want to keep up their high emisisons lifestyle and have some dues ex machina tech invention allow then to keep doing it and for that fantasy they'd pay 1%

Aspirations aside, the poor aren't the issue in clinate change, they don't emit, if the rich lived more like the poor are forced to, we'd solve this.

largess, to random
@largess@mastodon.au avatar

Road Hazard: Evidence Mounts on Toxic Pollution from Tires


> Researchers are only beginning to uncover the toxic cocktail of chemicals, microplastics, and heavy metals hidden in car and truck tires. But experts say these tire emissions are a significant source of air and water pollution and may be affecting humans as well as wildlife.

Luckly will solve this...oh...wait.

pvonhellermannn, to random
@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

“Thousands of schools across the Philippines, including in the capital region Metro Manila, have suspended in-person classes. Half of the country’s 82 provinces are experiencing drought, and nearly 31 others are facing dry spells or dry conditions, according to the UN, which has called for greater support to help the country prepare for similar weather events in the future. The country’s upcoming harvest will probably be below average, the UN said.”


@largess@mastodon.au avatar
largess, to climate
@largess@mastodon.au avatar

Climate change fuelling Antarctic emperor penguin population losses


>“Emperor penguins have no external threats except climate change and sea ice,” said the study’s lead author, Peter Fretwell, a scientist with the British Antarctic Survey.

>“They have never been hunted, hardly any contact with humanity. It is purely climate change. You can’t put the ice back. This is a global problem. If we don’t do something we are driving them to the brink of extinction.”

Lazarou, to UKpolitics
@Lazarou@mastodon.social avatar

Monbiot is right, Labour is losing it's identity and purpose and the voters can see it.


@largess@mastodon.au avatar

For which Monbiot and The Guardian are partly responsible.


largess, to climate
@largess@mastodon.au avatar

Richest 1% account for more carbon emissions than poorest 66%


> ‘Polluter elite’ are plundering the planet to point of destruction, says Oxfam after comprehensive study of climate inequality

And we let them, with how we keep voting for the orthodoxy ...stop that, please ... For the sake of the rest of us!!!! Nothing will change if voters keep doing the same thing.

largess, to climate
@largess@mastodon.au avatar

The world's 280 million electric bikes and mopeds are cutting demand for oil far more than electric cars


> Electric vehicles get all the press – but it’s the smaller unsung two wheelers cutting oil demand the most.

Thank goodness, private ecars have little place in emissions reduction.


>"Only by curbing all motorized transport, particularly private cars, as quickly as possibly can we tackle the climate and air pollution crises"

largess, to climate
@largess@mastodon.au avatar

‘Unprecedented mass coral bleaching’ expected in 2024, says expert


>Record-breaking land and sea temperatures, driven by climate breakdown, will probably cause “unprecedented mass coral bleaching and mortality” throughout 2024, according to a pioneering coral scientist.

>The impact of climate change on coral reefs has reached “uncharted territory”, said Prof Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, from the University of Queensland, Australia, leading to concerns that we could be at a “tipping point”

Something to look forward to on our road to emissions reduction success vis a vis /s

largess, to climate
@largess@mastodon.au avatar

A once in every 7.5 billion year event is unfolding in the Antarctic. And it has scientists scrambling for answers


> Antarctic sea ice has usually been able to recover in winter. But this time it's different, with levels taking a sharp downward turn at a time of year when sea ice usually forms reliably — and experts are worried.

>To say unprecedented isn't strong enough," Dr Doddridge said.

>"For those of you who are interested in statistics, this is a five-sigma event. So it's five standard deviations beyond the mean. Which means that if nothing had changed, we'd expect to see a winter like this about once every 7.5 billion years.

>"It's gobsmacking."

For anyone following the excellent @ZLabe this article won't be a surprise.

Hmmm... Let's see if the PIG etal start to rock n' roll. Then my 230m ASL cottage location will have perhaps seemed prudent?

ClimateNewsNow, to climate
@ClimateNewsNow@federated.press avatar

The U.S. Desperately Needs EVs Under $50,000. They’re On the Way.

From the Volvo EX30 to Honda’s Prologue, carmakers are set to debut at least 24 new electric cars in the US this year — many on the affordable side.


@largess@mastodon.au avatar

>The U.S. Desperately Needs EVs Under $50,000. They’re On the Way.

Timely reminder that to take the poly crisis of Climate Change, Pollution, resource depletion etc seriously we MUST move away from all cars, including Ecars.

Even the IPCC states this and we still keep ignoring them. I see even Norway is starting to move away from ecars.


>but also makes clear that simply replacing gasoline with batteries won't be enough: cities must also dramatically curtail the use of automobiles and avoid "locking in" future emissions with more car-dependent infrastructure.

And a Climate Scientist


>"Only by curbing all motorized transport, particularly private cars, as quickly as possibly can we tackle the climate and air pollution crises"

We're already building GWs of new coal to make ecars


Here's a better way


PoliticalCartoon, to random

Morten Morland on prime minister Rishi Sunak’s promises of ‘stability’ - political cartoon gallery in London original-political-cartoon.com

@largess@mastodon.au avatar

Anyone voting for either Labour or the Tories enables the orthodoxy to contine and until that changes nothing else does. They are the problem not the reprobates they elect.

The UK would be a differnt place if Caroline Lucas had been PM ,so change is possible, it's just people seemingly enjoy the cruelty the orthodoxy imposes, it's why they Vote Tory after all.


largess, to random
@largess@mastodon.au avatar

Top 1% emit over 1,000 times more CO2 than bottom 1%


>"To stop climate change, target the rich"

The new climate denial? Using wealth to insulate yourself from discomfort and change


largess, to climate
@largess@mastodon.au avatar

Great Barrier Reef suffering ‘most severe’ coral bleaching on record as footage shows damage 18 metres down


> Marine researcher ‘devastated’ by widespread event that is affecting coral species usually resistant to bleaching

>Ward said the impact of bleaching had been extensive across 16 sites that she visited in the reef’s southern section, affecting coral species that had usually been resistant to bleaching. Some coral had started to die, a process that usually takes weeks or months after bleaching occurs.

>“I feel devastated,” she said. “I’ve been working on the reef since 1992 but this [event], I’m really struggling with.”

Alas, here in Australia we keep ensuring the orthodoxy sails we ship of fools towards even worse destruction with our personal and political choices.

largess, to climate
@largess@mastodon.au avatar

New analysis finds money from Biden’s $1.2tn infrastructure bill has overwhelmingly been spent on widening highways for cars


>money has overwhelmingly poured into the maintenance and widening of roads rather than improving the threadbare network of bus, rail and cycling options available to Americans, a new analysis has found.

>Of reported funds dispersed to states, more than half – around $70bn – have been spent on the resurfacing and expansion of highways, a process that researchers have consistently found only spurs greater use of cars and therefore more congestion.

>This spending is a “climate time bomb”, according to the new Transportation for America analysis, which calculates that more than 178m tons of greenhouse gases will be emitted due to planned highway expansions by 2040,

largess, to climate
@largess@mastodon.au avatar

Tasmania’s tall eucalypt forests will be wiped out by heatwaves unless we step in to help them


>Tasmania’s tall eucalypt forests are globally significant. They accumulate carbon faster than any other natural forest ecosystem in the world.

>We cannot ignore the risks of a warming climate.

Tim looks old enough to have been around long enough to be well aware that's exactly what we are doing, and we're still increasing emissions, so I am not sure why he'd write that? We'd rather destroy the biosphere then not fly and ride a bicycle and that leads me to this bit from the article.

>The forest supports unique tourism experiences and an emerging opportunity for “big tree tourism”.

This is insanity! It's a dog whistle to massive carbon emissions. Tas. is at the arse end of the planet and anyone coming here needs a huge emissions footprint. Even experts are seemingly able to hold two completely different concepts in their head simultaneously; we need to take emissions seriously to protect it but we need to emit vast quantities to protect it. Locals aren't enough to support it, the state has a small population no useable public transport (smaller then the City of The Gold Coast) and is mostly poor, overwhelmingly old and poorly educated. (I live here)



Here's a tip, don't visit Tas, stay close to home, keep your emissions foot print super low and vote Green in an attempt to move the Overton window.

largess, to climate
@largess@mastodon.au avatar

Monkeys ‘falling out of trees like apples’ in Mexico amid brutal heatwave


>“They were falling out of the trees like apples,” Pozo said. “They were in a state of severe dehydration, and they died within a matter of minutes.” Already weakened, Pozo says the falls from dozens of yards (meters) up inflict additional damage that often finishes the monkeys off.

>By 9 May at least nine cities in Mexico had set temperature records,

largess, to climate
@largess@mastodon.au avatar

UN expert attacks ‘exploitative’ world economy in fight to save planet


Boyd said: “I started out six years ago talking about the right to a healthy environment having the capacity to bring about systemic and transformative changes. But this powerful human right is up against an even more powerful force in the global economy, a system that is absolutely based on the exploitation of people and nature. And unless we change that fundamental system, then we’re just re-shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic.”

>Boyd said: “There’s no place in the climate negotiations for fossil-fuel companies. There is no place in the plastic negotiations for plastic manufacturers. It just absolutely boggles my mind that anybody thinks they have a legitimate seat at the table.

>In his final interview before handing over the special rapporteur mandate, Boyd said he struggles to makes sense of the world’s collective indifference to the suffering being caused by preventable environmental harms.

>over 40 million people have died of air pollution since I became special rapporteur in 2018, yet I just can’t get people to care.

>“I can’t get people to bat an eyelash. It’s like there’s something wrong with our brains that we can’t understand just how grave this situation is"

>"If we don’t have a living, healthy planet Earth, then all the other rights are just words on paper.”

I can only agree ... without a livable planet and a stable biosphere, everything else is for nought, as "home" is then unlivable.

Jgmeadows, to climate

I saw a government of Canada ad last night about addressing climate change: one of the characters portrayed was someone who proclaimed how he was taking public transit to work a whole two times a week! What a hero.

The narrative seems to be that minor changes that don't materially impact lifestyle are all that are required to address the crisis. I am tired of these messages of minimization but of course it's a rare politician who has the guts to tell the truth.

@largess@mastodon.au avatar

Incrementalism. Which was fine 30 years ago, if we'd started then and actually all done it, now... waaaayyyy to late. Professor Kevin Anderson touches on it here, time...weve run out for anything but radical changes in how we live our lives and how we vote to effect policy change..


edwiebe, to climate

The problem with improved efficiency, "Fuel use could be cut by 20 per cent", is that it's always wiped out by growth.

There's no future in this sort of thing, given what we know about


@largess@mastodon.au avatar

>The problem with improved efficiency, "Fuel use could be cut by 20 per cent", is that it's always wiped out by growth.

Indeed, we're 100s of times more efficient then a century ago and the problems are all worse. Effiency is used as a furphy to distract, so people can justify continuing their destruction.

We see something similar with the installation with renewables, posters self congratulating because of some new renewables milestone and yet fossil fuel use grew again last year.

At no stage are issues of demand argued for in the main stream, no flying, no driving, no meat eating pets etc are all the solution.

If we the wealthiest 20% don't curtail our destructive demand soon, all be lost.

You cannot grow renewables quickly enough to scale down this cliff, it has to come from demand curtailments.

We can start with banning flying, cruise ships and building out cheap electrified public transport rather then making it harder for the poor and ensuring they drift towards fascists...or just keep doing the same dumb shit we're doing now and ensure civilisations collapse.

Fossil fuel use growth chart, still growing!

SallyStrange, to climate
@SallyStrange@eldritch.cafe avatar

An emerging theme in anti-degrowth articles, which are proliferating in the wake of the Nature pro-degrowth article that came out about a month ago, is "What about poor people in the global South?? Are you gonna tell them they can't have running water???" Which seems like a disingenuous objection to me since the current capitalist system that depends on growth also depends on keeping those people in poverty and is doing nothing to provide potable water to the billions who lack it. Anyway, this article repeats that, plus bonus "y'all don't really care about climate change, you just like the aesthetics" condescension.


@largess@mastodon.au avatar

The same argument is used by conservative politcans in Australia, "we have to keep mining and exporting coal so poor brown people in far off lands can have electricity." Which is weird, as they've never cared about the poor before.

That they don't understand that in order for developing countries citizens to have access to electricity and basic goods, the wealthy 10% have to stop flying , using cruise ships and billionares stop using thier private jets and huge houses. All this is apparently beyond their tiny minds.

We can be both sustainable and equitable. Inequality is the cancer that will destroy us. The only groups that have ever survived long term have had equality at their core and they only stopped becase we intervened to desty them, not becase of nature itselfs intervention.

kegill, to climate
@kegill@mastodon.social avatar

“I think we are headed for major societal disruption within the next five years,” said Gretta Pecl, at the University of Tasmania. “[Authorities] will be overwhelmed by extreme event after extreme event, food production will be disrupted.”

Me, too. 😕

Three quarters of scientists on the Intergovernmental Panel on expect a global temperature increase at least 2.5°C (4.5°F) this century “with disastrous results for humanity.”



@largess@mastodon.au avatar



>Outgoing special rapporteur David Boyd says ‘there’s something wrong with our brains that we can’t understand how grave this is’

grivettcarnac, to Canada
@grivettcarnac@mstdn.social avatar

Fuck no. There should be well-paid career trajectories for this type of work and it should be incorporated into a Climate Corp structure . It’s highly skilled work, dangerous and there’s huge value in expertise retention. It’s great that university students feel drawn to this but 12 hr days for up to 14 days in a row is brutal, regardless of what Alpha Male chumps whine about


@largess@mastodon.au avatar

In Australia it's all done by volunteers, my parter did for 5 months and had to take time off work to do it in our mega fires of 19/20. I supported her but there are still bills to pay, mortgages, rent etc so it's mostly often run by aged pensioners and a few really commitedd individual. She received a certificate and cap.

Yes, we're stupid and its unsustainable. It's based on a system that worked 70 years ago but is not a suitable model for todays climate changed world, back then a few farmers banded together to fight fires locally.

Wen, (edited ) to environment
@Wen@mastodon.scot avatar

Humanity’s survival is still within our grasp – just. But only if we take these radical steps


Not while profits are to be made by those who will not be alive anyway in 30 years time.

@largess@mastodon.au avatar
GhostOnTheHalfShell, to climate
@GhostOnTheHalfShell@masto.ai avatar



This is the face of degrowth by means of climate inaction. Degrowth is not a future, it’s already underway.


@largess@mastodon.au avatar

We seem to have chosen this rather then planning it as best we can haven't we. Weird choice , for example these folks nere helping the destruction along as best they can


but ...here we are.

Those really are the only two choices, planned degrowth to a sustainable biosphere, or nature does it for us.


simon_brooke, to random
@simon_brooke@mastodon.scot avatar

"Democracy is indeed under threat from extremists. The problem is, they’re running the government itself – and we need to wake up and stand up to the seriousness of the threat that they pose" -- @CarolineLucas


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